Example #1
  * 发送信息
  * @param int $fuid 发信会员编号
  * @param string $fusername 发信会员名称
  * @param array  $tuids 收信会员编号数组
  * @param string $subject 信件主题
  * @param string $message 信件内容
  * @param int $type 信件类型
  * @return int
 public function sendMsg($fuid, $fusername, $tuids, $subject, $message, $type = 0)
     if (empty($fuid) || empty($fusername) || empty($tuids) || empty($message)) {
         return 0;
     $tuids = array_unique($tuids);
     $relations = $mlids = array();
     $tmp_tuids = $tuids;
     foreach ($tmp_tuids as $key => $uid) {
         if ($fuid == $uid || empty($uid)) {
         $relations[$uid] = MessageService::getRelation($fuid, $uid);
     if (empty($tuids)) {
         return MSG_SEND_NONE_ERROR;
     if (!$subject) {
         $subject = htmlspecialchars(cutStr(clearExpress(trim($message)), 80));
     } else {
         $subject = htmlspecialchars($subject);
     $last_msg = htmlspecialchars(cutStr(clearExpress(trim($message)), 150));
     $type = 0;
     if ($type == 0) {
         $res = FDB::query('SELECT mlid,min_max FROM ' . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . " WHERE min_max" . FDB::createIN($relations));
         while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
             $mlids[$data['min_max']] = $data['mlid'];
         $msg_config = array('last_uid' => $fuid, 'last_user_name' => $fusername, 'last_msg' => $last_msg);
         $msg_config = addslashes(serialize($msg_config));
         foreach ($relations as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($mlids[$value])) {
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . "(uid,type,subject,members,min_max,dateline,msg_config) VALUES('{$fuid}', '1', '{$subject}', 2, '{$value}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '{$msg_config}')");
                 $mlid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_index') . "(mlid) VALUES('{$mlid}')");
                 $miid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . MessageService::getTablaName($mlid) . "(miid,mlid,uid,message,dateline,status) VALUES('{$miid}', '{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '{$message}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', 0)");
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$key}', '1', '1', '0', '" . TIME_UTC . "')");
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '0', '1', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '" . TIME_UTC . "')");
             } else {
                 $mlid = $mlids[$value];
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_index') . "(mlid) VALUES('{$mlid}')");
                 $miid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . MessageService::getTablaName($mlid) . "(miid,mlid,uid,message,dateline,status) VALUES('{$miid}', '{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '{$message}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', 0)");
                 $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$key}', '1', '1', '0', '" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
                 if (!$result) {
                     FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . " SET is_new = 1, num = num + 1, last_dateline='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}' AND uid='{$key}'");
                 $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '0', '1', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
                 if (!$result) {
                     FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . " SET is_new = 1, num = num + 1, last_update='" . TIME_UTC . "', last_dateline='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}' AND uid='{$fuid}'");
                 FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . " SET msg_config='{$msg_config}' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}'");
     } else {
     foreach ($tuids as $uid) {
         $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_notice') . "(uid, type, num, create_time) VALUES('{$uid}',5,1,'" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
         if (!$result) {
             FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_notice') . " SET num = num + 1, create_time='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND type=5");
     return $miid;