Example #1
 public function testIteratorImplementation()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('IteratorAggregate', $this->instance, 'be sure that PHP handle getIterator');
     $message = $this->getMock('Qu\\Message\\MessageInterface');
     $iterator = $this->instance->getIterator();
     $this->assertSame([$message, $message], $iterator->getArrayCopy(), 'iterator contains messages');
 protected function doAuthors(MessageCollection $collection)
     $output = '';
     $authors = $collection->getAuthors();
     $authors = $this->filterAuthors($authors, $collection->code);
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         $output .= "# Author: {$author}\n";
     return $output;
  * @dataProvider provideTestFiles
 public function testParsing($file)
     $filename = basename($file);
     list($pagename, ) = explode('.', $filename, 2);
     $title = Title::newFromText($pagename);
     $translatablePage = TranslatablePage::newFromText($title, file_get_contents($file));
     $pattern = $file;
     if ($filename === 'FailNotAtomic.ptfile') {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Extended validation not yet implemented');
     $failureExpected = strpos($pagename, 'Fail') === 0;
     if ($failureExpected) {
     $parse = $translatablePage->getParse();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('TPParse', $parse);
     if (file_exists("{$pattern}.ptsource")) {
         $source = $parse->getSourcePageText();
         $this->assertEquals($source, file_get_contents("{$pattern}.ptsource"));
     if (file_exists("{$pattern}.pttarget")) {
         $target = $parse->getTranslationPageText(MessageCollection::newEmpty('foo'));
         $this->assertEquals($target, file_get_contents("{$pattern}.pttarget"));
     // Custom tests written in php
     if (file_exists("{$pattern}.pttest")) {
         require "{$pattern}.pttest";
  * Takes a slice of messages according to limit and offset given
  * in option at initialisation time. Calls the callback to provide
  * information how much messages there is.
 protected function doPaging()
     $total = count($this->collection);
     $offsets = $this->collection->slice($this->options['offset'], $this->options['limit']);
     $left = count($this->collection);
     $this->offsets = array('backwardsOffset' => $offsets[0], 'forwardsOffset' => $offsets[1], 'start' => $offsets[2], 'count' => $left, 'total' => $total);
 protected function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
     $output = '';
     $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
      * @var $m ThinMessage
     foreach ($collection as $key => $m) {
         $value = $m->translation();
         if ($value === null) {
         $comment = '';
         if ($m->hasTag('fuzzy')) {
             $value = str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $value);
             $comment = "; Fuzzy\n";
         $key = $mangler->unmangle($key);
         $output .= "{$comment}{$key} = {$value}\n";
     // Do not create empty files
     if ($output === '') {
         return '';
     global $wgSitename;
     // Accumulator
     $header = "; Exported from {$wgSitename}\n";
     $authors = $collection->getAuthors();
     $authors = $this->filterAuthors($authors, $collection->getLanguage());
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         $header .= "; Author: {$author}\n";
     $header .= '[' . $collection->getLanguage() . "]\n";
     return $header . $output;
 protected function doLinkBatch()
     $batch = new LinkBatch();
     foreach ($this->collection->getTitles() as $title) {
    protected function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
        $template = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        $writer = new SimpleXMLElement($template);
        $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
        $collection->filter('hastranslation', false);
        if (count($collection) === 0) {
            return '';
         * @var $m TMessage
        foreach ($collection as $key => $m) {
            $key = $mangler->unmangle($key);
            $value = $m->translation();
            $value = str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $value);
            // Handle plurals
            if (strpos($value, '{{PLURAL') === false) {
                $element = $writer->addChild('string', $this->formatElementContents($value));
            } else {
                $element = $writer->addChild('plurals');
                $forms = $this->unflattenPlural($value);
                foreach ($forms as $quantity => $content) {
                    $item = $element->addChild('item', $this->formatElementContents($content));
                    $item->addAttribute('quantity', $quantity);
            $element->addAttribute('name', $key);
            // This is non-standard
            if ($m->hasTag('fuzzy')) {
                $element->addAttribute('fuzzy', 'true');
        // Make the output pretty with DOMDocument
        $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
        $dom->formatOutput = true;
        return $dom->saveXML();
	public function execute() {
		$dir = dirname( __FILE__ );
		$testDirectory = "$dir/../tests/pagetranslation";
		$testFiles = glob( "$testDirectory/*.ptfile" );

		foreach ( $testFiles as $file ) {
			$filename = basename( $file );
			list( $pagename, ) = explode( '.', $filename, 2 );
			$title = Title::newFromText( $pagename );
			$translatablePage = TranslatablePage::newFromText( $title, file_get_contents( $file ) );

			$pattern = realpath( "$testDirectory" ) . "/$pagename";

			$failureExpected = strpos( $pagename, 'Fail' ) === 0;

			try {
				$parse = $translatablePage->getParse();
				if ( $failureExpected ) {
					$target = $parse->getTranslationPageText( MessageCollection::newEmpty( "foo" ) );
					$this->output( "Testfile $filename should have failed... see $pattern.pttarget.fail\n" );
					file_put_contents( "$pattern.pttarget.fail", $target );
			} catch ( TPException $e ) {
				if ( !$failureExpected ) {
					$this->output( "Testfile $filename failed to parse... see $pattern.ptfile.fail\n" );
					file_put_contents( "$pattern.ptfile.fail", $e->getMessage() );

			if ( file_exists( "$pattern.ptsource" ) ) {
				$source = $parse->getSourcePageText();
				if ( $source !== file_get_contents( "$pattern.ptsource" ) ) {
					$this->output( "Testfile $filename failed with source page output... writing $pattern.ptsource.fail\n" );
					file_put_contents( "$pattern.ptsource.fail", $source );

			if ( file_exists( "$pattern.pttarget" ) ) {
				$target = $parse->getTranslationPageText( MessageCollection::newEmpty( "foo" ) );
				if ( $target !== file_get_contents( "$pattern.pttarget" ) ) {
					$this->output( "Testfile $filename failed with target page output... writing $pattern.pttarget.fail\n" );
					file_put_contents( "$pattern.pttarget.fail", $target );

			// Custom tests written in php
			if ( file_exists( "$pattern.pttest" ) ) {
				require( "$pattern.pttest" );
  * @param MessageCollection $collection
  * @return string
 protected function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
     $messages = array();
     $template = $this->read($collection->getLanguage());
     if (isset($template['METADATA'])) {
         $messages['@metadata'] = $template['METADATA'];
     $authors = $collection->getAuthors();
     $authors = $this->filterAuthors($authors, $collection->code);
     if (isset($template['AUTHORS'])) {
         $authors = array_unique(array_merge($template['AUTHORS'], $authors));
     if ($authors !== array()) {
         $messages['@metadata']['authors'] = array_values($authors);
     $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
      * @var $m ThinMessage
     foreach ($collection as $key => $m) {
         $value = $m->translation();
         if ($value === null) {
         if ($m->hasTag('fuzzy')) {
             $value = str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $value);
         $key = $mangler->unmangle($key);
         $messages[$key] = $value;
     // Do not create empty files
     if (!count($messages)) {
         return '';
     return FormatJson::encode($messages, "\t", FormatJson::ALL_OK) . "\n";
 protected function extractMessages($resultset, $offset, $limit)
     $messages = $documents = $ret = array();
     $language = $this->params['language'];
     foreach ($resultset->getResults() as $document) {
         $data = $document->getData();
         if (!$this->server->isLocalSuggestion($data)) {
         $title = Title::newFromText($data['localid']);
         if (!$title) {
         $handle = new MessageHandle($title);
         if (!$handle->isValid()) {
         $key = $title->getNamespace() . ':' . $title->getDBKey();
         $messages[$key] = $data['content'];
     $definitions = new MessageDefinitions($messages);
     $collection = MessageCollection::newFromDefinitions($definitions, $language);
     $filter = $this->params['filter'];
     if ($filter === 'untranslated') {
         $collection->filter('hastranslation', true);
     } elseif (in_array($filter, $this->getAvailableFilters())) {
         $collection->filter($filter, false);
     $total = count($collection);
     $offset = $collection->slice($offset, $limit);
     $left = count($collection);
     $offsets = array('start' => $offset[2], 'left' => $left, 'total' => $total);
     if ($filter === 'translated' || $filter === 'fuzzy') {
     foreach ($collection->keys() as $mkey => $title) {
         $documents[$mkey]['content'] = $messages[$mkey];
         if ($filter === 'translated' || $filter === 'fuzzy') {
             $documents[$mkey]['content'] = $collection[$mkey]->translation();
         $handle = new MessageHandle($title);
         $documents[$mkey]['localid'] = $handle->getTitleForBase()->getPrefixedText();
         $documents[$mkey]['language'] = $language;
         $ret[] = $documents[$mkey];
     return array($ret, $offsets);
  * @param MessageCollection $collection
  * @return string
 protected function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
     $messages = array();
     $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
     /** @var ThinMessage $m */
     foreach ($collection as $key => $m) {
         $value = $m->translation();
         if ($value === null) {
         if ($m->hasTag('fuzzy')) {
             $value = str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $value);
         $key = $mangler->unmangle($key);
         $messages[$key] = $value;
     // Do not create empty files
     if (!count($messages)) {
         return '';
     $header = $this->header($collection->code, $collection->getAuthors());
     return $header . FormatJson::encode($messages, "\t", FormatJson::UTF8_OK) . ");\n";
Example #12
	public function webExport( MessageCollection $collection ) {
		$code = $collection->code; // shorthand

		// Open temporary stream
		$handle = fopen( 'php://temp', 'wt' );

		$this->addAuthors( $collection->getAuthors(), $code );
		$this->exportLanguage( $handle, $collection );

		// Fetch data
		rewind( $handle );
		$data = stream_get_contents( $handle );
		fclose( $handle );

		return $data;
Example #13
	 * @param $collection MessageCollection
	 * @return string
	protected function doAuthors( MessageCollection $collection ) {
		$output = '';

		// Read authors.
		$fr = fopen( $this->group->getSourceFilePath( $collection->code ), 'r' );
		$authors = array();

		while ( !feof( $fr ) ) {
			$line = fgets( $fr );

			if ( strpos( $line, "\t# Author:" ) === 0 ) {
				$authors[] = trim( substr( $line, strlen( "\t# Author: " ) ) );
			} elseif ( $line === "\t'{$collection->code}': {\n" ) {
			} else {
				$authors = array();

		$authors2 = $collection->getAuthors();
		$authors2 = $this->filterAuthors( $authors2, $collection->code );
		$authors = array_unique( array_merge( $authors, $authors2 ) );

		foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
			$output .= "\t# Author: $author\n";

		return $output;
  * This tries to pick up external authors in the source files so that they
  * are not lost if those authors are not among those who have translated in
  * the wiki.
  * @todo Get rid of this
  * @param string $filename
  * @param MessageCollection $collection
 protected function tryReadSource($filename, MessageCollection $collection)
     if (get_class($this->group->getFFS()) !== get_class($this)) {
     $sourceText = $this->tryReadFile($filename);
     // No need to do anything in SimpleFFS if it's false,
     // it only reads author data from it.
     if ($sourceText !== false) {
         $sourceData = $this->readFromVariable($sourceText);
         if (isset($sourceData['AUTHORS'])) {
 protected function setTags(MessageCollection $collection)
     foreach ($this->getTags() as $type => $tags) {
         $collection->setTags($type, $tags);
Example #16
  * @param string $sFolderName
  * @param int $iOffset = 0
  * @param int $iLimit = 10
  * @param string $sSearch = ''
  * @param string $sPrevUidNext = ''
  * @param \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient|null $oCacher = null
  * @param bool $bUseSortIfSupported = false
  * @param bool $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false
  * @param array $aExpandedThreadsUids = array()
  * @param bool $bUseESearchOrESortRequest = false
  * @return \MailSo\Mail\MessageCollection
  * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\Exception
  * @throws \MailSo\Imap\Exceptions\Exception
 public function MessageList($sFolderName, $iOffset = 0, $iLimit = 10, $sSearch = '', $sPrevUidNext = '', $oCacher = null, $bUseSortIfSupported = false, $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false, $aExpandedThreadsUids = array(), $bUseESearchOrESortRequest = false)
     $sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
     if (!\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iOffset, 0) || !\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iLimit, 0, 999)) {
         throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException();
     $oMessageCollection = MessageCollection::NewInstance();
     $oMessageCollection->FolderName = $sFolderName;
     $oMessageCollection->Offset = $iOffset;
     $oMessageCollection->Limit = $iLimit;
     $oMessageCollection->Search = $sSearch;
     $aLastCollapsedThreadUids = array();
     $aThreads = array();
     $iMessageCount = 0;
     $iMessageRealCount = 0;
     $iMessageUnseenCount = 0;
     $sUidNext = '0';
     $bUseSortIfSupported = $bUseSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('SORT') : false;
     $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = $bUseThreadSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFS') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFERENCES') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT') : false;
     if (!$oCacher || !$oCacher instanceof \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient) {
         $oCacher = null;
     $this->initFolderValues($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext);
     $iMessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
     $oMessageCollection->FolderHash = self::GenerateHash($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext);
     $oMessageCollection->UidNext = $sUidNext;
     $oMessageCollection->NewMessages = $this->getFolderNextMessageInformation($sFolderName, $sPrevUidNext, $sUidNext);
     $bSearch = false;
     $bMessageListOptimization = 0 < \MailSo\Config::$MessageListCountLimitTrigger && \MailSo\Config::$MessageListCountLimitTrigger < $iMessageRealCount;
     if ($bMessageListOptimization) {
         $bUseSortIfSupported = false;
         $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false;
         $bUseESearchOrESortRequest = false;
     if (0 < $iMessageRealCount) {
         $bIndexAsUid = false;
         $aIndexOrUids = array();
         if (0 < \strlen($sSearch)) {
             $aIndexOrUids = $this->getSearchUidsResult($sSearch, $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $bUseSortIfSupported, $bUseESearchOrESortRequest, $oCacher);
             $bIndexAsUid = true;
         } else {
             if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 1 < $iMessageCount) {
                 $aIndexOrUids = $this->getSearchUidsResult('', $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $bUseSortIfSupported, $bUseESearchOrESortRequest, $oCacher);
                 $aThreads = $this->MessageListThreadsMap($oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $aIndexOrUids, $oCacher, \MailSo\Config::$LargeThreadLimit);
                 $aExpandedThreadsUids = \is_array($aExpandedThreadsUids) ? $aExpandedThreadsUids : array();
                 $bWatchExpanded = 0 < \count($aExpandedThreadsUids);
                 $aNewIndexOrUids = array();
                 foreach ($aIndexOrUids as $iUid) {
                     if (isset($aThreads[$iUid])) {
                         $aNewIndexOrUids[] = $iUid;
                         if (\is_array($aThreads[$iUid])) {
                             if ($bWatchExpanded && \in_array($iUid, $aExpandedThreadsUids)) {
                                 $aSubArray = $aThreads[$iUid];
                                 foreach ($aSubArray as $iSubRootUid) {
                                     $aNewIndexOrUids[] = $iSubRootUid;
                             } else {
                                 $aLastCollapsedThreadUids[] = $iUid;
                 $aIndexOrUids = $aNewIndexOrUids;
                 $iMessageCount = \count($aIndexOrUids);
                 $bIndexAsUid = true;
             } else {
                 $aIndexOrUids = array(1);
                 $bIndexAsUid = false;
                 if (1 < $iMessageCount) {
                     if ($bMessageListOptimization || 0 === \MailSo\Config::$MessageListDateFilter) {
                         $aIndexOrUids = \array_reverse(\range(1, $iMessageCount));
                     } else {
                         $aIndexOrUids = $this->getSearchUidsResult('', $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $bUseSortIfSupported, $bUseESearchOrESortRequest, $oCacher);
                         $bIndexAsUid = true;
         if (\is_array($aIndexOrUids)) {
             $oMessageCollection->MessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageUnseenCount = $iMessageUnseenCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = 0 === \strlen($sSearch) ? $iMessageCount : \count($aIndexOrUids);
             if (0 < \count($aIndexOrUids)) {
                 $iOffset = 0 > $iOffset ? 0 : $iOffset;
                 $aRequestIndexOrUids = \array_slice($aIndexOrUids, $iOffset, $iLimit);
                 $this->MessageListByRequestIndexOrUids($oMessageCollection, $aRequestIndexOrUids, $bIndexAsUid);
     $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage = array();
     if (!$bSearch && $bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 0 < \count($aThreads)) {
         $oMessageCollection->ForeachList(function ($oMessage) use($aThreads, $aLastCollapsedThreadUids, &$aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage) {
             $iUid = $oMessage->Uid();
             if (\in_array($iUid, $aLastCollapsedThreadUids)) {
                 $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage[] = $iUid;
             if (isset($aThreads[$iUid]) && \is_array($aThreads[$iUid]) && 0 < \count($aThreads[$iUid])) {
             } else {
                 if (!isset($aThreads[$iUid])) {
                     foreach ($aThreads as $iKeyUid => $mSubItem) {
                         if (\is_array($mSubItem) && \in_array($iUid, $mSubItem)) {
         $oMessageCollection->LastCollapsedThreadUids = $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage;
     return $oMessageCollection;
Example #17
 public function initCollection($code)
     $messages = $this->loadMessagesFromCache($this->getGroups());
     $namespace = $this->getNamespace();
     $definitions = new MessageDefinitions($messages, $namespace);
     $collection = MessageCollection::newFromDefinitions($definitions, $code);
     return $collection;
Example #18
 public function testAddMessage()
     $this->messages->add(new Message('One'));
     $this->assertEquals('One', $this->messages->get(0));
Example #19
 function fill(MessageCollection $messages)
     $cache = $this->load($messages->code);
     foreach ($messages->getMessageKeys() as $key) {
         if (isset($cache[$key])) {
             if (is_array($cache[$key])) {
                 $messages[$key]->setInfile(implode(',', $cache[$key]));
             } else {
Example #20
	public function initCollection( $code ) {
		$messages = array();

		foreach ( $this->getGroups() as $group ) {
			$cache = new MessageGroupCache( $group );
			if ( $cache->exists() ) {
				foreach ( $cache->getKeys() as $key ) {
					$messages[$key] = $cache->get( $key );
			} else {
				// BC for MessageGroupOld
				$messages += $group->load( $this->getSourceLanguage() );

		$namespace = $this->getNamespace();
		$definitions = new MessageDefinitions( $messages, $namespace );
		$collection = MessageCollection::newFromDefinitions( $definitions, $code );

		$this->setTags( $collection );

		return $collection;
     * @param MessageCollection $collection
     * @return string
    protected function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
        $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
        $code = $collection->getLanguage();
        $block = $this->generateMessageBlock($collection, $mangler);
        if ($block === false) {
            return '';
        // Ugly code, relies on side effects
        // Avoid parsing stuff with fake language code
        // Premature optimization
        $filename = $this->group->getSourceFilePath($code);
        $cache =& self::$cache[$filename];
        // Generating authors
        if (isset($cache['sections'][$code])) {
            // More premature optimization
            $fromFile = self::parseAuthorsFromString($cache['sections'][$code]);
        $authors = $collection->getAuthors();
        $authors = $this->filterAuthors($authors, $code);
        $authorList = '';
        foreach ($authors as $author) {
            $authorList .= "\n * @author {$author}";
        // And putting all together
        $name = TranslateUtils::getLanguageName($code);
        $native = TranslateUtils::getLanguageName($code, $code);
        $section = <<<PHP
/** {$name} ({$native}){$authorList}
\$messages['{$code}'] = array({$block});
        // Store the written part, so that when next language is called,
        // the new version will be used (instead of the old parsed version
        $cache['sections'][$code] = $section;
        // Make a copy we can alter
        $sections = $cache['sections'];
        $priority = array();
        global $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode;
        $codes = array(0, $this->group->getSourceLanguage(), $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode);
        foreach ($codes as $pcode) {
            if (isset($sections[$pcode])) {
                $priority[] = $sections[$pcode];
        return implode("\n\n", $priority) . "\n\n" . implode("\n\n", $sections) . "\n";
  * @param $collection MessageCollection
  * @return string
 public function writeReal(MessageCollection $collection)
     $header = $this->header($collection->code, $collection->getAuthors());
     $mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
      * Get and write messages.
     $body = '';
      * @var TMessage $message
     foreach ($collection as $message) {
         if (strlen($message->translation()) === 0) {
         $key = $mangler->unmangle($message->key());
         $key = $this->transformKey(self::escapeJsString($key));
         $translation = self::escapeJsString($message->translation());
         $body .= "\t{$key}: \"{$translation}\",\n";
     if (strlen($body) === 0) {
         return false;
      * Strip last comma, re-add trailing newlines.
     $body = substr($body, 0, -2);
     $body .= "\n";
     return $header . $body . $this->footer();
  * @param string $sFolderName
  * @param int $iOffset = 0
  * @param int $iLimit = 10
  * @param string $sSearch = ''
  * @param string $sPrevUidNext = ''
  * @param \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient|null $oCacher = null
  * @param bool $bUseSortIfSupported = false
  * @param bool $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false
  * @param bool $bUseESearchOrESortRequest = false
  * @param string $sThreadUid = ''
  * @param string $sFilter = ''
  * @return \MailSo\Mail\MessageCollection
  * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\Exception
  * @throws \MailSo\Imap\Exceptions\Exception
 public function MessageList($sFolderName, $iOffset = 0, $iLimit = 10, $sSearch = '', $sPrevUidNext = '', $oCacher = null, $bUseSortIfSupported = false, $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false, $sThreadUid = '', $sFilter = '')
     $sFilter = \trim($sFilter);
     $sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
     if (!\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iOffset, 0) || !\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iLimit, 0, 999)) {
         throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException();
     $bUseFilter = '' !== $sFilter;
     $oMessageCollection = MessageCollection::NewInstance();
     $oMessageCollection->FolderName = $sFolderName;
     $oMessageCollection->Offset = $iOffset;
     $oMessageCollection->Limit = $iLimit;
     $oMessageCollection->Search = $sSearch;
     $oMessageCollection->ThreadUid = $sThreadUid;
     $oMessageCollection->Filtered = '' !== \MailSo\Config::$MessageListPermanentFilter;
     $aUids = array();
     $mAllSortedUids = null;
     $mAllThreads = null;
     $iThreadUid = empty($sThreadUid) ? 0 : (int) $sThreadUid;
     $iMessageRealCount = 0;
     $iMessageUnseenCount = 0;
     $sUidNext = '0';
     $sHighestModSeq = '';
     $bUseSortIfSupported = $bUseSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('SORT') : false;
     $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = $bUseThreadSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFS') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFERENCES') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT') : false;
     if (!empty($sThreadUid) && !$bUseThreadSortIfSupported) {
         throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException();
     if (!$oCacher || !$oCacher instanceof \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient) {
         $oCacher = null;
     $this->initFolderValues($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext, $sHighestModSeq);
     if ($bUseFilter) {
         $iMessageUnseenCount = 0;
     $oMessageCollection->FolderHash = $this->GenerateFolderHash($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext, $sHighestModSeq);
     $oMessageCollection->UidNext = $sUidNext;
     if (empty($sThreadUid) && 0 < \strlen($sPrevUidNext) && 'INBOX' === $sFolderName) {
         $oMessageCollection->NewMessages = $this->getFolderNextMessageInformation($sFolderName, $sPrevUidNext, $sUidNext);
     $bSearch = false;
     $bMessageListOptimization = 0 < \MailSo\Config::$MessageListCountLimitTrigger && \MailSo\Config::$MessageListCountLimitTrigger < $iMessageRealCount;
     if ($bMessageListOptimization) {
         $bUseSortIfSupported = false;
         $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false;
     if (0 < $iMessageRealCount && !$bMessageListOptimization) {
         $mAllSortedUids = $this->GetUids($oCacher, '', $sFilter, $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $bUseSortIfSupported);
         $mAllThreads = $bUseThreadSortIfSupported ? $this->MessageListThreadsMap($oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $mAllSortedUids, $oCacher) : null;
         if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 0 < $iThreadUid && \is_array($mAllThreads)) {
             $aUids = array();
             $iResultRootUid = 0;
             if (isset($mAllThreads[$iThreadUid])) {
                 $iResultRootUid = $iThreadUid;
                 if (\is_array($mAllThreads[$iThreadUid])) {
                     $aUids = $mAllThreads[$iThreadUid];
             } else {
                 foreach ($mAllThreads as $iRootUid => $mSubUids) {
                     if (\is_array($mSubUids) && \in_array($iThreadUid, $mSubUids)) {
                         $iResultRootUid = $iRootUid;
                         $aUids = $mSubUids;
             if (0 < $iResultRootUid && \in_array($iResultRootUid, $mAllSortedUids)) {
                 \array_unshift($aUids, $iResultRootUid);
         } else {
             if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && \is_array($mAllThreads)) {
                 $aUids = \array_keys($mAllThreads);
             } else {
                 $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false;
                 $aUids = $mAllSortedUids;
         if (0 < \strlen($sSearch) && \is_array($aUids)) {
             $aSearchedUids = $this->GetUids($oCacher, $sSearch, $sFilter, $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash);
             if (\is_array($aSearchedUids) && 0 < \count($aSearchedUids)) {
                 $aFlippedSearchedUids = \array_flip($aSearchedUids);
                 $bSearch = true;
                 $aNewUids = array();
                 foreach ($aUids as $iUid) {
                     if (isset($aFlippedSearchedUids[$iUid])) {
                         $aNewUids[] = $iUid;
                     } else {
                         if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 0 === $iThreadUid && isset($mAllThreads[$iUid]) && \is_array($mAllThreads[$iUid])) {
                             foreach ($mAllThreads[$iUid] as $iSubUid) {
                                 if (isset($aFlippedSearchedUids[$iSubUid])) {
                                     $aNewUids[] = $iUid;
                 $aUids = \array_unique($aNewUids);
             } else {
                 $aUids = array();
         if (\is_array($aUids)) {
             $oMessageCollection->MessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageUnseenCount = $iMessageUnseenCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = \count($aUids);
             if (0 < \count($aUids)) {
                 $aRequestUids = \array_slice($aUids, $iOffset, $iLimit);
                 $this->MessageListByRequestIndexOrUids($oMessageCollection, $aRequestUids, true);
     } else {
         if (0 < $iMessageRealCount) {
             if ($this->oLogger) {
                 $this->oLogger->Write('List optimization (count: ' . $iMessageRealCount . ', limit:' . \MailSo\Config::$MessageListCountLimitTrigger . ')');
             $oMessageCollection->MessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageUnseenCount = $iMessageUnseenCount;
             if (0 < \strlen($sSearch) || $bUseFilter) {
                 $aUids = $this->GetUids($oCacher, $sSearch, $sFilter, $oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash);
                 if (0 < \count($aUids)) {
                     $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = \count($aUids);
                     $aRequestUids = \array_slice($aUids, $iOffset, $iLimit);
                     $this->MessageListByRequestIndexOrUids($oMessageCollection, $aRequestUids, true);
                 } else {
                     $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = 0;
             } else {
                 $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = $iMessageRealCount;
                 if (1 < $iMessageRealCount) {
                     $aRequestIndexes = \array_slice(array_reverse(range(1, $iMessageRealCount)), $iOffset, $iLimit);
                 } else {
                     $aRequestIndexes = \array_slice(array(1), $iOffset, $iLimit);
                 $this->MessageListByRequestIndexOrUids($oMessageCollection, $aRequestIndexes, false);
     if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 0 === $iThreadUid && \is_array($mAllThreads) && 0 < \count($mAllThreads)) {
         $oMessageCollection->ForeachList(function ($oMessage) use($mAllThreads) {
             $iUid = $oMessage->Uid();
             if (isset($mAllThreads[$iUid]) && \is_array($mAllThreads[$iUid]) && 0 < \count($mAllThreads[$iUid])) {
                 $aSubThreads = $mAllThreads[$iUid];
                 \array_unshift($aSubThreads, $iUid);
                 $oMessage->SetThreads(\array_map('trim', $aSubThreads));
     return $oMessageCollection;
  * Creates a new MessageCollection for this group.
  * @param $code \string Language code for this collection.
  * @param $unique \bool Whether to build collection for messages unique to this
  *                group only.
  * @return MessageCollection
 public function initCollection($code, $unique = false)
     if (!$unique) {
         $definitions = $this->getDefinitions();
     } else {
         $definitions = $this->getUniqueDefinitions();
     $defs = new MessageDefinitions($definitions, $this->getNamespace());
     $collection = MessageCollection::newFromDefinitions($defs, $code);
     foreach ($this->getTags() as $type => $tags) {
         $collection->setTags($type, $tags);
     return $collection;
  * Returns translation page with all possible translations replaced in
  * and ugly translation tags removed.
  * @param MessageCollection $collection Collection that holds translated messages.
  * @return string Whole page as wikitext.
 public function getTranslationPageText($collection)
     $text = $this->template;
     // The source
     // For finding the messages
     $prefix = $this->title->getPrefixedDBKey() . '/';
     if ($collection instanceof MessageCollection) {
         $collection->filter('translated', false);
     foreach ($this->sections as $ph => $s) {
         $sectiontext = null;
         if (isset($collection[$prefix . $s->id])) {
              * @var TMessage $msg
             $msg = $collection[$prefix . $s->id];
             $sectiontext = $msg->translation();
         // Use the original text if no translation is available.
         // For the source language, this will actually be the source, which
         // contains variable declarations (tvar) instead of variables ($1).
         // The getTextWithVariables will convert declarations to normal variables
         // for us so that the variable substitutions below will also work
         // for the source language.
         if ($sectiontext === null || $sectiontext === $s->getText()) {
             $sectiontext = $s->getTextWithVariables();
         // Substitute variables into section text and substitute text into document
         $sectiontext = strtr($sectiontext, $s->getVariables());
         $text = str_replace($ph, $sectiontext, $text);
     $nph = array();
     $text = TranslatablePage::armourNowiki($nph, $text);
     // Remove translation markup from the template to produce final text
     $cb = array(__CLASS__, 'replaceTagCb');
     $text = preg_replace_callback('~(<translate>)(.*)(</translate>)~sU', $cb, $text);
     $text = TranslatablePage::unArmourNowiki($nph, $text);
     return $text;
Example #26
  * @param string $sFolderName
  * @param int $iOffset = 0
  * @param int $iLimit = 10
  * @param string $sSearch = ''
  * @param string $sPrevUidNext = ''
  * @param mixed $oCacher = null
  * @param string $sCachePrefix = ''
  * @param bool $bUseSortIfSupported = false
  * @param bool $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false
  * @param array $aExpandedThreadsUids = array()
  * @return \MailSo\Mail\MessageCollection
  * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\Exception
  * @throws \MailSo\Imap\Exceptions\Exception
 public function MessageList($sFolderName, $iOffset = 0, $iLimit = 10, $sSearch = '', $sPrevUidNext = '', $oCacher = null, $bUseSortIfSupported = false, $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = false, $aExpandedThreadsUids = array())
     $sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
     if (!\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iOffset, 0) || !\MailSo\Base\Validator::RangeInt($iLimit, 0, 999) || !is_string($sSearch)) {
         throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException();
     $oMessageCollection = MessageCollection::NewInstance();
     $oMessageCollection->FolderName = $sFolderName;
     $oMessageCollection->Offset = $iOffset;
     $oMessageCollection->Limit = $iLimit;
     $oMessageCollection->Search = $sSearch;
     $aLastCollapsedThreadUids = array();
     $aThreads = array();
     $iMessageCount = 0;
     $iMessageRealCount = 0;
     $iMessageUnseenCount = 0;
     $sUidNext = '0';
     $sSerializedHash = '';
     $bUseSortIfSupported = $bUseSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('SORT') : false;
     $bUseThreadSortIfSupported = $bUseThreadSortIfSupported ? $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFS') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=REFERENCES') || $this->oImapClient->IsSupported('THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT') : false;
     if (!$oCacher || !$oCacher instanceof \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient) {
         $oCacher = null;
     $this->initFolderValues($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext);
     $iMessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
     $oMessageCollection->FolderHash = self::GenerateHash($sFolderName, $iMessageRealCount, $iMessageUnseenCount, $sUidNext);
     $oMessageCollection->UidNext = $sUidNext;
     $oMessageCollection->NewMessages = $this->getFolderNextMessageInformation($sFolderName, $sPrevUidNext, $sUidNext);
     $bCacher = false;
     $bSearch = false;
     if (0 < $iMessageRealCount) {
         $bIndexAsUid = false;
         $aIndexOrUids = array();
         $bSearch = 0 < \strlen($sSearch);
         if ($bSearch || $bUseSortIfSupported && !$bUseThreadSortIfSupported) {
             $bIndexAsUid = true;
             $aIndexOrUids = null;
             $sSearchCriterias = $this->getSearchBuilder($sSearch)->Complete();
             if ($oCacher && $oCacher->IsInited()) {
                 $sSerializedHash = ($bUseSortIfSupported ? 'S' : 'N') . '/' . ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported ? 'T' : 'N') . '/' . $this->oImapClient->GetLogginedUser() . '@' . $this->oImapClient->GetConnectedHost() . ':' . $this->oImapClient->GetConnectedPort() . '/' . $oMessageCollection->FolderName . '/' . $oMessageCollection->FolderHash . '/' . $sSearchCriterias;
                 $sSerializedUids = $oCacher->Get($sSerializedHash);
                 if (!empty($sSerializedUids)) {
                     $aSerializedUids = @\unserialize($sSerializedUids);
                     if (\is_array($aSerializedUids)) {
                         $aIndexOrUids = $aSerializedUids;
                         $bCacher = true;
             if (!\is_array($aIndexOrUids)) {
                 if ($bUseSortIfSupported && !$bUseThreadSortIfSupported) {
                     $aIndexOrUids = $this->oImapClient->MessageSimpleSort(array('ARRIVAL'), $sSearchCriterias, $bIndexAsUid);
                 } else {
                     if (!\MailSo\Base\Utils::IsAscii($sSearch)) {
                         try {
                             $aIndexOrUids = $this->oImapClient->MessageSimpleSearch($sSearchCriterias, $bIndexAsUid, 'UTF-8');
                         } catch (\MailSo\Imap\Exceptions\NegativeResponseException $oException) {
                             $oException = null;
                             $aIndexOrUids = null;
                     if (null === $aIndexOrUids) {
                         $aIndexOrUids = $this->oImapClient->MessageSimpleSearch($sSearchCriterias, $bIndexAsUid);
         } else {
             if ($bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 1 < $iMessageCount) {
                 $bIndexAsUid = true;
                 $aThreads = $this->MessageListThreadsMap($oMessageCollection->FolderName, $oMessageCollection->FolderHash, $oCacher);
                 $aIndexOrUids = $this->compileLineThreadUids($aThreads, $aLastCollapsedThreadUids, $aExpandedThreadsUids, 0);
                 $iMessageCount = count($aIndexOrUids);
             } else {
                 $bIndexAsUid = false;
                 $aIndexOrUids = array(1);
                 if (1 < $iMessageCount) {
                     $aIndexOrUids = \array_reverse(\range(1, $iMessageCount));
         if ($bIndexAsUid && !$bCacher && \is_array($aIndexOrUids) && $oCacher && $oCacher->IsInited() && 0 < \strlen($sSerializedHash)) {
             $oCacher->Set($sSerializedHash, \serialize($aIndexOrUids));
         if (\is_array($aIndexOrUids)) {
             $oMessageCollection->MessageCount = $iMessageRealCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageUnseenCount = $iMessageUnseenCount;
             $oMessageCollection->MessageResultCount = 0 === \strlen($sSearch) ? $iMessageCount : \count($aIndexOrUids);
             if (0 < count($aIndexOrUids)) {
                 $iOffset = 0 > $iOffset ? 0 : $iOffset;
                 $aRequestIndexOrUids = \array_slice($aIndexOrUids, $iOffset, $iLimit);
                 $this->MessageListByRequestIndexOrUids($oMessageCollection, $aRequestIndexOrUids, $bIndexAsUid);
     $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage = array();
     if (!$bSearch && $bUseThreadSortIfSupported && 0 < \count($aThreads)) {
         $oMessageCollection->ForeachList(function ($oMessage) use($aThreads, $aLastCollapsedThreadUids, &$aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage) {
             $iUid = $oMessage->Uid();
             if (in_array($iUid, $aLastCollapsedThreadUids)) {
                 $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage[] = $iUid;
             if (isset($aThreads[$iUid]) && \is_array($aThreads[$iUid]) && 0 < \count($aThreads[$iUid])) {
             } else {
                 if (!isset($aThreads[$iUid])) {
                     foreach ($aThreads as $iKeyUid => $mSubItem) {
                         if (is_array($mSubItem) && in_array($iUid, $mSubItem)) {
         $oMessageCollection->LastCollapsedThreadUids = $aLastCollapsedThreadUidsForPage;
     return $oMessageCollection;
 public function getMessageCollections($userId, $appId, $fields, $options)
     // TODO: Supports filtered fields, options. Supports unread and total.
     $appId = intval($appId);
     $userId = intval($userId);
     $countQuery = "select count(*) from message_collections where person_id = {$userId} and app_id = {$appId}";
     $res = mysqli_query($this->db, $countQuery);
     if ($res !== false) {
         list($totalResults) = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
     } else {
         $totalResults = '0';
     $startIndex = $options->getStartIndex();
     $count = $options->getCount();
     $collections = array();
     $collections['totalResults'] = $totalResults;
     $collections['startIndex'] = $startIndex;
     $collections['count'] = $count;
     $query = "select id, title, updated, urls from message_collections where person_id = {$userId} and app_id = {$appId} limit {$startIndex}, {$count}";
     $res = mysqli_query($this->db, $query);
     if ($res) {
         if (@mysqli_num_rows($res)) {
             while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
                 $collection = new MessageCollection($row['id'], $row['title']);
                 if (isset($row['urls'])) {
                 $collections[] = $collection;
         return $collections;
     } else {
         throw new SocialSpiException("Can't retrieve message collections.", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);