Example #1
  * Validates a message from SNS to ensure that it was delivered by AWS
  * @param Message $message The message to validate
  * @throws CannotGetPublicKeyFromCertificateException If the certificate cannot be retrieved
  * @throws CertificateFromUnrecognizedSourceException If the certificate's source cannot be verified
  * @throws InvalidMessageSignatureException           If the message's signature is invalid
 public function validate($message)
     // Get the cert's URL and ensure it is from AWS
     $certUrl = $message->get('SigningCertURL');
     $host = parse_url($certUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
     if ('.amazonaws.com' != substr($host, -14)) {
         throw new CertificateFromUnrecognizedSourceException($host . ' did not match .amazonaws.com');
     // Get the cert itself and extract the public key
     $response = wp_remote_get($certUrl);
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         throw new CannotGetPublicKeyFromCertificateException('Could not retrieve certificate from ' . $certUrl);
     $certificate = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
     $publicKey = openssl_get_publickey($certificate);
     if (!$publicKey) {
         throw new CannotGetPublicKeyFromCertificateException('Could not extract public key from ' . $certUrl);
     // Verify the signature of the message
     $stringToSign = $message->getStringToSign();
     $incomingSignature = base64_decode($message->get('Signature'));
     if (!openssl_verify($stringToSign, $incomingSignature, $publicKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1)) {
         throw new InvalidMessageSignatureException('The message did not match the signature ' . "\n" . $stringToSign);
Example #2
  * Confirms subscription
  * @param Message $message
  * @throws Exception
 private function _subscription_confirmation($message)
     $topic_arn = $this->_config->get_string('cluster.messagebus.sns.topic_arn');
     if ($topic_arn != $message->get('TopicArn')) {
         throw new Exception('Not my Topic. My is ' . $this->_topic_arn . ' while request came from ' . $message->get('TopicArn'));
     $this->_log('Issuing confirm_subscription');
     $response = $this->_get_api()->confirm_subscription($topic_arn, $message->get('Token'));
     $this->_log('Subscription confirmed: ' . ($response->isOK() ? 'OK' : 'Error'));
  * Transforms an array of elastica objects into an array of
  * model objects fetched from the doctrine repository
  * @param array $elasticaObjects of elastica objects
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return array
 public function transform(array $elasticaObjects)
     $objects = array();
     foreach ($elasticaObjects as $elasticaObject) {
         $objects[] = \Message::get($elasticaObject->getId());
     return $objects;
 public function get_json()
     $o = new stdClass();
     $o->friends = Friendship::pending($this->session->user->id);
     $o->notifications = Notification::from_user($this->session->user->id, 15);
     $o->messages = Message::get($this->session->user->id, 10);
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
     die('(' . json_encode($o) . ');');
Example #5
 public function renderGuest($roomId)
     $messages = new Message();
     $this->bag->messages = $messages->get($roomId);
     $this->bag->room = $this->room->getDescription($roomId);
     // glitch fix I can haz?
     if ($this->guestUser instanceof User) {
         $this->bag->userId = $this->guestUser->getId();
         $this->bag->shortName = $this->guestUser->getShortName();
Example #6
 public function before()
     $this->response->headers('cache-control', 'private');
     // creating and attaching page metadata
     $this->metadata = new Model_Metadata();
     $this->metadata->title(__(Application::instance()->get('title')), false);
     $this->set('_metadata', $this->metadata);
     if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } else {
         $id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id;
         $user = ORM::factory('user', $id);
         $input = $user->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'admin'))) || $user->has('roles', ORM::factory('Role', array('name' => 'moderator')));
         $input_redactor = $user->has('roles', ORM::factory('Role', array('name' => 'redactor')));
         if (!$input && !$input_redactor) {
         if (!$input && (strtolower($this->request->controller()) != 'ehistory' && strtolower($this->request->controller()) != 'language')) {
     $this->user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     if (Request::$initial === Request::$current) {
         $messages = Notify::instance()->get_all_once();
         $this->set('_notifications', $messages);
     $language = Session::instance()->get('_language', 'ru');
     $this->language = in_array($language, array('ru', 'en', 'kz')) ? $language : 'ru';
     $rr = Request::initial()->uri() . urlencode(URL::query(null, true));
     $rr = trim($rr, '/');
     //$this->metadata->title('Sharua.kz', false);
     $countcomm = ORM::factory('Comment')->where('status', '=', '0')->count_all();
     //смотрим сколько новых коментов
     $this->set('_user', $this->user)->set('_language', $this->language)->set('_return_url', $rr)->set('_countcomm', $countcomm);
     //вносим в переменную количество новых коментов
     $knigi = ORM::factory('Book')->where('category_id', '=', '0')->find_all();
     //смотрим сколько книг без категории
     if ($knigi) {
         if (count($knigi) > 0) {
             $this->set('_uncatcount', count($knigi));
             //вносим в переменную количество книг без категории
     $this->referrer = Request::initial()->referrer();
     if (Message::get()) {
         $this->set('basic_message', Message::display('/message/basic'));
Example #7
 public function actionYourPosts()
     if ($this->session->get('author_id')) {
         $post = new Post();
         $records = $post->GetAllPostByAuthor($this->session->get('author_id'));
         if (empty($records)) {
             $message = new Message('У вас пока нет постов!');
             $this->html->add('content', $message->get());
             $layout = new Layout($this->html->getArray());
         } else {
             $this->view = new View($records, PATH_VIEW_POSTS, 'index_tpl.php', false);
             $this->html->add('content', $this->view->render());
             $layout = new Layout($this->html->getArray());
Example #8
 public function getMessages()
     $messages = Message::get();
     $id = Auth::user()->id;
     $query = 'SELECT m.addressee_id, m.sender_id, m.message, m.isread, us.name as sender_name, ua.name as addressee_name from messages m  
                     LEFT JOIN users us ON m.sender_id = us.id
                     LEFT JOIN users ua ON m.addressee_id = ua.id
                     WHERE m.id IN
                           SELECT MAX(id) FROM messages
                           WHERE ' . $id . ' IN(sender_id, addressee_id)
                           GROUP by CASE WHEN sender_id>addressee_id THEN addressee_id ELSE sender_id END, 
                                    CASE WHEN sender_id>addressee_id THEN sender_id ELSE addressee_id END
                     ORDER BY m.created_at DESC ';
     $messages = DB::select($query);
     $view = array('messages' => $messages);
     return View::make('user.msg.messages', $view);
Example #9
  * Renders the message(s), and by default clears them too.
  * @param   mixed    string of the view to use, or a Kohana_View object
  * @param   boolean  set to FALSE to not clear messages
  * @return  string   message output (HTML)
 public static function render($view = NULL, $clear = TRUE)
     // Nothing to render
     if (($messages = Message::get()) === NULL) {
         return '';
     // Clear all messages
     if ($clear) {
     if ($view === NULL) {
         // Use the default view
         $view = 'message/basic';
     if (!$view instanceof Kohana_View) {
         // Load the view file
         $view = View::factory($view);
     // Return the rendered view
     return $view->set('messages', $messages)->render();
Example #10
 public function before()
     // detecting language, setting it
     //        $this->detect_language();
     //        $this->set('_language', $this->language);
     $this->set('device', $this->detect_device());
     // creating and attaching page metadata
     $this->metadata = new Model_Metadata();
     $this->metadata->title(__(Application::instance()->get('title')), false);
     $this->set('_metadata', $this->metadata);
     $this->set('_token', Security::token());
     // Handles return urls, cropping language out of it (will be appended by url.site at redirect time)
     //        $rr = Request::initial()->uri();
     //        $rr = trim($rr, '/');
     //        $rr = explode('/', $rr);
     //        if (in_array($rr[0], Application::instance()->get('language.list'))) {
     //            array_shift($rr);
     //        }
     //        $rr = implode('/', $rr);
     //        $this->set('_return', $rr . Url::query());
     View::bind_global('_breadcumbs', $this->breadcumbs);
     // detecting if user is logged in
     if (method_exists(Auth::instance(), 'auto_login')) {
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         $id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id;
         $user = ORM::factory('user', $id);
         $input = $user->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'admin')));
         $this->set("admin_mode", $input);
     } else {
         $this->set("admin_mode", false);
     $this->user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     $this->set('_user', $this->user);
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() && $this->user->profile->is_visited != 1 && strtolower($this->request->controller()) == 'profile') {
         $this->redirect('profile/information', 301);
     $sliders = ORM::factory('Slider')->where('is_active', '=', 1)->and_where('type', '=', 'slider')->order_by('order', 'asc')->find_all();
     $this->set('sliders', $sliders);
     $banner = ORM::factory('Slider')->where('is_active', '=', 1)->and_where('type', '=', 'banner')->find_all();
     $this->set('menu_banner', $banner);
     $menu = ORM::factory('Page')->where('key', '=', 'menu')->find();
     //Для SEO (сортировка)
     if ($this->request->controller() == 'Auth' or $this->request->controller() == 'Search' or $this->request->controller() == 'Profile') {
         $this->set('sort', 1);
     //end SEO
     $page_roots = ORM::factory('Page', $menu->id)->children();
     $page_main = array();
     $children_pages = array();
     $children_pages_last = array();
     $children_pages_last_last = array();
     foreach ($page_roots as $p) {
         $page_main[$p->key] = array('id' => $p->id, 'name' => $p->name, 'description' => $p->description);
         $children_pages[$p->key] = $p->children();
         //ORM::factory('Page')->where('parent_id','=',$p->id)->find_all();//только первый уровень детей
         //второй уровень детей.
         foreach ($children_pages[$p->key] as $ch_p) {
             if ($ch_p->id == 232 or $ch_p->id == 159) {
             $children_pages_last[$ch_p->id] = $ch_p->children();
             //третий уровень детей
             foreach ($children_pages_last[$ch_p->id] as $ch_p_l) {
                 $children_pages_last_last[$ch_p_l->id] = $ch_p_l->children();
     $page_halyk_kaharmany = ORM::factory('Page', 319);
     $this->set('page_halyk_kaharmany', $page_halyk_kaharmany);
     $this->set('_pages', $page_main)->set('_children_pages', $children_pages)->set('_children_pages_last', $children_pages_last)->set('_children_pages_last_last', $children_pages_last_last)->set('_return_url', URL::media(Request::initial()->uri()));
     //для вывода сообщения о регистрации восстановления пароля и прочих действий
     //само сообщение выводится в модальном окне, находится в шаблоне footer
     if (Message::get()) {
         $this->set('basic_message', Message::display('/message/basic'));
     $nofollowlink = url::media(Request::initial()->uri());
     $controller = strtolower(Request::initial()->controller());
     $action = strtolower(Request::initial()->action());
     if ($controller == 'books' and $action == 'index') {
         $params = explode('books/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         if (isset($params[1]) and isset($params[0])) {
             $params = explode('?', $params[1]);
             $razdel = $params[0];
         } else {
             $razdel = '';
         if (isset($params[1])) {
             $params = explode('=', $params[1]);
             $idbook = $params[1];
         } else {
             $idbook = '';
         $wherestring = 'books_' . $razdel . '_' . $idbook;
         $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('key', '=', $wherestring)->find();
         $linkid = $page->id;
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/' . $linkid);
     if ($controller == 'biography' and $action == 'index') {
         $params = explode('biography/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         if (isset($params[1])) {
             $idbiography = $params[1];
         } else {
             $idbiography = '';
         $wherestring = 'biography' . '_' . $idbiography;
         $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('key', 'LIKE', $wherestring . '%')->find();
         $linkid = $page->id;
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/' . $linkid);
     if ($controller == 'organization' and $action == 'show') {
         $params = explode('organization/show/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         if (isset($params[1])) {
             $idorganization = $params[1];
         } else {
             $idorganization = '';
         $wherestring = 'organization' . '_' . $idorganization;
         $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('key', 'LIKE', $wherestring . '%')->find();
         $linkid = $page->id;
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/' . $linkid);
     if ($controller == 'expert' and $action == 'index') {
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/301');
     //в базе дублируется запись 4 и 301
     if ($controller == 'publications' and $action == 'index') {
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/231');
     if ($controller == 'debate' and $action == 'index') {
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/335');
     if ($controller == 'debate' and $action == 'index') {
         $nofollowlink = URL::site('contents/list/335');
     $this->set('nofollowlink', $nofollowlink);
     //потому-что SEO.
Example #11

$feedback_success = Message::get('success');
$feedback_error = Message::get('error');
$feedback_info = Message::get('info');
$feedback_warning = Message::get('warning');
// echo out positive messages
if (!empty($feedback_success)) {
    foreach ($feedback_success as $feedback) {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-success"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">×</button>' . $feedback . '</div>';
// echo out negative messages
if (!empty($feedback_error)) {
    foreach ($feedback_error as $feedback) {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-danger"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">×</button>' . $feedback . '</div>';
// echo out notice messages
if (!empty($feedback_info)) {
    foreach ($feedback_info as $feedback) {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-info"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">×</button>' . $feedback . '</div>';
// echo out notice messages
if (!empty($feedback_warning)) {
    foreach ($feedback_warning as $feedback) {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-warning"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">×</button>' . $feedback . '</div>';
Example #12
  * @covers Phossa\Di\Message\Message::get
 public function testGet()
     $this->assertEquals('Service "one" method "two" error', Message::get(Message::SERVICE_METHOD_ERROR, 'one', 'two'));
Example #13
    /* Deletando arquivo em "../components/img"  */
    header("Location: index.php?msg=" . $banner->photo[Dbcommand::get('del') - 1]->delete());
    /* Deletando registro do banco */
/*   =============   Adicionar imagem   ===============     */
if (@$_POST) {
    header("Location: index.php?msg=" . $banner->addPhoto($user->getId()));
        <!-- Banner -->
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-10">
            <div class="jumbotron">
                <a href="./"><h1>Banners</h1></a>
echo Message::get();

                <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.php" method="post">
                            <input type='text' name='name_photo' class="form-control" placeholder="Digite o Nome do Banner" pattern="^[^<>]{0,255}$" required/>
                            <h4>Imagem (.png, .jpeg, .jpg):</h4>
                            <input name="photo" id="photo" type="file" required/>
                            *Tamanho recomendado: 1280x720
Example #14
if (!$ADK_MESSAGE->isValid()) {
    header('Location: ../messages?e=' . $ADK_MESSAGE->err);
if ($ADK_MESSAGE->wasdraft && !$ADK_MESSAGE->isdraft) {
} else {
    if ($ADK_MESSAGE->wasdraft && $ADK_MESSAGE->isdraft) {
    } else {
if (!$ADK_MESSAGE->isdraft) {
    $notification = '?m=s';
    $ADK_USER = new User();
    $ADK_USER->id = $ADK_MESSAGE->toid;
    sendPMNotifyEmail($ADK_MESSAGE, $ADK_USER);
//$replyFileIDs = explode(',', $_POST['replyfileids']);
//if(count($replyFileIDs) > 0 && $replyFileIDs[0] != '')
//    addMessageFileJcts($con, $ADK_MESSAGE['ADK_MESSAGE_ID'], $replyFileIDs);
if (count($ADK_FILES->files) > 0) {
    $ADK_MESSAGE->addFiles($con, $ADK_FILES->fileIDs);
Example #15
$t->searchUsers = array();
$t->toArray     = '';
$t->quote       = '';
$t->alliance    = isset($filtered['alliance']);
$t->officers    = isset($filtered['officers']);
$t->msgId       = $msgId;

try {
	if (!strlen($subject)) {
		$subject = _('(No Subject)');
	if ($msgId and !($subject and $text)) {
		$msg = new Message();
		if (me($msg->targetId) or me($msg->senderId)) {
			$t->quote          = $msg;
			$t->quote->subject = 'RE: ' . $msg->subject;
			$t->quote->text    = "[quote]$msg->text[/quote]\n\n";
	else if ($subject or $text) {
		$t->quote->subject = $subject;
		$t->quote->text    = $text;
	if (count($to)) {
		foreach ($to as $toId) {
			if (!$t->targets[$toId]) {
				$u = new User();
Example #16
 public function renderRoom($roomId)
     $time = mktime();
     // is the user already in the room?
     if (!$this->user->inRoom($roomId)) {
         // enter them into the room
         $this->user->enterRoom($roomId, $time);
         // say that the user has entered
         $message = new MessageSpeak($roomId, $time);
         $message->enter($roomId, $time, $this->user->getShortName());
     $messages = new Message();
     $this->bag->messages = $messages->get($roomId);
     // do we have some messages in the history?
     $this->bag->history = $messages->haveMore($roomId);
     $this->bag->earlier = true;
     $this->bag->tabs = $this->user->inRooms();
     $this->bag->isAdmin = $this->user->isAdmin();
     $this->bag->host = $this->host;
     $room = new Room();
     $this->bag->room = $room->getDescription($roomId);
Example #17
 public static function getUserBookmarks()
     if (!($fileInfo = FileModel::getBookmarks(Session::get('user_id')))) {
         return array('error_message' => Message::get('DB_ERROR'));
     return $fileInfo;
Example #18
 public function showAction(Conversation $conversation, Player $me, Request $request)
     $this->assertCanParticipate($me, $conversation);
     $form = $this->showMessageForm($conversation, $me);
     $inviteForm = $this->showInviteForm($conversation, $me);
     $renameForm = $this->showRenameForm($conversation, $me);
     $messages = $this->getQueryBuilder('AbstractMessage')->where('conversation')->is($conversation)->sortBy('time')->reverse()->limit(10)->fromPage($request->query->get('page', 1))->startAt($request->query->get('end'))->endAt($request->query->get('start'))->getModels();
     // Hide the details (author, timestamp) of the first message if they're
     // already shown in the previous message (useful for AJAX calls)
     if ($request->query->getBoolean('hideFirstDetails')) {
         $previousMessage = Message::get($request->query->get('end'));
     } else {
         $previousMessage = null;
     $params = array("form" => $form->createView(), "inviteForm" => $inviteForm->createView(), "renameForm" => $renameForm->createView(), "conversation" => $conversation, "messages" => $messages, "previousMessage" => $previousMessage);
     if ($request->query->has('nolayout')) {
         if ($request->query->getBoolean('reviewLastDetails')) {
             // An AJAX call has asked us to check if details (author,
             // timestamp) will need to be shown for the next message
             $nextMessage = Message::get($request->query->get('start'));
             $lastMessage = reset($messages);
             if ($lastMessage !== false && $lastMessage->isMessage() && $nextMessage->isMessage() && $lastMessage->getTimestamp()->isSameDay($nextMessage->getTimestamp()) && $lastMessage->getAuthor()->isSameAs($nextMessage->getAuthor())) {
                 $hideLastDetails = true;
             } else {
                 $hideLastDetails = false;
             // Add $hideLastDetails to the list of JSON parameters
             $this->attributes->set('hideLastDetails', $hideLastDetails);
         // Don't show the layout so that ajax can just load the messages
         return $this->render('Message/messages.html.twig', $params);
     } else {
         return $params;
Example #19
 public function __get($key)
     return Message::get($key);
Example #20
  * Pushes or emails a new private message to the user
  * @param array $event The event data we received from the web server
 private function onMessageServerEvent($event)
     // A list of players who received a message so that we can e-mail the
     // ones who didn't
     $received = array();
     $conversation = \Conversation::get($event->data->conversation);
     $conversationMembers = $conversation->getPlayerIds();
     foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
         $player = $client->Player;
         if (!in_array($player->getId(), $conversationMembers)) {
             // Don't notify that player, he doesn't belong in the conversation
         $event->notification_count = $player->countUnreadNotifications();
         $event->message_count = $player->countUnreadMessages();
         $this->send($client, $event);
         $received[] = $player->getId();
     // Send e-mails
     foreach ($event->data->recipients as $recipient) {
         // Only send an email to users who aren't currently logged in
         if (!in_array($recipient, $received)) {
             $this->log("<fg=green>E-mailing player {$recipient->getId()} ({$recipient->getUsername()})</>");
             $this->subscriber->sendEmails('New message received', array($recipient), 'message', array('message' => \Message::get($event->data->message)));
  * @since 2.4
  * @param string $label
  * @param string $languageCode
  * @return mixed string property ID or false
 public function findPropertyIdFromLabelByLanguageCode($label, $languageCode = '')
     $languageCode = mb_strtolower(trim($languageCode));
     // Match the canonical form
     if ($languageCode === '') {
         return $this->findPropertyIdByLabel($label);
     $extraneousLanguage = Localizer::getInstance()->getExtraneousLanguage($languageCode);
     // Language dep. stored as aliases
     $aliases = $extraneousLanguage->getPropertyLabels() + $extraneousLanguage->getDatatypeLabels();
     if (($id = array_search($label, $aliases)) !== false && !isset($this->dataTypePropertyExemptionList[$label])) {
         return $id;
     // Those are mostly from extension that register a msgKey as no dedicated
     // lang. file exists; maybe this should be cached somehow?
     foreach ($this->propertyAliasFinder->getKnownPropertyAliasesWithMsgKey() as $key => $id) {
         if ($label === Message::get($key, Message::TEXT, $languageCode)) {
             return $id;
     return false;
  * Confirms subscription
  * @param Message $message
  * @throws Exception
 private function _subscription_confirmation($message)
     $this->_log('Issuing confirm_subscription');
     $response = $this->_get_api()->confirm_subscription($topic_arn, $message->get('Token'));
     $this->_log('Subscription confirmed: ' . ($response->isOK() ? 'OK' : 'Error'));
Example #23
 public static function getMessages($msg_id, $timestamp_last_update = null)
     $msg = new Message(array());
     $options = array('first_id' => $msg_id, 'since' => $timestamp_last_update, 'limit_paging' => 20);
     $messages = $msg->get($options);
     return $messages;
Example #24
            <div class="grid_12">
                <a href="#">Cookie</a><span class="splitter">&rarr;</span>
                <a href="#">Crumb</a><span class="splitter">&rarr;</span>
            <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<!-- end header -->

<!-- start messages -->
<? if($messages = Message::get()): ?>
    <div class="container_12">
        <div class="grid_12 messages">
            <? foreach($messages as $type => $typeMessages): ?>
                <? foreach($typeMessages as $message): ?>
                    <p class="<?php 
echo $type;
echo $message;
                <? endforeach; ?>
            <? endforeach; ?>
Example #25
 public function actionDelete($msgId)
     $message = Message::get($msgId);
     if (Rays::isAjax() && $message != null) {
         if (Rays::user()->id != $message->receiverId) {
             echo "Sorry. You don't have the right to delete the message.";
         echo 'success';
     $user = Rays::user();
     if ($message->receiverId == $user->id || $user->isAdmin()) {
Example #26

require 'model/message.php';
$openid = $_GET['openid'];
//$openid = '123';
$message = new Message();
$good = $message->get($openid);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/weui.css"/>
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;
            border-top: 1px solid #eee;
            border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
            text-align: center;
            margin-top: 5px;
Example #27

				<div id="content-cart-top" style="margin-top: 15px">
echo View::factory('shop/frontend/cart/v_cart_top');

			<div class="col-md-9">
echo Breadcrumb::run($breadcrumbs);
echo Message::get(false);
echo $content;


echo $v_footer;

Example #28
  *  Process the response as JSON with some extra information about the
  *  (success status of the form) so that jQuery knows what to do with the result.
 protected function process_ajax()
     if ($this->request->method() == HTTP_Request::POST) {
         // Allow for override. Set the form saved true for ajax request, if no errors
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
         } else {
         if ($this->_response_format === 'application/json') {
             $this->SetJson('Body', FALSE);
     } else {
         if ($this->_response_format === 'application/json') {
             $this->SetJson('Body', base64_encode($this->response->body()));
     if ($this->_response_format === 'application/json') {
         if ($this->request->query('draw') !== NULL) {
         $scripts = Assets::js(FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, Assets::FORMAT_AJAX);
         $styles = Assets::css(FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, Assets::FORMAT_AJAX);
         $this->SetJson('FormSaved', $this->_formsaved);
         $this->SetJson('messages', Message::get(NULL, NULL, TRUE));
         $this->SetJson('errors', $this->_errors);
         $this->SetJson('redirect', Request::$redirect_url);
         $this->SetJson('title', $this->title);
         $this->SetJson('subtitle', $this->subtitle);
         $this->SetJson('css', $styles);
         $this->SetJson('js', $scripts);
         if (!Valid::utf8($this->_json['Body'])) {
             $this->_json['Body'] = utf8_encode($this->_json['Body']);
         $this->_json['Data'] = JSON::encode($this->_json);
Example #29
  * Get the last message of the conversation
  * @return Message
 public function getLastMessage()
     $ids = self::fetchIdsFrom('conversation_to', array($this->id), false, 'AND event_type IS null ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1', 'messages');
     if (!isset($ids[0])) {
         return Message::invalid();
     return Message::get($ids[0]);
Example #30
 function messages($reference_object, $reference_id)
     //todo:does this really belong on the controller?
     $model = new $reference_object($reference_id);
     //make sure the user owns the object that we are requesting messages for
     $message = new Message();
     $messages = $message->get($reference_object, $reference_id);