Example #1
  * Builds a system db for the test environment
  * @todo This replicates some code in Command/System/Build - needs to be much more DRY
 protected function buildTestSystemDatabase()
     // Load the Meshing_Test_Paths class
     $projectRoot = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
     require_once $projectRoot . '/tests/unit/Meshing_Test_Paths.php';
     Meshing_Utils::reinitialise(new Meshing_Test_Paths());
     $paths = Meshing_Utils::getPaths();
     // Build a system connection file
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_ConfBuilder();
     $task->addSchemas($projectRoot . $paths->getPathDbConfig(), $paths->getLeafStandardSchema());
     $task->setXmlFile($projectRoot . $paths->getFileRuntimeXml());
     $task->setOutputDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathConnsSystem());
     // Build the SQL for a test system database
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlBuilder();
     $task->addSchemas($projectRoot . $paths->getPathDbConfig(), $paths->getLeafStandardSchema());
     $task->setOutputDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathSqlSystem());
     // Run the sql
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlRunner();
     $task->setSqlDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathSqlSystem());
     $task->setMapFile($projectRoot . $paths->getFileDbMap());
Example #2
 protected function runCommand($command)
     $projectRoot = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
     $command = $projectRoot . '/meshing ' . $command;
     $output = array();
     exec($command, $output);
     return implode("\n", $output);
Example #3
 protected function useVersionStrategy()
     $paths = Meshing_Utils::getPaths();
     $strategy = new Meshing_Hash_Strategy_Version($this->conNode);
     return $strategy;
Example #4
 public function __construct()
     // Sets up default Propel build properties
     $projectPath = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
     $propertiesFile = $projectPath . '/vendor/propel-1.6/generator/default.properties';
Example #5
  * Testing syncing node 1 containing a few rows with node 2, which is empty 
 public function testSimpleSync1()
     // Set up data in node 1
     $fixtures = $this->projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getFixturesPath();
     $data = (require_once $fixtures . '/simpleSync1.php');
     $dbUtils = new Meshing_Database_Utils();
     $dbUtils->writeVersionableData($data, $this->node1, $this->conNode);
     // @todo Sync data into node 2 here :)
Example #6
 public function preRunCheck()
     if (!$this->opts->name) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Which node would you like have send updates? (use --name)');
     $this->node = P2POwnNodeQuery::create()->findOneByName($this->opts->name);
     if (!$this->node) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A node of that name is not registered');
Example #7
 public function run()
     $outFormat = '%-15s%-15s%-15s';
     $this->ruleOff($lineLength = 15 + 15 + 15);
     echo sprintf($outFormat, 'Name', 'Schema', 'Connection') . "\n";
     /* @var $ownNode P2POwnNode */
     foreach (P2POwnNodePeer::doSelect(new Criteria()) as $ownNode) {
         echo sprintf($outFormat, $ownNode->getName(), $ownNode->getMeshingSchema()->getName(), $ownNode->getP2PConnection()->getName()) . "\n";
Example #8
 public function run()
     $outFormat = '%-15s';
     $this->ruleOff($lineLength = 15);
     echo sprintf($outFormat, 'Name', 'Schema', 'Connection') . "\n";
     /* @var $schema MeshingSchema */
     foreach (MeshingSchemaPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()) as $schema) {
         echo sprintf($outFormat, $schema->getName()) . "\n";
Example #9
 public function preRunCheck()
     $name = $this->opts->name;
     if (!$name) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('The connection name must be specified.');
     // @todo Check that this connection isn't in use
     $this->connection = P2PConnectionQuery::create()->findOneByName($name);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('No such connection.');
Example #10
 protected function deleteDirectories()
     $projectRoot = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
     $schemaDir = $projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathSchemasNodes() . '/' . $this->opts->name;
     $modelDir = $projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathModelsNodes() . '/' . $this->opts->name;
     echo "Done.\n";
     $ok = @rmdir($schemaDir);
     $ok = $ok && @rmdir($modelDir);
     if (!$ok) {
         echo "Not (yet) deleting empty dirs. Please run these, if safe:\n";
         echo "rm -rf " . $schemaDir . "\n";
         echo "rm -rf " . $modelDir . "\n";
Example #11
 public function run()
     $outFormat = '%-15s%-12s%-15s%-40s';
     $this->ruleOff($lineLength = 15 + 12 + 15 + 40);
     echo sprintf($outFormat, 'Name', 'Adaptor', 'User', 'Host') . "\n";
     $connections = P2PConnectionPeer::doSelect(new Criteria());
     /* @var $connection P2PConnection */
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
         echo sprintf($outFormat, $connection->getName(), $connection->getAdaptor(), $connection->getUsername() ? $connection->getUsername() : 'n/a', $connection->getHost());
         echo "\n";
Example #12
  * Specify which connection on which to carry out the schema task
  * @param strings $connName Optional connection name (defaults to system connection)
 public function setPropelConnection($connName = Meshing_Utils::SYSTEM_CONNECTION)
     // Grab the db details directly out of the Propel config file
     $xmlPath = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot() . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getFileRuntimeXml();
     $conf = simplexml_load_file($xmlPath);
     /* @var $conf SimpleXMLElement */
     $entry = $conf->xpath('/config/propel/datasources/datasource[@id="' . $connName . '"]');
     // If an element doesn't exist here, we've probably got the connection name wrong
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $entry)) {
         throw new Exception("Connection name '{$connName}' not found");
     $entry = $entry[0];
     $this->setDatabaseCredentials((string) $entry->adapter, (string) $entry->connection->dsn, (string) $entry->connection->user, (string) $entry->connection->password);
Example #13
 protected static function readCommands($incHidden = false)
     static $commands = array();
     static $hidden = array();
     if (!$commands) {
         $projectRoot = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
         $consoleRoot = $projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathMeshingCommands();
         $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($consoleRoot);
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
         $regex = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\\.php$/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
         while ($regex->valid()) {
             // For safety!
             if ($i > 50) {
             // Get the full pathname of the class
             $item = $regex->current();
             $item = $item[0];
             // Strip out the full path bit, and generally tidy
             $item = str_replace($consoleRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $item);
             $item = str_replace('.php', '', $item);
             $className = 'Meshing_Console_Command_' . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', $item);
             $item = strtolower(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ':', $item));
             // Classes without this method are not commands at all
             $realCommand = method_exists($className, 'getDescription');
             // We consult a special method to determine whether to show the command
             if ($realCommand) {
                 $cmdClass = new $className();
                 $commands[$className] = $item;
                 if ($cmdClass->isHiddenCommand()) {
                     $hidden[] = $className;
         // Preserve the keys when sorting
     // Strip out hidden commands
     if (!$incHidden) {
         foreach ($hidden as $removeClass) {
     return $commands;
Example #14
  * Gets mixed array of MeshingOwnNode and *KnownNode objects to send to
 protected function getLocalAndRemoteReceiverNodes(P2POwnNode $node)
     // Rewrite the above from the perspective of the local 'to' node
     $localNodes = P2POwnNodeQuery::create()->joinMeshingTrustLocalRelatedByToOwnNodeId('TrustLocal')->useQuery('TrustLocal')->joinMeshingTrustType()->endUse()->where('TrustLocal.FromOwnNodeId = ?', $node->getId())->where('MeshingTrustType.Name LIKE ?', 'write%')->find();
     // Get array of node ids in remote database (we can't join between system and node dbs)
     $remoteNodeIds = MeshingTrustRemoteQuery::create()->joinMeshingTrustType()->where('MeshingTrustRemote.FromOwnNodeId = ?', $node->getId())->where('MeshingTrustType.Name LIKE ?', 'write%')->select('MeshingTrustRemote.KnownNodeId')->find()->getArrayCopy();
     // Initialise remote node models
     $schemaName = $node->getMeshingSchema()->getName();
     $con = Meshing_Node_Utils::getConnectionForNode($node);
     // Do select in node database for remote node ids
     $className = Meshing_Node_Utils::getNodeClassName($schemaName, 'KnownNodeQuery');
     /* @var $query JobsKnownNodeQuery */
     // (This is just an example - can be of any *KnownNodeQuery class)
     $query = call_user_func(array($className, 'create'), 'KnownNode');
     $remoteNodes = $query->where('KnownNode.Id IN ?', $remoteNodeIds)->find($con);
     /* @var $localNodes PropelObjectCollection */
     /* @var $remoteNodes PropelObjectCollection */
     return array_merge($localNodes->getArrayCopy(), $remoteNodes->getArrayCopy());
Example #15
 public function preRunCheck()
     // Used to track bad combos e.g. local-to AND remote-to
     $hasToLocal = $hasToRemote = false;
     $localFromName = $this->opts->{'local-from'};
     if (!$localFromName) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A local node must be specified (use --local-from)');
     if ($localToName = $this->opts->{'local-to'}) {
         $hasToLocal = true;
     // @todo Not implemented yet
     if ($remoteToName = $this->opts->{'remote-to'}) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Remote nodes are not currently supported');
         //$hasToRemote = true;
     // Check for bad combinations
     if ($localToName && $remoteToName) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('You cannot have a local-to AND a remote-to node');
     if (!$localToName && !$remoteToName) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('You must have one \'to\' node (use --local-to or --remote-to)');
     // Check that the local from actually exists
     $this->localFromNode = P2POwnNodeQuery::create()->findOneByName($localFromName);
     if (!$this->localFromNode) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A local node of that (from) name is not registered');
     if ($localToName) {
         $this->localToNode = P2POwnNodeQuery::create()->findOneByName($localToName);
         if (!$this->localToNode) {
             throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A local node of that (to) name is not registered');
     // We cannot trust ourselves, so to speak ;-)
     if ($localFromName == $localToName) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('There is no point in setting a node to trust itself');
Example #16
 public function preRunCheck()
     if (!$this->opts->name) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('Which node would you like to start? (use --name)');
     $node = P2POwnNodeQuery::create()->findOneByName($this->opts->name);
     if (!$node) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A node of that name is not registered');
     // Connect with this node's connection, and ensure there are rows in known_nodes
     $conn = Propel::getConnection($node->getP2PConnection()->getName());
     $schemaName = $node->getMeshingSchema()->getName();
     // Obtain the number of trusted nodes
     $class = Meshing_Node_Utils::getNodeClassName($schemaName, 'KnownNodePeer');
     $knownNodeCount = call_user_func(array($class, 'doCount'), new Criteria(), $distinct = false, $conn);
     // If there are no trust rows, we cannot start
     if (!$knownNodeCount) {
         throw new Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception('A node needs to trust other nodes before it can be started');
Example #17
 public function testMaxContention()
     // If Windows, we can't test
     if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
         user_error("Can't currently test locking on the Windows platform", E_USER_WARNING);
     // Append errors to this log file
     $logDir = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot() . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getTestLogPath();
     $childCount = 10;
     for ($id = 0; $id < $childCount; $id++) {
         $command = 'php "' . __FILE__ . '" ' . CHILD_TOKEN . ' ' . $id;
         $background = '>> ' . $logDir . '/' . LOCKING_TEST_LOG . ' 2>&1 &';
         $return = null;
         $output = system($command . ' ' . $background, $return);
         // @todo Need to find a way to detect if the process launch failed
         // (no $output is returned even if errors are output to stdout)
         if ($output === false) {
             user_error('There was a problem executing a background task', E_USER_WARNING);
     // Wait for all children to finish
     $iter = 0;
     $okCount = null;
     do {
         $completed = $this->allChildrenFinished($childCount, $okCount);
         // Time limit
         if ($iter > 20 && !$completed) {
             user_error("Time limit expired, but only {$okCount} of {$childCount} children finished", E_USER_WARNING);
     } while (!$completed);
     $this->assertEqual($okCount, $childCount, 'Check that all inserts have completed without race condition problems');
Example #18
 protected function runFixtures($verbose)
     $fixturesFile = $this->projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathSystemFixtures() . '/fixtures.php';
     if (file_exists($fixturesFile)) {
         $runner = new Meshing_Propel_FixturesRunner($fixturesFile);
Example #19
  * Useful when testing and wishing to reset the paths class
  * @param Meshing_Paths $paths 
 public static function reinitialise(Meshing_Paths $paths)
     if (self::$isMeshingInitialised) {
         self::$isMeshingInitialised = false;
         self::$oldIncludes = null;
Example #20
 public function testCreateChangeTables()
     $paths = Meshing_Utils::getPaths();
     $snippetsPath = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot() . $paths->getPathSystemSnippets();
     $tables = $this->xml->getTables();
     $changeTables = $this->xml->createChangeTables($snippetsPath . '/change_table.xml', $tables);
     $this->assertEqual(count($tables), count($changeTables), 'Ensure there is a change table for each real table');
     // @todo Check that the prefix is the same for each change table
     // @todo Check that the FKs in each change table are mapped to current table PK equivs
Example #21
  * Get XML version of default runtime file, returns temp version to convert to PHP
 protected function createRuntimeXml($runTime, $newRunTime)
     // Ensure the file exists
     if (!is_readable($runTime)) {
         throw new Exception("Can't load runtime configuration");
     // Ensure the new file won't overwrite the old one!
     if ($runTime == $newRunTime) {
         throw new Exception('The new XML location must be different to the existing one');
     // Load up the XML doc
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($runTime);
     // @todo Validate XML file
     // Grab the connections known to the system (@todo would we want more than 50!?)
     $c = new Criteria();
     $connections = P2PConnectionPeer::doSelect($c);
     // Add each connection in as a datasource
     /* @var $connection P2PConnection */
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
         // Modify XML document
         $element = $xml->propel->datasources->addChild('datasource');
         $element['id'] = $connection->getName();
         $inner1 = $element->addChild('adapter', $connection->getAdaptor());
         $inner2 = $element->addChild('connection');
         $inner2->addChild('dsn', $connection->getCalculatedDsn());
         $inner2->addChild('user', $connection->getUsername());
         $inner2->addChild('password', $connection->getPassword());
     // Write out modified XML doc to new file
Example #22
 public function __construct($inFilename, $outFilename)
     $this->xml = simplexml_load_file($inFilename, 'Meshing_Schema_Element');
     $this->filename = $outFilename;
     $this->snippetDir = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot() . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathSystemSnippets();
Example #23

// Set up project
$projectRoot = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..');
require_once $projectRoot . '/lib/Meshing/Paths.php';
require_once $projectRoot . '/tests/unit/Meshing_Test_Paths.php';
require_once $projectRoot . '/lib/Meshing/Utils.php';
Meshing_Utils::reinitialise(new Meshing_Test_Paths());
// Init simpletest
require_once 'simpletest/autorun.php';
class PropelModelTestCase extends Meshing_Test_DatabaseTestCase
    public function __construct($label = false)
        parent::__construct('test_model', $label);
     * Tests the building of node model class files
    public function testClassBuilder()
        // Do generation of classes and all checking
     * This is an extended list of expected classes
     * @return array
    protected function expectedClasses()
Example #24

// System initialisation (some hardwiring required before autoloader kicks in)
$projectRoot = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');
require_once $projectRoot . '/lib/Meshing/Paths.php';
require_once $projectRoot . '/lib/Meshing/Utils.php';
Meshing_Utils::initialise(new Meshing_Paths());
// Pop off the script name, grab the command, pop again
$command = array_key_exists(0, $argv) ? $argv[0] : null;
if ($command) {
    $className = Meshing_Console_Utils::getCommandClass($command);
    if ($className === false) {
        echo "Unrecognised command.\n";
} else {
    $className = 'Meshing_Console_Command_Help';
// Run the implementation
try {
    $ok = Meshing_Console_Utils::runCommand($className, $argv);
} catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
} catch (Meshing_Console_RunException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Example #25
  * Runs the already-built SQL for the system db (deletes the existing system tables)
  * @todo This is similar to system:build, fix this?
  * @param string $projectRoot 
 protected function runSql($projectRoot)
     $sqlDir = $projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathSqlNodes() . '/' . $this->opts->name;
     $mapFile = $projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getFileDbMap();
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlRunner();
     // Set build properties (@todo switch this to use setPropelConnection)
     $task->addProperty('propel.database', $this->connection->getAdaptor());
     $task->addProperty('propel.database.url', $this->connection->getCalculatedDsn());
     $task->addProperty('propel.database.user', $this->connection->getUsername());
     $task->addProperty('propel.database.password', $this->connection->getPassword());
Example #26
 protected function createConf()
     $paths = Meshing_Utils::getPaths();
     $configName = $paths->getLeafRuntimePhp();
     $this->convertConf($this->projectRoot . $paths->getFileRuntimeXml(), $this->projectRoot . $paths->getPathConnsNodes($this->opts->name), $configName);
     // We only want the autoloading file, not the connections file... deleting to be tidy!
     $configPath = $this->projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathConnsNodes($this->opts->name) . '/' . $configName;
Example #27
  * Connect to the new connection, and throw exception if it fails
  * @return boolean
 protected function testNewConnection()
     if ($this->opts->test) {
         try {
             $conn = Propel::getConnection($this->opts->name);
         } catch (PropelException $e) {
             throw new Meshing_Console_RunException($e->getMessage());
     return true;
Example #28
  * Initialise the test system and test node databases
  * Can't init the test node db in the constructor, since the conf file may not be created
 protected function initConnections()
     Meshing_Utils::initialiseDb($testMode = true);
     Meshing_Utils::initialiseNodeDbs($this->package, $testMode);
     $this->conSystem = Propel::getConnection(Meshing_Utils::CONN_SYSTEM_TEST);
     $this->conNode = Propel::getConnection(Meshing_Utils::CONN_NODE_TEST_1);
Example #29
  * Gets an instance of the hashing object
  * It is possible that Meshing will connect to several connections, either in a production
  * nodeset where several databases are in use, or in testing. To ensure our provider uses
  * the right connection, we cache hash providers per connection.
  * @staticvar Meshing_Hash_Base $hashProvider
  * @param PropelPDO $con
  * @return Meshing_Hash_Base
 protected function getHashProvider(Meshing_Database_Connection $con)
     $key = (string) $con;
     if (!array_key_exists($key, self::$hashProviders)) {
         self::$hashProviders[$key] = Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getHashProvider($con);
     return self::$hashProviders[$key];
Example #30
 public function __construct($fixturesFile)
     $this->fixturesFile = $fixturesFile;