Example #1
if (isset($_GET['barcode'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['mbrid']) and $_GET['mbrid']) {
        $memberQ = new MemberQuery();
        $mbr = $memberQ->get($_GET['mbrid']);
        echo '<p>';
        echo $loc->getText("Checked in %barcode% for ", array('barcode' => $_GET['barcode']));
        echo '<a href="../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=' . HURL($mbr->getMbrid()) . '&amp;reset=Y">';
        echo $loc->getText("%fname% %lname%", array('fname' => $mbr->getFirstName(), 'lname' => $mbr->getLastName()));
        echo '</a>.';
        echo '</p>';
        if (isset($_GET['late']) and $_GET['late']) {
            echo '<p><font class="error">' . $loc->getText("mbrViewOutHdr7") . ': ' . $_GET['late'] . '</font></p>';
        $acctQ = new MemberAccountQuery();
        $balance = $acctQ->getBalance($mbr->getMbrid());
        $balMsg = "";
        if ($balance > 0) {
            $balText = moneyFormat($balance, 2);
            $balMsg = "<font class=\"error\">" . $loc->getText("mbrViewBalMsg", array("bal" => $balText)) . "</font><br><br>";
        echo $balMsg;
    } else {
        echo '<p>' . $loc->getText("Checked in %barcode%.", array('barcode' => $_GET['barcode'])) . '</p>';

<form name="barcodesearch" method="POST" action="../circ/shelving_cart.php">
<table class="primary">
 function _purgeHistory($mbrid)
     $setQ = new SettingsQuery();
     $purgeMo = $setQ->getPurgeHistoryAfterMonths($this);
     if ($purgeMo == 0) {
         return TRUE;
     // do not purge at all when there might be unpaid overdue fees
     $acctQ = new MemberAccountQuery();
     $balance = $acctQ->getBalance($mbrid);
     if ($balance != 0) {
         return TRUE;
     $sql = $this->mkSQL("delete biblio_status_hist from biblio_status_hist" . " left join biblio_copy on biblio_copy.mbrid = biblio_status_hist.mbrid" . "  and biblio_copy.bibid = biblio_status_hist.bibid" . "  and biblio_copy.copyid = biblio_status_hist.copyid" . " where biblio_status_hist.mbrid = %N" . " and biblio_status_hist.status_begin_dt <= date_add(sysdate(),interval - %N month)" . " and biblio_copy.mbrid is null", $mbrid, $purgeMo);
     // history is not purged for copies that are not returned
     return $this->_query($sql, $this->_loc->getText("biblioStatusHistQueryErr5"));
Example #3
 function _checkout_e($mbcode, $bcode, $due, $date, $force)
     if ($date === NULL) {
         list($date, $err) = Date::read_e('today');
         if ($err) {
             Fatal::internalError("Unexpected date error: " . $err);
         $earliest = $latest = time();
     } else {
         list($date, $err) = Date::read_e($date);
         if ($err) {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't understand date: %err%", array('err' => $err->toStr())));
         $earliest = strtotime($date . " 00:00:00");
         $latest = strtotime($date . " 23:59:59");
     if ($due !== NULL) {
         list($due, $err) = Date::read_e($due);
         if ($err) {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't understand date: %err%", array('err' => $err->toStr())));
     if ($earliest > time()) {
         return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Won't do checkouts for future dates."));
     $mbrQ = new MemberQuery();
     $mbr = $mbrQ->maybeGetByBarcode($mbcode);
     if (!$mbr) {
         return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Bad member barcode: %bcode%", array('bcode' => $mbcode)));
     $mbrid = $mbr->getMbrid();
         $acctQ = new MemberAccountQuery();
         $balance = $acctQ->getBalance($mbrid);
         if ($balance > 0) {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Member owes fines: checkout not allowed"));
     $copyQ = new BiblioCopyQuery();
     $copy = $copyQ->maybeGetByBarcode($bcode);
     if (!$copy) {
         return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Bad copy barcode: %bcode%", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
     if ($copy->getStatusCd() == OBIB_STATUS_OUT) {
         if ($copy->getMbrid() == $mbrid) {
             # Renewal
             $reachedLimit = $copyQ->hasReachedRenewalLimit($mbrid, $mbr->getClassification(), $copy);
             if (!$force && $reachedLimit) {
                 return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Item %bcode% has reached its renewal limit.", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
             } else {
                 if (!$force && $copy->getDaysLate() > 0) {
                     return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Item %bcode% is late and cannot be renewed.", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
                 } else {
                     $copy->setRenewalCount($copy->getRenewalCount() + 1);
         } else {
             if ($force) {
                 list($dummy, $err) = $this->shelving_cart_e($bcode, $date, $force);
                 if ($err) {
                     return $err;
                 $copy = $copyQ->maybeGetByBarcode($bcode);
                 if (!$copy) {
                     Fatal::internalError("Copy disappeared mysteriously.");
             } else {
                 return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Item %bcode% is already checked out to another member.", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
     } else {
         $reachedLimit = $copyQ->hasReachedCheckoutLimit($mbrid, $mbr->getClassification(), $copy->getBibid());
         if (!$force && $reachedLimit) {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Member has reached checkout limit for this collection."));
     $days = $copyQ->getDaysDueBack($copy);
     if ($days <= 0) {
         if ($force) {
             # the checkout has probably already happened, just guess - FIXME?
             $days = 14;
         } else {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Checkouts are disallowed for this collection."));
     if ($copy->getStatusCd() == OBIB_STATUS_ON_HOLD) {
         $holdQ = new BiblioHoldQuery();
         $hold = $holdQ->maybeGetFirstHold($copy->getBibid(), $copy->getCopyid());
         if ($hold) {
             // FIXME: Y2K38. Before 2038, timestamp won't be outside valid range.
             $holdAge = Date::daysLater($date, $hold->getHoldBeginDt());
             if (OBIB_HOLD_MAX_DAYS > 0 && $holdAge > OBIB_HOLD_MAX_DAYS) {
                 $tooOld = true;
             } else {
                 $tooOld = false;
             if ($tooOld || $mbrid == $hold->getMbrid()) {
                 $holdQ->delete($hold->getBibid(), $hold->getCopyid(), $hold->getHoldid());
             } else {
                 if (!$force) {
                     return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Item is on hold for another member."));
     $oldtime = strtotime($copy->getStatusBeginDt());
     if ($oldtime > $latest) {
         return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't change status to an earlier date on item %bcode%.", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
     } else {
         if ($oldtime == $latest) {
             return new Error($this->_loc->getText("Can't change status more than once per second on item %bcode%.", array('bcode' => $bcode)));
         } else {
             if ($oldtime < $earliest) {
                 $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $earliest);
             } else {
                 $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $oldtime + 1);
     if ($due === NULL) {
         $copy->setDueBackDt(Date::addDays($date, $days));
     } else {
     if (!$copyQ->updateStatus($copy)) {
         Fatal::InternalError("Impossible copyQ update error.");
     $hist = new BiblioStatusHist();
     $histQ = new BiblioStatusHistQuery();
Example #4
#*  Search database for member
$mbrQ = new MemberQuery();
$mbr = $mbrQ->get($mbrid);
$sclQ = new SchoolQuery();
$sclName = $sclQ->getSchoolName($mbr->getSchoolId());
#*  Check for outstanding balance due
$acctQ = new MemberAccountQuery();
$balance = $acctQ->getBalance($mbrid);
$balMsg = "";
if ($balance > 0 && $balance >= $mbrMaxFines[$mbr->getClassification()]) {
    $balText = moneyFormat($balance, 2);
    $balMsg = "<font class=\"error\">" . $loc->getText("mbrViewBalMsg", array("bal" => $balText)) . "</font><br><br>";
#*  Show member information
require_once "../shared/header.php";

echo $balMsg;
echo $msg;