function dispLoggedIn($arrLoginInfo)
    global $MAIN_ROOT, $mysqli;
    $memberObj = new Member($mysqli);
     $arrLoginInfo['memberID'] = $memberID;
    $arrLoginInfo['memberUsername'] = $memberUsername;
    $arrLoginInfo['memberRank'] = $memberRank;
    $arrLoginInfo['pmCID'] = $pmCID;
    $arrLoginInfo['pmCount'] = $dispPMCount;
    $memberInfo = $arrLoginInfo['memberInfo'];
    $dispLoggedinBox = "\n\t\t<div class='loggedInSection'>\n\t\t\t<b>Account Name:</b><br>\n\t\t\t<p>" . $memberObj->getMemberLink() . "</p>\n\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin: 5px 0px'></div>\n\t\t\t<b>Rank:</b>\n\t\t\t<p>" . $arrLoginInfo['memberRank'] . "</p>\n\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin: 5px 0px'></div>\n\t\t\t<b>Member Options:</b><br>\n\t\t\t<ul class='loggedInMenuList'>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members'>My Account</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $arrLoginInfo['pmCID'] . "'>PM Inbox " . $arrLoginInfo['pmCountDisp'] . "</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/signout.php'>Sign Out</a></li>\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</div>\n\t";
    	<div class='loggedInIMG'></div>
    	<div class='menuLinks' style='padding-left: 8px'>
    		<b>Account Name:</b><br>
    		<a href='".$MAIN_ROOT."profile.php?mID=".$arrLoginInfo['memberID']."'>".$arrLoginInfo['memberUsername']."</a>
    		<hr style='width: 135px; margin: 6px 1px; padding: 0px; border: dotted whitesmoke 1px'>
    		<hr style='width: 135px; margin: 6px 1px; padding: 0px; border: dotted whitesmoke 1px'>
    		<b>Member Options:</b><br>
    		<b>&middot;</b> <a href='".$MAIN_ROOT."members'>My Account</a><br>
    		<b>&middot;</b> <a href='".$MAIN_ROOT."members/console.php?cID=".$arrLoginInfo['pmCID']."'>PM Inbox ".$arrLoginInfo['pmCountDisp']."</a><br>
    		<b>&middot;</b> <a href='".$MAIN_ROOT."members/signout.php'>Sign Out</a><br>		
    return $dispLoggedinBox;
function dispIAMessages($iaID)
    global $MAIN_ROOT, $dbprefix, $mysqli;
    $iaMember = new Member($mysqli);
    $counter = 0;
    $iaMessages = "";
    $iaMessagesQuery = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "iarequest_messages WHERE iarequest_id = '" . $iaID . "' ORDER BY messagedate DESC");
    while ($iaMessageRow = $iaMessagesQuery->fetch_assoc()) {
        if ($counter == 1) {
            $addCSS = "";
            $counter = 0;
        } else {
            $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
            $counter = 1;
        $iaMessages .= "\n\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine" . $addCSS . "' style='padding: 10px 5px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 80%;'>\n\t\t\t\t" . $iaMember->getMemberLink() . " - " . getPreciseTime($iaMessageRow['messagedate']) . "<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-left: 5px'>" . nl2br(filterText($iaMessageRow['message'])) . "</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t";
    if ($iaMessagesQuery->num_rows == 0) {
        $iaMessages = "<i>No Messages</i>";
    return $iaMessages;
Example #3
        $addCSS = "";
        if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
            $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
        $dateTimeObj = new DateTime();
        $includeTimezone = "";
        if ($eventInfo['timezone'] != "") {
            $dateTimeObj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($eventInfo['timezone']));
            $dispTimezone = $dateTimeObj->format(" T");
        $dispStartDate = $dateTimeObj->format("M j, Y g:i A") . $dispTimezone;
        echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='padding: 3px'><a href='info.php?eID=" . $eventInfo['event_id'] . "'>" . $eventInfo['title'] . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='padding: 3px' align='center'>" . $objMember->getMemberLink() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='padding: 3px' align='center'>" . $dispStartDate . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
if ($countEvents == 0) {
    echo "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='shadedBox' style='width: 30%; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<i>No visible events have been created!</i>\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";

Example #4
        $oldRecruiterInfo = $memberObj->get_info_filtered();
    // Check Recruiter
    if (!$memberObj->select($_POST['newrecruiter'])) {
        $dispError = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid Recruiter.<br>";
    } else {
        $newRecruiterInfo = $memberObj->get_info_filtered();
    if ($countErrors == 0) {
        $arrColumns = array("recruiter");
        $arrValues = array($_POST['newrecruiter']);
        if ($memberObj->update($arrColumns, $arrValues)) {
            $logMessage = $member->getMemberLink() . " changed " . $newMemberInfo['username'] . "'s recruiter from " . $oldRecruiterInfo['username'] . " to " . $newRecruiterInfo['username'] . ".<br><br><b>Reason:</b><br>" . filterText($_POST['reason']);
            echo "\n\t\t\t\t<div style='display: none' id='successBox'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSuccessfully set " . $memberObj->getMemberLink() . "'s recruiter to <b>" . $newRecruiterInfo['username'] . "</b>!\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\tpopupDialog('Set Member\\'s Recruiter', '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members', 'successBox');\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
            $memberObj->postNotification("Your recruiter has been set to " . $newMemberInfo['username'] . "!");
        } else {
            $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> Unable to save information to the database.  Please contact the website administrator.<br>";
    if ($countErrors > 0) {
        $_POST = filterArray($_POST);
        $_POST['submit'] = false;
if (!$_POST['submit']) {
    $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT " . $dbprefix . "members.* FROM " . $dbprefix . "members, " . $dbprefix . "ranks WHERE " . $dbprefix . "ranks.rank_id = " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id AND " . $dbprefix . "members.disabled = '0' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id != '1' ORDER BY " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum DESC, " . $dbprefix . "members.username");
Example #5
 public function displayMessage($donationID, $css = "")
     if ($this->donationObj->select($donationID)) {
         $member = new Member($this->MySQL);
         $donationInfo = $this->donationObj->get_info_filtered();
         if ($member->select($donationInfo['member_id'])) {
             $extraName = $donationInfo['name'] != "" ? " <i>(" . $donationInfo['name'] . ")</i>" : "";
             $dispDonatorName = $member->getMemberLink() . $extraName;
         } else {
             $dispDonatorName = $donationInfo['name'] == "" ? "Anonymous" : $donationInfo['name'];
         include BASE_DIRECTORY . "plugins/donations/include/messages_template.php";
Example #6
 * License:
if (!defined("SHOW_MANAGERLIST")) {
    include_once "../../../_setup.php";
    include_once "../../../classes/member.php";
    include_once "../../../classes/rank.php";
    include_once "../../../classes/tournament.php";
    $consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
    $cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Tournaments");
    $member = new Member($mysqli);
    $tournamentObj = new Tournament($mysqli);
    if (!$member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) || !$tournamentObj->select($_POST['tID']) || $tournamentObj->get_info("member_id") != $memberInfo['member_id'] || !$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$arrManagers = $tournamentObj->getManagers();
foreach ($arrManagers as $tManagerID => $tMemberID) {
    echo "<div class='mttPlayerSlot main'>" . $member->getMemberLink() . "<div class='mttDeletePlayer'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteManager('" . $tManagerID . "')\">X</a></div></div>";
if (count($arrManagers) == 0) {
    echo "\n\t\t<div class='shadedBox' style='width: 75%; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto'>\n\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t<i>No managers assigned to this tournament.</i>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t";

Example #7
        $counter = 1;
    } else {
        $counter = 0;
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "\n\t<div class='menusNewestMembersItemWrapper dottedLine " . $addCSS . "'>";
    $newestMemberInfo = $menuMemberObj->get_info_filtered();
    $checkURL = parse_url($newestMemberInfo['profilepic']);
    if ((!isset($checkURL['scheme']) || $checkURL['scheme'] == "") && $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] != "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'];
    } elseif ($newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/rockyice/images/defaultprofile.png";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "\n\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersAvatarDiv'>\n\t\t\t<img src='" . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] . "'>\n\t\t</div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "\n\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersTextWrapper'>\n\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersName'>\n\t\t\t\t" . $menuMemberObj->getMemberLink() . "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersRank'>\n\t\t\t\t" . $menuMemberRankObj->get_info_filtered("name") . "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "\n\t\t<div style='clear: both'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "\n\t</div>";
$arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div></div>";
$forumActivityObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$arrSpecialMenuItems['forumactivity'] = "<div class='menusForumActivityWrapper'>";
$counter = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$arrShownTopics = array();
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "forum_post ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $blnShowPost = false;
    $menuTopicInfo = $forumActivityObj->objTopic->get_info_filtered();
Example #8
		<td class='formTitle' width="30%">Tournament Name:</td>
		<td class='formTitle' width="25%">Manager:</td>
		<td class='formTitle' width="25%">Start Date:</td>
		<td class='formTitle' width="20%">Status:</td>
$memberObj = new Member($mysqli);
$counter = 0;
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "tournaments ORDER BY startdate DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $dispManager = $memberObj->getMemberLink();
    $dateTimeObj = new DateTime();
    $includeTimezone = "";
    $dateTimeObj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
    $dispStartDate = $dateTimeObj->format("M j, Y g:i A");
    if ($row['timezone'] != "") {
        $dateTimeObj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($row['timezone']));
        $includeTimezone = " T";
    $dispStartDate .= $dateTimeObj->format($includeTimezone);
    if ($row['startdate'] < time() && $tournamentObj->getTournamentWinner() == 0) {
        $dispStatus = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/bluedot.png' title='Started'>";
    } elseif ($row['startdate'] > time()) {
        $dispStatus = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/orangedot.png' title='Forming'>";
    } elseif ($row['startdate'] < time() && $tournamentObj->getTournamentWinner() != 0) {
Example #9
} else {
    $dispSort = "<a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "top-players/recruiters.php?sort=down'><img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/uparrow.png'></a>";
    $_GET['sort'] = "up";
echo "\n\t\t<table class='formTable' style='margin-top: 50px'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' align='center' style='width: 5%; height: 14px'>#</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 60%'>Member</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' align='center' style='width: 35%'>Recruits - " . $dispSort . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t";
$counter = 0;
foreach ($arrMembers as $memberID => $statValue) {
    $addCSS = "";
    if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
        $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
    echo "\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='height: 30px'>" . $counter . ".</td>\n\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='height: 30px; padding-left: 20px'>" . $member->getMemberLink() . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' align='center' style='height: 30px'>" . $statValue . "</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\n\t\t";
    if ($counter >= 10) {
if ($counter < 10) {
    for ($i = $counter + 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
        $addCSS = "";
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
        echo "\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='height: 30px'>" . $i . ".</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' style='height: 30px; padding-left: 20px'><i>Empty</i></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main" . $addCSS . "' align='center' style='height: 30px'>-</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t";
echo "</table>";
include $prevFolder . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_footer.php";
Example #10
            $posterInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
            if ($posterInfo['avatar'] == "") {
                $posterInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultavatar.png";
            } else {
                $posterInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $posterInfo['avatar'];
            if ($row['newstype'] == 1) {
                $dispNewsType = " - <span class='publicNewsColor' style='font-style: italic'>public</span>";
            } elseif ($row['newstype'] == 2) {
                $dispNewsType = " - <span class='privateNewsColor' style='font-style: italic'>private</span>";
            } elseif ($row['newstype'] == 3) {
                $dispNewsType = "";
            $dispLastEdit = "";
            if ($member->select($row['lasteditmember_id'])) {
                $checkHTMLAccess = $member->hasAccess($checkHTMLConsoleObj);
                $dispLastEditTime = getPreciseTime($row['lasteditdate']);
                $dispLastEdit = "<span style='font-style: italic'>last edited by " . $member->getMemberLink() . " - " . $dispLastEditTime . "</span>";
            if (!isset($checkHTMLAccess)) {
                $checkHTMLAccess = $member->hasAccess($checkHTMLConsoleObj);
            $dispNews = $checkHTMLAccess ? parseBBCode($row['newspost']) : nl2br(parseBBCode(filterText($row['newspost'])));
            echo "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='newsDiv' id='newsDiv_" . $row['news_id'] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='postInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='float: left'><img src='" . $posterInfo['avatar'] . "' class='avatarImg'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='float: left; margin-left: 15px'>posted by " . $member->getMemberLink() . " - " . getPreciseTime($row['dateposted']) . $dispNewsType . "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='subjectText'>" . filterText($row['postsubject']) . "</span></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='clear: both'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='postMessage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . utf8_decode($dispNews) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='main' style='margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 5px'>" . $dispLastEdit . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p style='padding: 0px; margin: 0px' align='right'><b><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID . "&newsID=" . $row['news_id'] . "&action=edit'>EDIT</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteNews('" . $row['news_id'] . "')\">DELETE</a></b></p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
    } else {
        echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='shadedBox' style='width: 300px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto'>\n\t\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i>There are currently no news posts!</i>\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t";
Example #11
 $newTopicBG = "";
 $dispNewTopicIMG = "";
 if ($LOGGED_IN && $boardObj->hasNewTopics($memberInfo['member_id'])) {
     $dispNewTopicIMG = " <img style='margin-left: 5px' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/forum-new.png' title='New Posts!'>";
     $newTopicBG = " boardNewPostBG";
 // Get Last Post Display Info
 if (count($arrForumTopics) > 0) {
     $firstPostInfo = $boardObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
     $lastPostID = $boardObj->objTopic->get_info("lastpost_id");
     $lastPostInfo = $boardObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
     $dispLastPost = "<div class='boardLastPostTitle'><a href='viewtopic.php?tID=" . $firstPostInfo['forumtopic_id'] . "#" . $lastPostID . "' title='" . $firstPostInfo['title'] . "'>" . $firstPostInfo['title'] . "</a></div>by " . $postMemberObj->getMemberLink() . "<br>" . getPreciseTime($lastPostInfo['dateposted']);
 } else {
     $dispLastPost = "<div style='text-align: center'>No Posts</div>";
 $dispTopicCount = $boardObj->countTopics();
 $dispPostCount = $boardObj->countPosts();
 $arrDispSubForums = array();
 $arrSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
 foreach ($arrSubForums as $value) {
     $subForumInfo = $subForumObj->get_info_filtered();
     $arrDispSubForums[] = "<a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "forum/viewboard.php?bID=" . $value . "'>" . $subForumInfo['name'] . "</a>";
 $dispSubForums = "";
 if (count($arrDispSubForums) > 0) {
     $dispSubForums = "<br><br><b>Sub-Forums:</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . implode("&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>|</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;", $arrDispSubForums);
Example #12
 public function displayNewMembers($amountToShow = 5)
     $member = new Member($this->MySQL);
     $rank = new Rank($this->MySQL);
     if (file_exists(BASE_DIRECTORY . "themes/" . $this->dir . "/menus/newmembers.php")) {
         if (!defined("NEWMEMBERS_MENUITEM")) {
             define("NEWMEMBERS_MENUITEM", true);
         include BASE_DIRECTORY . "themes/" . $this->dir . "/menus/newmembers.php";
     } else {
         echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersWrapper'>\n\t\t\t\t";
         $altColorSwitch = 0;
         $result = $this->MySQL->query("SELECT member_id FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "members WHERE rank_id != '1' ORDER BY datejoined DESC LIMIT " . $amountToShow);
         while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
             if ($altColorSwitch == 1) {
                 $addCSS = "";
                 $altColorSwitch = 0;
             } else {
                 $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
                 $altColorSwitch = 1;
             echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersItemWrapper dottedLine " . $addCSS . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersAvatarDiv'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $member->getProfilePic() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersTextWrapper'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersName'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $member->getMemberLink() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='menusNewestMembersRank'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $rank->get_info_filtered("name") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='clear: both'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t";
            if ($blnBasicChecks && in_array($_POST['teamID'], $arrUnfilledTeams)) {
                $tournamentObj->objPlayer->update(array("team_id"), array($_POST['teamID']));
            } elseif ($blnBasicChecks && !in_array($_POST['teamID'], $arrUnfilledTeams)) {
                $arrUnableToAddPlayer[] = $playerID;
echo "\n\t<table class='formTable' style='border-spacing: 0px'>\n\t\t\t";
$arrUnassignedPlayers = array();
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT tournamentplayer_id FROM " . $dbprefix . "tournamentplayers WHERE tournament_id = '" . $tID . "' AND team_id = '0'");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $playerInfo = $tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info_filtered();
    if ($member->select($playerInfo['member_id']) && $playerInfo['member_id'] != 0) {
        $arrUnassignedPlayers[$row['tournamentplayer_id']] = $member->getMemberLink();
    } else {
        $arrUnassignedPlayers[$row['tournamentplayer_id']] = $playerInfo['displayname'];
$counter = 0;
foreach ($arrUnassignedPlayers as $playerID => $playerName) {
    $plainTextUsername = "";
    if ($member->select($tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info("member_id"))) {
        $plainTextUsername = $member->get_info_filtered("username");
    if ($counter == 1) {
        $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
        $counter = 0;
Example #14
 $tournamentName = $tournamentObj->get_info_filtered("name");
 $playerID = $tournamentObj->getTournamentPlayerID($memberInfo['member_id']);
 $teamID = $tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info("team_id");
 // Get matches
 $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "tournamentpools_teams WHERE tournament_id='" . $tournamentID . "' AND ((team1_id != '0' AND team2_id = '" . $teamID . "') OR (team2_id != '0' AND team1_id = '" . $teamID . "')) AND (team1approve = '0' OR team2approve = '0')");
 while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
     if ($row['team1_id'] != $teamID) {
         $dispOpponent = $tournamentObj->getPlayerName($row['team1_id']);
     } else {
         $dispOpponent = $tournamentObj->getPlayerName($row['team2_id']);
     if ($tMemberObj->select($dispOpponent)) {
         $dispOpponent = $tMemberObj->getMemberLink();
     $dispPools .= "\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main' style='height: 20px'><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID . "&pID=" . $row['poolteam_id'] . "'>" . $tournamentName . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main' style='height: 20px; padding-left: 10px'>" . $dispOpponent . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main' style='height: 20px' align='center'>Pool</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t";
 $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "tournamentmatch WHERE tournament_id='" . $tournamentID . "' AND ((team1_id != '0' AND team2_id = '" . $teamID . "') OR (team2_id != '0' AND team1_id = '" . $teamID . "')) AND (team1approve = '0' OR team2approve = '0') ORDER BY round");
 while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
     if ($row['team1_id'] != $teamID) {
         $dispOpponent = $tournamentObj->getPlayerName($row['team1_id']);
     } else {
         $dispOpponent = $tournamentObj->getPlayerName($row['team2_id']);
     if ($tMemberObj->select($dispOpponent)) {
         $dispOpponent = $tMemberObj->getMemberLink();

if (!defined("MAIN_ROOT")) {
$donationMember = new Member($mysqli);
$dispMemberName = $donationMember->select($donationInfo['member_id']) ? $donationMember->getMemberLink() : "";
$dispName = $donationInfo['name'];
if ($donationInfo['name'] == "" && $dispMemberName == "") {
    $dispName = "Anonymous";
} elseif ($donationInfo['name'] != "" && $dispMemberName != "") {
    $dispName = $dispMemberName . " <i>(" . $donationInfo['name'] . ")</i>";
$dispMessage = $donationInfo['message'] == "" ? "None" : nl2br(parseBBCode($donationInfo['message']));
$i = 0;
$arrComponents = array("campaign" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'><a href='" . $campaignObj->getLink() . "'>" . $campaignInfo['title'] . "</a></div>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Campaign"), "datesent" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'>" . getPreciseTime($donationInfo['datesent']) . "</div>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Date Sent"), "paypalid" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'>" . $donationInfo['transaction_id'] . "</div>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "PayPal Transaction ID"), "amount" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'>" . $campaignObj->formatAmount($donationInfo['amount']) . "</div>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Amount"), "donationfrom" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'>" . $dispName . "</div>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Donated From"), "message" => array("type" => "custom", "html" => "<div class='formInput main'>" . $dispMessage . "</div><br>", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Message"));
$setupFormArgs = array("name" => "console-" . $cID . "-donationdetails-" . $donationInfo['donation_id'], "components" => $arrComponents);
Example #16
        $tempRankInfo = $rankObj->get_info();
        if ($powerRankInfo['ordernum'] < $tempRankInfo['ordernum']) {
            $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You may not change the selected member's recruit date.<br>";
    $recruitDate = $_POST['newrecruitdate'] / 1000;
    if ($recruitDate > time()) {
        $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid date.<br>";
    if ($countErrors == 0) {
        $arrColumn = array("datejoined");
        $arrValue = array($recruitDate);
        if ($memberObj->update($arrColumn, $arrValue)) {
            echo "\n\t\t\t\t<div style='display: none' id='successBox'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSuccessfully changed " . $memberObj->getMemberLink() . "'s recruit date!\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\tpopupDialog('Set Member\\'s Recruit Date', '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members', 'successBox');\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
            $logMessage = "Changed " . $tempMemInfo['username'] . "'s recruit date to " . date("D M j, Y g:i a", $recruitDate) . ".";
        } else {
            $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> Unable to save information to the database.  Please contact the website administrator.<br>";
    if ($countErrors > 0) {
        $_POST['submit'] = false;
if (!$_POST['submit']) {
    $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT " . $dbprefix . "members.member_id FROM " . $dbprefix . "members, " . $dbprefix . "ranks WHERE " . $dbprefix . "ranks.rank_id = " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id AND " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum <= '" . $powerRankInfo['ordernum'] . "' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id != '1' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.disabled = '0' ORDER BY " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum DESC, " . $dbprefix . "members.username");
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
Example #17
        $arrNewPlayers = explode("%0A", $playerList);
        $arrTeamPlayers = $tournamentObj->getTeamPlayers($_POST['teamID']);
        $teamPlayerCount = count($arrTeamPlayers);
        $blnErrorDuplicatePlayer = false;
        $blnErrorFullTeam = false;
        foreach ($arrNewPlayers as $newPlayer) {
            $newPlayer = urldecode($newPlayer);
            if ($teamPlayerCount < $tournamentInfo['playersperteam']) {
                if ($member->select($newPlayer)) {
                    $checkMemberID = $member->get_info("member_id");
                    if (!in_array($checkMemberID, $arrAllPlayers)) {
                        if ($tournamentObj->objPlayer->addNew(array("tournament_id", "team_id", "member_id"), array($tournamentInfo['tournament_id'], $_POST['teamID'], $checkMemberID))) {
                    } else {
                        $dispErrorMembers .= "<b>&middot;</b> " . $member->getMemberLink() . "<br>";
                        $blnErrorDuplicatePlayer = true;
                } elseif (!$member->select($newPlayer) && $tournamentInfo['access'] != 1) {
                    if ($tournamentObj->objPlayer->addNew(array("tournament_id", "team_id", "displayname"), array($tournamentInfo['tournament_id'], $_POST['teamID'], $newPlayer))) {
            } else {
                $blnErrorFullTeam = true;
$_POST['getWhat'] = "playerlist";
Example #18
             $intTop += $intMatchDistance * 30;
 for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
     $teamIDColumn = "team" . $i . "_id";
     $teamID = $row[$teamIDColumn];
     $dispName = "Empty Spot";
     if ($tournamentObj->objTeam->select($teamID)) {
         $teamInfo = $tournamentObj->objTeam->get_info_filtered();
         if ($tournamentInfo['playersperteam'] == 1) {
             $teamPlayers = $tournamentObj->getTeamPlayers($teamID, true);
             if ($tournamentObj->objPlayer->select($teamPlayers[0])) {
                 if ($member->select($tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info("member_id"))) {
                     $dispName = $member->getMemberLink();
                 } else {
                     $dispName = $tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info_filtered("displayname");
             } else {
                 $dispName = "Bye";
         } else {
             // Multi-Player Teams
             $dispPlayerList = "";
             $arrTeamPlayers = $tournamentObj->getTeamPlayers($teamInfo['tournamentteam_id'], true);
             foreach ($arrTeamPlayers as $playerID) {
                 $playerInfo = $tournamentObj->objPlayer->get_info_filtered();
                 if (is_numeric($playerInfo['member_id']) && $member->select($playerInfo['member_id'])) {
                     $dispPlayerList .= "<b>&middot;</b> " . $member->getMemberLink() . "<br>";
Example #19
        if (is_numeric($dispDSL) && $dispDSL >= 0 && $dispDSL <= $maxDSLIntervals) {
        } elseif (is_numeric($dispDSL) && $dispDSL > $maxDSLIntervals && $dispDSL <= $maxDSLIntervals * 2) {
        } elseif (is_numeric($dispDSL)) {
        if ($memberListInfo['loggedin'] == 1 && time() - $memberListInfo['lastseen'] < 600) {
            $dispStatus = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/onlinedot.png' onmouseover=\"showToolTip('" . $memberListInfo['username'] . " is Online!')\" onmouseout='hideToolTip()'>";
        } else {
            $dispStatus = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/offlinedot.png'>";
            if ($memberListInfo['loggedin'] == 1) {
                $member->update(array("loggedin"), array(0));
        echo "\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'><div class='memberPageImage'><img src='" . $rankListInfo['imageurl'] . "' width='" . $rankListInfo['imagewidth'] . "' height='" . $rankListInfo['imageheight'] . "'></div></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main'>" . $member->getMemberLink() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'>" . $dispMainGame . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t";
        if ($tableCols == 5) {
            echo "<td class='main' align='center'>" . $dispDSL . "</td>";
        echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'><div class='memberPageImage'>" . $dispStatus . "</div></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t";
    echo "<tr><td colspan='5'><br></td></tr>";
$totalMembers = array_sum($arrMemberCountCat);
<div style='margin: 20px auto'>

	<table class='formTable' id='membersPageTable' style='width: 85%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto'>
			<td colspan='3' class='main dottedLine' align='center'><b>Total Members:</b> <?php 
Example #20
 public function getDisplayValue($value)
     if ($this->arrObjInfo['componenttype'] == "profile") {
         $profileOptionType = $this->getProfileOptionType();
         switch ($profileOptionType) {
             case "birthday":
                 $bdayDate = new DateTime();
                 $bdayDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                 $returnVal = $bdayDate->format("M j, Y");
             case "maingame":
             case "gamesplayed":
                 $gameObj = new Game($this->MySQL);
                 $returnVal = "Unknown Game";
                 if ($gameObj->select($value)) {
                     $returnVal = $gameObj->get_info_filtered("name");
             case "recruiter":
                 $memberObj = new Member($this->MySQL);
                 $returnVal = "Not Set";
                 if ($memberObj->select($value)) {
                     $returnVal = $memberObj->getMemberLink();
                 if ($this->profileOptionObj->get_info("optiontype") == "input") {
                     $returnVal = $value;
                 } else {
                     $returnVal = "Unknown Value";
                     if ($this->profileOptionObj->objProfileOptionSelect->select($value)) {
                         $returnVal = $this->profileOptionObj->objProfileOptionSelect->get_info_filtered("selectvalue");
     } else {
         $returnVal = $value;
     return $returnVal;
Example #21
            if ($countErrors > 0) {
                $_POST = filterArray($_POST);
                $_POST['submit'] = false;
        if (!$_POST['submit'] && !$_POST['cancel']) {
            $squadNewsInfo = $squadNewsObj->get_info_filtered();
            if ($dispError != "") {
                echo "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='errorDiv'>\n\t\t\t\t<strong>Unable to edit shoutbox post because the following errors occurred:</strong><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t{$dispError}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t";
            echo "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<table class='formTable'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='formLabel' valign='top'>Message:</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<textarea rows='10' cols='55' class='textBox' id='message_" . $squadNewsInfo['squadnews_id'] . "'>" . $squadNewsInfo['newspost'] . "</textarea>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center' colspan='2'><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='button' onclick=\"saveNewsPost('" . $squadNewsInfo['squad_id'] . "', '" . $squadNewsInfo['squadnews_id'] . "')\" value='Save' class='submitButton' style='width: 90px'><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"cancelEdit('" . $squadNewsInfo['squad_id'] . "', '" . $squadNewsInfo['squadnews_id'] . "')\">Cancel</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
        if ($_POST['cancel']) {
            $squadNewsInfo = $squadNewsObj->get_info_filtered();
            $squadMemberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
            if ($squadMemberInfo['avatar'] == "") {
                $squadMemberInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultavatar.png";
            $dispLastEdit = "";
            if ($member->select($squadNewsInfo['lasteditmember_id'])) {
                $dispLastEditTime = getPreciseTime($squadNewsInfo['lasteditdate']);
                $dispLastEdit = "<span style='font-style: italic'>last edited by " . $member->getMemberLink() . " - " . $dispLastEditTime . "</span>";
            echo "\n\t\t\t<img src='" . $squadMemberInfo['avatar'] . "' class='avatarImg'>\n\t\t\t<div class='postInfo'>\n\t\t\tposted by " . $member->getMemberLink() . " - " . getPreciseTime($squadNewsInfo['dateposted']) . "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t<div class='postMessage'>\n\t\t\t" . nl2br(parseBBCode(filterText($squadNewsInfo['newspost']))) . "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t<div class='main' style='margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 5px'>" . $dispLastEdit . "</div>\n\t\t\t<p style='padding: 0px; margin: 0px' align='right'><b><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"editNews('" . $squadNewsInfo['squad_id'] . "', '" . $squadNewsInfo['squadnews_id'] . "')\">EDIT</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteNews('" . $squadNewsInfo['squad_id'] . "', '" . $squadNewsInfo['squadnews_id'] . "')\">DELETE</a></b></p>\n\t\t\t";
Example #22
echo "<ul>";
$focusID = "";
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "eventmessages WHERE event_id = '" . $eventID . "' ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $memInfo = $objMember->get_info_filtered();
    if ($memInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
        $dispProfilePic = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultprofile.png";
    } else {
        $dispProfilePic = $MAIN_ROOT . $memInfo['profilepic'];
    $dispDeleteMessage = "";
    if ($eventObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo['member_id'], "managemessages")) {
        $dispDeleteMessage = " - <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteMessage('" . $row['eventmessage_id'] . "', 'm')\">Delete</a>";
    echo "\n\t<li>\n\t<div class='profilePic'><img src='" . $dispProfilePic . "'></div>\n\t<div class='main messageDiv'><b>" . $objMember->getMemberLink() . "</b><br>\n\t" . nl2br(parseBBCode($row['message'])) . "<br>\n\t<div class='tinyFont' style='margin-top: 5px'>" . getPreciseTime($row['dateposted']) . $dispDeleteMessage . "</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div style='clear: both'></div>\n\t<ul id='commentsUL_" . $row['eventmessage_id'] . "'>\n\n\t";
    $arrMessageComments = $eventObj->objEventMessage->getComments(" ORDER BY dateposted ASC");
    foreach ($arrMessageComments as $commentID) {
        if ($eventObj->objEventMessageComment->select($commentID) && $objMember->select($row['member_id'])) {
            $commentInfo = $eventObj->objEventMessageComment->get_info_filtered();
            $memInfo = $objMember->get_info_filtered();
            if ($memInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
                $dispProfilePic = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultprofile.png";
            } else {
                $dispProfilePic = $MAIN_ROOT . $memInfo['profilepic'];
            $dispDeleteMessage = "";
            if ($eventObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo['member_id'], "managemessages")) {
                $dispDeleteMessage = " - <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteMessage('" . $commentID . "', 'c')\">Delete</a>";
Example #23
        $pmInfo = $pmObj->get_info_filtered();
        $useAltBG = " alternateBGColor";
        if (isset($arrPMMID[$key]) && $multiMemPMObj->select($arrPMMID[$key]) && $multiMemPMObj->get_info("seenstatus") == 1) {
            $useAltBG = "";
        } elseif (!isset($arrPMMID[$key]) && $pmInfo['status'] == 1) {
            $useAltBG = "";
        $addToPMValue = "";
        $addToPMURL = "";
        if (isset($arrPMMID[$key])) {
            $addToPMValue = "_" . $arrPMMID[$key];
            $addToPMURL = "&pmMID=" . $arrPMMID[$key];
        if ($_POST['folder'] == "-1" && $pmInfo['receiver_id'] != 0) {
            $dispSender = $member->getMemberLink();
        } elseif ($_POST['folder'] == "-1" && $pmInfo['receiver_id'] == 0) {
            $dispSender = $pmObj->getRecipients(true);
        } else {
            $dispSender = $member->getMemberLink();
        echo "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class='pmInbox main solidLine" . $useAltBG . "' style='padding-left: 0px' width=\"5%\"><input type='checkbox' value='" . $pmInfo['pm_id'] . $addToPMValue . "' class='textBox'></td>\n\t\t<td class='pmInbox main solidLine" . $useAltBG . "' style='overflow: hidden' width=\"30%\"><div style='width: 85%; white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis'>" . $dispSender . "</a></div></td>\n\t\t<td class='pmInbox main solidLine" . $useAltBG . "' style='overflow: hidden' width=\"35%\"><div style='width: 85%; white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis'><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/privatemessages/view.php?pmID=" . $pmInfo['pm_id'] . $addToPMURL . "'>" . filterText($pmInfo['subject']) . "</a></div></td>\n\t\t<td class='pmInbox main solidLine" . $useAltBG . "' width=\"30%\">" . getPreciseTime($pmInfo['datesent']) . "</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t";
    if (count($arrPM) == 0) {
        echo "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class='main' colspan='4'>\n\t\t\t<p align='center' style='font-style: italic'>\n\t\t\t\tThis folder is empty!\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\n\t";
    echo "</table>";
Example #24
		<td class='formTitle'>Rank:</td>
		<td class='formTitle'>Username:</td>
		<td class='formTitle'>Main Game:</td>
		<td class='formTitle'>Inactive Since:</td>
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT " . $dbprefix . "members.member_id, " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum FROM " . $dbprefix . "members, " . $dbprefix . "ranks WHERE " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id = " . $dbprefix . "ranks.rank_id AND " . $dbprefix . "members.onia = '1' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.disabled = '0' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id != '1' ORDER BY " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $memberListInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    $rankListInfo = $rankObj->get_info_filtered();
    $dispMainGame = "Not Set";
    if ($gameObj->select($memberListInfo['maingame_id'])) {
        $gameInfo = $gameObj->get_info_filtered();
        $dispMainGame = "<img src='" . $gameInfo['imageurl'] . "' width='" . $gameInfo['imagewidth'] . "' height='" . $gameInfo['imageheight'] . "' onmouseover=\"showToolTip('" . $gameInfo['name'] . "')\" onmouseout='hideToolTip()'>";
    echo "\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<img src='" . $rankListInfo['imageurl'] . "' width='" . $rankListInfo['imagewidth'] . "' height='" . $rankListInfo['imageheight'] . "' onmouseover=\"showToolTip('" . $rankListInfo['name'] . "')\" onmouseout='hideToolTip()'>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main'>" . $member->getMemberLink() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'>" . $dispMainGame . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' align='center'>" . getPreciseTime($memberListInfo['inactivedate']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\n\t\t";

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    echo "\n\t\t<p align='center'>\n\t\t\t<b>Total Inactive Members:</b>\t<?php echo {$result->num_rows}; ?>\n\t\t</p>\n\t";
} else {
    echo "\n\t\n\t\t<div class='shadedBox' style='width: 40%; margin: 20px auto'>\n\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\tThere are currently no inactive members.\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t";
include $prevFolder . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_footer.php";
Example #25
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info();
    $consoleObj->select($consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("View Event Invitations"));
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT em.* FROM " . $dbprefix . "events_members em, " . $dbprefix . "events e WHERE em.event_id = e.event_id AND em.hide = '0' AND em.member_id = '" . $memberInfo['member_id'] . "'");
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    echo "<table class='formTable' style='margin-top: 0px; border-spacing: 0px'>";
    $counter = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row = filterArray($row);
        $eventInfo = $eventObj->get_info_filtered();
        if ($member->select($row['invitedbymember_id'])) {
            $dispInvitedByLink = $member->getMemberLink();
        } elseif ($member->select($eventInfo['member_id'])) {
            $dispInvitedByLink = $member->getMemberLink();
        } else {
            $dispInvitedByLink = "<i>Unknown</i>";
        if ($counter == 1) {
            $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
            $counter = 0;
        } else {
            $addCSS = "";
            $counter = 1;
        if ($row['status'] == 0 && time() < $eventInfo['startdate']) {
            $dispActions = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"rsvpEvent('" . $row['eventmember_id'] . "', '1')\">Accept</a> - <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"rsvpEvent('" . $row['eventmember_id'] . "', '2')\">Decline</a>";
        } elseif ($row['status'] == 1 && time() < $eventInfo['startdate']) {
Example #26
    $tempSocialInfo = $member->objSocial->get_info_filtered();
    if ($tempSocialInfo['iconwidth'] != 0) {
        $dispSocialIconDimensions .= "width: " . $tempSocialInfo['iconwidth'] . "px;";
    if ($tempSocialInfo['iconheight'] != 0) {
        $dispSocialIconDimensions .= "height: " . $tempSocialInfo['iconheight'] . "px;";
    $dispSocialMedia .= "<a href='" . $socialInfo . "' target='_blank'><img class='socialMediaProfileIcons' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . $tempSocialInfo['icon'] . "' style='margin-right: 5px; " . $dispSocialIconDimensions . "'></a>";
if ($dispSocialMedia != "") {
    $addBar = "<div class='dottedLine' style='padding: 3px 0px; margin-bottom: 3px'></div><b>Follow Me:</b><br><p align='center'>";
    $dispSocialMedia = $addBar . $dispSocialMedia . "</p>";
$dispRecruiter = "Unknown";
if ($member->select($memberInfo['recruiter'])) {
    $dispRecruiter = $member->getMemberLink();
} elseif ($memberInfo['recruiter'] == 0) {
    $dispRecruiter = "Website Admin";
$arrRecruits = $member->countRecruits(true);
$totalRecruits = count($arrRecruits);
foreach ($arrRecruits as $recruitID) {
    $arrDispRecruits[] = $member->getMemberLink();
$dispRecruits = implode(", ", $arrDispRecruits);
$dispLastLogin = "******";
if ($memberInfo['lastlogin'] != 0) {
    $dispLastLogin = getPreciseTime($memberInfo['lastlogin']);
Example #27
 * License:
include_once "../../../_setup.php";
include_once "../../../classes/member.php";
include_once "../../../classes/rank.php";
include_once "../../../classes/news.php";
// Start Page
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage News");
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
$commentObj = new Basic($mysqli, "comments", "comment_id");
$newsObj = new News($mysqli);
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj) && $commentObj->select($_POST['commentID'])) {
    $commentInfo = $commentObj->get_info_filtered();
    $newsInfo = $newsObj->get_info_filtered();
    $posterInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    $logMessage = "Deleted comment by " . $member->getMemberLink() . " on news post: <b><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "news/viewpost.php?nID=" . $newsInfo['news_id'] . "'>" . $newsInfo['postsubject'] . "</a></b>";
    $arrComments = $newsObj->getComments();
    $commentCount = $newsObj->countComments();
include "../../../news/comments.php";
echo "\n\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\$('#commentCount').html('" . $commentCount . "');\n\t\t});\n\t</script>\n";
Example #28
include_once "../../../../classes/forumboard.php";
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$rankObj = new Rank($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Post Topic");
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    $posterRankInfo = $rankObj->get_info_filtered();
    $_POST['wysiwygHTML'] = str_replace("<?", "&lt;?", $_POST['wysiwygHTML']);
    $_POST['wysiwygHTML'] = str_replace("?>", "?&gt;", $_POST['wysiwygHTML']);
    $_POST['wysiwygHTML'] = str_replace("<script", "&lt;script", $_POST['wysiwygHTML']);
    $_POST['wysiwygHTML'] = str_replace("</script>", "&lt;/script&gt;", $_POST['wysiwygHTML']);
    if ($memberInfo['avatar'] == "") {
        $memberInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultavatar.png";
    } else {
        $memberInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $memberInfo['avatar'];
    $dispSetAvatarWidth = "";
    $dispSetAvatarHeight = "";
    if ($websiteInfo['forum_avatarwidth'] > 0) {
        $dispSetAvatarWidth = " width: " . $websiteInfo['forum_avatarwidth'] . $websiteInfo['forum_avatarwidthunit'] . ";";
    if ($websiteInfo['forum_avatarheight'] > 0) {
        $dispSetAvatarHeight = " height: " . $websiteInfo['forum_avatarheight'] . $websiteInfo['forum_avatarheightunit'] . ";";
    echo "\n\t\t<div class='breadCrumbTitle'>Preview - " . filterText($_POST['previewSubject']) . "</div>\n\t\t<table class='forumTable'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='boardPosterInfo' valign='top'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='boardPosterName'>" . $member->getMemberLink() . "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $posterRankInfo['name'] . "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<img src='" . $memberInfo['avatar'] . "' style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;" . $dispSetAvatarWidth . $dispSetAvatarHeight . "'><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPosts: " . $member->countForumPosts() . "\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='boardPostInfo' valign='top'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='postTime'>Posted " . getPreciseTime(time()) . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t" . parseBBCode($_POST['wysiwygHTML']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='boardPosterInfoFooter'></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='boardPostInfoFooter'></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t";
Example #29
        $counter = 1;
    } else {
        $counter = 0;
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div class='dottedLine " . $addCSS . "' style='padding: 5px 5px'>";
    $newestMemberInfo = $menuMemberObj->get_info_filtered();
    $checkURL = parse_url($newestMemberInfo['profilepic']);
    if ((!isset($checkURL['scheme']) || $checkURL['scheme'] == "") && $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] != "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'];
    } elseif ($newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/orangegrunge/images/defaultprofile.png";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; width: 43px'><img src='" . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] . "' style='width: 40px; height: 53px; border: solid black 1px'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; padding-left: 8px; width: 80px'><div style='font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 80px'>" . $menuMemberObj->getMemberLink() . "</div><div class='main' style='width: 89px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis'>" . $menuMemberRankObj->get_info_filtered("name") . "</div></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "</div>";
$arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div></div>";
$forumActivityObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$arrSpecialMenuItems['forumactivity'] = "<div style='margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px'>";
$counter = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "forum_post ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $blnShowPost = false;
    $menuTopicInfo = $forumActivityObj->objTopic->get_info_filtered();
Example #30
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$arrSquadPrivileges = $squadObj->arrSquadPrivileges;
// Check Login
$LOGIN_FAIL = true;
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
    $LOGIN_FAIL = false;
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    if ($squadObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo['member_id'], "acceptapps")) {
        $squadInfo = $squadObj->get_info_filtered();
        $counter = 0;
        $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "squadapps WHERE squad_id = '" . $squadInfo['squad_id'] . "' AND status = '0' ORDER BY applydate DESC");
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $newMemberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
            $squadInfo = $squadObj->get_info_filtered();
            if ($newMemberInfo['avatar'] == "") {
                $newMemberInfo['avatar'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/defaultavatar.png";
            if (trim($row['message']) == "") {
                $row['message'] = "None";
            echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='newsDiv'>\n\t\t\t\t<img src='" . $newMemberInfo['avatar'] . "' class='avatarImg'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='postInfo'>\n\t\t\t\t\tFrom: " . $member->getMemberLink() . " - " . getPreciseTime($row['applydate']) . "<br>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='postMessage'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<b>Message:</b><br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-left: 15px'>" . nl2br(parseBBCode(filterText($row['message']))) . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='dottedLine' style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px'></div>\n\t\t\t\t<p style='padding: 0px; margin: 0px' align='right'><b><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"decisionClicked('" . $row['squadapp_id'] . "', 'accept')\">APPROVE</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"decisionClicked('" . $row['squadapp_id'] . "', 'decline')\">DECLINE</a></b></p>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t";
        if ($counter == 0) {
            echo "\n\t\t\t<div class='shadedBox' style='width: 300px; margin-top: 50px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-style: italic'>\n\t\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\tThere are currently no pending squad applications!\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t";