Example #1
 public static function config(array $config = array())
     if (!$config) {
         return self::$_config;
     self::$_config = $config;
  * Retrieve (cached) metadata of a file
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param string $file An absolute path to a file
  * @param integer $level level of amount of info to add, `0` disable, `1` for basic, `2` for detailed info
  * @return mixed Array with results or false if file is not readable
 function metadata(&$Model, $file, $level = 1)
     if ($level < 1) {
         return array();
     $File = new File($file);
     if (!$File->readable()) {
         return false;
     $checksum = $File->md5(true);
     if (isset($this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum])) {
         $data = $this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum];
     if ($level > 0 && !isset($data[1])) {
         $data[1] = array('size' => $File->size(), 'mime_type' => Mime_Type::guessType($File->pwd()), 'checksum' => $checksum);
     if ($level > 1 && !isset($data[2])) {
         $data[2] = array();
         try {
             $Info = Media_Info::factory(array('source' => $File->pwd()));
             foreach ($Info->all() as $key => $value) {
                 $data[2][Inflector::underscore($key)] = $value;
         } catch (Exception $E) {
     for ($i = $level, $result = array(); $i > 0; $i--) {
         $result = array_merge($result, $data[$i]);
     $this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum] = $data;
     return $result;
Example #3
 public function testHasManyWithMissingMediaAdapters()
     $_backupConfig = Configure::read('Media');
     $_backupProcess = Media_Process::config();
     $_backupInfo = Media_Info::config();
     $s = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'zoomCrop' => array(100, 100));
     $m = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fitCrop' => array(300, 300));
     $l = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fit' => array(600, 440));
     Configure::write('Media.filter', array('audio' => compact('s', 'm'), 'document' => compact('s', 'm'), 'generic' => array(), 'image' => compact('s', 'm', 'l'), 'video' => compact('s', 'm')));
     Media_Process::config(array('image' => null));
     Media_Info::config(array('image' => null));
     $Model = $this->_model('hasMany');
     $file = $this->Data->getFile(array('image-jpg.jpg' => 'ta.jpg'));
     $data = array('Movie' => array('title' => 'Weekend', 'director' => 'Jean-Luc Godard'), 'Attachment' => array(array('file' => $file, 'model' => 'Movie')));
     $result = false;
     $expected = null;
     try {
         $result = $Model->saveAll($data, array('validate' => 'first'));
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $expected = $exception;
     if ($expected === null) {
         $this->fail('Expected Model::saveAll to raise an error.');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->Data->settings['transfer'] . 'img' . DS . 'ta.jpg'));
     $result = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array('title' => 'Weekend')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('id' => '1', 'model' => 'Movie', 'foreign_key' => '4', 'dirname' => 'img', 'basename' => 'ta.jpg', 'checksum' => '073addc9c90e4d20a9a19d8a31e01b39', 'group' => null, 'alternative' => null, 'path' => 'img/ta.jpg'));
     $this->assertEqual($result['Attachment'], $expected);
     Configure::write('Media', $_backupConfig);
Example #4
 public function testMediaFactorySourceFailStream()
     Media_Info::factory(array('source' => fopen("{$this->_files}/image_jpg.jpg", 'rb')));
Example #5
if ($cached = Cache::read('mime_type_glob')) {
    Mime_Type::config('Glob', array('adapter' => 'Memory'));
    foreach ($cached as $item) {
} else {
    Mime_Type::config('Glob', array('adapter' => 'Freedesktop', 'file' => $mm . DS . 'data' . DS . 'glob.db'));
    Cache::write('mime_type_glob', Mime_Type::$glob->to('array'));
 * Configure the adpters to be used by media process class. Adjust this
 * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. For example:
 * most PHP installations have GD enabled thus should choose the `Gd` adapter for
 * image transformations. However the `Imagick` adapter may be more desirable
 * in other cases and also supports transformations for documents.
 * @see GeneratorBehavior
require_once 'Media/Process.php';
Media_Process::config(array('document' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : null, 'image' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : 'Gd'));
 * Configure the adpters to be used by media info class. Adjust this
 * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. In contrast
 * to `Media_Proces` which operates only with one adapter per media type
 * `Media_Info` can use multiple adapter per media type.
 * @see MetaBehavior
require_once 'Media/Info.php';
Media_Info::config(array('image' => $hasImagick ? array('ImageBasic', 'Imagick') : array('ImageBasic')));
Example #6
 function testHasManyWithMissingMediaAdapters()
     $_backupConfig = Configure::read('Media');
     $_backupProcess = Media_Process::config();
     $_backupInfo = Media_Info::config();
     $s = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'zoomCrop' => array(100, 100));
     $m = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fitCrop' => array(300, 300));
     $l = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fit' => array(600, 440));
     Configure::write('Media.filter', array('audio' => compact('s', 'm'), 'document' => compact('s', 'm'), 'generic' => array(), 'image' => compact('s', 'm', 'l'), 'video' => compact('s', 'm')));
     Media_Process::config(array('image' => null));
     Media_Info::config(array('image' => null));
     $Model = $this->_model('hasMany');
     $file = $this->Data->getFile(array('image-jpg.jpg' => 'ta.jpg'));
     $data = array('Movie' => array('title' => 'Weekend', 'director' => 'Jean-Luc Godard'), 'Attachment' => array(array('file' => $file, 'model' => 'Movie')));
     $result = $Model->saveAll($data, array('validate' => 'first'));
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->Folder->pwd() . 'transfer' . DS . 'img' . DS . 'ta.jpg'));
     $result = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array('title' => 'Weekend')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('id' => 1, 'model' => 'Movie', 'foreign_key' => 4, 'dirname' => 'img', 'basename' => 'ta.jpg', 'checksum' => '1920c29e7fbe4d1ad2f9173ef4591133', 'group' => null, 'alternative' => null));
     $this->assertEqual($result['Attachment'], $expected);
     Configure::write('Media', $_backupConfig);
Example #7
 * in other cases and also supports transformations for documents.
 * @see GeneratorBehavior
require_once 'Media/Process.php';
Media_Process::config(array('document' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : null, 'image' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : 'Gd'));
 * Configure the adpters to be used by media info class. Adjust this
 * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. In contrast
 * to `Media_Proces` which operates only with one adapter per media type
 * `Media_Info` can use multiple adapter per media type.
 * @see MetaBehavior
require_once 'Media/Info.php';
Media_Info::config(array('audio' => array('NewWave'), 'document' => $hasImagick ? array('Imagick') : array(), 'image' => $hasImagick ? array('ImageBasic', 'Imagick') : array('ImageBasic')));
 * Filters and versions
 * For each media type a set of filters keyed by version name is configured.
 * A filter is a set of instructions which are processed by the Media_Process class.
 * For more information on available methods see the classes
 * located in `libs/mm/src/Media/Process`.
 * @see GeneratorBehavior
// $sRGB = $mm . DS . 'data' . DS . 'sRGB_IEC61966-2-1_black_scaled.icc';
$s = array('convert' => 'image/jpeg', 'fitCrop' => array(100, 100));
$m = array('convert' => 'image/jpeg', 'fit' => array(300, 300));
$l = array('convert' => 'image/jpeg', 'fit' => array(600, 440));
Example #8
 * in other cases and also supports transformations for documents.
 * @see GeneratorBehavior
require_once 'Media/Process.php';
Media_Process::config(array('document' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : null, 'image' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : 'Gd'));
 * Configure the adpters to be used by media info class. Adjust this
 * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. In contrast
 * to `Media_Proces` which operates only with one adapter per media type
 * `Media_Info` can use multiple adapter per media type.
 * @see MetaBehavior
require_once 'Media/Info.php';
Media_Info::config(array('image' => array('ImageBasic')));
 * Filters and versions
 * For each media type a set of filters keyed by version name is configured.
 * A filter is a set of instructions which are processed by the Media_Process class.
 * For more information on available methods see the classes
 * located in `libs/mm/src/Media/Process`.
 * @see GeneratorBehavior
// $sRGB = $mm . DS . 'data' . DS . 'sRGB_IEC61966-2-1_black_scaled.icc';
$s = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'zoomCrop' => array(100, 100));
$m = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fitCrop' => array(300, 300));
$l = array('convert' => 'image/png', 'fit' => array(600, 440));