Example #1
  * Advances the current position to the next match of a given matcher.
  * @param $matcher The matcher
  * @return The index of the tag which has been found, or false if the end of the souce has been reached
 public function find(Matcher $matcher)
     $oldPos = $this->pos;
     $result = $matcher->match($this->source, $this->pos);
     if ($this->pos !== $oldPos) {
         $this->line += substr_count($this->source, "\n", $oldPos, $this->pos - $oldPos);
     return $result;
Example #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function match($patternOrPatterns, $route = null, $priority = 5)
     if (is_array($patternOrPatterns)) {
         foreach ($patternOrPatterns as $pattern => $route) {
             $this->match($pattern, $route);
         return null;
     return $this->parent->match($this->prefix . '/' . $patternOrPatterns, $route, $priority);
Example #3
  * Performs the actual assertion logic.
  * If <code>$matcher</code> doesn't match <code>$actual</code>,
  * throws a {@link Hamcrest\AssertionError} with a description
  * of the failure along with the optional <code>$identifier</code>.
  * @param string $identifier added to the message upon failure
  * @param mixed $actual value to compare against <code>$matcher</code>
  * @param \Hamcrest\Matcher $matcher applied to <code>$actual</code>
  * @throws AssertionError
 private static function doAssert($identifier, $actual, Matcher $matcher)
     if (!$matcher->matches($actual)) {
         $description = new StringDescription();
         if (!empty($identifier)) {
             $description->appendText($identifier . PHP_EOL);
         $description->appendText('Expected: ')->appendDescriptionOf($matcher)->appendText(PHP_EOL . '     but: ');
         $matcher->describeMismatch($actual, $description);
         throw new AssertionError((string) $description);
Example #4
 public static function jsonStringMatchJsonString($expected, $actual)
     $expected = json_decode($expected, true);
     $actual = json_decode($actual, true);
     if (is_array($expected)) {
         Matcher::matchArrays($expected, $actual);
     } else {
         Matcher::matchPrimitives($expected, $actual);
Example #5
  * @param FixtureData $data
  * @throws FixtureException
 public function persist(FixtureData $data)
     $object = $data->getObject();
     $class = get_class($object);
     foreach ($this->mapping as $mapping) {
         if (!Matcher::match($class, $mapping['pattern'])) {
         return $mapping['persister']->persist($data);
     throw new FixtureException(sprintf('not matching for class "%s"', $class));
Example #6
 public function update(array $search, array $update)
     $filter = Matcher::factory($search);
     $this->jsonData = array_map(function ($item) use($filter, $update) {
         if ($filter->match($item)) {
             //item matches the filter
             foreach ($update as $updateKey => $updateValue) {
                 $item[$updateKey] = $updateValue;
         return $item;
     }, $this->jsonData);
Example #7
 public function testCompareMultiple()
     $comparator = new Matcher(['id' => '1', 'category' => 'bar']);
     $this->assertFalse($comparator->match(['id' => '1']));
     $this->assertFalse($comparator->match(['id' => '1', 'category' => 'bat']));
     $this->assertFalse($comparator->match(['category' => 'bar']));
     $this->assertTrue($comparator->match(['id' => '1', 'category' => 'bar']));
Example #8
        echo $itemId;
                    <section class="status<?php 
        echo $item['grade'];
                        <img class="pic" src="<?php 
        echo $goods['img'];

        echo Matcher::matchOrigin($goods['origin']);
        echo $goods['title'];

                        <div>总价:<span class="price">  <?php 
        echo sprintf('%.2f', $item['gross']);
                        <div>筹集方式:<span class="collect"><?php 
        echo $item['title'];
 private function matchesEmergencyNumberHelper($number, $regionCode, $allowPrefixMatch)
     $number = PhoneNumberUtil::extractPossibleNumber($number);
     $matcher = new Matcher(PhoneNumberUtil::$PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN, $number);
     if ($matcher->lookingAt()) {
         // Returns false if the number starts with a plus sign. WE don't believe dialling the country
         // code before emergency numbers (e.g. +1911) works, but later, if that proves to work, we can
         // add additional logic here to handle it.
         return false;
     $metadata = $this->getMetadataForRegion($regionCode);
     if ($metadata === null || !$metadata->hasEmergency()) {
         return false;
     $emergencyNumberPattern = $metadata->getEmergency()->getNationalNumberPattern();
     $normalizedNumber = PhoneNumberUtil::normalizeDigitsOnly($number);
     $emergencyMatcher = new Matcher($emergencyNumberPattern, $normalizedNumber);
     return !$allowPrefixMatch || in_array($regionCode, self::$regionsWhereEmergencyNumbersMustBeExact) ? $emergencyMatcher->matches() : $emergencyMatcher->lookingAt();
 public function formatNsnUsingPattern($nationalNumber, NumberFormat $formattingPattern, $numberFormat, $carrierCode = NULL)
     $numberFormatRule = $formattingPattern->getFormat();
     $m = new Matcher($formattingPattern->getPattern(), $nationalNumber);
     if ($numberFormat == PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL && $carrierCode !== NULL && strlen($carrierCode) > 0 && strlen($formattingPattern->getDomesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule()) > 0) {
         // Replace the $CC in the formatting rule with the desired carrier code.
         $carrierCodeFormattingRule = $formattingPattern->getDomesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule();
         $ccPatternMatcher = new Matcher(self::CC_PATTERN, $carrierCodeFormattingRule);
         $carrierCodeFormattingRule = $ccPatternMatcher->replaceFirst($carrierCode);
         // Now replace the $FG in the formatting rule with the first group and the carrier code
         // combined in the appropriate way.
         $firstGroupMatcher = new Matcher(self::FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, $numberFormatRule);
         $numberFormatRule = $firstGroupMatcher->replaceFirst($carrierCodeFormattingRule);
         $formattedNationalNumber = $m->replaceAll($numberFormatRule);
     } else {
         // Use the national prefix formatting rule instead.
         $nationalPrefixFormattingRule = $formattingPattern->getNationalPrefixFormattingRule();
         if ($numberFormat == PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL && $nationalPrefixFormattingRule !== NULL && strlen($nationalPrefixFormattingRule) > 0) {
             $firstGroupMatcher = new Matcher(self::FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, $numberFormatRule);
             $formattedNationalNumber = $m->replaceAll($firstGroupMatcher->replaceFirst($nationalPrefixFormattingRule));
         } else {
             $formattedNationalNumber = $m->replaceAll($numberFormatRule);
     if ($numberFormat == PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966) {
         // Strip any leading punctuation.
         $matcher = new Matcher(self::$SEPARATOR_PATTERN, $formattedNationalNumber);
         if ($matcher->lookingAt()) {
             $formattedNationalNumber = $matcher->replaceFirst("");
         // Replace the rest with a dash between each number group.
         $formattedNationalNumber = $matcher->reset($formattedNationalNumber)->replaceAll("-");
     return $formattedNationalNumber;
Example #11

use Lead\Jit\Spec\Fixture\Parser;
class NoNamespace
    public function hello()
        return "Hello World!";
function test()
    return "It's a test";
if (true) {
    echo "Hello World!";
Matcher::register('toBe', 'Kahlan\\Matcher\\ToBe');
Box::share('kahlan.suite', function () {
    return new Suite();

Outside PHP Tags

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo "Success";
  * Returns whether the given national number (a string containing only decimal digits) matches
  * the possible number pattern defined in the given {@code PhoneNumberDesc} message.
  * @param string $nationalNumber
  * @param PhoneNumberDesc $numberDesc
  * @return boolean
 public function matchesPossibleNumber($nationalNumber, PhoneNumberDesc $numberDesc)
     $possibleNumberPatternMatcher = new Matcher($numberDesc->getPossibleNumberPattern(), $nationalNumber);
     return $possibleNumberPatternMatcher->matches();
Example #13
  * Retrieve files match by user pattern
  * @return FileInfo[]
 public function getFiles()
     return $this->matcher->match($this->rootDirectory);
 function __construct($text, $ner_vocabs)
     parent::__construct($text, $ner_vocabs);
  * Returns whether the given national number (a string containing only decimal digits) matches
  * the national number pattern defined in the given {@code PhoneNumberDesc} message.
  * @param string $nationalNumber
  * @param PhoneNumberDesc $numberDesc
  * @param boolean $allowPrefixMatch
  * @return boolean
 public function matchesNationalNumber($nationalNumber, PhoneNumberDesc $numberDesc, $allowPrefixMatch)
     $nationalNumberPatternMatcher = new Matcher($numberDesc->getNationalNumberPattern(), $nationalNumber);
     return $nationalNumberPatternMatcher->matches() || $allowPrefixMatch && $nationalNumberPatternMatcher->lookingAt();
  * Formats a phone number in the specified format using client-defined formatting rules. Note that
  * if the phone number has a country calling code of zero or an otherwise invalid country calling
  * code, we cannot work out things like whether there should be a national prefix applied, or how
  * to format extensions, so we return the national significant number with no formatting applied.
  * @param PhoneNumber $number the phone number to be formatted
  * @param int $numberFormat the format the phone number should be formatted into
  * @param array $userDefinedFormats formatting rules specified by clients
  * @return String the formatted phone number
 public function formatByPattern(PhoneNumber $number, $numberFormat, array $userDefinedFormats)
     $countryCallingCode = $number->getCountryCode();
     $nationalSignificantNumber = $this->getNationalSignificantNumber($number);
     if (!$this->hasValidCountryCallingCode($countryCallingCode)) {
         return $nationalSignificantNumber;
     // Note getRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information for regions which
     // share a country calling code is contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
     // example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
     $regionCode = $this->getRegionCodeForCountryCode($countryCallingCode);
     // Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid
     $metadata = $this->getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode($countryCallingCode, $regionCode);
     $formattedNumber = "";
     $formattingPattern = $this->chooseFormattingPatternForNumber($userDefinedFormats, $nationalSignificantNumber);
     if ($formattingPattern === null) {
         // If no pattern above is matched, we format the number as a whole.
         $formattedNumber .= $nationalSignificantNumber;
     } else {
         $numFormatCopy = new NumberFormat();
         // Before we do a replacement of the national prefix pattern $NP with the national prefix, we
         // need to copy the rule so that subsequent replacements for different numbers have the
         // appropriate national prefix.
         $nationalPrefixFormattingRule = $formattingPattern->getNationalPrefixFormattingRule();
         if (mb_strlen($nationalPrefixFormattingRule) > 0) {
             $nationalPrefix = $metadata->getNationalPrefix();
             if (mb_strlen($nationalPrefix) > 0) {
                 // Replace $NP with national prefix and $FG with the first group ($1).
                 $npPatternMatcher = new Matcher(self::NP_PATTERN, $nationalPrefixFormattingRule);
                 $nationalPrefixFormattingRule = $npPatternMatcher->replaceFirst($nationalPrefix);
                 $fgPatternMatcher = new Matcher(self::FG_PATTERN, $nationalPrefixFormattingRule);
                 $nationalPrefixFormattingRule = $fgPatternMatcher->replaceFirst("\\\$1");
             } else {
                 // We don't want to have a rule for how to format the national prefix if there isn't one.
         $formattedNumber .= $this->formatNsnUsingPattern($nationalSignificantNumber, $numFormatCopy, $numberFormat);
     $this->maybeAppendFormattedExtension($number, $metadata, $numberFormat, $formattedNumber);
     $this->prefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode($countryCallingCode, $numberFormat, $formattedNumber);
     return $formattedNumber;
Example #17
 /** Performs matching on paths specified by arrays or objects.
  * @internal **/
 private static function _extractPaths($node, $paths, $context)
     $return = array();
     foreach ($paths as $key => $val) {
         if (is_int($key)) {
             // merge into current level
             $x = Matcher::_evalPath($node, $val, $context);
             if (is_scalar($x) || $x === null) {
                 throw new \Exception("Cannot merge scalar value" . (is_string($val) ? " produced by path `{$val}`" : "") . " Expected array or object.");
             if (is_object($x)) {
                 $x = (array) $x;
             $return = array_merge($return, $x);
         } else {
             $return[$key] = Matcher::_evalPath($node, $val, $context);
     return is_object($paths) ? (object) $return : $return;