public function getHomeResults() { $master = new MasterRestaurant(); $master->getHomeResults(); // // if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') // IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); // $searchType = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['search_type'], "No Type"); // $searchTerm = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['search_term'], "No Term"); // // $isResto = !($searchType == "5" || $searchType == "6"); }
public function updateDish() { if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); } $json = array(); $json['status_code'] = 1; $id_restaurant = isset($_POST['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_POST['id_restaurant']) : ""; if (!$id_restaurant) { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } $jsonDish = isset($_POST['dishes']) ? $_POST['dishes'] : ""; if (!$jsonDish) { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } $jsonArrayDish = json_decode($jsonDish); $objDish = new MasterDishModel(); $sem = array(); $semCheck = array(); foreach ($jsonArrayDish as $key => $value) { $arrDish = $objDish->getWhere("id_dish='{$value->id_dish}'"); if (count($arrDish) > 0) { foreach ($value as $key => $dish) { if (in_array($key, $objDish->crud_add_photourl)) { $picname = MasterRestaurant::savePic($dish); $arrDish[0]->{$key} = $picname; } elseif ($key == "category_name") { $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel(); $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name='{$dish}'"); if (count($arrCategory) == 0) { $objCategory->name = strtoupper($dish); $objCategory->status = "1"; $objCategory->save(); } $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name='{$dish}'"); $arrDish[0]->id_category = $arrCategory[0]->id_category; } else { $arrDish[0]->{$key} = $dish; } $arrDish[0]->id_restaurant = $id_restaurant; } $arrDish[0]->load = 1; $arrDish[0]->save(); $sem[] = "id_dish: " . $value->id_dish . " or " . $value->name . " are updated"; $semCheck[] = 1; } else { $sem[] = "id_dish: " . $value->id_dish . " or " . $value->name . " not found"; $semCheck[] = 0; } } // pr($semCheck); if (!in_array(1, $semCheck)) { $json['status_code'] = 0; } else { $json['status_code'] = 1; } $json['results'] = $sem; echo json_encode($json); die; }
public function getHomeResults() { $idHome = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_home'], "ID Not Found"); $currentLat = !Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_GET['latitude']) ? $_GET['latitude'] : ""; $currentLong = !Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_GET['longitude']) ? $_GET['longitude'] : ""; $home = new HomeModel(); $home->getByID($idHome); if ($home->status != "1") { Generic::errorMsg("Not Active Home"); } $page = addslashes($_GET['page']); if ($page == "" || $page < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("No Page Found"); } $limit = addslashes($_GET['limit']); if ($limit == "" || $limit < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("Limit Error"); } $begin = ($page - 1) * $limit; $extraQ = " LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $key = "key"; $results = array(); $searchType = $home->search_type; $searchTerm = $home->search_term; $query = $home->query; switch ($searchType) { case "0": break; case "1": $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $results = $resto->getWhere("restaurant_type='{$searchTerm}' AND show_in_apps='1' ORDER BY fav DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $resto->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $resto->crud_add_photourl; $key = "restaurant"; break; case "2": $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $results = $resto->getWhere("FIND_IN_SET('{$searchTerm}', id_categories) AND show_in_apps='1' ORDER BY fav DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $resto->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $resto->crud_add_photourl; $key = "restaurant"; break; case "3": $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $results = $resto->getWhere("id_cuisine='{$searchTerm}' AND show_in_apps='1' ORDER BY fav DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $resto->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $resto->crud_add_photourl; $key = "restaurant"; break; case "4": $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $results = $resto->getWhere("name LIKE '%{$query}%' AND show_in_apps='1' ORDER BY fav DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $resto->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $resto->crud_add_photourl; $key = "restaurant"; break; case "5": $dish = new MasterDishModel(); $results = $dish->getWhere("'{$searchTerm}' IN (dish_tags) ORDER BY id_dish DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $dish->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $dish->crud_add_photourl; $key = "Dish"; break; case "6": $dish = new MasterDishModel(); $results = $dish->getWhere("name LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY id_dish DESC {$extraQ}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $dish->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $dish->crud_add_photourl; $key = "Dish"; break; case "8888": break; default: break; } $json["results"]["latitude"] = $currentLat; $json["results"]["longitude"] = $currentLong; $json["results"][$key] = array(); foreach ($results as $o) { $sem = array(); foreach ($exp as $attr) { if (in_array($attr, $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl)) { $sem[$attr] = Generic::insertImageUrl($o->{$attr}); } else { $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr}); } } if ($searchType == "5" || $searchType == "6") { $sem['nama_restaurant'] = MasterRestaurant::getRestoNameByIDResto($o->id_restaurant); } if ($currentLat != "" && $currentLong != "") { $sem["distance"] = sqrt(pow(69.09999999999999 * ($o->latitude - $currentLat), 2) + pow(69.09999999999999 * ($currentLong - $o->longitude) * cos($o->latitude / 57.3), 2)); } else { $sem["distance"] = 0; } // $json["results"]["search_type"] = Generic::homeSearchType($searchType); $json["results"][$key][] = $sem; } $json['status_code'] = 1; echo json_encode($json); die; }
public function userUpdateProfile() { if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); } $idUser = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['id_user'], "ID user required"); $fullName = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['full_name'], "Empty Full Name"); $userName = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['user_name'], "Empty User Name"); $email = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['email'], "Empty Email"); $password = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['pwd'], "Empty Password"); $idCuisine = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['pref_cuisine'], "Cuisine Not Selected"); $birthday = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['birthday'], "Empty Birthday"); $phoneNo = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['phone_no'], "Empty Phone Number"); $fbId = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['fb_id']) ? "" : $_POST['fb_id']; $latitude = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['lat']) ? "" : $_POST['lat']; $longitude = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['long']) ? "" : $_POST['long']; $district = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['district']) ? "" : $_POST['district']; $city = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['city']) ? "" : $_POST['city']; $pic = Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($_POST['pic']) ? "" : MasterRestaurant::savePic($_POST['pic']); ///START OF LOVELY VALIDATION TIME if (!Generic::isValidUserName($userName)) { Generic::errorMsg("Username must only contains alphanumeric (and/or) \\'.\\', \\'-\\', \\'_\\'"); } if (!Generic::isValidUserNameLength($userName)) { Generic::errorMsg("Max username length is 20"); } if (!Generic::isValidEmail($email)) { Generic::errorMsg("Email format not valid"); } if (!Generic::isValidPassword($password)) { Generic::errorMsg("Password must contain minimum 5 character and no whitespace"); } $user = new UserModel(); $user->getByID($idUser); if ($birthday != $user->birthday) { Generic::errorMsg("Birthday cannot be changed"); } if ($userName != $user->user_name) { Generic::errorMsg("Username cannot be changed"); } if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($user->fb_id) && $fbId != $user->fb_id) { Generic::errorMsg("Facebook cannot be changed"); } else { $user->fb_id = $fbId; } ///END OF LOVELY VALIDATION TIME, HOW SAD :( $user->full_name = $fullName; $user->email = $email; $user->password = $password; $user->id_cuisine = $idCuisine; $user->phone_no = $phoneNo; if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($pic)) { $user->pic = $pic; } if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($latitude)) { $user->latitude = $latitude; $user->last_lat = $latitude; } if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($longitude)) { $user->longitude = $longitude; $user->last_long = $longitude; } if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($district)) { $user->district = $district; $user->last_district = $district; } if (!Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($city)) { $user->city = $city; $user->last_city = $city; } $user->status = "1"; $uid = $user->save(); if (!$uid) { Generic::errorMsg("Failed Creating User"); } else { $json['status_code'] = 1; $json['results']['fb_id'] = $user->fb_id; $json['results']['id_user'] = $idUser; $json['results']['user_name'] = $user->user_name; $json['results']['full_name'] = $user->full_name; $json['results']['email'] = $user->email; $json['results']['pic'] = Generic::insertImageUrl($user->pic); echo json_encode($json); die; } }
public function loadRestoDishNearBy() { if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); } $json = array(); $json['status_code'] = 1; $distance = isset($_GET['distance']) ? addslashes($_GET['distance']) : 20; if (!$distance) { Generic::errorMsg("Not Distance"); } $lat = isset($_GET['latitude']) ? addslashes($_GET['latitude']) : ""; if (!$lat) { Generic::errorMsg("No Lat"); } $long = isset($_GET['longitude']) ? addslashes($_GET['longitude']) : ""; if (!$long) { Generic::errorMsg("No longitude"); } $page = addslashes($_GET['page']); if ($page == "" || $page < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("No Page Found"); } $limit = addslashes($_GET['limit']); if ($limit == "" || $limit < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("Limit Error!"); } $begin = ($page - 1) * $limit; $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $objDish = new MasterDishModel(); global $db; $q = "SELECT *,SQRT(POW(69.1 * (latitude - {$lat}), 2) + POW(69.1 * ({$long} - longitude) * COS(latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance\nFROM {$objRestaurant->table_name} HAVING distance < {$distance} ORDER BY distance"; $arrResto = $db->query($q, 2); MasterDish::checkCount($arrResto); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objRestaurant->crud_webservice_allowed)); //tmbh untuk add photo url $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objRestaurant->crud_add_photourl; $arrPicsDishToAddPhotoUrl = $objRestaurant->crud_add_photourl; $json['results']['Dish'] = array(); $arrDishHelp = array(); $qdish = "SELECT objDish.*, SQRT(POW(69.1 * (objDish.latitude - {$lat}), 2) + POW(69.1 * ({$long} - objDish.longitude) * COS(objDish.latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance" . " FROM (SELECT menurevo__ms_dish.*, menurevo__ms_restaurant.latitude, menurevo__ms_restaurant.longitude FROM menurevo__ms_dish LEFT JOIN menurevo__ms_restaurant ON menurevo__ms_dish.id_restaurant = menurevo__ms_restaurant.id_restaurant ORDER BY menurevo__ms_dish.fav DESC)as objDish " . "GROUP BY objDish.id_restaurant HAVING distance < 20 ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; // echo $qdish; $arrDish = $db->query($qdish, 2); $arrDishHelp = array(); foreach ($arrDish as $dish) { $jarak = $dish->distance; $dish = MasterDish::getDish($dish->id_dish); $dish['distance'] = $jarak; $dish['nama_restaurant'] = MasterRestaurant::getRestoNameByIDResto($dish['id_restaurant']); $arrDishHelp[] = $dish; } $json['results']['Dish'] = $arrDishHelp; echo json_encode($json); die; }