public function setRestoCategories()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $idRestaurant = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['id_restaurant'], Keys::$ERR_NOT_FOUND_ID_RESTAURANT);
     $category = Generic::mustCheck($_POST['categories'], Keys::$ERR_NOT_FOUND_CATEGORIES);
     //category yang di passing harus berupa JSON ARRAY
     $arrNewCategory = json_decode($category);
     foreach ($arrNewCategory as $newCategory) {
         echo $newCategory->category_name . "<br>";
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $id_restaurant = isset($_POST['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_POST['id_restaurant']) : "";
     if (!$id_restaurant) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Restaurant ID not Found");
     $category = isset($_POST['categories']) ? $_POST['categories'] : "";
     if (!$category) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Category ID not found!");
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrOldCategories = explode(",", $resto->id_categories);
     $other = '[{"category_name":"OTHERS"}]';
     $other = json_decode($other);
     $jsonCategories = json_decode($category);
     foreach ($jsonCategories as $cat) {
         $jsonCategorieshlp[] = $cat->category_name;
     if (!in_array("OTHERS", $jsonCategorieshlp)) {
         $jsonCategories[]['category_name'] = "OTHERS";
     $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel();
     $idCategories = array();
     foreach ($jsonCategories as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category->category_name}'");
         if (count($arrCategory) == 0) {
             if (strtoupper($category->category_name) != strtoupper("OTHERS")) {
                 $objCategory->name = strtoupper($category->category_name);
                 //                    echo $objCategory->name;
                 $objCategory->status = "1";
                 $objCategory->is_drink = "0";
     foreach ($jsonCategories as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category->category_name}'");
         foreach ($arrCategory as $val) {
             $idCategories[] = $val->id_category;
     //compare old categories to new categories
     //cari yang dulu ada sekarang ga ada
     //migrasi dish ke others
     $missingCategories = array_diff($arrOldCategories, $idCategories);
     foreach ($missingCategories as $category) {
         $d = new MasterDishModel();
         $arrDishes = $d->getWhere("id_category = '{$category}' AND id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
         foreach ($arrDishes as $dish) {
             $dish->load = 1;
             $dish->id_category = "0";
     $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrResto = $objRestaurant->getWhere("id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
     if (count($arrResto) == 0) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $idCategories = implode(",", $idCategories);
     $arrResto[0]->id_categories = $idCategories;
     $arrResto[0]->load = 1;
     $idSave = $arrResto[0]->save();
     if (!$idSave) {
         Generic::errorMsg(Lang::t('save failed'));
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
         $json['results'] = "Success";
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function setRestoCategories()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $id_restaurant = isset($_POST['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_POST['id_restaurant']) : "";
     if (!$id_restaurant) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Restaurant ID not Found");
     $category = isset($_POST['categories']) ? $_POST['categories'] : "";
     if (!$category) {
         Generic::errorMsg("Category ID not found!");
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrOldCategories = explode(",", $resto->id_categories);
     $jsonCategories = json_decode($category);
     $jsonCategorieshlp = array();
     foreach ($jsonCategories as $cat) {
         $jsonCategorieshlp[] = $cat->category_name;
     if (!in_array("OTHERS", $jsonCategorieshlp)) {
         $jsonCategorieshlp[] = "OTHERS";
     $jsonCategorieshlp = array_unique($jsonCategorieshlp);
     $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel();
     $idCategories = array();
     foreach ($jsonCategorieshlp as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category}'");
         if (count($arrCategory) == 0 && !Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($category)) {
             $oc = new MasterCategoryModel();
             $oc->name = strtoupper($category);
             $oc->status = "1";
             $oc->is_drink = "0";
     foreach ($jsonCategorieshlp as $category) {
         $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name = '{$category}'");
         foreach ($arrCategory as $val) {
             $idCategories[] = $val->id_category;
     //compare old categories to new categories
     //cari yang dulu ada sekarang ga ada
     //migrasi dish ke others
     $missingCategories = array_diff($arrOldCategories, $idCategories);
     foreach ($missingCategories as $category) {
         $d = new MasterDishModel();
         $arrDishes = $d->getWhere("id_category = '{$category}' AND id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
         foreach ($arrDishes as $dish) {
             $dish->load = 1;
             $dish->id_category = "0";
     $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrResto = $objRestaurant->getWhere("id_restaurant = '{$id_restaurant}'");
     if (count($arrResto) == 0) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $idCategories = implode(",", $idCategories);
     $arrResto[0]->id_categories = $idCategories;
     $arrResto[0]->load = 1;
     $idSave = $arrResto[0]->save();
     if (!$idSave) {
         Generic::errorMsg(Lang::t('save failed'));
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
         $json['results'] = "Success";
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function updateDish()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $id_restaurant = isset($_POST['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_POST['id_restaurant']) : "";
     if (!$id_restaurant) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $jsonDish = isset($_POST['dishes']) ? $_POST['dishes'] : "";
     if (!$jsonDish) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $jsonArrayDish = json_decode($jsonDish);
     $objDish = new MasterDishModel();
     $sem = array();
     $semCheck = array();
     foreach ($jsonArrayDish as $key => $value) {
         $arrDish = $objDish->getWhere("id_dish='{$value->id_dish}'");
         if (count($arrDish) > 0) {
             foreach ($value as $key => $dish) {
                 if (in_array($key, $objDish->crud_add_photourl)) {
                     $picname = MasterRestaurant::savePic($dish);
                     $arrDish[0]->{$key} = $picname;
                 } elseif ($key == "category_name") {
                     $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel();
                     $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name='{$dish}'");
                     if (count($arrCategory) == 0) {
                         $objCategory->name = strtoupper($dish);
                         $objCategory->status = "1";
                     $arrCategory = $objCategory->getWhere("name='{$dish}'");
                     $arrDish[0]->id_category = $arrCategory[0]->id_category;
                 } else {
                     $arrDish[0]->{$key} = $dish;
                 $arrDish[0]->id_restaurant = $id_restaurant;
             $arrDish[0]->load = 1;
             $sem[] = "id_dish: " . $value->id_dish . " or " . $value->name . " are  updated";
             $semCheck[] = 1;
         } else {
             $sem[] = "id_dish: " . $value->id_dish . " or " . $value->name . " not found";
             $semCheck[] = 0;
     //        pr($semCheck);
     if (!in_array(1, $semCheck)) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $json['results'] = $sem;
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function createCategories($categoryName, $isDrink = "1")
     $cat = new MasterCategoryModel();
     $cats = $cat->getWhere("name='{$categoryName}'");
     if (count($cats) <= 0) {
         $c = new MasterCategoryModel();
         $c->name = $categoryName;
         $c->status = Keys::$YES;
         $c->is_drink = $isDrink;
         return $c->save();
     } else {
         return $cats[0]->id_category;