public function getCompetitivePricingForId($ProductID)
     WPLA()->logger->info('getCompetitivePricingForId() - ' . join(', ', $ProductID));
     $request = new MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Model_GetCompetitivePricingForASINRequest();
     // set idList
     if (!is_array($ProductID)) {
         $ProductID = array($ProductID);
     $idList = new MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Model_ASINListType();
     // invoke request
     try {
         $response = $this->service->GetCompetitivePricingForASIN($request);
         // parse XML response
         $dom = new DOMDocument();
         $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
         $dom->formatOutput = true;
         $xml_data = $dom->saveXML();
         // WPLA()->logger->info('XML: '.print_r($xml_data,1));
         $parsed_xml = $this->parseXML($xml_data);
         WPLA()->logger->debug('parsed_xml: ' . print_r($parsed_xml, 1));
         // echo "<pre>parsed_xml: ";print_r($parsed_xml);echo"</pre>";
         // unify results for single and multiple items - result is an array of items
         // if ( is_array( $parsed_xml->products ) ) {
         //     $products = $parsed_xml->products;
         // } else {
         //     $products = array( $parsed_xml->products );
         // }
         $result = new stdClass();
         $result->products = $parsed_xml;
         $result->success = true;
         // log to db - parsed request
         $this->dblogger->updateLog(array('response' => $xml_data, 'result' => json_encode($result->products), 'success' => 'Success'));
         return $result;
     } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Exception $ex) {
         $error = new stdClass();
         $error->ErrorMessage = $ex->getMessage();
         $error->ErrorCode = $ex->getErrorCode();
         $error->StatusCode = $ex->getStatusCode();
         $error->ErrorType = $ex->getErrorType();
         $error->RequestId = $ex->getRequestId();
         $error->XML = $ex->getXML();
         $error->HeaderMeta = $ex->getResponseHeaderMetadata();
         // log to db - parsed request
         $this->dblogger->updateLog(array('result' => json_encode($error), 'success' => 'Error'));
         return $error;
     $result = new stdClass();
     $result->success = false;
     return $result;