function index() { $this->load->model('marker'); $randomWords = array('africa', 'animals', 'architecture', 'art', 'australia', 'autumn', 'baby', 'band', 'barcelona', 'beach', 'berlin', 'bird', 'birthday', 'black', 'blackandwhite', 'blue', 'boston', 'bw', 'california', 'cameraphone', 'camping', 'canada', 'canon', 'car', 'cat', 'chicago', 'china', 'christmas', 'church', 'city', 'clouds', 'color', 'concert', 'cute', 'dance', 'day', 'de', 'dog', 'england', 'europe', 'fall', 'family', 'festival', 'film', 'florida', 'flower', 'flowers', 'food', 'football', 'france', 'friends', 'fun', 'garden', 'germany', 'graffiti', 'green', 'halloween', 'hawaii', 'hiking', 'holiday', 'home', 'house', 'india', 'ireland', 'island', 'italia', 'italy', 'japan', 'july', 'kids', 'la', 'lake', 'landscape', 'light', 'live', 'london', 'macro', 'may', 'me', 'mexico', 'mountain', 'mountains', 'museum', 'music', 'nature', 'new', 'newyork', 'newyorkcity', 'night', 'nikon', 'nyc', 'ocean', 'old', 'paris', 'park', 'party', 'people', 'photo', 'photography', 'photos', 'portrait', 'red', 'river', 'rock', 'rome', 'san', 'sanfrancisco', 'scotland', 'sea', 'seattle', 'show', 'sky', 'snow', 'spain', 'spring', 'street', 'summer', 'sun', 'sunset', 'taiwan', 'texas', 'thailand', 'tokyo', 'toronto', 'tour', 'travel', 'tree', 'trees', 'trip', 'uk', 'urban', 'usa', 'vacation', 'vancouver', 'washington', 'water', 'wedding', 'white', 'winter', 'yellow', 'york', 'zoo'); $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($emails); $i++) { $word1 = $randomWords[rand(0, count($randomWords))]; $leetI = str_replace('i', '1', $word1); $leetE = str_replace('e', '3', $leetI); $word2 = ucfirst($randomWords[rand(0, count($randomWords) - 1)]); $hashed = md5($word2); $randSeed = substr($hashed, rand(0, strlen($hashed) - 1), 2); $pass = $leetE . $randSeed; $marker = new Marker(); $marker->set('email', $emails[$i]); $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($pass)); $marker->create(); echo 'marker email ' . $emails[$i] . ' with pass ' . $pass . '</br>'; echo 'pass check ' . $marker->checkPass($pass) . '</br>' . '</br>'; } }
/** * Creates new marker accounts from a list of emails and sends emails to new markers. * */ function createmarkers() { if ($this->input->post('emails')) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['emails'] = 'valid_emails|required'; $fields['emails'] = 'referree emails'; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_message('valid_emails', 'All email addresses entered into %s must be valid, seperated by commas'); if ($this->validation->run() === TRUE) { $emails = explode(',', $this->input->post('emails')); $this->load->model('marker'); $this->load->model('email'); foreach ($emails as $email) { $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setKey($email); $password = $this->_createPassword(); $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($password)); if ($marker->create()) { $emailData['email'] = $email; $emailData['password'] = $password; $msg = $this->load->view('email/new_marker', $emailData, TRUE); $subject = 'Next step in your application'; $emailToStore = new Email(); $emailToStore->set('sender', '*****@*****.**'); $emailToStore->set('receiver', $email); $emailToStore->set('subject', $subject); $emailToStore->set('message', $msg); $emailToStore->create(); $viewData['messages'][] = "Successfully created marker account for {$email} with password {$password}"; } else { } } } } if ($this->validation->error_string) { $viewData['errors'][] = $this->validation->error_string; } $viewData['token'] = $this->_token(); $this->load->view('control/create_markers', $viewData); }
function index() { return; $this->load->model('marker'); $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); $words = array('dance', 'el3phant', 'cam3ra'); $i = 1; foreach ($emails as $email) { $i++; if ($i > 2) { $i = 0; } $marker = new Marker(); $pass = substr(uniqid(), 2, 2) . $words[$i]; $marker->setKey($email); $newPass = $marker->makePass($pass); $marker->set('password', $newPass); $marker->create(); echo '<br>Marker: ' . $email . '<br>Pass: ' . $pass; } }
function panel() { $this->load->model('marker'); $this->load->model('assessment'); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->load->model('mark'); $this->load->model('markerPref'); // form submit names $updatePref = 'updatePref'; $markerEmail = $this->session->userdata($this->_sessionAuthVar); $marker = new Marker(); $marker->retrieve($markerEmail); $markerPref = new MarkerPref(); $markerPref->retrieve($markerEmail); // do this first due to the hacky implementation - it will result in doubled validation // messages for every other form if ($this->_updatePref($marker, $markerPref)) { $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have successfully updated your job update preferences'; } // assessment fix required? $requireFix = array("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"); $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; if (in_array($this->_getUser(), $requireFix)) { $viewData['assessmentFix'] = true; } $this->load->model('assessmentFix'); if ($viewData['assessmentFix']) { $assessmentFix = new AssessmentFix(); $assessmentFix->setKey($this->_getUser()); if ($assessmentFix->retrieve()) { $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; } } if ($this->input->post('assessmentFix')) { if ($this->_checkToken()) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['requireFix'] = 'required'; $fields['requireFix'] = 'yes or no'; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ($this->validation->run() === true) { $assessmentFix = new AssessmentFix(); $assessmentFix->requireFix($this->input->post('requireFix')); $assessmentFix->setKey($this->_getUser()); $assessmentFix->create(); $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have registered for the assessment fix. You will paid a re-assessment bounty when you submit your assessment.'; $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; } } } if ($this->input->post('changePassword')) { if ($this->_checkToken()) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['currentPassword'] = '******'; $rules['newPassword'] = '******'; $rules['newPasswordRepeat'] = 'required|matches[newPassword]'; $fields['currentPassword'] = '******'; $fields['newPassword'] = '******'; $fields['newPasswordRepeat'] = 'new password repeated'; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ($this->validation->run() === true) { $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setKey($this->_getUser()); $marker->retrieve(); if ($marker->get('password') === $marker->makePass($this->input->post('currentPassword'))) { $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($this->input->post('newPassword'))); $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have successfully changed your password.'; $marker->update(); } else { $viewData['errors'][] = 'You did not enter your current password correctly.'; } } } } $viewData['token'] = $this->_token(); $viewData['markerPref'] = $markerPref; if ($this->session->flashdata('action')) { $viewData['checkpoints'][] = $this->session->flashdata('action'); } $viewData['marker'] = $marker; $headData['js'][] = 'eb_ui'; $viewData['assessment'] = false; $viewData[$updatePref] = $updatePref; if ($this->assessment->retrieve($marker->getKey())) { $viewData['assessment'] = true; } $this->load->view('html_head.php', $headData); $this->load->view('page_head.php', array('bodyId' => 'my account', 'userAuth' => @$this->session->userdata('email'), 'markerAuth' => @$this->session->userdata('markerEmail'), 'site_pages' => $this->config->item('site_pages'))); $this->load->view('marker/panel', $viewData); $this->load->view('footer.php', array('site_base' => $this->config->item('base_url'))); }