/** * This is construct base of the class. * * A public constructor; initializes the variable $instanceDataBase. * */ public function __construct($instanceDataBase) { parent::__construct($instanceDataBase); MaritalStatus::setDataOperationBusiness($instanceDataBase); MaritalStatus::getBusiness(); MaritalStatus::getDescriptionBusiness(); }
public function actionEditmoreinfo($user_id) { $user_more_info = UserInfoAR::model()->findByPk($user_id); $this->assign('user_more', $user_more_info); $maritalStatus = MaritalStatus::model()->findAll(); // 'MaritalStatus', 'marital_status_id'), $hometown = Hometown::model()->findAll(); // 'Province', 'hometown_id'), $nation = Nation::model()->findAll(); // 'Nation', 'nation_id'), $bodyType = BodyType::model()->findAll(); // 'BodyType', 'body_type_id'), $education = Education::model()->findAll(); // 'Education', 'education_id'), $school = School::model()->findAll(); // 'School', 'school_id'), $province = Province::model()->findAll(); // 'Province', 'province_id'), $job = Job::model()->findAll(); // '$maritalSta, $this->assign('maritalStatus', $maritalStatus); $this->assign('hometown', $hometown); $this->assign('nation', $nation); $this->assign('bodyType', $bodyType); $this->assign('education', $education); $this->assign('school', $school); $this->assign('province', $province); $this->assign('job', $job); }
/** * Función responsable de obtener el listado de estados civiles * disponibles para el país actual. * * @return array, lista de estados civiles encontrados. */ public function getMaritalStatusList($countryId = '') { if (empty($countryId)) { $countryId = Config::get('constants.APP.COUNTRY_CODES.CO'); } $maritalStatusList = MaritalStatus::where('countryId', $countryId)->orderBy(Config::get('constants.MARITAL_STATUS.ATTRS.MARITAL_STATUS_ID'))->get(); return $maritalStatusList; }
public function run() { DB::table('marital_status')->truncate(); /** * Estados civiles para Colombia ("countryId" => 53) */ $maritalStatusList = [["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Soltero/a'], ["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Casado/a'], ["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Viudo/a'], ["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Divorciado/a'], ["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Unión libre'], ["countryId" => 53, "name" => 'Otro']]; foreach ($maritalStatusList as $maritalStatus) { MaritalStatus::create($maritalStatus); } }
/** * @return array with filters for templated ListGrid widget */ public static function getUsersFiltersForListGrid() { return array('id' => '', 'first_name' => '', 'email' => '', 'sex' => self::getSexOptions(), 'marital_id' => MaritalStatus::getOptions('Сімейни стан'), 'is_banned' => self::getBannedOptions()); }
?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'last_name', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'email', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'password', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::dropDownList($model, 'sex', User::getSexOptions(), array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::dropDownList($model, 'marital_id', MaritalStatus::getOptions(), array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'country', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'city', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'languages', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php echo FormDecorator::textField($model, 'contacts', array('onclick' => 'backendController.removeErrorHighlighting( this )')); ?> <?php
} }}); }); </script> <?php $action = 'LIST'; if (isset($_POST['ACTION'])) { $action = $_POST['ACTION']; } else { if (isset($_GET['ACTION'])) { $action = $_GET['ACTION']; } } $user = new User($registry[$nameDataBase]); $catalog = new MaritalStatus($registry[$nameDataBase]); // Simplificar la ruta de propiedades $v_label = $property["pages"]["person/marital_status_admin"]; $v_label_list = $property["pages"]["general_list"]; // Simplificar el ruteo de edicion/visualizacion $v_route_edit_preview = 'index.php?page=person/marital_status'; // Simplificar el ruteo de insert $v_route_insert = '?page=person/marital_status'; // Simplificar el ruteo de lista $v_route_list = 'index.php?page=person/marital_status_admin'; switch ($action) { case 'INSERT': $transaction = new Transaction($registry[$nameDataBase]); MaritalStatus::setDataOperationBusiness($registry[$nameDataBase]); $idTransaction = $transaction->insertTransaction(array(MaritalStatus::$business, MaritalStatus::$insert, MaritalStatus::$descriptionBusiness)); $data = array($_POST['NAME']);
<td>TRABAJA EN:</td> <td> <?php $trabaja_en_madre = $action == 'EDIT' ? $data_madre['works'] : ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'INSERT') { Forms::printInput('TEXT', 'trabaja_en_madre', $trabaja_en_madre, 'mini', array()); } elseif ($action == 'PREVIEW') { echo $data_madre['works']; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>ESTADO CIVIL: </td> <td> <?php $object = new MaritalStatus($db); $catalogo = $object->getListMaritalStatus(); ?> <select name="MARITAL_STATUS_MADRE"> <option value="0">SELECCIONE UNA OPCION</option> <?php $marital_status = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $marital_status = $data_madre['marital_status']; } foreach ($catalogo as $item) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $item['id']; ?>
$v_label = $property["pages"]["person/marital_status"]; // Decidir en funcion a la accion $title_1 = $v_label["NEW_TITLE"]; // INSERT $action = 'INSERT'; if (isset($_GET['EDIT'])) { $action = 'EDIT'; $title_1 = $v_label["EDIT_TITLE"]; $elementAction = $_GET['EDIT']; } elseif (isset($_GET['PREVIEW'])) { $action = 'PREVIEW'; $title_1 = $v_label["PREVIEW_TITLE"]; $elementAction = $_GET['PREVIEW']; } if ($action != 'INSERT') { $element = new MaritalStatus($registry[$nameDataBase]); $list = $element->getListMaritalStatus($elementAction); $data = $list[0]; } // simplificar acceso a etiquetas de formulario $v_label_gral_form = $property["pages"]["general_form"]; ?> <div class="grid_10"> <div class="box round first"> <h2><?php echo $title_1; ?>
public function actionSettings() { $this->pageTitle .= ' - Туристичні знайомства - Налаштування'; $this->breadcrumbs = array('Головна' => $this->createUrl('site/index'), 'Туристичні знайомства' => $this->createUrl('index'), 'Налаштування'); $this->render('settings', array('changePasswordForm' => new ChangePasswordForm(), 'changePasswordAction' => $this->createUrl('ChangePasswordHandler'), 'userModel' => Yii::app()->user->getModel(), 'updateProfileAction' => $this->createUrl('UpdateProfileHandler'), 'maritalStatuses' => MaritalStatus::getOptions('Ваш сімейний стан'), 'sexOptions' => User::getSexOptions())); }