Example #1
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $error = null;
     $timeOffset = null;
     $timeZone = null;
     switch ($this->screenitem['style']) {
         case TIME_TYPE_HOST:
             $items = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $this->screenitem['resourceid'], 'selectHosts' => array('host'), 'output' => array('itemid', 'value_type')));
             $item = reset($items);
             $host = reset($item['hosts']);
             $lastValue = Manager::History()->getLast(array($item));
             if ($lastValue) {
                 $lastValue = reset($lastValue[$item['itemid']]);
                 $item['lastvalue'] = $lastValue['value'];
                 $item['lastclock'] = $lastValue['clock'];
             } else {
                 $item['lastvalue'] = '0';
                 $item['lastclock'] = '0';
             $timeType = $host['host'];
             preg_match('/([+-]{1})([\\d]{1,2}):([\\d]{1,2})/', $item['lastvalue'], $arr);
             if (!empty($arr)) {
                 $timeZone = $arr[2] * SEC_PER_HOUR + $arr[3] * SEC_PER_MIN;
                 if ($arr[1] == '-') {
                     $timeZone = 0 - $timeZone;
             if ($lastvalue = strtotime($item['lastvalue'])) {
                 $diff = time() - $item['lastclock'];
                 $timeOffset = $lastvalue + $diff;
             } else {
                 $error = _('NO DATA');
         case TIME_TYPE_SERVER:
             $error = null;
             $timeType = _('SERVER');
             $timeOffset = time();
             $timeZone = date('Z');
             $error = null;
             $timeType = _('LOCAL');
             $timeOffset = null;
             $timeZone = null;
     if ($this->screenitem['width'] > $this->screenitem['height']) {
         $this->screenitem['width'] = $this->screenitem['height'];
     $item = new CFlashClock($this->screenitem['width'], $this->screenitem['height'], $this->action);
     $flashclockOverDiv = new CDiv(null, 'flashclock');
     $flashclockOverDiv->setAttribute('style', 'width: ' . $this->screenitem['width'] . 'px; height: ' . $this->screenitem['height'] . 'px;');
     return $this->getOutput(array($item, $flashclockOverDiv));
Example #2
 protected function selectData()
     $this->data = array();
     $now = time(null);
     if (isset($this->stime)) {
         $this->from_time = $this->stime;
         $this->to_time = $this->stime + $this->period;
     } else {
         $this->to_time = $now - SEC_PER_HOUR * $this->from;
         $this->from_time = $this->to_time - $this->period;
     $strvaluelength = 0;
     // we need to know how long in px will be our legend
     // fetch values for items with the "last" function
     $lastValueItems = array();
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         if ($item['calc_fnc'] == CALC_FNC_LST) {
             $lastValueItems[] = $item;
     if ($lastValueItems) {
         $history = Manager::History()->getLast($lastValueItems);
     $config = select_config();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num; $i++) {
         $item = get_item_by_itemid($this->items[$i]['itemid']);
         $type = $this->items[$i]['calc_type'];
         $from_time = $this->from_time;
         $to_time = $this->to_time;
         $sql_arr = array();
         // override item history setting with housekeeping settings
         if ($config['hk_history_global']) {
             $item['history'] = $config['hk_history'];
         $trendsEnabled = $config['hk_trends_global'] ? $config['hk_trends'] > 0 : $item['trends'] > 0;
         if (!$trendsEnabled || $item['history'] * SEC_PER_DAY > time() - ($from_time + $this->period / 2)) {
             $this->dataFrom = 'history';
             array_push($sql_arr, 'SELECT h.itemid,' . 'AVG(h.value) AS avg,MIN(h.value) AS min,' . 'MAX(h.value) AS max,MAX(h.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM history h' . ' WHERE h.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND h.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND h.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY h.itemid', 'SELECT hu.itemid,' . 'AVG(hu.value) AS avg,MIN(hu.value) AS min,' . 'MAX(hu.value) AS max,MAX(hu.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM history_uint hu' . ' WHERE hu.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND hu.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND hu.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY hu.itemid');
         } else {
             $this->dataFrom = 'trends';
             array_push($sql_arr, 'SELECT t.itemid,' . 'AVG(t.value_avg) AS avg,MIN(t.value_min) AS min,' . 'MAX(t.value_max) AS max,MAX(t.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM trends t' . ' WHERE t.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND t.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND t.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY t.itemid', 'SELECT t.itemid,' . 'AVG(t.value_avg) AS avg,MIN(t.value_min) AS min,' . 'MAX(t.value_max) AS max,MAX(t.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM trends_uint t' . ' WHERE t.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND t.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND t.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY t.itemid');
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['last'] = isset($history[$item['itemid']]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][0]['value'] : null;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_min'] = 0;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_max'] = 0;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_avg'] = 0;
         foreach ($sql_arr as $sql) {
             $result = DBselect($sql);
             while ($row = DBfetch($result)) {
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['min'] = $row['min'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['max'] = $row['max'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['avg'] = $row['avg'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['clock'] = $row['clock'];
         switch ($this->items[$i]['calc_fnc']) {
             case CALC_FNC_MIN:
                 $fncName = 'min';
             case CALC_FNC_MAX:
                 $fncName = 'max';
             case CALC_FNC_LST:
                 $fncName = 'last';
             case CALC_FNC_AVG:
                 $fncName = 'avg';
         $item_value = empty($this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type][$fncName]) ? 0 : abs($this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type][$fncName]);
         if ($type == GRAPH_ITEM_SUM) {
             $this->background = $i;
             $graph_sum = $item_value;
         $this->sum += $item_value;
         $convertedUnit = zbx_strlen(convert_units(array('value' => $item_value, 'units' => $this->items[$i]['units'])));
         $strvaluelength = max($strvaluelength, $convertedUnit);
     if (isset($graph_sum)) {
         $this->sum = $graph_sum;
     $this->shiftlegendright += $strvaluelength * 7;
Example #3
 public function addRelatedObjects(array $options, array $result)
     $result = parent::addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     $itemids = array_keys($result);
     // adding applications
     if ($options['selectApplications'] !== null && $options['selectApplications'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
         $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'itemid', 'applicationid', 'items_applications');
         $applications = API::Application()->get(array('output' => $options['selectApplications'], 'applicationids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'preservekeys' => true));
         $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $applications, 'applications');
     // adding interfaces
     if ($options['selectInterfaces'] !== null && $options['selectInterfaces'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
         $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'itemid', 'interfaceid');
         $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get(array('output' => $options['selectInterfaces'], 'interfaceids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $interfaces, 'interfaces');
     // adding triggers
     if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
         if ($options['selectTriggers'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
             $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'itemid', 'triggerid', 'functions');
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => $options['selectTriggers'], 'triggerids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'preservekeys' => true));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($triggers, 'description');
             $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $triggers, 'triggers', $options['limitSelects']);
         } else {
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true, 'itemids' => $itemids));
             $triggers = zbx_toHash($triggers, 'itemid');
             foreach ($result as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (isset($triggers[$itemid])) {
                     $result[$itemid]['triggers'] = $triggers[$itemid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$itemid]['triggers'] = 0;
     // adding graphs
     if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
         if ($options['selectGraphs'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
             $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'itemid', 'graphid', 'graphs_items');
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => $options['selectGraphs'], 'graphids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'preservekeys' => true));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($graphs, 'name');
             $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $graphs, 'graphs', $options['limitSelects']);
         } else {
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true, 'itemids' => $itemids));
             $graphs = zbx_toHash($graphs, 'itemid');
             foreach ($result as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (isset($graphs[$itemid])) {
                     $result[$itemid]['graphs'] = $graphs[$itemid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$itemid]['graphs'] = 0;
     // adding discoveryrule
     if ($options['selectDiscoveryRule'] !== null && $options['selectDiscoveryRule'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
         $relationMap = new CRelationMap();
         // discovered items
         $dbRules = DBselect('SELECT id1.itemid,id2.parent_itemid' . ' FROM item_discovery id1,item_discovery id2,items i' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('id1.itemid', $itemids) . ' AND id1.parent_itemid=id2.itemid' . ' AND i.itemid=id1.itemid' . ' AND i.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED);
         while ($rule = DBfetch($dbRules)) {
             $relationMap->addRelation($rule['itemid'], $rule['parent_itemid']);
         // item prototypes
         // TODO: this should not be in the item API
         $dbRules = DBselect('SELECT id.parent_itemid,id.itemid' . ' FROM item_discovery id,items i' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('id.itemid', $itemids) . ' AND i.itemid=id.itemid' . ' AND i.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE);
         while ($rule = DBfetch($dbRules)) {
             $relationMap->addRelation($rule['itemid'], $rule['parent_itemid']);
         $discoveryRules = API::DiscoveryRule()->get(array('output' => $options['selectDiscoveryRule'], 'itemids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         $result = $relationMap->mapOne($result, $discoveryRules, 'discoveryRule');
     // adding item discovery
     if ($options['selectItemDiscovery'] !== null) {
         $itemDiscoveries = API::getApiService()->select('item_discovery', array('output' => $this->outputExtend($options['selectItemDiscovery'], array('itemdiscoveryid', 'itemid')), 'filter' => array('itemid' => array_keys($result)), 'preservekeys' => true));
         $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($itemDiscoveries, 'itemid', 'itemdiscoveryid');
         $itemDiscoveries = $this->unsetExtraFields($itemDiscoveries, array('itemid', 'itemdiscoveryid'), $options['selectItemDiscovery']);
         $result = $relationMap->mapOne($result, $itemDiscoveries, 'itemDiscovery');
     // adding history data
     $requestedOutput = array();
     if ($this->outputIsRequested('lastclock', $options['output'])) {
         $requestedOutput['lastclock'] = true;
     if ($this->outputIsRequested('lastns', $options['output'])) {
         $requestedOutput['lastns'] = true;
     if ($this->outputIsRequested('lastvalue', $options['output'])) {
         $requestedOutput['lastvalue'] = true;
     if ($this->outputIsRequested('prevvalue', $options['output'])) {
         $requestedOutput['prevvalue'] = true;
     if ($requestedOutput) {
         $history = Manager::History()->getLast($result, 2, ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD);
         foreach ($result as &$item) {
             $lastHistory = isset($history[$item['itemid']][0]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][0] : null;
             $prevHistory = isset($history[$item['itemid']][1]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][1] : null;
             if (isset($requestedOutput['lastclock'])) {
                 $item['lastclock'] = $lastHistory ? $lastHistory['clock'] : '0';
             if (isset($requestedOutput['lastns'])) {
                 $item['lastns'] = $lastHistory ? $lastHistory['ns'] : '0';
             if (isset($requestedOutput['lastvalue'])) {
                 $item['lastvalue'] = $lastHistory ? $lastHistory['value'] : '0';
             if (isset($requestedOutput['prevvalue'])) {
                 $item['prevvalue'] = $prevHistory ? $prevHistory['value'] : '0';
     return $result;
Example #4
$httpTest['error'] = '';
// fetch http test execution data
$httpTestData = Manager::HttpTest()->getLastData(array($httpTest['httptestid']));
if ($httpTestData) {
    $httpTestData = reset($httpTestData);
// fetch HTTP step items
$query = DBselect('SELECT i.value_type,i.valuemapid,i.units,i.itemid,hi.type AS httpitem_type,hs.httpstepid' . ' FROM items i,httpstepitem hi,httpstep hs' . ' WHERE hi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND hi.httpstepid=hs.httpstepid' . ' AND hs.httptestid=' . zbx_dbstr($httpTest['httptestid']));
$httpStepItems = array();
$items = array();
while ($item = DBfetch($query)) {
    $items[] = $item;
    $httpStepItems[$item['httpstepid']][$item['httpitem_type']] = $item;
// fetch HTTP item history
$itemHistory = Manager::History()->getLast($items);
 * Display
$httpdetailsWidget = new CWidget();
$httpdetailsWidget->addPageHeader(array(_('DETAILS OF SCENARIO'), SPACE, bold(CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveHttpTestName($httpTest['hostid'], $httpTest['name'])), isset($httpTestData['lastcheck']) ? ' [' . zbx_date2str(_('d M Y H:i:s'), $httpTestData['lastcheck']) . ']' : null), array(get_icon('reset', array('id' => get_request('httptestid'))), get_icon('fullscreen', array('fullscreen' => $_REQUEST['fullscreen']))));
// append table to widget
$httpdetailsTable = new CTableInfo();
$httpdetailsTable->setHeader(array(_('Step'), _('Speed'), _('Response time'), _('Response code'), _('Status')));
$db_httpsteps = DBselect('SELECT * FROM httpstep WHERE httptestid=' . zbx_dbstr($httpTest['httptestid']) . ' ORDER BY no');
$totalTime = array('value' => 0, 'value_type' => null, 'valuemapid' => null, 'units' => null);
$itemIds = array();
while ($httpstep_data = DBfetch($db_httpsteps)) {
    $httpStepItemsByType = $httpStepItems[$httpstep_data['httpstepid']];
    $status['msg'] = _('OK');
    $status['style'] = 'enabled';
Example #5
 * Retrieve overview table object for items.
 * @param array  $hostIds
 * @param string $application name of application to filter
 * @param int    $viewMode
 * @return CTableInfo
function getItemsDataOverview($hostIds, $application, $viewMode)
    $sqlFrom = '';
    $sqlWhere = '';
    if ($application !== '') {
        $sqlFrom = 'applications a,items_applications ia,';
        $sqlWhere = ' AND i.itemid=ia.itemid AND a.applicationid=ia.applicationid AND a.name=' . zbx_dbstr($application);
    $dbItems = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT h.hostid,h.name AS hostname,i.itemid,i.key_,i.value_type,i.units,' . 'i.name,t.priority,i.valuemapid,t.value AS tr_value,t.triggerid' . ' FROM hosts h,' . $sqlFrom . 'items i' . ' LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' LEFT JOIN triggers t ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $hostIds) . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.flags', array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED)) . $sqlWhere));
    $dbItems = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($dbItems);
    CArrayHelper::sort($dbItems, array(array('field' => 'name_expanded', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP), array('field' => 'itemid', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP)));
    // fetch latest values
    $history = Manager::History()->getLast(zbx_toHash($dbItems, 'itemid'), 1, ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD);
    // fetch data for the host JS menu
    $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('name', 'hostid', 'status'), 'monitored_hosts' => true, 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'with_monitored_items' => true, 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectScreens' => $viewMode == STYLE_LEFT ? API_OUTPUT_COUNT : null));
    $items = array();
    foreach ($dbItems as $dbItem) {
        $name = $dbItem['name_expanded'];
        $dbItem['hostname'] = get_node_name_by_elid($dbItem['hostid'], null, NAME_DELIMITER) . $dbItem['hostname'];
        $hostNames[$dbItem['hostid']] = $dbItem['hostname'];
        // a little tricky check for attempt to overwrite active trigger (value=1) with
        // inactive or active trigger with lower priority.
        if (!isset($items[$name][$dbItem['hostname']]) || ($items[$name][$dbItem['hostname']]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE && $dbItem['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE || ($items[$name][$dbItem['hostname']]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE || $dbItem['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) && $dbItem['priority'] > $items[$name][$dbItem['hostname']]['severity'])) {
            $items[$name][$dbItem['hostname']] = array('itemid' => $dbItem['itemid'], 'value_type' => $dbItem['value_type'], 'value' => isset($history[$dbItem['itemid']]) ? $history[$dbItem['itemid']][0]['value'] : null, 'units' => $dbItem['units'], 'name' => $name, 'valuemapid' => $dbItem['valuemapid'], 'severity' => $dbItem['priority'], 'tr_value' => $dbItem['tr_value'], 'triggerid' => $dbItem['triggerid']);
    $table = new CTableInfo(_('No items found.'));
    if (empty($hostNames)) {
        return $table;
    if ($viewMode == STYLE_TOP) {
        $header = array(new CCol(_('Items'), 'center'));
        foreach ($hostNames as $hostName) {
            $header[] = new CCol($hostName, 'vertical_rotation');
        $table->setHeader($header, 'vertical_header');
        foreach ($items as $descr => $ithosts) {
            $tableRow = array(nbsp($descr));
            foreach ($hostNames as $hostName) {
                $tableRow = getItemDataOverviewCells($tableRow, $ithosts, $hostName);
    } else {
        $scripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts(zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid'));
        $header = array(new CCol(_('Hosts'), 'center'));
        foreach ($items as $descr => $ithosts) {
            $header[] = new CCol($descr, 'vertical_rotation');
        $table->setHeader($header, 'vertical_header');
        foreach ($hostNames as $hostId => $hostName) {
            $host = $hosts[$hostId];
            $name = new CSpan($host['name'], 'link_menu');
            $name->setMenuPopup(getMenuPopupHost($host, $scripts[$hostId]));
            $tableRow = array(new CCol($name));
            foreach ($items as $ithosts) {
                $tableRow = getItemDataOverviewCells($tableRow, $ithosts, $hostName);
    return $table;
Example #6
 // macros
 $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemKeys($items);
 $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($items);
 // filter items by name
 foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
     if ($filter['select'] !== '') {
         $haystack = mb_strtolower($item['name_expanded']);
         $needle = mb_strtolower($filter['select']);
         if (mb_strpos($haystack, $needle) === false) {
 if ($items) {
     // get history
     $history = Manager::History()->getLast($items, 2, ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD);
     // filter items without history
     if (!$filter['showWithoutData']) {
         foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
             if (!isset($history[$item['itemid']])) {
 if ($items) {
     // add item last update date for sorting
     foreach ($items as &$item) {
         if (isset($history[$item['itemid']])) {
             $item['lastclock'] = $history[$item['itemid']][0]['clock'];
Example #7
 protected function calculateMaxY($side)
     if ($this->ymax_type == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_FIXED) {
         return $this->yaxismax;
     if ($this->ymax_type == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
         $item = get_item_by_itemid($this->ymax_itemid);
         $history = Manager::History()->getLast(array($item));
         if (isset($history[$item['itemid']])) {
             return $history[$item['itemid']][0]['value'];
     $maxY = null;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num; $i++) {
         if ($this->items[$i]['axisside'] != $side) {
         if (!isset($this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE])) {
         $data =& $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE];
         if (!isset($data)) {
         $calc_fnc = $this->items[$i]['calc_fnc'];
         switch ($calc_fnc) {
             case CALC_FNC_ALL:
             case CALC_FNC_MAX:
                 $val = $data['max'];
                 $shift_val = $data['shift_max'];
             case CALC_FNC_MIN:
                 $val = $data['min'];
                 $shift_val = $data['shift_min'];
             case CALC_FNC_AVG:
                 $val = $data['avg'];
                 $shift_val = $data['shift_avg'];
         if (!isset($val)) {
         for ($ci = 0; $ci < min(count($val), count($shift_val)); $ci++) {
             if ($data['count'][$ci] == 0) {
             $val[$ci] = bcadd($shift_val[$ci], $val[$ci]);
         if (!isset($maxY)) {
             if (isset($val) && count($val) > 0) {
                 $maxY = max($val);
         } else {
             $maxY = max($maxY, max($val));
     return $maxY;
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $this->dataId = 'httptest_details';
     $httptest = API::HttpTest()->get(['output' => ['httptestid', 'name', 'hostid'], 'selectSteps' => ['httpstepid', 'name', 'no'], 'httptestids' => $this->profileIdx2, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     $httptest = reset($httptest);
     if (!$httptest) {
         $messages = [['type' => 'error', 'message' => _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')]];
         return $this->getOutput(makeMessageBox(false, $messages, null, false, false));
     $httptest['lastfailedstep'] = 0;
     $httptest['error'] = '';
     // fetch http test execution data
     $httptest_data = Manager::HttpTest()->getLastData([$httptest['httptestid']]);
     if ($httptest_data) {
         $httptest_data = reset($httptest_data);
     // fetch HTTP step items
     $items = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT i.value_type,i.valuemapid,i.units,i.itemid,hi.type,hs.httpstepid' . ' FROM items i,httpstepitem hi,httpstep hs' . ' WHERE hi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND hi.httpstepid=hs.httpstepid' . ' AND hs.httptestid=' . zbx_dbstr($httptest['httptestid'])));
     $step_items = [];
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $step_items[$item['httpstepid']][$item['type']] = $item;
     // fetch HTTP item history
     $item_history = Manager::History()->getLast($items);
     $table = (new CTableInfo())->setHeader([_('Step'), _('Speed'), _('Response time'), _('Response code'), _('Status')]);
     $total_time = ['value' => 0, 'value_type' => null, 'valuemapid' => null, 'units' => null];
     order_result($httptest['steps'], 'no');
     foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step_data) {
         $items_by_type = $step_items[$step_data['httpstepid']];
         $status['msg'] = _('OK');
         $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_GREEN;
         $status['afterError'] = false;
         if (!array_key_exists('lastfailedstep', $httptest_data)) {
             $status['msg'] = _('Never executed');
             $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_GREY;
         } elseif ($httptest_data['lastfailedstep'] != 0) {
             if ($httptest_data['lastfailedstep'] == $step_data['no']) {
                 $status['msg'] = $httptest_data['error'] === null ? _('Unknown error') : _s('Error: %1$s', $httptest_data['error']);
                 $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_RED;
             } elseif ($httptest_data['lastfailedstep'] < $step_data['no']) {
                 $status['msg'] = _('Unknown');
                 $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_GREY;
                 $status['afterError'] = true;
         foreach ($items_by_type as &$item) {
             // Calculate the total time it took to execute the scenario.
             // Skip steps that come after a failed step.
             if (!$status['afterError'] && $item['type'] == HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME) {
                 $total_time['value_type'] = $item['value_type'];
                 $total_time['valuemapid'] = $item['valuemapid'];
                 $total_time['units'] = $item['units'];
                 if (array_key_exists($item['itemid'], $item_history)) {
                     $history = $item_history[$item['itemid']][0];
                     $total_time['value'] += $history['value'];
         // step speed
         $speed_item = $items_by_type[HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN];
         if (!$status['afterError'] && array_key_exists($speed_item['itemid'], $item_history) && $item_history[$speed_item['itemid']][0]['value'] > 0) {
             $speed = formatHistoryValue($item_history[$speed_item['itemid']][0]['value'], $speed_item);
         } else {
             $speed = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
         // step response time
         $resptime_item = $items_by_type[HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME];
         if (!$status['afterError'] && array_key_exists($resptime_item['itemid'], $item_history) && $item_history[$resptime_item['itemid']][0]['value'] > 0) {
             $resp_time = formatHistoryValue($item_history[$resptime_item['itemid']][0]['value'], $resptime_item);
         } else {
             $resp_time = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
         // step response code
         $resp_item = $items_by_type[HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_RSPCODE];
         if (!$status['afterError'] && array_key_exists($resp_item['itemid'], $item_history) && $item_history[$resp_item['itemid']][0]['value'] > 0) {
             $resp = formatHistoryValue($item_history[$resp_item['itemid']][0]['value'], $resp_item);
         } else {
             $resp = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
         $table->addRow([CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveHttpTestName($httptest['hostid'], $step_data['name']), $speed, $resp_time, $resp, (new CSpan($status['msg']))->addClass($status['style'])]);
     if (!array_key_exists('lastfailedstep', $httptest_data)) {
         $status['msg'] = _('Never executed');
         $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_GREY;
     } elseif ($httptest_data['lastfailedstep'] != 0) {
         $status['msg'] = $httptest_data['error'] === null ? _('Unknown error') : _s('Error: %1$s', $httptest_data['error']);
         $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_RED;
     } else {
         $status['msg'] = _('OK');
         $status['style'] = ZBX_STYLE_GREEN;
     $table->addRow([bold(_('TOTAL')), '', bold($total_time['value'] ? formatHistoryValue($total_time['value'], $total_time) : UNKNOWN_VALUE), '', (new CSpan($status['msg']))->addClass($status['style'])]);
     return $this->getOutput($table);
  * Returns the data about the last execution of the given HTTP tests.
  * The following values will be returned for each executed HTTP test:
  * - lastcheck      - time when the test has been executed last
  * - lastfailedstep - number of the last failed step
  * - error          - error message
  * If a HTTP test has never been executed, no value will be returned.
  * @param array $httpTestIds
  * @return array    an array with HTTP test IDs as keys and arrays of data as values
 public function getLastData(array $httpTestIds)
     $httpItems = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT hti.httptestid,hti.type,i.itemid,i.value_type' . ' FROM httptestitem hti,items i' . ' WHERE hti.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND hti.type IN (' . HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP . ',' . HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTERROR . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hti.httptestid', $httpTestIds)));
     $history = Manager::History()->getLast($httpItems);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($httpItems as $httpItem) {
         if (isset($history[$httpItem['itemid']])) {
             $itemHistory = $history[$httpItem['itemid']][0];
             if ($httpItem['type'] == HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP) {
                 $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['lastcheck'] = $itemHistory['clock'];
                 $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['lastfailedstep'] = $itemHistory['value'];
             } else {
                 $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['error'] = $itemHistory['value'];
     return $data;
  * Get item macros.
  * @param array $macros
  * @param array $triggers
  * @param array $macroValues
  * @return array
 protected function getItemMacros(array $macros, array $triggers, array $macroValues)
     if ($macros) {
         $functions = DbFetchArray(DBselect('SELECT f.triggerid,f.functionid,i.itemid,i.value_type,i.units,i.valuemapid' . ' FROM functions f' . ' JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('f.functionid', array_keys($macros))));
         $history = Manager::History()->getLast($functions, 1, ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD);
         // false passed to DBfetch to get data without null converted to 0, which is done by default
         foreach ($functions as $func) {
             foreach ($macros[$func['functionid']] as $macro => $fNums) {
                 $lastValue = isset($history[$func['itemid']]) ? $history[$func['itemid']][0]['value'] : null;
                 switch ($macro) {
                     case 'ITEM.LASTVALUE':
                         $replace = $this->getItemLastValueMacro($lastValue, $func);
                     case 'ITEM.VALUE':
                         $replace = $this->getItemValueMacro($lastValue, $func, $triggers[$func['triggerid']]);
                 $macroValues = $this->getFunctionMacroValues($macroValues, $fNums, $func['triggerid'], $macro, $replace);
     return $macroValues;
Example #11
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $time = null;
     $title = null;
     $time_zone_string = null;
     $time_zone_offset = null;
     $error = null;
     switch ($this->screenitem['style']) {
         case TIME_TYPE_HOST:
             $itemid = $this->screenitem['resourceid'];
             if (!empty($this->hostid)) {
                 $new_itemid = get_same_item_for_host($itemid, $this->hostid);
                 $itemid = !empty($new_itemid) ? $new_itemid : '';
             $items = API::Item()->get(['output' => ['itemid', 'value_type'], 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'itemids' => [$itemid]]);
             if ($items) {
                 $item = $items[0];
                 $title = $item['hosts'][0]['name'];
                 unset($items, $item['hosts']);
                 $last_value = Manager::History()->getLast([$item]);
                 if ($last_value) {
                     $last_value = $last_value[$item['itemid']][0];
                     try {
                         $now = new DateTime($last_value['value']);
                         $time_zone_string = 'GMT' . $now->format('P');
                         $time_zone_offset = $now->format('Z');
                         $time = time() - ($last_value['clock'] - $now->getTimestamp());
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         $error = _('No data');
                 } else {
                     $error = _('No data');
             } else {
                 $error = _('No data');
         case TIME_TYPE_SERVER:
             $title = _('Server');
             $now = new DateTime();
             $time = $now->getTimestamp();
             $time_zone_string = 'GMT' . $now->format('P');
             $time_zone_offset = $now->format('Z');
             $title = _('Local');
     if ($this->screenitem['width'] > $this->screenitem['height']) {
         $this->screenitem['width'] = $this->screenitem['height'];
     $item = (new CClock())->setWidth($this->screenitem['width'])->setHeight($this->screenitem['height'])->setTimeZoneString($time_zone_string)->setFooter($title);
     if ($error !== null) {
     if ($time !== null) {
     if ($time_zone_offset !== null) {
     return $this->getOutput($item);
Example #12
  * Resolve functional macros, like {hostname:key.function(param)}.
  * If macro can not be resolved it is replaced with UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING string i.e. "*UNKNOWN*"
  * Supports function "last", "min", "max" and "avg".
  * Supports seconds as parameters, except "last" function.
  * Supports postfixes s,m,h,d and w for parameter.
  * @param array 	$strList				list of string in which macros should be resolved
  * @param array		$itemsList				list of	lists of graph items
  * @param int		$items[n][m]['hostid']	n-th graph m-th item corresponding host Id
  * @param string	$items[n][m]['host']	n-th graph m-th item corresponding host name
  * @return array	list of strings with macros replaced with corresponding values
 private function resolveGraphsFunctionalItemMacros($strList, $itemsList)
     // retrieve all string macros and all host-key pairs
     $hostKeyPairs = array();
     $matchesList = array();
     $items = reset($itemsList);
     foreach ($strList as $str) {
         // extract all macros into $matches - keys: macros, hosts, keys, functions and parameters are used
         // searches for macros, for example, "{somehost:somekey["param[123]"].min(10m)}"
         preg_match_all('/(?<macros>{' . '(?<hosts>(' . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . '|({(' . self::PATTERN_HOST_INTERNAL . ')' . self::PATTERN_MACRO_PARAM . '}))):' . '(?<keys>' . ZBX_PREG_ITEM_KEY_FORMAT . ')\\.' . '(?<functions>(last|max|min|avg))\\(' . '(?<parameters>([0-9]+[smhdw]?))' . '\\)}{1})/Uux', $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         if (!empty($matches['hosts'])) {
             foreach ($matches['hosts'] as $i => $host) {
                 $matches['hosts'][$i][0] = $this->resolveGraphPositionalMacros($host[0], $items);
                 if ($matches['hosts'][$i][0] !== UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING) {
                     if (!isset($hostKeyPairs[$matches['hosts'][$i][0]])) {
                         $hostKeyPairs[$matches['hosts'][$i][0]] = array();
                     $hostKeyPairs[$matches['hosts'][$i][0]][$matches['keys'][$i][0]] = 1;
             $matchesList[] = $matches;
             $items = next($itemsList);
     // stop, if no macros found
     if (empty($matchesList)) {
         return $strList;
     // build item retrieval query from host-key pairs
     $query = 'SELECT h.host,i.key_,i.itemid,i.value_type,i.units,i.valuemapid' . ' FROM items i, hosts h' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid AND (';
     foreach ($hostKeyPairs as $host => $keys) {
         $query .= '(h.host=' . zbx_dbstr($host) . ' AND i.key_ IN(';
         foreach ($keys as $key => $val) {
             $query .= zbx_dbstr($key) . ',';
         $query = substr($query, 0, -1) . ')) OR ';
     $query = substr($query, 0, -4) . ')';
     // get necessary items for all graph strings
     $items = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect($query), 'itemid');
     $allowedItems = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => array_keys($items), 'webitems' => true, 'output' => array('itemid', 'value_type'), 'preservekeys' => true));
     // map item data only for allowed items
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if (isset($allowedItems[$item['itemid']])) {
             $hostKeyPairs[$item['host']][$item['key_']] = $item;
     // fetch history
     $history = Manager::History()->getLast($items);
     // replace macros with their corresponding values in graph strings
     $matches = reset($matchesList);
     foreach ($strList as &$str) {
         // iterate array backwards!
         $i = count($matches['macros']);
         while ($i--) {
             // host is real and item exists and has permissions
             if ($matches['hosts'][$i][0] !== UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING && is_array($hostKeyPairs[$matches['hosts'][$i][0]][$matches['keys'][$i][0]])) {
                 $item = $hostKeyPairs[$matches['hosts'][$i][0]][$matches['keys'][$i][0]];
                 // macro function is "last"
                 if ($matches['functions'][$i][0] == 'last') {
                     $value = isset($history[$item['itemid']]) ? formatHistoryValue($history[$item['itemid']][0]['value'], $item) : UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING;
                 } else {
                     $value = getItemFunctionalValue($item, $matches['functions'][$i][0], $matches['parameters'][$i][0]);
             } else {
                 $value = UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING;
             $str = substr_replace($str, $value, $matches['macros'][$i][1], strlen($matches['macros'][$i][0]));
         $matches = next($matchesList);
     return $strList;
Example #13
 * Retrieve overview table object for items.
 * @param array  		$hostIds
 * @param array|null	$applicationIds		IDs of applications to filter items by
 * @param int    		$viewMode
 * @return CTableInfo
function getItemsDataOverview($hostIds, array $applicationIds = null, $viewMode)
    $sqlFrom = '';
    $sqlWhere = '';
    if ($applicationIds !== null) {
        $sqlFrom = 'items_applications ia,';
        $sqlWhere = ' AND i.itemid=ia.itemid AND ' . dbConditionInt('ia.applicationid', $applicationIds);
    $dbItems = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT h.hostid,h.name AS hostname,i.itemid,i.key_,i.value_type,i.units,' . 'i.name,t.priority,i.valuemapid,t.value AS tr_value,t.triggerid' . ' FROM hosts h,' . $sqlFrom . 'items i' . ' LEFT JOIN functions f ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' LEFT JOIN triggers t ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $hostIds) . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]) . $sqlWhere));
    $dbItems = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($dbItems);
    CArrayHelper::sort($dbItems, [['field' => 'name_expanded', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP], ['field' => 'itemid', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP]]);
    // fetch latest values
    $history = Manager::History()->getLast(zbx_toHash($dbItems, 'itemid'), 1, ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD);
    // fetch data for the host JS menu
    $hosts = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['name', 'hostid', 'status'], 'monitored_hosts' => true, 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'with_monitored_items' => true, 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectScreens' => $viewMode == STYLE_LEFT ? API_OUTPUT_COUNT : null]);
    $items = [];
    $item_counter = [];
    $host_items = [];
    foreach ($dbItems as $dbItem) {
        $item_name = $dbItem['name_expanded'];
        $host_name = $dbItem['hostname'];
        $hostNames[$dbItem['hostid']] = $host_name;
        if (!array_key_exists($host_name, $item_counter)) {
            $item_counter[$host_name] = [];
        if (!array_key_exists($item_name, $item_counter[$host_name])) {
            $item_counter[$host_name][$item_name] = 0;
        if (!array_key_exists($item_name, $host_items) || !array_key_exists($host_name, $host_items[$item_name])) {
            $host_items[$item_name][$host_name] = [];
        // a little tricky check for attempt to overwrite active trigger (value=1) with
        // inactive or active trigger with lower priority.
        if (!array_key_exists($dbItem['itemid'], $host_items[$item_name][$host_name]) || ($host_items[$item_name][$host_name][$dbItem['itemid']]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE && $dbItem['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE || ($host_items[$item_name][$host_name][$dbItem['itemid']]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE || $dbItem['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) && $dbItem['priority'] > $host_items[$item_name][$host_name][$dbItem['itemid']]['severity'])) {
            if (array_key_exists($dbItem['itemid'], $host_items[$item_name][$host_name])) {
                $item_place = $host_items[$item_name][$host_name][$dbItem['itemid']]['item_place'];
            } else {
                $item_place = $item_counter[$host_name][$item_name];
            $items[$item_name][$item_place][$host_name] = ['itemid' => $dbItem['itemid'], 'value_type' => $dbItem['value_type'], 'value' => isset($history[$dbItem['itemid']]) ? $history[$dbItem['itemid']][0]['value'] : null, 'units' => $dbItem['units'], 'valuemapid' => $dbItem['valuemapid'], 'severity' => $dbItem['priority'], 'tr_value' => $dbItem['tr_value'], 'triggerid' => $dbItem['triggerid'], 'item_place' => $item_place];
            $host_items[$item_name][$host_name][$dbItem['itemid']] = $items[$item_name][$item_place][$host_name];
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    if (empty($hostNames)) {
        return $table;
    if ($viewMode == STYLE_TOP) {
        $header = [_('Items')];
        foreach ($hostNames as $hostName) {
            $header[] = (new CColHeader($hostName))->addClass('vertical_rotation');
        foreach ($items as $item_name => $item_data) {
            foreach ($item_data as $ithosts) {
                $tableRow = [nbsp($item_name)];
                foreach ($hostNames as $hostName) {
                    $tableRow = getItemDataOverviewCells($tableRow, $ithosts, $hostName);
    } else {
        $scripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts(zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid'));
        $header = [_('Hosts')];
        foreach ($items as $item_name => $item_data) {
            foreach ($item_data as $ithosts) {
                $header[] = (new CColHeader($item_name))->addClass('vertical_rotation');
        foreach ($hostNames as $hostId => $hostName) {
            $host = $hosts[$hostId];
            $name = (new CSpan($host['name']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ACTION)->setMenuPopup(CMenuPopupHelper::getHost($host, $scripts[$hostId]));
            $tableRow = [(new CCol($name))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)];
            foreach ($items as $item_data) {
                foreach ($item_data as $ithosts) {
                    $tableRow = getItemDataOverviewCells($tableRow, $ithosts, $hostName);
    return $table;
Example #14
// get items
if ($hosts) {
    $items = API::Item()->get(array('hostids' => array_keys($hosts), 'output' => array('itemid', 'name', 'type', 'value_type', 'units', 'hostid', 'state', 'valuemapid', 'status', 'error', 'trends', 'history', 'delay', 'key_', 'flags'), 'selectApplications' => array('applicationid'), 'selectItemDiscovery' => array('ts_delete'), 'webitems' => true, 'filter' => array('status' => array(ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE)), 'preservekeys' => true));
if ($items) {
    // filter items by name
    foreach ($items as $key => &$item) {
        $item['resolvedName'] = itemName($item);
        if (!zbx_empty($filterSelect) && !zbx_stristr($item['resolvedName'], $filterSelect)) {
    if ($items) {
        // get history
        $history = Manager::History()->getLast($items, 2);
        // filter items without history
        if (!$filterShowWithoutData) {
            foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
                if (!isset($history[$item['itemid']])) {
    if ($items) {
        $hostIds = array_keys(array_flip(zbx_objectValues($items, 'hostid')));
        // add item last update date for sorting
        foreach ($items as &$item) {
            if (isset($history[$item['itemid']])) {
                $item['lastclock'] = $history[$item['itemid']][0]['clock'];