function mc_mm_setup() { $mm_helpers = new MailchimpMailmunchHelpers(); $mc_mm_data = unserialize(get_option("mc_mm_data")); $mc_mm_data["site_url"] = home_url(); $mc_mm_data["site_name"] = get_bloginfo(); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); // This is a POST request. Let's save data first. if ($_POST) { $post_data = isset($_POST["mc_mm_data"]) ? $_POST["mc_mm_data"] : array(); $post_action = $_POST["action"]; if ($post_action == "save_settings") { $mc_mm_data = array_merge(unserialize(get_option('mc_mm_data')), $post_data); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } else { if ($post_action == "sign_in") { $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($_POST["email"], $_POST["password"], "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); if ($mm->validPassword()) { update_option("mc_mm_user_email", $_POST["email"]); update_option("mc_mm_user_password", base64_encode($_POST["password"])); delete_option("mc_mm_guest_user"); } } else { if ($post_action == "sign_up") { if (empty($_POST["email"]) || empty($_POST["password"])) { $invalid_email_password = true; } else { $account_info = $mm_helpers->getEmailPassword(); $mc_mm_email = $account_info['email']; $mc_mm_password = $account_info['password']; $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_email, $mc_mm_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); if ($mm->isNewUser($_POST['email'])) { $update_result = $mm->updateGuest($_POST['email'], $_POST['password']); $result = json_decode($update_result['body']); update_option("mc_mm_user_email", $result->email); update_option("mc_mm_user_password", base64_encode($_POST['password'])); if (!$result->guest_user) { delete_option("mc_mm_guest_user"); } $mc_mm_email = $result->email; $mc_mm_password = $_POST['password']; // We have update the guest with real email address, let's create a site now $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_email, $mc_mm_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $update_result = $mm->updateSite($mc_mm_data["site_name"], $mc_mm_data["site_url"]); $result = json_decode($update_result['body']); $mc_mm_data = unserialize(get_option("mc_mm_data")); $mc_mm_data["site_url"] = $result->domain; $mc_mm_data["site_name"] = $result->name; update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } else { $user_exists = true; } } } else { if ($post_action == "unlink_account") { $mc_mm_data = array(); $mc_mm_data["site_url"] = home_url(); $mc_mm_data["site_name"] = get_bloginfo(); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); delete_option("mc_mm_user_email"); delete_option("mc_mm_user_password"); } else { if ($post_action == "delete_widget") { if ($_POST["site_id"] && $_POST["widget_id"]) { $account_info = $mm_helpers->getEmailPassword(); $mc_mm_email = $account_info['email']; $mc_mm_password = $account_info['password']; $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($account_info['email'], $account_info["password"], "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $request = $mm->deleteWidget($_POST["site_id"], $_POST["widget_id"]); } } else { if ($post_action == "create_site") { $site_url = empty($_POST["site_url"]) ? get_bloginfo() : $_POST["site_url"]; $site_name = empty($_POST["site_name"]) ? home_url() : $_POST["site_name"]; $account_info = $mm_helpers->getEmailPassword(); $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($account_info['email'], $account_info["password"], "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $request = $mm->createSite($site_name, $site_url); $site = json_decode($request['body']); if (!empty($site->id)) { $mc_mm_data = unserialize(get_option("mc_mm_data")); $mc_mm_data["site_id"] = $site->id; $mc_mm_data["script_src"] = $site->javascript_url; update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } } } } } } } } // If the user does not exists, create a GUEST user if (get_option("mc_mm_user_email") == "") { $mc_mm_email = "guest_" . uniqid() . ""; $mc_mm_password = uniqid(); $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_email, $mc_mm_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $mm->createGuestUser(); update_option("mc_mm_user_email", $mc_mm_email); update_option("mc_mm_user_password", base64_encode($mc_mm_password)); update_option("mc_mm_guest_user", true); } // If we already have the user's email stored, let's create the API instance // If we don't have it yet, make sure NOT to phone home any user data if (get_option("mc_mm_user_email") != "") { $account_info = $mm_helpers->getEmailPassword(); $mc_mm_email = $account_info['email']; $mc_mm_password = $account_info['password']; $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_email, $mc_mm_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $pass_check = $mm->validPassword(); if (is_wp_error($pass_check)) { echo $pass_check->get_error_message(); return; } if (!$pass_check) { // Invalid user, create a GUEST user $mc_mm_email = "guest_" . uniqid() . ""; $mc_mm_password = uniqid(); $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_email, $mc_mm_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $mm->createGuestUser(); update_option("mc_mm_user_email", $mc_mm_email); update_option("mc_mm_user_password", base64_encode($mc_mm_password)); update_option("mc_mm_guest_user", true); } } $mc_mm_guest_user = get_option("mc_mm_guest_user"); if ($mc_mm_guest_user) { // This is a Guest USER. Do not collect any user data. $sites = $mm_helpers->createAndGetGuestSites($mm); } else { $sites = $mm_helpers->createAndGetSites($mm); } if (isset($mc_mm_data["site_id"])) { // If there's a site already chosen, we need to get and save it's script_src in WordPress $site = $mm_helpers->getSite($sites, $mc_mm_data["site_id"]); if ($site) { $mc_mm_data = array_merge(unserialize(get_option('mc_mm_data')), array("script_src" => $site->javascript_url)); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } else { // The chosen site does not exist in the mailmunch account any more, remove it locally $site_not_found = true; $mc_mm_data = unserialize(get_option('mc_mm_data')); unset($mc_mm_data["site_id"]); unset($mc_mm_data["script_src"]); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } } if (!isset($mc_mm_data["site_id"])) { // If there's NO chosen site yet if (sizeof($sites) == 1 && ($sites[0]->name == get_bloginfo() || $sites[0]->name == "WordPress")) { // If this mailmunch account only has 1 site and its name matches this WordPress blogs $site = $sites[0]; if ($site) { $mc_mm_data = array_merge(unserialize(get_option('mc_mm_data')), array("site_id" => $site->id, "script_src" => $site->javascript_url)); update_option("mc_mm_data", serialize($mc_mm_data)); } } else { if (sizeof($sites) > 0) { // If this mailmunch account has one or more sites, let the user choose one ?> <div class="container"> <div class="page-header"> <h1>Choose Your Site</h1> </div> <p>Choose the site that you would like to link with your WordPress.</p> <div id="choose-site-form"> <form action="" method="POST"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_settings" /> <select name="mc_mm_data[site_id]"> <?php foreach ($sites as $site) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $site->id; ?> "><?php echo $site->name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" value="Save Settings" class="button-primary" /> </div> </form> <p> Don't see this site above? <a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('create-site-form').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('choose-site-form').style.display = 'none'; return false;">Create New Site</a> </p> </div> <div id="create-site-form" style="display: none;"> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create_site" /> <div class="form-group"> <label>Site Name</label> <input type="text" name="site_name" value="<?php echo get_bloginfo(); ?> " /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Site URL</label> <input type="text" name="site_url" value="<?php echo home_url(); ?> " /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" value="Create Site" class="button-primary" /> </div> </form> <p> Already have a site in your MailMunch account? <a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('create-site-form').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('choose-site-form').style.display = 'block'; return false;">Choose Site</a> </p> </div> </div> <?php return; } } } $request = $mm->getWidgetsHtml($mc_mm_data["site_id"]); $widgets = $request['body']; $widgets = str_replace("{{EMAIL}}", $mc_mm_email, $widgets); $widgets = str_replace("{{PASSWORD}}", $mc_mm_password, $widgets); echo $widgets; if ($mc_mm_guest_user) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); ?> <div id="signup-signin-box-overlay" onclick="hideSignupBox();" style="display: none;"></div> <div id="signup-signin-box" style="display:none;"> <a id="signup-signin-close" onclick="hideSignupBox();"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('img/close.png', __FILE__); ?> " /> </a> <div id="sign-up-form" class="<?php if (!$_POST || $_POST["action"] != "sign_in" && $_POST["action"] != "unlink_account") { ?> active<?php } ?> "> <div class="form-container"> <h2 class="modal-header">Sign Up</h2> <p>To activate your MailChimp forms, we will now create your account on MailMunch (<a onclick="showWhyAccount();" id="why-account-btn">Why?</a>).</p> <div id="why-account" class="alert alert-warning" style="display: none;"> <h4>Why do I need a MailMunch account?</h4> <p> MailMunch is a not just a WordPress plugin but a standalone service. An account is required to identify your WordPress and serve your MailChimp forms. </p> </div> <?php if (isset($user_exists)) { ?> <div id="invalid-alert" class="alert alert-danger signup-alert" role="alert">Account with this email already exists. Please sign in using your password.</div> <?php } else { if (isset($invalid_email_password)) { ?> <div id="invalid-alert" class="alert alert-danger signup-alert" role="alert">Invalid email or password. Please enter a valid email and password below.</div> <?php } } ?> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="sign_up" /> <div class="form-group"> <label>Wordpress Name</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Site Name" name="site_name" value="<?php echo $mc_mm_data["site_name"]; ?> " class="form-control"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Wordpress URL</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Site URL" name="site_url" value="<?php echo $mc_mm_data["site_url"]; ?> " class="form-control"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Email Address</label> <input type="email" placeholder="Email Address" name="email" value="<?php echo $current_user->user_email; ?> " class="form-control"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Password</label> <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" class="form-control" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" value="Sign Up »" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" /> </div> </form> </div> <p>Already have an account? <a id="show-sign-in" onclick="showSignInForm();">Sign In</a></p> </div> <div id="sign-in-form" class="<?php if ($_POST && ($_POST["action"] == "sign_in" || $_POST["action"] == "unlink_account")) { ?> active<?php } ?> "> <h2 class="modal-header">Sign In</h2> <p>Sign in using your email and password below.</p> <?php if ($_POST && $_POST["action"] == "sign_in") { ?> <div id="invalid-alert" class="alert alert-danger signin-alert" role="alert">Invalid Email or Password. Please try again.</div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-container"> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="sign_in" /> <div class="form-group"> <label>Email Address</label> <input type="email" placeholder="Email Address" name="email" class="form-control" value="<?php if (isset($_POST["email"])) { echo $_POST["email"]; } ?> " /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Password</label> <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" class="form-control" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" value="Sign In »" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" /> </div> </form> </div> <p>Forgot your password? <a href="http://<?php echo MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL; ?> /users/password/new" target="_blank">Click here</a> to retrieve it.</p> <p>Don't have an account? <a id="show-sign-up" onclick="showSignUpForm();">Sign Up</a></p> </div> </div> <?php if ($_POST) { ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function() { <?php if ($_POST && ($_POST["action"] == "sign_in" || $_POST["action"] == "unlink_account")) { ?> showSignInForm(); <?php } else { ?> showSignUpForm(); <?php } ?> }); </script> <?php } } }
/** * Back-end widget form. * * @see WP_Widget::form() * * @param array $instance Previously saved values from database. */ public function form($instance) { if (isset($instance['title'])) { $title = $instance['title']; } else { $title = __('Optin Form', 'text_domain'); } if (isset($instance['form_id'])) { $form_id = $instance['form_id']; } $mc_mm_data = unserialize(get_option("mc_mm_data")); $mc_mm_user_email = get_option("mc_mm_user_email"); $mc_mm_user_password = get_option("mc_mm_user_password"); if (!empty($mc_mm_user_email) && !empty($mc_mm_user_password) && !empty($mc_mm_data["site_id"])) { $mc_mm_site_id = $mc_mm_data["site_id"]; $mm = new MailchimpMailmunchApi($mc_mm_user_email, $mc_mm_user_password, "http://" . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL); $result = $mm->widgets($mc_mm_site_id, "Sidebar"); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { $widgets = json_decode($result['body']); } } else { ?> <p>No MailMunch account found. <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=' . MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_SLUG); ?> ">Go Here First</a></p> <?php return; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onmessage = function (e) { if ( === 'refresh') { top.location.reload(); } }; </script> <?php if (sizeof($widgets) > 0) { ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?> "><?php _e('Title:'); ?> </label> <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?> " type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($title); ?> "> </p> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('form_id'); ?> "><?php _e('Optin Form:'); ?> </label> <select class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('form_id'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('form_id'); ?> "> <option value="">None</option> <?php foreach ($widgets as $widget) { echo "<option value='" . $widget->id . "'"; if ($form_id == $widget->id) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $widget->name . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </p> <p><a href="//<?php echo MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL; ?> /sso?email=<?php echo urlencode($mc_mm_user_email); ?> &password=<?php echo urlencode($mc_mm_user_password); ?> &next_url=<?php echo urlencode("/sites/" . $mc_mm_data["site_id"] . "/widgets/new?wp_layout=1&widget_type=Sidebar"); ?> " target="_blank">Create New Sidebar Form</a></p> <?php } else { ?> <p>No sidebar forms found. <a href="//<?php echo MAILCHIMP_MAILMUNCH_URL; ?> /sso?email=<?php echo urlencode($mc_mm_user_email); ?> &password=<?php echo urlencode($mc_mm_user_password); ?> &next_url=<?php echo urlencode("/sites/" . $mc_mm_data["site_id"] . "/widgets/new?wp_layout=1&widget_type=Sidebar"); ?> " target="_blank">Create Your First One</a></p> <?php } }