Example #1
 function run()
     global $ost;
     if (!$ost->getConfig()->isEmailPollingEnabled()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     //We check here just in case the extension gets disabled post email config...
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = _S('osTicket requires PHP IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 email fetch to work!');
         $ost->logWarning(_S('Mail Fetch Error'), $msg);
     //Hardcoded error control...
     $MAXERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts
     $TIMEOUT = 10;
     //Timeout in minutes after max errors is reached.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id, mail_errors FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 ' . '  AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAXERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lasterror))>' . $TIMEOUT * 60 . ') )' . '  AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60)' . ' ORDER BY mail_lastfetch ASC';
     if (!($res = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) {
     /* Failed query (get's logged) or nothing to do... */
     //Get max execution time so we can figure out how long we can fetch
     // take fetching emails.
     if (!($max_time = ini_get('max_execution_time'))) {
         $max_time = 300;
     //Start time
     $start_time = Misc::micro_time();
     while (list($emailId, $errors) = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         //Break if we're 80% into max execution time
         if (Misc::micro_time() - $start_time > $max_time * 0.8) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($emailId);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($emailId));
         } else {
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($emailId));
             if (++$errors >= $MAXERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\n" . _S('osTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account') . ": \n" . "\n" . _S('User') . ": " . $fetcher->getUsername() . "\n" . _S('Host') . ": " . $fetcher->getHost() . "\n" . _S('Error') . ": " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . sprintf(_S('%1$d consecutive errors. Maximum of %2$d allowed'), $errors, $MAXERRORS) . "\n\n " . sprintf(_S('This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. %d minutes'), $TIMEOUT);
                 $ost->alertAdmin(_S('Mail Fetch Failure Alert'), $msg, true);
     //end while.
Example #2
 function save($id, $vars, &$errors)
     global $cfg;
     //very basic checks
     $vars['name'] = Format::striptags(trim($vars['name']));
     if ($id && $id != $vars['id']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Internal error. Get technical help.';
     if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Valid email required';
     } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email already exits';
     } elseif ($cfg && !strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email already used as admin email!';
     } elseif (Staff::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) {
         //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff
         $errors['email'] = 'Email in-use by a staff member';
     if (!$vars['name']) {
         $errors['name'] = 'Email name required';
     if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) {
         if (!$vars['userid']) {
             $errors['userid'] = 'Username missing';
         if (!$id && !$vars['passwd']) {
             $errors['passwd'] = 'Password required';
     if ($vars['mail_active']) {
         //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled.
         if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
             $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.';
         if (!$vars['mail_host']) {
             $errors['mail_host'] = 'Host name required';
         if (!$vars['mail_port']) {
             $errors['mail_port'] = 'Port required';
         if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) {
             $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Select protocol';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Fetch interval required';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Maximum emails required';
         if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) {
             $errors['dept_id'] = 'You must select a Dept.';
         if (!$vars['priority_id']) {
             $errors['priority_id'] = 'You must select a priority';
         if (!isset($vars['postfetch'])) {
             $errors['postfetch'] = 'Indicate what to do with fetched emails';
         } elseif (!strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'archive')) {
             if (!$vars['mail_archivefolder']) {
                 $errors['postfetch'] = 'Valid folder required';
     if ($vars['smtp_active']) {
         if (!$vars['smtp_host']) {
             $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Host name required';
         if (!$vars['smtp_port']) {
             $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Port required';
     //abort on errors
     if ($errors) {
         return false;
     if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id);
         if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) {
             $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Host/userid combination already in-use.';
     $passwd = $vars['passwd'] ? $vars['passwd'] : $vars['cpasswd'];
     if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) {
         //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text.
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $passwd, $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']);
         if (!$fetcher->connect()) {
             $errors['err'] = 'Invalid login. Check ' . Format::htmlchars($vars['mail_protocol']) . ' settings';
             $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError();
         } elseif ($vars['mail_archivefolder'] && !$fetcher->checkMailbox($vars['mail_archivefolder'], true)) {
             $errors['postfetch'] = 'Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> ' . $fetcher->getLastError() . '';
             if (!$errors['mail']) {
                 $errors['mail'] = 'Invalid or unknown archive folder!';
     if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) {
         //Check SMTP login only.
         require_once 'Mail.php';
         // PEAR Mail package
         $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $passwd, 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false));
         $mail = $smtp->connect();
         if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
             $errors['err'] = 'Unable to login. Check SMTP settings.';
             $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage();
         } else {
             //Thank you, sir!
     if ($errors) {
         return false;
     //Default to default priority and dept..
     if (!$vars['priority_id'] && $cfg) {
         $vars['priority_id'] = $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId();
     if (!$vars['dept_id'] && $cfg) {
         $vars['dept_id'] = $cfg->getDefaultDeptId();
     $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']) . ',smtp_spoofing=' . db_input(isset($vars['smtp_spoofing']) ? 1 : 0) . ',notes=' . db_input($vars['notes']);
     //Post fetch email handling...
     if ($vars['postfetch'] && !strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'delete')) {
         $sql .= ',mail_delete=1,mail_archivefolder=NULL';
     } elseif ($vars['postfetch'] && !strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'archive') && $vars['mail_archivefolder']) {
         $sql .= ',mail_delete=0,mail_archivefolder=' . db_input($vars['mail_archivefolder']);
     } else {
         $sql .= ',mail_delete=0,mail_archivefolder=NULL';
     if ($vars['passwd']) {
         //New password - encrypt.
         $sql .= ',userpass='******'passwd'], SECRET_SALT));
     if ($id) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id);
         if (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()) {
             return true;
         $errors['err'] = 'Unable to update email. Internal error occurred';
     } else {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()';
         if (db_query($sql) && ($id = db_insert_id())) {
             return $id;
         $errors['err'] = 'Unable to add email. Internal error';
     return false;
 function save($id, $vars, &$errors)
     global $cfg;
     //very basic checks
     if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Erro interno.';
     if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email válido obrigatório';
     } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email já existe.';
     } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email já usado como email do administrador!';
     } else {
         //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff
         $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']);
         if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
             $errors['email'] = 'Email em uso por um membro do suporte.';
     if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) {
         $errors['dept_id'] = 'Você deve selecionar um departamento.';
     if (!$vars['priority_id']) {
         $errors['priority_id'] = 'Você deve selecionar uma prioridade';
     if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) {
         if (!$vars['userid']) {
             $errors['userid'] = 'Nome de usuário ausente';
         if (!$vars['userpass']) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
     if ($vars['mail_active']) {
         //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled.
         if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
             $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP não existe. PHP deve ser compilado com IMAP habilitado.';
         if (!$vars['mail_host']) {
             $errors['mail_host'] = 'Nome do host obrigatório';
         if (!$vars['mail_port']) {
             $errors['mail_port'] = 'Porta obrigatória';
         if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) {
             $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Selecione protocolo';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Buscar intervalo obrigatório';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Máximo de emails exigidos';
     if ($vars['smtp_active']) {
         if (!$vars['smtp_host']) {
             $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Nome do host obrigatório';
         if (!$vars['smtp_port']) {
             $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Porta obrigatória';
     if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id);
         if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) {
             $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Outro departamento está usando combinação de nome/host.';
     if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) {
         //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text.
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']);
         if (!$fetcher->connect()) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . ' configurações';
             $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError();
     if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) {
         //Check SMTP login only.
         require_once 'Mail.php';
         // PEAR Mail package
         $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false));
         $mail = $smtp->connect();
         if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
             $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage();
         } else {
             //Thank you, sir!
     if (!$errors) {
         $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id);
             if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'Não é possível atualizar e-mail. Erro interno';
         } else {
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()';
             if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'Não é possível adicionar e-mail. Erro interno';
             } else {
                 return $emailID;
             //newly created email.
     } else {
         $errors['err'] = 'Erro(s). Tente novamente';
     return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE;
 function save($id, $vars, &$errors)
     global $cfg;
     //very basic checks
     if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Internal error.';
     if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Valid email required';
     } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email already exits';
     } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email already used as admin email!';
     } else {
         //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff
         $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']);
         if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
             $errors['email'] = 'Email in-use by a staff member';
     if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) {
         $errors['dept_id'] = 'You must select a Dept.';
     if (!$vars['priority_id']) {
         $errors['priority_id'] = 'You must select a priority';
     if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) {
         if (!$vars['userid']) {
             $errors['userid'] = 'Username missing';
         if (!$vars['userpass']) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
     if ($vars['mail_active']) {
         //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled.
         if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
             $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.';
         if (!$vars['mail_host']) {
             $errors['mail_host'] = 'Host name required';
         if (!$vars['mail_port']) {
             $errors['mail_port'] = 'Port required';
         if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) {
             $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Select protocol';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Fetch interval required';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Maximum emails required';
     if ($vars['smtp_active']) {
         if (!$vars['smtp_host']) {
             $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Host name required';
         if (!$vars['smtp_port']) {
             $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Port required';
     if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id);
         if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) {
             $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Another department using host/username combination.';
     if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) {
         //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text.
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']);
         if (!$fetcher->connect()) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . ' settings';
             $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError();
     if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) {
         //Check SMTP login only.
         require_once 'Mail.php';
         // PEAR Mail package
         $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false));
         $mail = $smtp->connect();
         if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
             $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage();
         } else {
             //Thank you, sir!
     if (!$errors) {
         $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id);
             if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'Unable to update email. Internal error occured';
         } else {
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()';
             if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'Unable to add email. Internal error';
             } else {
                 return $emailID;
             //newly created email.
     } else {
         $errors['err'] = 'Error(s) Occured. Try again';
     return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE;
Example #5
    function fetchMail(){
        global $cfg;

        //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
        if(!function_exists('imap_open')) {
            $msg='PHP must be compiled with IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 fetch to work!';
            Sys::log(LOG_WARN,'Mail Fetch Error',$msg);

        $MAX_ERRORS=5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.

        $sql=' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM '.EMAIL_TABLE.
             ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<='.$MAX_ERRORS.' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )'.
             ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
        //echo $sql;
        if(!($accounts=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts))

        //TODO: Lock the table here??
        while($row=db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
            $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'],Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'],SECRET_SALT),
                db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id']));
                db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id']));
                    //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                    $msg="\nThe system is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account: \n".
                        "\nUser: "******"\nHost: ".$row['mail_host'].
                        "\nError: ".$fetcher->getLastError().
                        "\n\n ".$errors.' consecutive errors. Maximum of '.$MAX_ERRORS. ' allowed'.
                        "\n\n This could be connection issues related to the host. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. 10 minutes";
                    Sys::alertAdmin('Mail Fetch Failure Alert',$msg,true);
 function run()
     global $ost;
     if (!$ost->getConfig()->isEmailPollingEnabled()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     //We check here just in case the extension gets disabled post email config...
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = 'osTicket requires PHP IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 email fetch to work!';
         $ost->logWarning('Mail Fetch Error', $msg);
     //Hardcoded error control...
     $MAXERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts
     $TIMEOUT = 10;
     //Timeout in minutes after max errors is reached.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id, mail_errors FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 ' . '  AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAXERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lasterror))>' . $TIMEOUT * 60 . ') )' . '  AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60)' . ' ORDER BY mail_lastfetch DESC' . ' LIMIT 10';
     //Processing up to 10 emails at a time.
     // echo $sql;
     if (!($res = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) {
     /* Failed query (get's logged) or nothing to do... */
     //TODO: Lock the table here??
     while (list($emailId, $errors) = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($emailId);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($emailId));
         } else {
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($emailId));
             if (++$errors >= $MAXERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\nosTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account: \n" . "\nUser: "******"\nHost: " . $fetcher->getHost() . "\nError: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' consecutive errors. Maximum of ' . $MAXERRORS . ' allowed' . "\n\n This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. {$TIMEOUT} minutes";
                 $ost->alertAdmin('Mail Fetch Failure Alert', $msg, true);
     //end while.
 function fetchMail()
     global $cfg;
     if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = 'PHP deve ser compilado com extensão IMAP habilitado para buscar a trabalhar IMAP/POP3!';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Erro em buscar o email', $msg);
     $MAX_ERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
     //echo $sql;
     if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) {
     //TODO: Lock the table here??
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false);
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
         } else {
             $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1;
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
             if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\nO sistema está tendo problemas para coletar e-mails da conta do e-mail seguinte: \n" . "\nUsuário: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nErro: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' erros consecutivos. Máximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitido' . "\n\n Isso pode ser problemas de conexão relacionados ao hospedeiro. Próxima tentativa de login em aprox. 10 minutos";
                 Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de falha na busca por email', $msg, true);
 function fetchMail()
     global $cfg;
     if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = 'PHP debe ser compilado con la extensi&oacute;n IMAP habilitada para IMAP/POP3 fetch(captura de correo) para que funcione';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Error de captura de correo', $msg);
     $MAX_ERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
     //echo $sql;
     if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) {
     //TODO: Lock the table here??
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false);
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
         } else {
             $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1;
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
             if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\nEl sistema est&aacute; teniendo problemas para obtener los correos electr&oacute;nicos de la cuenta de correo siguiente: \n" . "\nUsuario: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nError: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' errores consecutivos. M&aacute;ximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitidos' . "\n\n Esto podría ser una cuesti&oacute;n relacionada con la conexi&oacute;n al host. Siguiente intento en aprox. 10 min";
                 Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de fallo en la captura de correo', $msg, true);
 function save($id, $vars, &$errors)
     global $cfg;
     //very basic checks
     if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Error Interno.';
     if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Se Requiere un Email Valido';
     } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya existe';
     } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya se esta usando en la cuenta de Administrador';
     } else {
         //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff
         $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']);
         if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
             $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya se esta usando por un miembro del Staff';
     if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) {
         $errors['dept_id'] = 'Debes seleccionar un Departamento';
     if (!$vars['priority_id']) {
         $errors['priority_id'] = 'Debes seleccionar prioridad';
     if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) {
         if (!$vars['userid']) {
             $errors['userid'] = 'Falta nombre de Usuario';
         if (!$vars['userpass']) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
     if ($vars['mail_active']) {
         //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled.
         if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
             $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP no existe. PHP debe ser compilado con IMAP.';
         if (!$vars['mail_host']) {
             $errors['mail_host'] = 'Se requiere nombre del Host';
         if (!$vars['mail_port']) {
             $errors['mail_port'] = 'Se requiere numero de Puerto';
         if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) {
             $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Selecciona Protocolo';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Se requiere frecuencia de captura';
         if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) {
             $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Se requiere numero m&aacute;ximo de correos por captura';
     if ($vars['smtp_active']) {
         if (!$vars['smtp_host']) {
             $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Se requiere nombre del Host';
         if (!$vars['smtp_port']) {
             $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Se requiere numero de puerto';
     if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id);
         if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) {
             $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'La combinacion Host/Nombre de usuario ya esta en uso por otro departamento.';
     if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) {
         //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text.
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']);
         if (!$fetcher->connect()) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . '';
             $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError();
     if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) {
         //Check SMTP login only.
         require_once 'Mail.php';
         // PEAR Mail package
         $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false));
         $mail = $smtp->connect();
         if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
             $errors['userpass'] = '******';
             $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage();
         } else {
             //Thank you, sir!
     if (!$errors) {
         $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']);
         if ($id) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id);
             if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'No se a podido actualizar el Email, Error interno';
         } else {
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()';
             if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) {
                 $errors['err'] = 'No se a podido añadir el Email, Error interno ';
             } else {
                 return $emailID;
             //newly created email.
     } else {
         $errors['err'] = 'Se an producido Errores, intentelo de nuevo';
     return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE;