public function sendContactUs() { App::import('Component', 'Mail'); $MailComponent = new MailComponent($this->data); $MailComponent->setValidationFields(array('senderName' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter your name', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX))), 'from' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter your email address', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX)), 'email' => array('msg' => __('Your email address must be in the format of', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX))), 'body' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter a message', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX))))); $MailComponent->setSubject('[Contact Form] ' . get_bloginfo('name')); $invalidFields = array(); $success = array(); if ($MailComponent->send()) { $success['success'] = true; $success['message'] = __('Your email has been sent.', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX); // $successMessage = __('Your email has been sent.', GUMM_THEME_PREFIX); } else { $invalidFields = $MailComponent->getInvalidFields(); $success['success'] = false; $success['message'] = '<p>' . implode('</p><p>', $invalidFields) . '</p>'; } // d($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()); if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) { echo json_encode($success); die; } }
/** * @return void */ protected function _render($options) { $id = $this->id(); $invalidFields = array(); $mailSent = false; $labels = array('senderName' => __('Name *', 'gummfw'), 'from' => __('Email *', 'gummfw'), 'body' => __('Message *', 'gummfw')); if (isset($_POST['contactSendMail']) && isset($_POST['contact_form_id']) && $_POST['contact_form_id'] == $id) { $_POST = array_diff_assoc($_POST, $labels); App::import('Component', 'Mail'); $params = array_merge($_POST, array('to' => $this->getParam('contactEmail'))); $MailComponent = new MailComponent($params); $MailComponent->setValidationFields(array('senderName' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter your name', 'gummfw'))), 'from' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter your email address', 'gummfw')), 'email' => array('msg' => __('Your email address must be in the format of', 'gummfw'))), 'body' => array('empty' => array('msg' => __('Please enter a message', 'gummfw'))))); $MailComponent->setSubject('[Contact Form] ' . get_bloginfo('name')); if ($MailComponent->send()) { $mailSent = true; $successMessage = __('Your email has been sent.', 'gummfw'); } else { $invalidFields = $MailComponent->getInvalidFields(); } } $fieldsData = array('senderName' => isset($_POST['senderName']) && !$mailSent ? $_POST['senderName'] : '', 'from' => isset($_POST['from']) && !$mailSent ? $_POST['from'] : '', 'body' => isset($_POST['body']) && !$mailSent ? $_POST['body'] : ''); $displayLabels = true; $formClass = array('gumm-contact-form'); $senderInputClass = array('required'); $fromInputClass = array('required'); $bodyInputClass = array('required'); if (in_array($this->getParam('layout'), array('one', 'three'))) { $senderInputClass[] = 'labeled-input'; $fromInputClass[] = 'labeled-input'; $bodyInputClass[] = 'labeled-input'; $displayLabels = false; $formClass[] = 'form-discrete-labels'; if (!$fieldsData['senderName']) { $fieldsData['senderName'] = $labels['senderName']; $senderInputClass[] = 'default-label-on'; } if (!$fieldsData['from']) { $fieldsData['from'] = $labels['from']; $fromInputClass[] = 'default-label-on'; } if (!$fieldsData['body']) { $fieldsData['body'] = $labels['body']; $bodyInputClass[] = 'default-label-on'; } } if (isset($invalidFields['senderName'])) { $senderInputClass[] = 'form-error'; } if (isset($invalidFields['from'])) { $fromInputClass[] = 'form-error'; } if (isset($invalidFields['body'])) { $bodyInputClass[] = 'form-error'; } $divAtts = array('id' => 'contact-form-' . $id, 'class' => 'bluebox-contact type-' . $this->getParam('layout')); ?> <div<?php echo $this->Html->_constructTagAttributes($divAtts); ?> > <?php if (isset($successMessage)) { ?> <div class="msg success email-sent-msg centered-alert-message"> <a class="close" href="#">×</a> <p><?php echo $successMessage; ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " method="post" class="<?php echo implode(' ', $formClass); ?> "> <input name="contact_form_id" value="<?php echo $id; ?> " type="hidden" /> <input name="contactSendMail" value="1" type="hidden" /> <div class="contact-form-inputs"> <div class="input-wrap-text input-name"> <?php if ($displayLabels) { ?> <label for="gumm-contact-name-<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php _e('Name', 'gummfw'); ?> *</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" id="gumm-contact-name-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="<?php echo implode(' ', $senderInputClass); ?> " name="senderName" value="<?php echo $fieldsData['senderName']; ?> " data-default-label="<?php echo $labels['senderName']; ?> " /> <?php if (isset($invalidFields['senderName'])) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo implode('<br />', $invalidFields['senderName']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="input-wrap-text input-email"> <?php if ($displayLabels) { ?> <label for="gumm-contact-email-<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php _e('Email', 'gummfw'); ?> *</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" id="gumm-contact-email-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="<?php echo implode(' ', $fromInputClass); ?> " name="from" value="<?php echo $fieldsData['from']; ?> " data-default-label="<?php echo $labels['from']; ?> " /> <?php if (isset($invalidFields['from'])) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo implode('<br />', $invalidFields['from']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="input-wrap-textarea input-message"> <?php if ($displayLabels) { ?> <label for="gumm-contact-message-<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php _e('Message', 'gummfw'); ?> *</label> <?php } ?> <textarea id="gumm-contact-message-<?php echo $id; ?> " class="<?php echo implode(' ', $bodyInputClass); ?> " name="body" data-default-label="<?php echo $labels['body']; ?> " rows="6"><?php echo $fieldsData['body']; ?> </textarea> <?php if (isset($invalidFields['body'])) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo implode('<br />', $invalidFields['body']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="input-wrap-submit input-submit"> <input type="submit" class="gumm-contact-submit" data-title="<?php _e('Submit', 'gummfw'); ?> " data-action-title="<?php _e('Sending...', 'gummfw'); ?> " value="<?php _e('Submit', 'gummfw'); ?> " /> </div> </form> </div> <?php }