Example #1
  * Prepare quote, reserve order ID for specified quote
  * @return string
 public function initCheckout()
      * Reset multishipping flag before any manipulations with quote address
      * addAddress method for quote object related on this flag
     if ($this->_quote->getIsMultiShipping()) {
      * want to load the correct customer information by assigning to address
      * instead of just loading from sales/quote_address
     $customer = Mage::getSingleton('Mage_Customer_Model_Session')->getCustomer();
     if ($customer) {
     $quote = Mage::getSingleton('Mage_Checkout_Model_Session')->getQuote();
     if (!Mage::getSingleton('Mage_Customer_Model_Session')->isLoggedIn() && Mage::helper('Mage_Checkout_Helper_Data')->isAllowedGuestCheckout($quote)) {
     return $this->_quote->getReservedOrderId();
Example #2
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @return string
 public function start($returnUrl, $cancelUrl)
     // prepare API
     // supress or export shipping address
     if ($this->_quote->getIsVirtual()) {
     } else {
         $address = $this->_quote->getShippingAddress();
         $isOverriden = 0;
         if (true === $address->validate()) {
             $isOverriden = 1;
         $this->_quote->getPayment()->setAdditionalInformation(self::PAYMENT_INFO_TRANSPORT_SHIPPING_OVERRIDEN, $isOverriden);
     // add line items
     if ($this->_config->lineItemsEnabled) {
         list($items, $totals) = Mage::helper('paypal')->prepareLineItems($this->_quote);
     // call API and redirect with token
     $token = $this->_api->getToken();
     $this->_redirectUrl = $this->_config->getExpressCheckoutStartUrl($token);
     return $token;
Example #3
 protected function _placeOrder($checkoutMessage, $orderStatus = 'pending', $notifyCreateOrder = false)
     $service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $this->_quote);
     // If file not exist may catch warring
     if ($service != false && method_exists($service, 'submitAll')) {
         // Magento version 1.4.1.x
         //  $service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);
         $orderObj = $service->getOrder();
     } else {
         // Magento version 1.4.0.x , 1.3.x
         $convertQuoteObj = Mage::getSingleton('sales/convert_quote');
         $orderObj = $convertQuoteObj->addressToOrder($this->_quote->getShippingAddress());
         $items = $this->_quote->getShippingAddress()->getAllItems();
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             //@var $item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item
             $orderItem = $convertQuoteObj->itemToOrderItem($item);
             if ($item->getParentItem()) {
     $orderMessages = '';
     $notifyMessages = $this->_processNotifyMessage();
     if ($checkoutMessage || $notifyMessages) {
         $orderMessages .= '<br /><b><u>' . Mage::helper('M2ePro')->__('M2E Pro Notes') . ':</u></b><br /><br />';
         if ($checkoutMessage) {
             $orderMessages .= '<b>' . Mage::helper('M2ePro')->__('Checkout Message From Buyer') . ':</b>';
             $orderMessages .= $checkoutMessage . '<br />';
         if ($notifyMessages) {
             $orderMessages .= $notifyMessages;
     // Adding notification to order
     $orderObj->addStatusToHistory($orderStatus, $orderMessages, false);
     // --------------------
     Mage::helper('M2ePro/Module')->getConfig()->setGroupValue('/synchronization/orders/', 'current_magento_order_id', $orderObj->getId());
     // --------------------
     // Send Notification to customer after create order
     if ($notifyCreateOrder) {
         // Send new order E-mail only if select such mode
     return $orderObj;
Example #4
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @return string
 public function start($returnUrl, $cancelUrl)
     if (!$this->_quote->getGrandTotal() && !$this->_quote->hasNominalItems()) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('paypal')->__('PayPal does not support processing orders with zero amount. To complete your purchase, proceed to the standard checkout process.'));
     // prepare API
     if ($this->_giropayUrls) {
         list($successUrl, $cancelUrl, $pendingUrl) = $this->_giropayUrls;
         $this->_api->addData(array('giropay_cancel_url' => $cancelUrl, 'giropay_success_url' => $successUrl, 'giropay_bank_txn_pending_url' => $pendingUrl));
     // supress or export shipping address
     if ($this->_quote->getIsVirtual()) {
     } else {
         $address = $this->_quote->getShippingAddress();
         $isOverriden = 0;
         if (true === $address->validate()) {
             $isOverriden = 1;
         $this->_quote->getPayment()->setAdditionalInformation(self::PAYMENT_INFO_TRANSPORT_SHIPPING_OVERRIDEN, $isOverriden);
     // add line items
     $paypalCart = Mage::getModel('paypal/cart', array($this->_quote));
     // add shipping options if needed and line items are available
     if ($this->_config->lineItemsEnabled && $this->_config->transferShippingOptions && $paypalCart->getItems()) {
         if (!$this->_quote->getIsVirtual() && !$this->_quote->hasNominalItems()) {
             if ($options = $this->_prepareShippingOptions($address, true)) {
                 $this->_api->setShippingOptionsCallbackUrl(Mage::getUrl('*/*/shippingOptionsCallback', array('quote_id' => $this->_quote->getId())))->setShippingOptions($options);
     // add recurring payment profiles information
     if ($profiles = $this->_quote->prepareRecurringPaymentProfiles()) {
         foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
             if (!$profile->isValid()) {
                 Mage::throwException($profile->getValidationErrors(true, true));
     // call API and redirect with token
     $token = $this->_api->getToken();
     $this->_redirectUrl = $this->_config->getExpressCheckoutStartUrl($token);
     return $token;
Example #5
  * Build quote object
  * @throws Exception
 public function buildQuote()
     try {
         // do not change invoke order
         // --------------------
         // --------------------
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Example #6
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @return string
 public function start()
     // supress or export shipping address
     // call API and redirect with token
     $rs = Mage::getModel('sagepaysuite/sagePayDirectPro')->registerPayPalTransaction();
     if ($rs->getPayPalRedirectUrl()) {
         return $rs->getPayPalRedirectUrl();
     } else {
         return $rs;
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @return mixed
 public function start()
     if (!$this->_quote->getGrandTotal() && !$this->_quote->hasNominalItems()) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('payone_core')->__('PayPal does not support processing orders with zero amount. To complete your purchase, proceed to the standard checkout process.'));
     $service = $this->getFactory()->getServicePaymentGenericpayment($this->_config);
     $mapper = $service->getMapper();
     $request = $mapper->mapExpressCheckoutParameters($this->_quote);
     $response = $this->getFactory()->getServiceApiPaymentGenericpayment()->request($request);
     if ($response instanceof Payone_Api_Response_Genericpayment_Redirect) {
         $this->_redirectUrl = $response->getRedirecturl();
         $this->_workorderid = $response->getWorkorderId();
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @param string
  * @param string
  * @param bool|null $button specifies if we came from Checkout Stream or from Product/Cart directly
  * @return mixed
 public function start($returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $button = null)
     if (!$this->_quote->getGrandTotal() && !$this->_quote->hasNominalItems()) {
     $setExpressCheckoutReply = $this->_api->setExpressCheckout($returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $this->_quote);
     if ($button) {
         // mark the payment to indicate express checkout was initiated from
         // outside the normal checkout flow
         // (e.g. clicked paypal checkout button from product page)
         $setExpressCheckoutReply[self::PAYMENT_INFO_BUTTON] = 1;
     return $setExpressCheckoutReply;
  * Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
  * @return string
 public function start($returnUrl, $cancelUrl)
     // prepare API
     if ($this->_giropayUrls) {
         list($successUrl, $cancelUrl, $pendingUrl) = $this->_giropayUrls;
         $this->_api->addData(array('giropay_cancel_url' => $cancelUrl, 'giropay_success_url' => $successUrl, 'giropay_bank_txn_pending_url' => $pendingUrl));
     // supress or export shipping address
     if ($this->_quote->getIsVirtual()) {
     } else {
         $address = $this->_quote->getShippingAddress();
         $isOverriden = 0;
         if (true === $address->validate()) {
             $isOverriden = 1;
         $this->_quote->getPayment()->setAdditionalInformation(self::PAYMENT_INFO_TRANSPORT_SHIPPING_OVERRIDEN, $isOverriden);
     // add line items
     if ($this->_config->lineItemsEnabled && Mage::helper('paypal')->doLineItemsMatchAmount($this->_quote, $this->_quote->getBaseGrandTotal())) {
         //For transfering line items order amount must be equal to cart total amount
         list($items, $totals) = Mage::helper('paypal')->prepareLineItems($this->_quote);
     // call API and redirect with token
     $token = $this->_api->getToken();
     $this->_redirectUrl = $this->_config->getExpressCheckoutStartUrl($token);
     return $token;
  * Void the payment auth made for a quote.
  * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote
  * @return array
  * @throws EbayEnterprise_PayPal_Exception when the operation cannot be completed or fails.
 public function doVoidQuote(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote)
     return $this->doVoid($quote->reserveOrderId()->getReservedOrderId(), $quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode());
  * Do Authorization Request/ Response
  * @param  Mage_Sales_Model_Quote
  * @return array
  * @throws EbayEnterprise_PayPal_Exception when the operation cannot be completed or fails.
 public function doAuthorization(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote)
     $sdk = $this->getSdk($this->config->apiOperationDoAuthorization);
     $payload = $sdk->getRequestBody();
     $payload->setRequestId($this->coreHelper->generateRequestId(self::PAYPAL_DOAUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_ID_PREFIX))->setOrderId($quote->reserveOrderId()->getReservedOrderId())->setCurrencyCode($quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode())->setAmount($this->getTotal('grand_total', $quote));
     $this->logApiCall('do authorization', $sdk->getRequestBody()->serialize(), 'request');
     $reply = $this->sendRequest($sdk);
     $isSuccess = $reply->isSuccess();
     if (!$isSuccess) {
         $logMessage = 'PayPal request failed.';
         $this->logger->warning($logMessage, $this->logContext->getMetaData(__CLASS__));
         $e = Mage::exception('EbayEnterprise_PayPal', $this->helper->__(static::EBAYENTERPRISE_PAYPAL_API_FAILED));
         $this->logger->logException($e, $this->logContext->getMetaData(__CLASS__, [], $e));
         throw $e;
     $this->logApiCall('do authorization', $reply->serialize(), 'response');
     return ['method' => EbayEnterprise_PayPal_Model_Method_Express::CODE, 'order_id' => $reply->getOrderId(), 'payment_status' => $reply->getPaymentStatus(), 'pending_reason' => $reply->getPendingReason(), 'reason_code' => $reply->getReasonCode(), 'is_authorized' => $isSuccess];