Example #1
  * Initialize custom resource model
 public function __construct()
     $this->_resource = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/report')->init('sales/order_aggregated_created');
  * Initialize custom resource model
 public function __construct()
     $this->_resource = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/report')->init('smvendors/order', 'entity_id');
Example #3
  * Initialize custom resource model
 public function __construct()
     $this->_resource = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/report')->init('sales/bestsellers_aggregated_daily');
     // overwrite default behaviour
     $this->_applyFilters = false;
Example #4
  * Load
  * @param boolean $printQuery
  * @param boolean $logQuery
  * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Report_Order_Updatedat_Collection
 public function load($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false)
     if ($this->isLoaded()) {
         return $this;
     return parent::load($printQuery, $logQuery);
Example #5
  * Redeclare parent method for applying filters after parent method
  * but before adding unions and calculating totals
  * @return Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Report_Product_Viewed_Collection
 protected function _beforeLoad()
     if ($this->_period) {
         $selectUnions = array();
         // apply date boundaries (before calling $this->_applyDateRangeFilter())
         $dtFormat = Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT;
         $periodFrom = !is_null($this->_from) ? new Zend_Date($this->_from, $dtFormat) : null;
         $periodTo = !is_null($this->_to) ? new Zend_Date($this->_to, $dtFormat) : null;
         if ('year' == $this->_period) {
             if ($periodFrom) {
                 // not the first day of the year
                 if ($periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::MONTH) != 1 || $periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::DAY) != 1) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodFrom->getDate();
                     // last day of the year
                     $dtTo = $periodFrom->getDate()->setMonth(12)->setDay(31);
                     if (!$periodTo || $dtTo->isEarlier($periodTo)) {
                         $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
                         // first day of the next year
                         $this->_from = $periodFrom->getDate()->addYear(1)->setMonth(1)->setDay(1)->toString($dtFormat);
             if ($periodTo) {
                 // not the last day of the year
                 if ($periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::MONTH) != 12 || $periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::DAY) != 31) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodTo->getDate()->setMonth(1)->setDay(1);
                     // first day of the year
                     $dtTo = $periodTo->getDate();
                     if (!$periodFrom || $dtFrom->isLater($periodFrom)) {
                         $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
                         // last day of the previous year
                         $this->_to = $periodTo->getDate()->subYear(1)->setMonth(12)->setDay(31)->toString($dtFormat);
             if ($periodFrom && $periodTo) {
                 // the same year
                 if ($periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::YEAR) == $periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::YEAR)) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodFrom->getDate();
                     $dtTo = $periodTo->getDate();
                     $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
         } elseif ('month' == $this->_period) {
             if ($periodFrom) {
                 // not the first day of the month
                 if ($periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::DAY) != 1) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodFrom->getDate();
                     // last day of the month
                     $dtTo = $periodFrom->getDate()->addMonth(1)->setDay(1)->subDay(1);
                     if (!$periodTo || $dtTo->isEarlier($periodTo)) {
                         $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
                         // first day of the next month
                         $this->_from = $periodFrom->getDate()->addMonth(1)->setDay(1)->toString($dtFormat);
             if ($periodTo) {
                 // not the last day of the month
                 if ($periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::DAY) != $periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::MONTH_DAYS)) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodTo->getDate()->setDay(1);
                     // first day of the month
                     $dtTo = $periodTo->getDate();
                     if (!$periodFrom || $dtFrom->isLater($periodFrom)) {
                         $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
                         // last day of the previous month
                         $this->_to = $periodTo->getDate()->setDay(1)->subDay(1)->toString($dtFormat);
             if ($periodFrom && $periodTo) {
                 // the same month
                 if ($periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::YEAR) == $periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::YEAR) && $periodFrom->toValue(Zend_Date::MONTH) == $periodTo->toValue(Zend_Date::MONTH)) {
                     $dtFrom = $periodFrom->getDate();
                     $dtTo = $periodTo->getDate();
                     $selectUnions[] = $this->_makeBoundarySelect($dtFrom->toString($dtFormat), $dtTo->toString($dtFormat));
         // add unions to select
         if ($selectUnions) {
             $unionParts = array();
             $cloneSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
             $helper = Mage::getResourceHelper('core');
             $unionParts[] = '(' . $cloneSelect . ')';
             foreach ($selectUnions as $union) {
                 $query = $helper->getQueryUsingAnalyticFunction($union);
                 $unionParts[] = '(' . $query . ')';
             $this->getSelect()->reset()->union($unionParts, Zend_Db_Select::SQL_UNION_ALL);
         if ($this->isTotals()) {
             // calculate total
             $cloneSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
             $this->getSelect()->reset()->from($cloneSelect, $this->getAggregatedColumns());
         } else {
             // add sorting
             $this->getSelect()->order(array('period ASC'));
     // echo '<hr>'.$this->getSelect().'<hr>';
     return $this;