Example #1
  * @magentoAppIsolation enabled
  * @covers Mage_Core_Block_Template::assign
  * @covers Mage_Core_Block_Template::setScriptPath
  * @covers Mage_Core_Block_Template::fetchView
 public function testAssign()
     Mage::app()->getConfig()->getOptions()->setDesignDir(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files');
     $this->_block->assign(array('varOne' => 'value1', 'varTwo' => 'value2'))->setScriptPath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files');
     $template = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files/template_test_assign.phtml';
     $this->assertEquals('value1, value2', $this->_block->fetchView($template));
 public function searchConfigAction()
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $query = $this->getRequest()->getPost('query');
         if (!empty($query)) {
             $configs = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getNode($query);
             $items = array();
             Magneto_Debug_Block_Config::xml2array($configs, $items, $query);
             $block = new Mage_Core_Block_Template();
             //Is this the correct way?
             $block->assign('items', $items);
             echo $block->toHtml();
         } else {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = 'Search query cannot be empty.';
  * Return last 100 lines of log file
  * @return string
 public function viewLogAction()
     $file = $this->getRequest()->getParam('file');
     if (!empty($file)) {
         $result = Mage::helper('debug')->getLastRows(Mage::getBaseDir() . '/var/log/' . $file, 10);
         if (!is_array($result)) {
             $result = array($result);
         $block = new Mage_Core_Block_Template();
         //Is this the correct way?
         $block->assign('title', 'Log details : ' . $file);
         $block->assign('items', $result);
         echo $block->toHtml();