/** * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view. * * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry) * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object */ protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null) { if (!isset($this->_view)) { if (($pos = $view->param('l-pos')) !== null && ($pid = $view->param('d-product-id')) !== null) { if ($pos < 1) { $start = 0; $size = 2; } else { $start = $pos - 1; $size = 3; } $filter = $this->_getProductListFilterByParam($view->get('stageParams', array())); $filter->setSlice($start, $size); $total = null; $controller = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($this->_getContext(), 'catalog'); $products = $controller->getProductList($filter, $total, array('text')); if (($count = count($products)) > 1) { $listPos = array_search($pid, array_keys($products)); $target = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/target'); $controller = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller', 'catalog'); $action = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/action', 'detail'); $config = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', array()); if ($listPos > 0 && ($product = reset($products)) !== false) { $param = array('a-name' => $product->getName(), 'd-product-id' => $product->getId(), 'l-pos' => $listPos - 1); $view->navigationPrev = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config); } if ($listPos < $count - 1 && ($product = end($products)) !== false) { $param = array('a-name' => $product->getName(), 'd-product-id' => $product->getId(), 'l-pos' => $listPos + 1); $view->navigationNext = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config); } } } $this->_view = $view; } return $this->_view; }
/** * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view. * * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry) * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object */ protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null) { if (!isset($this->_cache)) { $mediaItems = array(); $catPath = $view->get('stageCatPath', array()); foreach (array_reverse($catPath) as $catItem) { $mediaItems = $catItem->getRefItems('media', 'default', 'stage'); if (!empty($mediaItems)) { break; } } $view->imageItems = $mediaItems; $this->_cache = $view; } return $this->_cache; }
/** * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view. * * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry) * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object */ protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null) { if (!isset($this->_cache)) { $context = $this->_getContext(); $basketCntl = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($context, 'basket'); try { $langid = $basketCntl->get()->getAddress('payment')->getLanguageId(); } catch (Exception $e) { $langid = $view->param('ca_billing/order.base.address.languageid', $context->getLocale()->getLanguageId()); } $view->billingLanguage = $langid; /** client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden * List of billing address input fields that are optional and should be hidden * * You can configure the list of billing address fields that * are hidden when a customer enters his new billing address. * Available field keys are: * * order.base.address.company * * order.base.address.vatid * * order.base.address.salutation * * order.base.address.firstname * * order.base.address.lastname * * order.base.address.address1 * * order.base.address.address2 * * order.base.address.address3 * * order.base.address.postal * * order.base.address.city * * order.base.address.state * * order.base.address.languageid * * order.base.address.countryid * * order.base.address.telephone * * order.base.address.telefax * * order.base.address.email * * order.base.address.website * * Caution: Only hide fields that don't require any input * * Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as * "client/html/common/address/billing/hidden" starting from 2014-03. * * @param array List of field keys * @since 2015.02 * @category User * @category Developer * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/disable-new * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/countries */ $hidden = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden', array()); if (count($view->get('addressLanguages', array())) === 1) { $hidden[] = 'order.base.address.languageid'; } $salutations = array('company', 'mr', 'mrs'); /** client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations * List of salutions the customer can select from for the billing address * * The following salutations are available: * * empty string for "unknown" * * company * * mr * * mrs * * miss * * You can modify the list of salutation codes and remove the ones * which shouldn't be used. Adding new salutations is a little bit * more difficult because you have to adapt a few areas in the source * code. * * Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as * "client/html/common/address/billing/salutations" starting from 2014-03. * * @param array List of available salutation codes * @since 2015.02 * @category User * @category Developer * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/disable-new * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/countries */ $view->billingSalutations = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations', $salutations); $view->billingMandatory = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory', $this->_mandatory); $view->billingOptional = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional', $this->_optional); $view->billingHidden = $hidden; $this->_cache = $view; } return $this->_cache; }
/** * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view. * * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry) * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object */ protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null) { if (!isset($this->_cache)) { $attributeTypes = array(); $attrItems = $view->get('detailProductAttributeItems', array()); $configAttributes = $view->detailProductItem->getRefItems('attribute', null, 'config'); foreach ($configAttributes as $id => $attribute) { if (isset($attrItems[$id])) { $attributeTypes[$attrItems[$id]->getType()][$id] = $attrItems[$id]; } } $view->attributeConfigItems = $attributeTypes; $view->attributeCustomItems = $view->detailProductItem->getRefItems('attribute', null, 'custom'); $view->attributeHiddenItems = $view->detailProductItem->getRefItems('attribute', null, 'hidden'); $this->_cache = $view; } return $this->_cache; }