Example #1
 // take out the value from the $_POST array
 $username = $_POST["username"];
 $password = $_POST["password"];
 $repeat_password = $_POST["repeat_password"];
 $role = $_POST["role"];
 $email = $_POST["email"];
 // check if the two password match
 if ($password === $repeat_password) {
     // include a global file with all the classes
     require_once 'Matchup.inc.php';
     // create an object of MUUsers
     $user = new MUUsers();
     // check if the username is already in use
     if (!$user->isUserAlreadyRegistered($username)) {
         // check if the registration was successful
         if ($user->registerUser($username, $password, $email, $role)) {
             // user is correctly registered
             $register_response_success = "1";
             $register_response_message = "Utente%20registrato%20con%20successo";
         } else {
             // something wrong happen
             $register_response_success = "0";
             $register_response_message = "Qualcosa%20di%20inaspettato%20e'%20accaduto";
     } else {
         // user already register
         $register_response_success = "0";
         $register_response_message = "Utente%20gia'%20registrato";
 } else {
     // the passwords do not match