Example #1
File: gmp.php Project: sercba/gmp
function gmp_link($params)
    $clientId = $params['client_id'];
    $clientSecret = $params['client_secret'];
    $testmode = $params['testmode'];
    $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid'];
    $description = $params["description"];
    $amount = $params['amount'];
    # Format: ##.##
    $currency = $params['currency'];
    # Currency Code
    $mp = new MP($clientId, $clientSecret);
    $preference_data = array("external_reference" => $invoiceid, "items" => array(array("title" => $description, "quantity" => 1, "currency_id" => $currency, "unit_price" => (double) $amount)));
    $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
    $initPoint = $testmode ? $preference['response']['sandbox_init_point'] : $preference['response']['init_point'];
    $code = '<a href="' . $initPoint . '">Pagar</a>';
    return $code;
Example #2
 public function postPago()
     $core = Mage::getModel('mercadopago/core');
     //seta sdk php mercadopago
     $client_id = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/mercadopago/client_id');
     $client_secret = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/mercadopago/client_secret');
     $mp = new MP($client_id, $client_secret);
     //monta a prefernecia
     $pref = $this->makePreference();
     Mage::helper('mercadopago')->log("make array", 'mercadopago-standard.log', $pref);
     //faz o posto do pagamento
     $response = $mp->create_preference($pref);
     Mage::helper('mercadopago')->log("create preference result", 'mercadopago-standard.log', $response);
     $array_assign = array();
     if ($response['status'] == 200 || $response['status'] == 201) {
         $payment = $response['response'];
         $init_point = $payment['init_point'];
         $array_assign = array("init_point" => $init_point, "type_checkout" => $this->getConfigData('type_checkout'), "iframe_width" => $this->getConfigData('iframe_width'), "iframe_height" => $this->getConfigData('iframe_height'), "banner_checkout" => $this->getConfigData('banner_checkout'), "status" => 201);
         Mage::helper('mercadopago')->log("Array preference ok", 'mercadopago-standard.log');
     } else {
         $array_assign = array("message" => Mage::helper('mercadopago')->__('An error has occurred. Please refresh the page.'), "json" => json_encode($response), "status" => 400);
         Mage::helper('mercadopago')->log("Array preference error", 'mercadopago-standard.log');
     return $array_assign;
Example #3
function pay($item)
    require_once "mercadopago.php";
    $item_decoded = json_decode($item);
    $mp = new MP("2825512066514146", "2KIKPJLtXNGBlRMLK2h3IY8WI6g8dfrB");
    $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("title" => $item_decoded->titulo, "currency_id" => "ARS", "category_id" => $item_decoded->categoria, "quantity" => intval($item_decoded->cantidad), "unit_price" => floatval($item_decoded->precio))), "payer" => array("email" => $item_decoded->mail));
    $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
    echo json_encode($preference);
Example #4
  * generates HTML for apy buton
  * @param  Model_Order $order 
  * @return string                 
 public static function button(Model_Order $order)
     if (Core::config('payment.mercadopago_client_id') != '' and Core::config('payment.mercadopago_client_secret') != '' and Theme::get('premium') == 1) {
         // Include Mercadopago library
         require Kohana::find_file('vendor/mercadopago', 'mercadopago');
         // Create an instance with your MercadoPago credentials (CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET):
         $mp = new MP(core::config('payment.mercadopago_client_id'), core::config('payment.mercadopago_client_secret'));
         $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("id" => $order->id_order, "title" => $order->product->title, "currency_id" => $order->currency, "picture_url" => $order->product->get_first_image(), "description" => Text::limit_chars(Text::removebbcode($order->product->description), 30, NULL, TRUE), "category_id" => $order->product->category->name, "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => self::money_format($order->amount))), "payer" => array("name" => Auth::instance()->get_user()->name, "email" => Auth::instance()->get_user()->email), "back_urls" => array("success" => Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'orders')), "failure" => Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'ad', 'action' => 'checkout', 'id' => $order->id_order))), "auto_return" => "approved", "notification_url" => Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'mercadopago', 'action' => 'ipn', 'id' => $order->id_order)), "expires" => false);
         $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
         $link = $preference["response"]["init_point"];
         return View::factory('pages/mercadopago/button', array('link' => $link));
     return '';
Example #5
function pago($atts){
    $factory=new MP_Factory();
    $mp = new MP($proveedor['identificador'],
    $mp = new MP($proveedor['identificador'],
    $price=round($products['unit_price'], 2);
    $preference_data = array(
    "items" => array(
           "title" => $products['title'],
           "quantity" => intval($atts['cuantos']),
           "currency_id" => "MXN",
           "unit_price" => $price,

    $preference = $mp->create_preference ($preference_data);

Example #6
function MP_link_button($atts)
    require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/mercadopago/lib/mercadopago.php';
    $factory = new MP_Factory();
    $mydb = $factory->myDB();
    $proveedor = $mydb->print_all_items_from_tables("MP_Admin", '*', 'username', $atts['proveedor']);
    $encrypt = preg_split('/-/', $_COOKIE['MP_user']);
    $user = $mydb->print_all_items_from_tables('MP_user', 'MP_nombre,MP_email,MP_password', 'id', $encrypt[0]);
    if ($user[1]['MP_password'] == $encrypt[1]) {
        $MP_user = $user[1];
    } else {
        $user = '';
    $proveedor = $proveedor[1];
    $mp = new MP($proveedor['identificador'], $proveedor['Client_pass']);
    $price = round($atts['precio'], 2);
    $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("title" => $atts['title'], "quantity" => 1, "currency_id" => $atts['currency'], "unit_price" => $price)), "payer" => array("name" => $MP_user['MP_nombre'], "email" => $MP_user['MP_email']));
    $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
    return "<a href='" . $preference[response][init_point] . "' class='MP_button' >{$atts['title']}</a>";
function probandoMP()
    $sessionid = "1234567890";
    $payer = array("name" => "Cristian ", "surname" => "Tala S.", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "date_created" => "", "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => "+56991629602"), "address" => array("zip_code" => "00000", "street_name" => "Presidente Kennedy", "street_number" => "5933"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
    $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => "000000", "street_name" => "DESTINO", "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"));
    $items = array(array("id" => $sessionid, "title" => "Producto", "description" => "x", "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => 10, "currency_id" => "CLP", "picture_url" => "", "category_id" => ""));
    //set back url
    $back_urls = array("pending" => "URLPENDING", "success" => "URLSUCCESS");
    //mount array pref
    $pref = array();
    $pref['external_reference'] = $sessionid;
    $pref['payer'] = $payer;
    $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
    $pref['items'] = $items;
    $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
    $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
    $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
    $result = "";
    $result .= "<pre>";
    if ($preferenceResult['status'] == 201) {
        if (true) {
            $link = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
        } else {
            $link = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
    } else {
        $result .= "Error: " . $preferenceResult['status'];
    $result .= print_r($preferenceResult, true);
    $filters = array("id" => null, "site_id" => null, "external_reference" => null);
    $searchResult = $mp->search_payment($filters);
    $result .= print_r($searchResult, true);
    $result .= "</pre>";
    return $result;
Example #8
  *	Booking 4/4
 public static function carrental_confirm_reservation()
     $order_hash = self::save_booking($_POST);
     if ((int) $_POST['paypal'] == 1 && (double) $_POST['total_rental'] > 0) {
         $paypal = get_option('carrental_paypal');
         $available_payments = unserialize(get_option('carrental_available_payments'));
         if (isset($available_payments) && isset($available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit']) && (double) $available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit'] > 0) {
             // if paypal security deposit is set
             $_POST['total_rental'] = $_POST['total_rental'] * ((double) $available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit'] / 100);
             if (isset($available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit-round'])) {
                 if ($available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit-round'] == 'up') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = ceil($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } elseif ($available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit-round'] == 'down') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = floor($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } else {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
             } else {
                 $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
         // Redirect to PayPal
         $query = array();
         $query['cmd'] = '_xclick';
         $query['business'] = $paypal;
         $query['email'] = $_POST['email'];
         $query['item_name'] = 'Car Rental Reservation #' . $order_hash;
         $query['quantity'] = 1;
         $query['return'] = home_url() . '?page=carrental&payment=paypal&summary=' . $order_hash;
         $query['item_number'] = $order_hash;
         $query['custom'] = isset($_SESSION['carrental_language']) && !empty($_SESSION['carrental_language']) ? $_SESSION['carrental_language'] : 'en_GB';
         $query['notify_url'] = CARRENTAL__PLUGIN_URL . 'paypal_ipn.php';
         $query['cancel_return'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&paymentError=1';
         $query['amount'] = number_format((double) $_POST['total_rental'], 2, '.', '');
         $query['currency_code'] = $_POST['currency_code'];
         // Prepare query string
         $query_string = http_build_query($query);
         Header('Location: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?' . $query_string);
     // is it eway payment?
     if ($_POST['payment_option'] == 'eway' && (double) $_POST['total_rental'] > 0) {
         $payments_others = unserialize(get_option('carrental_available_payments_others'));
         if ($payments_others && !empty($payments_others) && isset($payments_others['eway']) && $payments_others['eway']['enabled'] == 'yes' && (double) $payments_others['eway']['security-deposit'] > 0) {
             $_POST['total_rental'] = $_POST['total_rental'] * ((double) $payments_others['eway']['security-deposit'] / 100);
             if (isset($payments_others['eway']['security-deposit-round'])) {
                 if ($payments_others['eway']['security-deposit-round'] == 'up') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = ceil($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } elseif ($payments_others['eway']['security-deposit-round'] == 'down') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = floor($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } else {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
             } else {
                 $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/carrental-payments-eway/RapidAPI.php';
             $request = new eWAY\CreateAccessCodesSharedRequest();
             $request->Payment->TotalAmount = number_format((double) $_POST['total_rental'], 2, '.', '') * 100;
             // Amount is in cents, 100 = $1.00
             //$request->Payment->CurrencyCode = 'AUD';//$_POST['currency_code'];
             $request->Payment->InvoiceReference = $order_hash;
             $request->Options->Option[] = isset($_SESSION['carrental_language']) && !empty($_SESSION['carrental_language']) ? $_SESSION['carrental_language'] : 'en_GB';
             $request->RedirectUrl = CARRENTAL__PLUGIN_URL . 'eway_ipn.php';
             $request->CancelUrl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&ewayError=1';
             $service = new eWAY\RapidAPI($payments_others['eway']['api-key'], $payments_others['eway']['api-password']);
             // Get the AccessCode
             $result = $service->CreateAccessCodesShared($request);
             if (!empty($result->Errors)) {
             // Send the customer to eWAY to pay
             header("Location: " . $result->SharedPaymentUrl);
     // is it mercadopago payment?
     if ($_POST['payment_option'] == 'mercadopago' && (double) $_POST['total_rental'] > 0) {
         $payments_others = unserialize(get_option('carrental_available_payments_others'));
         if ($payments_others && !empty($payments_others) && isset($payments_others['mercadopago']) && $payments_others['mercadopago']['enabled'] == 'yes' && (double) $payments_others['mercadopago']['security-deposit'] > 0) {
             $_POST['total_rental'] = $_POST['total_rental'] * ((double) $payments_others['mercadopago']['security-deposit'] / 100);
             if (isset($payments_others['mercadopago']['security-deposit-round'])) {
                 if ($payments_others['mercadopago']['security-deposit-round'] == 'up') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = ceil($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } elseif ($payments_others['mercadopago']['security-deposit-round'] == 'down') {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = floor($_POST['total_rental']);
                 } else {
                     $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
             } else {
                 $_POST['total_rental'] = round($_POST['total_rental'], 2);
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/carrental-payments-mercadopago/mercadopago.php';
             $mp = new MP($payments_others['mercadopago']['client-id'], $payments_others['mercadopago']['client-secret']);
             $sandbox = false;
             $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("id" => $order_hash, "title" => 'Car Rental Reservation #' . $order_hash, "currency_id" => 'ARS', "category_id" => "Category", "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => (double) number_format((double) $_POST['total_rental'], 2, '.', ''))), "back_urls" => array("success" => home_url() . '?page=carrental&payment=paypal&summary=' . $order_hash, "failure" => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&paymentError=1', "pending" => home_url() . '?page=carrental&payment=paypal&summary=' . $order_hash), "auto_return" => "approved", "notification_url" => CARRENTAL__PLUGIN_URL . 'mercadopago_ipn.php', "external_reference" => $order_hash . '#' . (isset($_SESSION['carrental_language']) && !empty($_SESSION['carrental_language']) ? $_SESSION['carrental_language'] : 'en_GB'), "expires" => false, "expiration_date_from" => null, "expiration_date_to" => null);
             try {
                 $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo 'Error during MercadoPago payment: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Please contact the administrator.';
             Header('Location: ' . $preference['response'][($sandbox ? 'sandbox_' : '') . 'init_point']);
     do_action('carrental_after_save_booking', $order_hash);
     Header('Location: ' . home_url() . '?page=carrental&summary=' . $order_hash);
function function_mercado_pago($seperator, $sessionid)
    global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
    //This grabs the purchase log id from the database
    //that refers to the $sessionid
    $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
    //This grabs the users info using the $purchase_log
    // from the previous SQL query
    $usersql = "SELECT `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.value,\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`name`,\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`unique_name` FROM\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "` LEFT JOIN\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "` ON\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.id =\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`form_id` WHERE\n\t\t`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`log_id`=" . $purchase_log['id'];
    $userinfo = $wpdb->get_results($usersql, ARRAY_A);
    // configs
    $data = array();
    $data['client_id'] = get_option('mercadopago_client_id');
    $data['client_secret'] = get_option('mercadopago_client_secret');
    $data['sucess'] = get_option('mercadopago_url_sucess');
    $data['pending'] = get_option('mercadopago_url_pending');
    $data['currency'] = get_option('mercadopago_currency');
    $sandbox = get_option('mercadopago_sandbox') == "active" ? true : false;
    $type_checkout = get_option('mercadopago_typecheckout');
    $category = get_option('mercadopago_category');
    // order info
    $data['total'] = $wpsc_cart->total_price;
    $arr_info = array();
    foreach ((array) $userinfo as $key => $value) {
        $arr_info[$value['unique_name']] = $value['value'];
    // products
    foreach ($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $i => $Item) {
        $data['PROD_NAME' . $i] = $Item->product_name;
        $data['PROD_TOTAL' . $i] = number_format($Item->unit_price, 2);
        $data['PROD_NUMBER' . $i] = $i;
        $data['PROD_QTY' . $i] = $Item->quantity;
        $data['prod'] .= $Item->product_name . '*' . $Item->quantity;
        if ($Item->thumbnail_image) {
            foreach ($Item->thumbnail_image as $key => $Image) {
                if ($key == 'guid') {
                    $data['image' . $i] = $Image;
        } else {
            $data['image0'] = 'https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/MP3/home/logomp3.gif';
    // exclude methods
    $shippingpostcode = array_key_exists("shippingpostcode", $arr_info) && $arr_info['shippingpostcode'] != "" ? $arr_info['shippingpostcode'] : "uninformed";
    $shippingaddress = array_key_exists("shippingaddress", $arr_info) && $arr_info['shippingaddress'] != "" ? $arr_info['shippingaddress'] : "uninformed";
    $shippingcity = array_key_exists("shippingcity", $arr_info) && $arr_info['shippingcity'] != "" ? $arr_info['shippingcity'] : "uninformed";
    $shippingstate = array_key_exists("shippingstate", $arr_info) && $arr_info['shippingstate'] != "" ? $arr_info['shippingstate'] : "uninformed";
    $shippingcountry = array_key_exists("shippingcountry", $arr_info) && $arr_info['shippingcountry'] != "" ? $arr_info['shippingcountry'] : "uninformed";
    $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => $shippingpostcode, "street_name" => $shippingaddress . " - " . $shippingcity . " - " . $shippingstate . " - " . $shippingcountry, "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"));
    $billingpostcode = array_key_exists("billingpostcode", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingpostcode'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingpostcode'] : "uninformed";
    $billingaddress = array_key_exists("billingaddress", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingaddress'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingaddress'] : "uninformed";
    $billingcity = array_key_exists("billingcity", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingcity'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingcity'] : "uninformed";
    $billingstate = array_key_exists("billingstate", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingstate'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingstate'] : "uninformed";
    $billingcountry = array_key_exists("billingcountry", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingcountry'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingcountry'] : "uninformed";
    $billingphone = array_key_exists("billingphone", $arr_info) && $arr_info['billingphone'] != "" ? $arr_info['billingphone'] : "uninformed";
    $payer = array("name" => $data['billingfirstname'], "surname" => $data['billinglastname'], "email" => $data['email'], "date_created" => "", "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => $billingphone), "address" => array("zip_code" => $billingpostcode, "street_name" => $billingaddress . " - " . $billingcity . " - " . $billingstate . " - " . $billingcountry, "street_number" => "-"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
    $items = array(array("id" => $sessionid, "title" => $data['PROD_NAME0'], "description" => $data['PROD_NAME0'] . " x " . $data['PROD_QTY0'], "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => $data['total'], "currency_id" => $data['currency'], "picture_url" => $data['image0'], "category_id" => $category));
    $exclude = get_option('mercadopago_methods');
    $installments = (int) get_option('mercadopago_limit_payments');
    if ($exclude != '') {
        //case exist exclude methods
        $methods_excludes = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $exclude);
        $excludemethods = array();
        foreach ($methods_excludes as $exclude) {
            if ($exclude != "") {
                $excludemethods[] = array('id' => $exclude);
        $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments, "excluded_payment_methods" => $excludemethods);
    } else {
        //case not exist exclude methods
        $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments);
    //set back url
    $back_urls = array("pending" => $data['pending'], "success" => $data['sucess']);
    //mount array pref
    $pref = array();
    $pref['external_reference'] = $sessionid;
    $pref['payer'] = $payer;
    $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
    $pref['items'] = $items;
    $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
    $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
    $mp = new MP($data['client_id'], $data['client_secret']);
    $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
    if ($preferenceResult['status'] == 201) {
        if ($sandbox) {
            $link = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
        } else {
            $link = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $preferenceResult['status'];
    $title = "";
    if (get_option('mercadopago_country') == 'MLB') {
        $title = 'Continue pagando com MercadoPago';
    } else {
        $title = 'Continue pagando con MercadoPago';
    //add image
    $img_banner = "";
    if (get_option('mercadopago_country') == 'MLB') {
        $img_banner = '<img src="http://img.mlstatic.com/org-img/MLB/MP/BANNERS/tipo2_468X60.jpg" alt="MercadoPago" title="MercadoPago" />';
    } elseif (get_option('mercadopago_country') == 'MLM') {
        $img_banner = '<img src="http://imgmp.mlstatic.com/org-img/banners/mx/medios/MLM_468X108.JPG" title="MercadoPago - Medios de pago" alt="MercadoPago - Medios de pago" width="468" height="108"/>';
    } elseif (get_option('mercadopago_country') == 'MLV') {
        $img_banner = '<img src="http://imgmp.mlstatic.com/org-img/banners/ar/medios/468X60.jpg" title="MercadoPago - Medios de pago" alt="MercadoPago - Medios de pago" width="468" height="60"/>';
    } else {
        $img_banner = '<img src="http://imgmp.mlstatic.com/org-img/banners/ar/medios/468X60.jpg" alt="MercadoPago" title="MercadoPago" />';
    $button = "";
    switch ($type_checkout) {
        case "Redirect":
            header("location: " . $link);
        case "Iframe":
            $button = '
						<iframe src="' . $link . '" name="MP-Checkout" width="740" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
						<script type="text/javascript">
							(function(){function $MPBR_load(){window.$MPBR_loaded !== true && (function(){var s = document.createElement("script");s.type = "text/javascript";s.async = true;
							s.src = ("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/jsapi/mptools/buttons/":"http://mp-tools.mlstatic.com/buttons/")+"render.js";
							var x = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);window.$MPBR_loaded = true;})();}
							window.$MPBR_loaded !== true ? (window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent("onload", $MPBR_load) : window.addEventListener("load", $MPBR_load, false)) : null;})();
        case "Lightbox":
            $button = '
						<a href="' . $link . '" name="MP-Checkout" class="blue-L-Rn" mp-mode="modal" onreturn="execute_my_onreturn">Pagar</a>
						<script type="text/javascript">
							(function(){function $MPBR_load(){window.$MPBR_loaded !== true && (function(){var s = document.createElement("script");s.type = "text/javascript";s.async = true;
							s.src = ("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/jsapi/mptools/buttons/":"http://mp-tools.mlstatic.com/buttons/")+"render.js";
							var x = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);window.$MPBR_loaded = true;})();}
							window.$MPBR_loaded !== true ? (window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent("onload", $MPBR_load) : window.addEventListener("load", $MPBR_load, false)) : null;})();
    //show page
    $html = '<div style="position: relative; margin: 20px 0;" >';
    $html .= '<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 1080px; ">';
    $html .= '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
    $html .= '<p>' . $img_banner . '</p>';
    $html .= $button;
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '</div>';
    echo $html;
} else {
    if (is_array($data) && count($data) >= 1) {
        $amount_to_pay = isset($data['total_w_tax']) ? Yii::app()->functions->standardPrettyFormat($data['total_w_tax']) : '';
        $amount_to_pay = is_numeric($amount_to_pay) ? unPrettyPrice($amount_to_pay) : '';
        try {
            $mp = new MP($admin_mercado_id, $admin_mercado_key);
            $reference = Yii::app()->functions->generateRandomKey();
            $_SESSION['mcd_ref'] = $reference;
            $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("title" => $payment_description . " " . $data['merchant_name'], "currency_id" => Yii::app()->functions->adminCurrencyCode(), "category_id" => "services", "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => (double) $amount_to_pay)), "back_urls" => array("success" => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true) . "/store/mercadoInit/id/{$order_id}/status/success", "failure" => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true) . "/store/mercadoInit/id/{$order_id}/status/failure", "pending" => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true) . "/store/mercadoInit/id/{$order_id}/status/pending"), "auto_return" => "approved", "external_reference" => $reference);
            $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
		    <div class="page-right-sidebar payment-option-page">
		    <div class="main">
            echo Yii::t("default", "Pay using Mercadopago");
            if ($paymode == "Sandbox") {
		    <a href="<?php 
                echo $preference["response"]["sandbox_init_point"];
" name="MP-Checkout" class="lightblue-M-Ov-ArOn">Pay</a>
Example #11

if (isset($_POST["_eventId_confirmation"])) {
    require_once "lib/mercadopago.php";
    $clientid = $_SESSION['user'];
    $clientsecret = $_SESSION['pass'];
    $mp = new MP($clientid, $clientsecret);
    $preference = array('items' => array(array('id' => $_REQUEST['pedido'], 'title' => $_REQUEST['curso'], 'description' => $_REQUEST['desc'], 'quantity' => 1, 'unit_price' => (double) $_REQUEST['price'], 'currency_id' => 'BRL', 'category_id' => $_REQUEST['category'])), 'external_reference' => $_REQUEST['pedido'], 'payer' => array('name' => $_REQUEST['nome'], 'surname' => $_REQUEST['sobrenome'], 'email' => $_REQUEST['email'], 'phone' => array('area_code' => '55' . $_REQUEST['ddd'], 'number' => $_REQUEST['telefone']), 'identification' => array('type' => $_REQUEST['docto'], 'number' => $_REQUEST['cpf']), 'address' => array('street_name' => $_REQUEST['endereco'], 'street_number' => $_REQUEST['nro'], 'zip_code' => $_REQUEST['cep'])), 'shipments' => array('receiver_address' => array('zip_code' => $_REQUEST['cep'], 'street_number' => $_REQUEST['endereco'], 'street_name' => $_REQUEST['nro'], 'floor' => '', 'apartment' => '')), 'back_urls' => array('success' => '', 'failure' => '', 'pending' => ''), 'payment_methods' => array('excluded_payment_methods' => array(array('id' => '')), 'excluded_payment_types' => array(array('id' => 'ticket')), 'installments' => 24));
    $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($preference);
    echo "<br><br><div class='ch-box-ok'><h2>Envie o link abaixo para o cliente : </h2><h3>" . $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'] . "</h3></div>";

 protected function index()
     $this->data['button_confirm'] = $this->language->get('button_confirm');
     $this->data['button_back'] = $this->language->get('button_back');
     if ($this->config->get('mercadopago2_country')) {
         $this->data['action'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_country');
     $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']);
     $this->model_checkout_order->confirm($this->session->data['order_id'], $this->config->get('mercadopago2_order_status_id'));
     //Cambio el código ISO-3 de la moneda por el que se les ocurrio poner a los de mercadopago2!!!
     switch ($order_info['currency_code']) {
         case "ARS":
             $currency = 'ARS';
         case "ARG":
             $currency = 'ARS';
         case "VEF":
             $currency = 'VEF';
         case "BRA":
         case "BRL":
         case "REA":
             $currency = 'BRL';
         case "MXN":
             $currency = 'MEX';
         case "CLP":
             $currency = 'CHI';
             $currency = 'USD';
     $currencies = array('ARS', 'BRL', 'MEX', 'CHI', 'VEF');
     if (!in_array($currency, $currencies)) {
         $currency = '';
         $this->data['error'] = $this->language->get('currency_no_support');
     $products = '';
     foreach ($this->cart->getProducts() as $product) {
         $products .= $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name'] . ', ';
     $allproducts = $this->cart->getProducts();
     $firstproduct = reset($allproducts);
     // dados 2.0
     $totalprice = $order_info['total'] * $order_info['currency_value'];
     $this->id = 'payment';
     if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl')) {
         $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl';
     } else {
         $this->template = 'default/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl';
     $this->data['server'] = $_SERVER;
     $this->data['debug'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_debug');
     // get credentials
     $client_id = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_client_id');
     $client_secret = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_client_secret');
     $url = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_url');
     $installments = (int) $this->config->get('mercadopago2_installments');
     $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => $order_info['shipping_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['shipping_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_city'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_country'], "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"));
     //Force format YYYY-DD-MMTH:i:s
     $cust = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` WHERE customer_id = " . $order_info['customer_id'] . " ");
     $date_created = "";
     $date_creation_user = "";
     if ($cust->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($cust->rows as $customer) {
             $date_created = $customer['date_added'];
         $date_creation_user = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_created)) . "T" . date('H:i:s', strtotime($date_created));
     $payer = array("name" => $order_info['payment_firstname'], "surname" => $order_info['payment_lastname'], "email" => $order_info['email'], "date_created" => $date_creation_user, "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => $order_info['telephone']), "address" => array("zip_code" => $order_info['payment_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['payment_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_city'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_country'], "street_number" => "-"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
     $items = array(array("id" => $order_info['order_id'], "title" => $firstproduct['name'], "description" => $firstproduct['quantity'] . ' x ' . $firstproduct['name'], "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => round($totalprice, 2), "currency_id" => $currency, "picture_url" => HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $firstproduct['image'], "category_id" => $this->config->get('mercadopago2_category_id')));
     $exclude = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_methods');
     $installments = (int) $installments;
     if ($exclude != '') {
         //case exist exclude methods
         $methods_excludes = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $exclude);
         $excludemethods = array();
         foreach ($methods_excludes as $exclude) {
             if ($exclude != "") {
                 $excludemethods[] = array('id' => $exclude);
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments, "excluded_payment_methods" => $excludemethods);
     } else {
         //case not exist exclude methods
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments);
     //set back url
     $back_urls = array("pending" => $url . '/index.php?route=payment/mercadopago2/callback', "success" => $url . '/index.php?route=payment/mercadopago2/callback');
     //mount array pref
     $pref = array();
     $pref['external_reference'] = $order_info['order_id'];
     $pref['payer'] = $payer;
     $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
     $pref['items'] = $items;
     $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
     $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
     $mp = new MP($client_id, $client_secret);
     $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
     $sandbox = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_sandbox') == 1 ? true : false;
     if ($preferenceResult['status'] == 201) {
         $this->data['type_checkout'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_type_checkout');
         if ($sandbox) {
             $this->data['link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
         } else {
             $this->data['link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
     } else {
         $this->data['error'] = "Error: " . $preferenceResult['status'];
 public function index()
     $data['button_confirm'] = $this->language->get('button_confirm');
     $data['button_back'] = $this->language->get('button_back');
     $data['terms'] = 'Teste de termos';
     if ($this->config->get('mercadopago2_country')) {
         $data['action'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_country');
     $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']);
     //echo "order status id" . $this->config->get('mercadopago2_order_status_id');
     //$this->model_checkout_order->confirm($this->session->data['order_id'], $this->config->get('mercadopago2_order_status_id'));
     //Cambio el código ISO-3 de la moneda por el que se les ocurrio poner a los de mercadopago2!!!
     switch ($order_info['currency_code']) {
         case "ARS":
             $currency = 'ARS';
         case "ARG":
             $currency = 'ARS';
         case "VEF":
             $currency = 'VEF';
         case "BRA":
         case "BRL":
         case "REA":
             $currency = 'BRL';
         case "MXN":
             $currency = 'MEX';
         case "CLP":
             $currency = 'CHI';
             $currency = 'USD';
     $currencies = array('ARS', 'BRL', 'MEX', 'CHI', 'VEF');
     if (!in_array($currency, $currencies)) {
         $currency = '';
         $data['error'] = $this->language->get('currency_no_support');
     /*CHAVES do array de produto
     cart_id, product_id, name, model, shipping, image, option, download, quantity, minimum, subtract, stock, price, 
     total, reward, points, tax_class_id, weight, weight_class_id, length, width, height, length_class_id, recurring
     $totalprice = $order_info['total'] * $order_info['currency_value'];
     $products = '';
     $all_products = $this->cart->getProducts();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($all_products as $product) {
         error_log('product keys' . implode(',', array_keys($product)));
         $products .= $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name'] . ', ';
         $items[] = array("id" => $product['product_id'], "title" => $product['name'], "description" => $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name'], "quantity" => intval($product['quantity']), "unit_price" => round(floatval($product['price']), 2), "currency_id" => $currency, "picture_url" => HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $product['image'], "category_id" => $this->config->get('mercadopago2_category_id'));
     //$firstproduct = reset($allproducts);
     // dados 2.0
     $this->id = 'payment';
     $data['server'] = $_SERVER;
     $data['debug'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_debug');
     // get credentials
     $client_id = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_client_id');
     $client_secret = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_client_secret');
     $url = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_url');
     $installments = (int) $this->config->get('mercadopago2_installments');
     $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => $order_info['shipping_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['shipping_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_city'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_country'], "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"));
     //Force format YYYY-DD-MMTH:i:s
     $cust = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` WHERE customer_id = " . $order_info['customer_id'] . " ");
     $date_created = "";
     $date_creation_user = "";
     if ($cust->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($cust->rows as $customer) {
             $date_created = $customer['date_added'];
         $date_creation_user = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_created)) . "T" . date('H:i:s', strtotime($date_created));
     $payer = array("name" => $order_info['payment_firstname'], "surname" => $order_info['payment_lastname'], "email" => $order_info['email'], "date_created" => $date_creation_user, "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => $order_info['telephone']), "address" => array("zip_code" => $order_info['payment_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['payment_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_city'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_country'], "street_number" => "-"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
     			$items = array(
     				array (
     					"id" => $order_info['order_id'],
     					"title" => $firstproduct['name'],
     		    "description" => $firstproduct['quantity'] . ' x ' . $firstproduct['name'], // string
     		    "quantity" => 1,
     		    "unit_price" => round($totalprice, 2), //decimal
     		    "currency_id" => $currency ,// string Argentina: ARS (peso argentino) � USD (D�lar estadounidense); Brasil: BRL (Real).,
     		    "picture_url"=> HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $firstproduct['image'],
     		    "category_id"=> $this->config->get('mercadopago2_category_id')
     $exclude = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_methods');
     $installments = (int) $installments;
     if ($exclude != '') {
         $accepted_methods = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $exclude);
         $all_payment_methods = $this->getMethods($this->config->get('mercadopago2_country'));
         $excluded_payments = array();
         foreach ($all_payment_methods as $method) {
             if (!in_array($method['id'], $accepted_methods)) {
                 if ($method['id'] != 'account_money') {
                     $excluded_payments[] = array('id' => $method['id']);
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments, "excluded_payment_methods" => $excluded_payments);
     } else {
         //case not exist exclude methods
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments);
     //set back url
     $back_urls = array("pending" => $url . '/index.php?route=payment/mercadopago2/callback', "success" => $url . '/index.php?route=payment/mercadopago2/callback');
     $pref = array();
     $pref['external_reference'] = $order_info['order_id'];
     $pref['payer'] = $payer;
     $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
     $pref['items'] = $items;
     $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
     $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
     $pref['auto_return'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_enable_return');
     $mp = new MP($client_id, $client_secret);
     $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
     $sandbox = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_sandbox') == 1 ? true : false;
     if ($preferenceResult['status'] == 201) {
         $data['type_checkout'] = $this->config->get('mercadopago2_type_checkout');
         if ($sandbox) {
             $data['redirect_link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
         } else {
             $data['redirect_link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
     } else {
         $data['error'] = "Error: " . $preferenceResult['status'];
     //botão deve ser exibido aqui
     if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl')) {
         return $this->load->view($this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl', $data);
     } else {
         return $this->load->view('default/template/payment/mercadopago2.tpl', $data);
Example #14
 public function get_mercadopago()
     $guest = $this->guest()->get($this->id);
     $event = $this->event()->get($guest['event']);
     $this->before_operator($guest, $event);
     $config = Bootstrap::$main->getConfig();
     $data = Bootstrap::$main->user;
     $data['client_ip'] = Bootstrap::$main->ip;
     foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
         if (current($a = explode('.', $k)) == 'mercadopago') {
             $data[end($a)] = $v;
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../class/mercadopago.php';
     $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("title" => $event['name'], "quantity" => $guest['persons'], "currency_id" => $event['currency'], "unit_price" => $guest['guest_price'])), "payer" => array('name' => Bootstrap::$main->user['firstname'], 'surname' => Bootstrap::$main->user['lastname'], 'email' => Bootstrap::$main->user['email']), "back_urls" => array('success' => Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('protocol') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'guest/mercadopagoresult', 'pending' => Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('protocol') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'guest/mercadopagoresult', 'failure' => Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('protocol') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'guest/mercadopagoresult'), "notification_url" => Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('protocol') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'guest/mercadopago');
     try {
         $mp = new MP($data['client_id'], $data['client_secret']);
         $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $data = array_merge($data, $event, $guest);
     $user = new userModel($event['user']);
     $payment = new paymentModel();
     $payment->status = 1;
     $payment->guest = $this->id;
     $payment->d_create = Bootstrap::$main->now;
     $payment->channel = 'mercadopago';
     $payment->amount = $data['guest_price'] * $data['persons'];
     $payment->order_id = $preference['response']['id'];
     $html = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../resources/mercadopago.html');
     foreach ($preference['response'] as $k => $v) {
         if (!is_array($v)) {
             $html = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $html);
    public function hookPaymentReturn($params)
        global $cookie, $smarty;
        // dados do cliente
        $customer = new Customer(intval($cookie->id_customer));
        $ArrayCliente = $customer->getFields();
        // dados do pedido
        $DadosOrder = new Order($params['objOrder']->id);
        $ArrayListaProdutos = $DadosOrder->getProducts();
        //Get shipment
        $address_delivery = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_delivery));
        $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => $address_delivery->postcode, "street_name" => $address_delivery->address1 . " - " . $address_delivery->address2 . " - " . $address_delivery->city . "/" . $address_delivery->country, "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"));
        //Force format YYYY-DD-MMTH:i:s
        $date_creation_user = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ArrayCliente['date_add'])) . "T" . date('H:i:s', strtotime($ArrayCliente['date_add']));
        $address_invoice = new Address(intval($params['cart']->id_address_invoice));
        $phone = $address_invoice->phone;
        $phone .= $phone == "" ? "" : "|";
        $phone .= $address_invoice->phone_mobile;
        $payer = array("name" => $ArrayCliente['firstname'], "surname" => $ArrayCliente['lastname'], "email" => $ArrayCliente['email'], "date_created" => $date_creation_user, "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => $phone), "address" => array("zip_code" => $address_invoice->postcode, "street_name" => $address_invoice->address1 . " - " . $address_delivery->address2 . " - " . $address_delivery->city . "/" . $address_delivery->country, "street_number" => "-"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
        $image_url = "";
        // gera descrição
        foreach ($ArrayListaProdutos as $info) {
            $item = array($zb[] = $info['product_name'] . ' * ' . $info['product_quantity']);
            //get object image on product object
            $id_image = $info['image'];
            // get Image by id
            if (sizeof($id_image) > 0) {
                $image = new Image($id_image->id_image);
                // get image full URL
                $image_url = _PS_BASE_URL_ . _THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $image->getExistingImgPath() . "." . $image->image_format;
        $descricao = implode(" + ", $zb);
        $item_price = number_format($params['total_to_pay'], 2, '.', '');
        $currency = new Currency($DadosOrder->id_currency);
        $items = array(array("id" => $params['objOrder']->id, "title" => utf8_encode($descricao), "description" => utf8_encode($descricao), "quantity" => 1, "unit_price" => round($item_price, 2), "currency_id" => $currency->iso_code, "picture_url" => $image_url, "category_id" => Configuration::get('mercadopago_CATEGORY')));
        $exclude = Configuration::get('mercadopago_METHODS');
        $installments = Configuration::get('mercadopago_INSTALLMENTS');
        $installments = str_replace("inst-", "", $installments);
        $installments = (int) $installments;
        if ($exclude != '') {
            //case exist exclude methods
            $methods_excludes = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $exclude);
            $excludemethods = array();
            foreach ($methods_excludes as $exclude) {
                if ($exclude != "") {
                    $excludemethods[] = array('id' => $exclude);
            $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments, "excluded_payment_methods" => $excludemethods);
        } else {
            //case not exist exclude methods
            $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments);
        //set back url
        $back_urls = array("pending" => Configuration::get('mercadopago_URLPROCESS'), "success" => Configuration::get('mercadopago_URLSUCCESFULL'));
        //mount array pref
        $pref = array();
        $pref['external_reference'] = $params['objOrder']->id;
        $pref['payer'] = $payer;
        $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
        $pref['items'] = $items;
        $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
        $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
        $client_id = Configuration::get('mercadopago_CLIENT_ID');
        $client_secret = Configuration::get('mercadopago_CLIENT_SECRET');
        $mp = new MP($client_id, $client_secret);
        $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
        $sandbox = Configuration::get('mercadopago_SANDBOX') == "active" ? true : false;
        $url = "";
        if ($sandbox) {
            $url = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
        } else {
            $url = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
        switch (Configuration::get('mercadopago_TYPECHECKOUT')) {
            case "Iframe":
                $botton = '
		    <iframe src="' . $url . '" name="MP-Checkout" width="740" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
		    <script type="text/javascript">
			(function(){function $MPBR_load(){window.$MPBR_loaded !== true && (function(){var s = document.createElement("script");s.type = "text/javascript";s.async = true;
			s.src = ("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/jsapi/mptools/buttons/":"http://mp-tools.mlstatic.com/buttons/")+"render.js";
			var x = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);window.$MPBR_loaded = true;})();}
			window.$MPBR_loaded !== true ? (window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent("onload", $MPBR_load) : window.addEventListener("load", $MPBR_load, false)) : null;})();
            case "Redirect":
                header("location: " . $url);
            case "Lightbox":
                $botton = '
		    <a href="' . $url . '" name="MP-Checkout" class="blue-L-Rn" mp-mode="modal" onreturn="execute_my_onreturn">Pagar</a>
		    <script type="text/javascript">
			(function(){function $MPBR_load(){window.$MPBR_loaded !== true && (function(){var s = document.createElement("script");s.type = "text/javascript";s.async = true;
			s.src = ("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/jsapi/mptools/buttons/":"http://mp-tools.mlstatic.com/buttons/")+"render.js";
			var x = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);window.$MPBR_loaded = true;})();}
			window.$MPBR_loaded !== true ? (window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent("onload", $MPBR_load) : window.addEventListener("load", $MPBR_load, false)) : null;})();
        $smarty->assign(array('totalApagar' => Tools::displayPrice($params['total_to_pay'], $params['currencyObj'], false), 'status' => 'ok', 'seller_op_id' => $params['objOrder']->id, 'secure_key' => $params['objOrder']->secure_key, 'id_module' => $this->id, 'formmercadopago' => $botton, 'imgBanner' => $this->getBanner()));
        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'payment_return.tpl');
Example #16
  * Crear el pago de mercadopago
  * @param $codigoM
  * @param $hashM
  * @param $sitioweb
  * @param $valor
  * @param $moneda
  * @param $cantidadProductos
  * @param $nombreProducto
  * @param $detalleProducto
  * @param $urlSucess
  * @param string $nombreCliente
  * @param string $apellidoCliente
  * @param string $dniCliente
  * @param string $mailCliente
  * @param string $comentariosAdicionales
  * @return array
  * @internal param $urlConcretado
  * @internal param $urlPendiente
  * @internal param $urlFallado
  * @internal param $sandbox
 public function pagoMercadopago($codigoM, $hashM, $sitioweb, $valor, $moneda, $cantidadProductos, $nombreProducto, $detalleProducto, $urlSucess, $excluir = true, $nombreCliente = '', $apellidoCliente = '', $dniCliente = '', $mailCliente = '', $comentariosAdicionales = '')
     //url base
     $this->url_final = $urlSucess;
     $excluidos = array();
     $excluidos_tipo = array();
     if ($excluir) {
         $excluidos = array(array("id" => "rapipago"), array("id" => "pagofacil"), array("id" => "bapropagos"));
         $excluidos_tipo = array(array("id" => "ticket"), array("id" => "atm"), array("id" => "bank_transfer"));
     //crear el pago
     $mp = new MP($codigoM, $hashM);
     $preference_data = array("items" => array(array("title" => $nombreProducto, "quantity" => $cantidadProductos, "currency_id" => $moneda, "unit_price" => (int) $valor, "category_id" => "services", "description" => $detalleProducto, "picture_url" => $sitioweb . "/images/logo.png")), "payer" => array("name" => $nombreCliente, "surname" => $apellidoCliente, "email" => $mailCliente, "identification" => array("type" => "dni", "number" => $dniCliente)), "payment_methods" => array("excluded_payment_methods" => $excluidos, "excluded_payment_types" => $excluidos_tipo, "installments" => 12), "back_urls" => array("success" => $urlSucess, "pending" => $urlSucess, "failure" => $urlSucess), "additional_info" => $comentariosAdicionales);
     $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
     $this->pref = $preference;
     return $this->pref;
 public function index()
     $data['customer_email'] = $this->customer->getEmail();
     $data['button_confirm'] = $this->language->get('button_confirm');
     $data['button_back'] = $this->language->get('button_back');
     $data['terms'] = 'Teste de termos';
     $data['public_key'] = $this->config->get('mp_standard_public_key');
     if ($this->config->get('mp_standard_country')) {
         $data['action'] = $this->config->get('mp_standard_country');
     $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']);
     //Cambio el código ISO-3 de la moneda por el que se les ocurrio poner a los de mp_standard!!!
     $accepted_currencies = array('ARS' => 'ARS', 'ARG' => 'ARS', 'VEF' => 'VEF', 'BRA' => 'BRL', 'BRL' => 'BRL', 'REA' => 'BRL', 'MXN' => 'MEX', 'CLP' => 'CHI', 'COP' => 'COP', 'PEN' => 'PEN', 'US' => 'US');
     $currency = $accepted_currencies[$order_info['currency_code']];
     $currencies = array('ARS', 'BRL', 'MEX', 'CHI', 'PEN', 'VEF', 'COP');
     if (!in_array($currency, $currencies)) {
         $currency = '';
         $data['error'] = $this->language->get('currency_no_support');
     $totalprice = $order_info['total'] * $order_info['currency_value'];
     $products = '';
     $all_products = $this->cart->getProducts();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($all_products as $product) {
         $products .= $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name'] . ', ';
         $items[] = array("id" => $product['product_id'], "title" => $product['name'], "description" => $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name'], "quantity" => intval($product['quantity']), "unit_price" => round(floatval($product['price']), 2) * $order_info['currency_value'], "currency_id" => $currency, "picture_url" => HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $product['image'], "category_id" => $this->config->get('mp_standard_category_id'));
     $this->id = 'payment';
     $data['server'] = $_SERVER;
     $data['debug'] = $this->config->get('mp_standard_debug');
     $client_id = $this->config->get('mp_standard_client_id');
     $client_secret = $this->config->get('mp_standard_client_secret');
     $url = $order_info['store_url'];
     $installments = (int) $this->config->get('mp_standard_installments');
     $shipments = array("receiver_address" => array("floor" => "-", "zip_code" => $order_info['shipping_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['shipping_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_city'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['shipping_country'], "apartment" => "-", "street_number" => "-"), "cost" => round(floatval($this->session->data['shipping_method']['cost']), 2) * $order_info['currency_value'], "mode" => "custom");
     $cust = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` WHERE customer_id = " . $order_info['customer_id'] . " ");
     $date_created = "";
     $date_creation_user = "";
     if ($cust->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($cust->rows as $customer) {
             $date_created = $customer['date_added'];
         $date_creation_user = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_created)) . "T" . date('H:i:s', strtotime($date_created));
     $payer = array("name" => $order_info['payment_firstname'], "surname" => $order_info['payment_lastname'], "email" => $order_info['email'], "date_created" => $date_creation_user, "phone" => array("area_code" => "-", "number" => $order_info['telephone']), "address" => array("zip_code" => $order_info['payment_postcode'], "street_name" => $order_info['payment_address_1'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_address_2'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_city'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_zone'] . " - " . $order_info['payment_country'], "street_number" => "-"), "identification" => array("number" => "null", "type" => "null"));
     $exclude = $this->config->get('mp_standard_methods');
     $country_id = $this->config->get('mp_standard_country') == null ? 'MLA' : $this->config->get('mp_standard_country');
     $installments = (int) $installments;
     if ($exclude != '') {
         $accepted_methods = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $exclude);
         $all_payment_methods = $this->getMethods($country_id);
         $excluded_payments = array();
         foreach ($all_payment_methods as $method) {
             if (!in_array($method['id'], $accepted_methods) && $method['id'] != 'account_money') {
                 $excluded_payments[] = array('id' => $method['id']);
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments, "excluded_payment_methods" => $excluded_payments);
     } else {
         //case not exist exclude methods
         $payment_methods = array("installments" => $installments);
     //set back url
     $back_urls = array("pending" => $url . 'index.php?route=payment/mp_standard/callback', "success" => $url . 'index.php?route=payment/mp_standard/callback', "failure" => $url . 'index.php?route=payment/mp_standard/callback');
     $pref = array();
     $pref['external_reference'] = $order_info['order_id'];
     $pref['items'] = $items;
     $pref['shipments'] = $shipments;
     $pref['auto_return'] = $this->config->get('mp_standard_enable_return');
     $pref['back_urls'] = $back_urls;
     $pref['payment_methods'] = $payment_methods;
     $pref['payer'] = $payer;
     $pref['notification_url'] = $order_info['store_url'] . 'index.php?route=payment/mp_standard/notifications';
     $sandbox = (bool) $this->config->get('mp_standard_sandbox');
     $is_test_user = strpos($order_info['email'], '@testuser.com');
     if (!$is_test_user) {
         $pref["sponsor_id"] = $this->sponsors[$this->config->get('mp_standard_country')];
     $mp = new MP($client_id, $client_secret);
     $preferenceResult = $mp->create_preference($pref);
     if ($preferenceResult['status'] == 201) {
         $data['type_checkout'] = $this->config->get('mp_standard_type_checkout');
         if ($sandbox) {
             $data['redirect_link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
         } else {
             $data['redirect_link'] = $preferenceResult['response']['init_point'];
     } else {
         $data['error'] = "Error: " . $preferenceResult['status'];
     $this->model_checkout_order->addOrderHistory($this->session->data['order_id'], $this->config->get('order_status_id_pending'), date('d/m/Y h:i'));
     $view = floatval(VERSION) < 2.2 ? 'default/template/payment/mp_standard.tpl' : 'payment/mp_standard.tpl';
     return $this->load->view($view, $data);
Example #18
  * @param type $order
  * Esta funcion se ejecuta luego de seleccionar el metodo de pago y despues de la
  * funcion process payment.
 function receipt_page($order_id)
     $dir = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
     $js = $dir . "../js/redirect.js";
     wp_enqueue_script('ctala-redirect', $js, array('jquery'));
     global $woocommerce;
     $order = new \WC_Order($order_id);
     $preference_data = array();
     $mp = new \MP($this->get_option('clientid'), $this->get_option('secretkey'));
     echo '<p>' . __('¡Gracias! - Tu orden ahora está pendiente de pago.') . '</p>';
     echo '<p>' . __('Ahora serás redirigido automáticamente a Mercado Pago') . '</p>';
      * Asignamos los items a la orden
     $orderItems = $order->get_items();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) {
         $id = $orderItem["item_meta"]["_product_id"][0];
         $qty = intval($orderItem["item_meta"]["_qty"][0]);
         $product = new \WC_Product($id);
         $price = (double) $product->price;
         $items[] = array("title" => $product->get_title(), "quantity" => $qty, "currency_id" => $order->get_order_currency(), "unit_price" => $price);
          * Liberamos algo de memoria para wordpress.
      * Agregamos las URL Correspondientes a las respuestas.
     $successUrl = $this->get_return_url($order);
     $failureUrl = $this->get_return_url($order);
     $pendingUrl = $this->get_return_url($order);
     $back_urls = array('success' => $successUrl, 'pending' => $pendingUrl, 'failure' => $failureUrl);
      * Sobre el costo del envio
     $shippingCost = floatval($order->get_total_shipping());
     $shipments = array("cost" => $shippingCost);
      * Sobre los metodos de pago
      * La variable que contiene los metodos de pago excluidos es "mediosdepago"
     $ePayments = $this->get_option('mediosdepago');
     $excluded_payment_methods = array();
     foreach ($ePayments as $payment_method => $id) {
         $excluded_payment_methods[] = array("id" => $id);
     $excluded_payment_types = array();
      * Creo que son las cuotas :)
     $installments = intval(get_post_meta($order_id, "CUOTASMP", true));
     ctala_log_me("CUOTAS : " . $installments);
     $payment_methods = array('excluded_payment_methods' => $excluded_payment_methods, 'excluded_payment_types' => $excluded_payment_types, 'installments' => $installments);
      * Informacion adicional
     $additional_info = array('order_id' => $order_id);
     $preference_data["additional_info"] = $additional_info;
     $preference_data["external_reference"] = $order_id;
     $preference_data["order_id"] = $order_id;
     $preference_data["items"] = $items;
     $preference_data["back_urls"] = $back_urls;
     $preference_data["notification_url"] = $this->notification_url;
     $preference_data["auto_return"] = "approved";
     $preference_data["payment_methods"] = $payment_methods;
     $preference_data["shipments"] = $shipments;
     $preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
      * La Url de redireccion dependera de si estamos en modo desarrollo.
     $modoDesarrollo = $this->get_option('desarrollo');
     ctala_log_me($modoDesarrollo, "[MODO DESARROLLO]");
     if ($modoDesarrollo == "yes") {
         $url = $preference['response']['sandbox_init_point'];
     } else {
         $url = $preference['response']['init_point'];
     $order->update_status('pending', "Esperando el pago de la orden");