* MemberMouse(TM) (http://www.membermouse.com) * (c) MemberMouse, LLC. All rights reserved. */ $view = new MM_ProductView(); $dataGrid = new MM_DataGrid($_REQUEST, "id", "desc", 10); $data = $view->getViewData($dataGrid); $dataGrid->setTotalRecords($data); $dataGrid->recordName = "product"; $rows = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $product = new MM_Product($item->id); // Actions $editActionUrl = 'onclick="mmjs.edit(\'mm-products-dialog\', \'' . $product->getId() . '\', 580, 600)"'; $deleteActionUrl = 'onclick="mmjs.remove(\'' . $product->getId() . '\')"'; $actions = MM_Utils::getEditIcon("Edit Product", '', $editActionUrl); if (!MM_Product::isBeingUsed($product->getId()) && !MM_Product::hasBeenPurchased($product->getId())) { $actions .= MM_Utils::getDeleteIcon("Delete Product", 'margin-left:5px;', $deleteActionUrl); } else { $actions .= MM_Utils::getDeleteIcon("This product is currently being used and cannot be deleted", 'margin-left:5px;', '', true); } $purchaseLinks = '<a title="Get purchase links" onclick="mmjs.showPurchaseLinks(' . $product->getId() . ',\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($product->getName()), ENT_QUOTES) . '\')" class="mm-ui-button" style="margin:0px;">' . MM_Utils::getIcon('money', '', '1.3em', '1px', '', 'margin-right:0px;') . '</a>'; // Associated Access $accessGranted = ""; $membership = $product->getAssociatedMembership(); if ($membership->isValid()) { $accessGranted .= MM_Utils::getAccessIcon(MM_OrderItemAccess::$ACCESS_TYPE_MEMBERSHIP); $accessGranted .= " <a href='" . MM_ModuleUtils::getUrl(MM_MODULE_PRODUCT_SETTINGS, MM_MODULE_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS) . "&autoload=" . $membership->getId() . "'>" . $membership->getName() . "</a>"; } if (empty($accessGranted)) { $bundle = $product->getAssociatedBundle(); if ($bundle->isValid()) {