public function sitemapXML()
     static $mlp_installed;
     if (!isset($mlp_installed)) {
         $mlp_installed = is_callable('l10n_installed') ? call_user_func('l10n_installed', true) : false;
     $out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
     $out .= '<urlset xmlns="">';
     // Homepage
     $out .= $this->urlXML(hu);
     // Excluded sections
     $excluded = $GLOBALS['prefs']['jmd_sitemap_exclude'];
     $excluded = unserialize($excluded);
     foreach ($excluded as $key => $value) {
         $notIn[$key] = "'{$value}'";
     $notIn = implode(',', $notIn);
     $notIn .= ",'default'";
     // List sections
     $site_langs = array();
     if ($mlp_installed) {
         $site_langs = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_langs();
     $sections = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "name not in({$notIn})");
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         if ($mlp_installed) {
             foreach ($site_langs as $lang) {
                 $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2) . '/';
                 $loc = hu . $lang . urlencode($section) . '/';
                 $out .= $this->urlXML($loc);
         } else {
             $loc = pagelinkurl(array('s' => $section));
             $out .= $this->urlXML($loc);
     // Articles
     $fields = 'ID as thisid, Section as section, Title as title,
         url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as posted,
         unix_timestamp(LastMod) as lastmod';
     if ($mlp_installed) {
         $fields .= ', l10n_lang';
     $articles = getRows("select {$fields} from " . safe_pfx('textpattern') . " where Status = 4 and Posted<= now() and section not in({$notIn})");
     if ($articles) {
         include_once txpath . '/publish/taghandlers.php';
         foreach ($articles as $article) {
             $loc = permlinkurl($article);
             if ($mlp_installed) {
                 $loc = str_replace(hu, hu . substr($article['l10n_lang'], 0, 2) . '/', $loc);
             $lastmod = date('c', $article['lastmod']);
             $out .= $this->urlXML($loc, $lastmod);
     $out .= '</urlset>';
     return $out;
Example #2
 function get_site_default_lang()
     Returns a string containing the ISO-639-1 language to be used as the site's default.
     $lang_codes = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_langs();
     return $lang_codes[0];
Example #3
function _l10n_image_paint($page)
    $default = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_default_lang();
    #	Insert the remaining language fields...
    global $l10n_mappings;
    $langs = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_langs();
    $fields = $l10n_mappings['txp_image'];
    $id = gps('id');
    $row = safe_row('*', 'txp_image', "`id`='{$id}'");
    $r = '';
    $count = 2;
    foreach ($langs as $lang) {
        if ($lang !== $default) {
            $full_name = MLPLanguageHandler::get_native_name_of_lang($lang);
            $dir = MLPLanguageHandler::get_lang_direction_markup($lang);
            foreach ($fields as $field => $attributes) {
                $field_name = _l10n_make_field_name($field, $lang);
                if ($field === 'alt') {
                    $r .= '<p>' . gTxt('alt_text') . ' ' . $full_name . '<br/>';
                    $r .= '<input type="text" name="' . $field_name . '" ' . $dir . ' value="' . $row[$field_name] . '" size="50" class="edit" id="' . $field_name . '" /></p>' . n;
                } else {
                    $r .= '<p>' . gTxt('caption') . ' ' . $full_name . '<br/>';
                    $r .= '<textarea name="' . $field_name . '" cols="40" rows="5" style="width: 400px; height: 100px;"' . $dir . '>';
                    $r .= $row[$field_name] . '</textarea></p>' . n;
    $f = '<p><input type="submit" value="';
    $page = str_replace($f, $r . n . $f, $page);
    #	Insert the default title field's language's direction...
    $dir = MLPLanguageHandler::get_lang_direction_markup($default) . ' ';
    $f = '<input type="text" name="alt"';
    $page = str_replace($f, $f . $dir, $page);
    $f = '<textarea id="caption"';
    $page = str_replace($f, $f . $dir, $page);
    #	Insert the default title field's language name...
    $f = 'for="alt-text">' . gTxt('alt_text');
    $r = ' ' . MLPLanguageHandler::get_native_name_of_lang($default);
    $page = str_replace($f, $f . sp . $r, $page);
    $f = 'for="caption">' . gTxt('caption');
    $page = str_replace($f, $f . sp . $r, $page);
    return $page;
 function cleanup_4a_cb($table, $field, $attributes)
     $langs = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_langs();
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         $f = _l10n_make_field_name($field, $lang);
         $sql = "DROP `{$f}`";
         $ok = @safe_alter($table, $sql);
         $this->add_report_item(gTxt('l10n-drop_field', array('{field}' => $f, '{table}' => $table)), $ok, true);
Example #5
 function l10n_lang_list($atts)
     global $thisarticle, $l10n_language, $is_article_list, $pretext, $prefs;
     extract(lAtts(array('title' => '', 'on404' => '', 'current_class' => 'l10n_current', 'language_class' => 'long', 'list_class' => 'l10n_lang_list', 'show_empty' => '', 'link_current' => '', 'display' => 'native', 'article_list' => $is_article_list, 'surpress_current' => '', 'empty_title' => '', 'appendslash' => '', 'wraptag' => 'ul', 'break' => 'li', 'hide_langs' => ''), $atts));
     $on404 = !empty($on404);
     # User marked this list as a 404 special lookup list.
     $show_empty = !empty($show_empty);
     $link_current = !empty($link_current);
     $surpress_current = !empty($surpress_current);
     $break = $wraptag == 'select' ? 'option' : $break;
     // Ensure 'option' break tag if select used
     $appendslash = !empty($appendslash);
     $processing404 = $pretext['status'] === '404';
     $messy_urls = $pretext['permlink_mode'] === 'messy';
     $category_list = !empty($pretext['c']);
     $get_style_cat = gps('c');
     $processingcats = $category_list && !$messy_urls && !$get_style_cat;
     # Don't process (localise) category list urls in messy mode.
     $author_list = !empty($pretext['author']);
     $get_style_auth = gps('author');
     $processingauths = $author_list && !$messy_urls && !$get_style_auth;
     # Don't process (localise) author list urls in messy mode.
     $list = array();
     static $alangs;
     $slangs = MLPLanguageHandler::get_site_langs();
     $hide_langs = do_list(trim($hide_langs));
     $slangs = array_diff($slangs, $hide_langs);
     $section = empty($pretext['s']) ? '' : $pretext['s'];
     $id = $pretext['id'];
     $subpath = preg_quote(preg_replace("/https?:\\/\\/.*(\\/.*)/Ui", "\$1", hu), "/");
     $uri = preg_replace("/^{$subpath}/i", "/", serverSet('REQUEST_URI'));
     #$uri = preg_replace("/^$subpath/i" , "/" , rtrim(serverSet('REQUEST_URI'),'/'));
     $parts = chopUrl($uri);
     //echo br , "l10n_lang_list(" , var_dump($atts) , ") Section($section) ID($id)" ;
     //echo br , 'uri = ' , $uri;
     //echo br , "parts = " , var_dump( $parts );
     $name_mappings = array();
     if ($processingcats || $processingauths) {
         # echo br , 'Processing by category or author : ';
         $info = safe_rows_start('name,lang,data', 'txp_lang', "`name` IN ('category','author')");
         if ($info and mysql_num_rows($info) > 0) {
             while ($r = nextRow($info)) {
                 $name_mappings[$r['name']][$r['lang']] = urlencode($r['data']);
         # echo var_dump( $name_mappings ) . br ;
     if ($on404 or $processing404) {
         #	Find the section and id of the faulting article (if possible)...
         if (empty($id)) {
             $id = gps('id');
         # Try out a messy match first
         if (empty($id)) {
             //echo br , 'permlink_mode = ' , $prefs['permlink_mode'];
             switch ($prefs['permlink_mode']) {
                 case 'section_id_title':
                     $id = $u1;
                 case 'year_month_day_title':
                     $when = "{$u0}-{$u1}-{$u2}";
                     $rs = safe_row("ID,Section", L10N_MASTER_TEXTPATTERN, "posted like '" . doSlash($when) . "%' and url_title like '" . doSlash($u3) . "' and Status >= 4 limit 1");
                     $id = !empty($rs['ID']) ? $rs['ID'] : '';
                 case 'section_title':
                     $rs = safe_row("ID,Section", L10N_MASTER_TEXTPATTERN, "url_title like '" . doSlash($u1) . "' AND Section='" . doSlash($u0) . "' and Status >= 4 limit 1");
                     $id = @$rs['ID'];
                 case 'title_only':
                     $rs = safe_row('ID', L10N_MASTER_TEXTPATTERN, "url_title like '" . doSlash($u0) . "' and Status >= 4 limit 1");
                     $id = @$rs['ID'];
                 case 'id_title':
                     $id = $u0;
         if (!empty($id) and is_numeric($id)) {
             $article_list = false;
         } else {
             return '';
         #	Make sure we show all alternatives, even if they are in the current language...
         $link_current = true;
     $show_title = !empty($title);
     if (!$article_list) {
         if (!isset($alangs) or !is_array($alangs)) {
             $alangs = _l10n_get_alternate_mappings($id, 'nothing', true);
         //echo br , 'alangs = ' , var_dump( $alangs );
         if ($show_title) {
             $show_title = !empty($alangs);
     if ($show_title) {
         $title = tag($title, 'p') . n;
     } else {
         $title = '';
     foreach ($slangs as $lang) {
         $codes = MLPLanguageHandler::compact_code($lang);
         $short = $codes['short'];
         $long = $codes['long'];
         $dir = MLPLanguageHandler::get_lang_direction_markup($lang);
         #	Surpress the current item when needed...
         $current = $l10n_language['long'] === $lang;
         if ($current && $surpress_current) {
         switch ($display) {
             case 'short':
                 $lname = $short;
             case 'long':
                 $lname = $long;
             case 'native+':
                 $lname = MLPLanguageHandler::get_native_name_of_lang($lang) . " [{$short}]";
             case 'native++':
                 $lname = MLPLanguageHandler::get_native_name_of_lang($lang) . " [{$long}]";
                 $lname = MLPLanguageHandler::get_native_name_of_lang($lang);
         if ($article_list) {
             #	No individual ID but we should be able to serve all the languages
             # so use the current url and inject the language component into each one...
             $text = tag($lname, 'span', $dir);
             #	Prep the line class...
             $class = 'short' === $language_class ? $short : $lang;
             if ($current) {
                 $class .= ' ' . $current_class;
             $class = ' class="' . $class . '"';
             if (!$current or $link_current) {
                 #$subpath = preg_quote(preg_replace("/https?:\/\/.*(\/.*)/Ui","$1",hu),"/");
                 #$uri = preg_replace("/^$subpath/i" , "/" , serverSet('REQUEST_URI'));
                 if ($processing404) {
                     $uri = '';
                 if ($processingcats || $processingauths) {
                     #	Category lists are a special case. For this to work, we need to
                     # replace the local 'category'/'author' string with it's name in the target language.
                     #	Not doing the replace results in 404 errors.
                     $type = $processingcats ? 'category' : 'author';
                     $target_name = $name_mappings[$type][$lang];
                     #echo br . $uri . ' => ' . $lang . ' = ' . $target_name . '(' . urldecode($target_name) . ')';
                     $chunks = explode('/', ltrim($uri, '/'));
                     $chunks[0] = $target_name;
                     $uri = '/' . join('/', $chunks);
                 if (!$processing404 && $appendslash && $uri == '') {
                     $uri = '/';
                 if ($break == 'option') {
                     $line = $text;
                     $class .= ' value="' . hu . $short . $uri . '"';
                 } else {
                     $line = '<a href="' . hu . $short . $uri . '">' . $text . '</a>';
             } else {
                 if ($break == 'option') {
                     $class .= ' selected="selected"';
                 $line = $text;
             $list[] = tag($line, $break, $class);
         } else {
             #	If a translation exists for that language then we
             # build a valid url to it and make it active in the list, otherwise include it in the
             # list but wihtout the hyper-link.
             #	The active page is marked up with a css class.
             if (array_key_exists($lang, $alangs)) {
                 $record = $alangs[$lang];
                 $lang_rendition_title = $record['Title'];
                 $lang_rendition_id = $record['ID'];
                 $text = $lname;
                 if ($processing404) {
                     $text = strong($text) . sp . ':' . sp . $lang_rendition_title;
                 $text = tag($text, 'span', $dir);
                 #	Prep the line class...
                 $class = 'short' === $language_class ? $short : $lang;
                 if ($current) {
                     $class .= ' ' . $current_class;
                 $class = ' class="' . $class . '"';
                 if (!$current or $link_current) {
                     $url = permlinkurl($record);
                     $f = hu;
                     $url = str_replace($f, $f . $short . '/', $url);
                     if ($break == 'option') {
                         $line = $text;
                         $class .= ' value="' . $url . '"';
                     } else {
                         $line = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $text . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     if ($break == 'option') {
                         $class .= ' selected="selected"';
                     $line = $text;
                 $list[] = tag($line, $break, $class);
             } else {
                 if ($show_empty) {
                     $list[] = tag($lname, $break);
     $selopts = '';
     if (!empty($list)) {
         if ($wraptag == 'select') {
             $selopts .= ' onchange="location.href=this.options[selectedIndex].value"';
         $list = $title . tag(join("\n\t", $list), $wraptag, " class=\"{$list_class}\"" . $selopts);
     } else {
         $list = tag($empty_title, 'p') . n;
     return $list;