         * @Flickr settings
         * @return {HTML}
        public static function mb_prepare_settings()
            $obj = new MB_FormProcess();
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_start(array('id' => 'mb-flickr', 'class' => 'mb-flickr', 'display' => 'none', 'attr' => array()));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'API Settings', 'id' => 'mb_mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Flickr Key', 'id' => 'mb_flickr_key', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Please add flickr key here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Flickr Secret', 'id' => 'mb_flickr_secret', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Please add flickr secret here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'How To Use?', 'id' => 'mb_flickr', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-flickr-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                    <li>To Show Flickr Gallery as widget Go to widgets and add in any sidebar</li> 
                                    <li>To use shortcode go to any page and add shortcode from Tinymce toolbar or copy : [mb_flickr title="Title Here" view="list" username="" no_of_photos="5"] and paste it in WP Editor.</li>
                                    <li>OR by directly adding following lines to any php file : <?php do_shortcode("[mb_flickr title="Title Here" view="list" username="" no_of_photos="5"]"); ?></li>
</ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'Element Settings?', 'id' => 'mb-flickr', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-flickr-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                        <li>title : Add Title</li>
                                        <li>view : Flickr Gallery listing type, To show as slider set as: "slider" or for simple listing as: "list"</li>
                                        <li>username : Flickr Gallery user name for photos. eg: "envato"</li>
                                        <li>no_of_photos : To show number of photos eg: "5"</li>
                                    </ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_end(array('id' => 'mb-flickr', 'class' => 'mb-flickr', 'display' => 'none', 'attr' => array()));
         * @Twitter settings
         * @return {HTML}
        public static function mb_prepare_settings()
            $obj = new MB_FormProcess();
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_start(array('id' => 'mb-twitter', 'class' => 'mb-twitter', 'display' => 'none', 'attr' => array()));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'API Settings', 'id' => 'mb_mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Consumer Key', 'id' => 'mb_twitter_key', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Enter your Twitter Consumer Key Here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Consumer Key Secret', 'id' => 'mb_twitter_consumer_secret', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Enter Your Twitter Consumer Key Secret Here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Consumer Key Token', 'id' => 'mb_twitter_access_token', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Enter Your Twitter Access Token Here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Access Token Secret', 'id' => 'mb_access_token_secret', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Enter Your Access Token Secret Here.', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'How To Use?', 'id' => 'mb_twitter', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-twitter-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                    <li>To Show Tweets  as widget Go to widgets and add in any sidebar</li> 
                                    <li>To use shortcode go to any page and add shortcode from Tinymce toolbar or copy : [mb_tweets title="Title Here" view="list" username="" no_of_tweets="5"] and paste it in WP Editor.</li>
                                    <li>OR by directly adding following lines to any php file : <?php do_shortcode("[mb_tweets title="Title Here" view="list" username="" no_of_tweets="5"]"); ?></li>
</ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'Element Settings?', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                        <li>title : Add Title</li>
                                        <li>view : Tweets listing type, To show as slider set as: "slider" or for simple listing as: "list"</li>
                                        <li>username : Twitter user name for tweets.eg: "envato"</li>
                                        <li>no_of_tweets : To show number of tweets eg: "5"</li>
                                    </ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_end(array('id' => 'mb-twitter', 'class' => 'mb-twitter', 'display' => 'none', 'attr' => array()));
         * @Mailchimp settings
         * @return {HTML}
        public static function mb_prepare_settings()
            $obj = new MB_FormProcess();
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_start(array('id' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'class' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'display' => 'block', 'attr' => array()));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'API Settings', 'id' => 'mb_mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_text(array('name' => 'Mailchimp Key', 'id' => 'mb_mailchimp_key', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Please add Mailchimp key. For Demo Use: e12c8ee5546cf3134b83f02b8b12702e-us11', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_select(array('name' => 'Mailchimp List', 'id' => 'mb_mailchimp_list', 'std' => '', 'desc' => 'Select Mailchimp list for newsletters.', 'meta' => '', 'options' => Mb_Modules_Configuration::prepare_mailchimp_options()));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'How to Use?', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                    <li>To Show Mailchimp form as widget Go to widgets and add in any sidebar</li> 
                                    <li>To use shortcode go to any page and add shortcode from Tinymce toolbar or copy : [mb_mailchimp title="Title Here" firstname="on" lastname="on" success="" error=""] and paste it in WP Editor.</li>
                                    <li>OR by directly adding following lines to any php file : <?php do_shortcode("[mb_mailchimp title="Title Here" firstname="on" lastname="on" success="" error=""]"); ?></li>
</ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_tab(array('name' => 'Element Settings?', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_note(array('name' => 'Note', 'id' => 'mb-mailchimp-note', 'std' => '', 'desc' => '<ul>
                                        <li>title : Add Title</li>
                                        <li>firstname : To show first name in form set as : "on" or to hide as "off"</li>
                                        <li>lastname : To show last name in form set as : "on" or to hide as "off"</li>
                                        <li>success : To show message after successfully scbscribed.</li>
                                        <li>error : To show message if error occur during subscription.</li>
                                    </ul>', 'meta' => ''));
            $obj->form_process_wrapper_end(array('id' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'class' => 'mb-mailchimp', 'display' => 'block', 'attr' => array()));