Example #1
 function display($var)
     if ($var === 'paid') {
         return $this->getTotalPaid();
     return parent::display($var);
Example #2
 function display($var)
     if ($var === 'made_by') {
         return $this->getParentName('made_by');
     return parent::display($var);
Example #3
 function display($var)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     if ($var === "devname") {
         if (csa($this->{$var}, "-")) {
             list($name, $num) = explode("-", $this->{$var});
             return "{$name}:{$num}";
         return $this->{$var};
     if ($var === 'clientname') {
         if (!$this->{$var}) {
             return 'Unassigned';
     if ($var === 'used_f') {
         if (array_search_bool($this->ipaddr, $gbl->__var_ip_domainlist)) {
             return 'on';
         } else {
             return 'dull';
     return parent::display($var);
Example #4
 function display($var)
     if ($var === 'destinationdir') {
         return "http://{$this->getTrueParentO()->nname}/{$this->destinationdir}";
     return parent::display($var);
Example #5
 function display($var)
     if ($var === "logintime") {
         return lxgettime($this->{$var});
     if ($var === 'logouttime') {
         if ($this->{$var} !== 'Still Logged') {
             return lxgettime($this->{$var});
     return parent::display($var);
Example #6
 function __construct($masterserver, $readserver, $name)
     if (!self::$minutelist) {
         self::$minutelist[] = '--all--';
         foreach (range(0, 59) as $i) {
             self::$minutelist[] = $i;
         self::$hourlist[] = '--all--';
         foreach (range(0, 23) as $i) {
             self::$hourlist[] = $i;
         self::$ddatelist[] = '--all--';
         foreach (range(1, 31) as $i) {
             self::$ddatelist[] = $i;
         self::$weekdaylist[] = '--all--';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'sunday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'monday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'tuesday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'wednesday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'thursday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'friday';
         self::$weekdaylist[] = 'saturday';
         self::$monthlist[] = '--all--';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'January';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'February';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'March';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'April';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'May';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'June';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'July';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'August';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'September';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'October';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'November';
         self::$monthlist[] = 'December';
     parent::__construct($masterserver, $readserver, $name);
Example #7
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $this->__readserver, 'web');
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "run_stats":
             $vlist['confirm_f'] = array('M', "");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "sesubmit":
             include "sesubmit/engines.php";
             $selist = array_keys($enginelist);
             $selist = implode("\n", $selist);
             $selist = "\n{$selist}";
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             $vlist['email'] = null;
             $vlist['selist'] = array('M', $selist);
             return $vlist;
         case "docroot":
             $vlist['docroot'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "blockip":
             $vlist['text_blockip'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "fcgi_config":
             $vlist['fcgi_children'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "statsconfig":
             $vlist['remove_processed_stats'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "hotlink_protection":
             $vlist['hotlink_flag'] = null;
             $vlist['text_hotlink_allowed'] = array("t", null);
             $vlist['hotlink_redirect'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "permalink":
             $list = lscandir_without_dot_or_underscore("../file/prettyurl/");
             $vlist['lighty_pretty_app_f'] = array('s', $list);
             $vlist['lighty_pretty_path_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "lighty_rewrite":
             $vlist['text_lighty_rewrite'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "stats_protect":
             if ($this->stats_username === $this->nname) {
                 $vlist['stats_username'] = array('M', $this->stats_username);
             } else {
                 $vlist['stats_username'] = null;
             $vlist['stats_password'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "cron_mailto":
             $vlist['cron_mailto'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "configure_misc":
             $vlist['force_www_redirect'] = null;
             if ($driverapp === 'apache') {
                 $vlist['webmisc_b-execcgi'] = null;
                 if ($login->isAdmin()) {
                     $vlist['webmisc_b-disable_openbasedir'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "dirindex":
             $vlist['webmisc_b-dirindex'] = null;
             if (!$this->indexfile_list) {
                 //$this->indexfile_list = get_web_index_list();
             $ol = array("index.php", "index.html", "index.shtml", "index.htm", "default.htm", "Default.aspx", "Default.asp", "index.pl");
             $dirin = $login->getObject('genlist')->dirindexlist_a;
             $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($dirin);
             $index = lx_array_merge(array($list, $ol));
             $vlist['indexfile_list'] = array('U', $index);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "extra_tag":
             $vlist['text_extra_tag'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "custom_error":
             if ($driverapp !== 'lighttpd') {
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_400'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_401'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_403'] = array("L", "/");
                 $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_500'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_404'] = array("L", "/");
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "ssl_upload":
             $vlist['ssl_key_file_f'] = null;
             $vlist['ssl_crt_file_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "ipaddress":
             if ($this->getParentO()->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('M', $this->ipaddress);
                 return $vlist;
             //Just parent is domain.. The client is above that...
             $parent = $this->getParentO()->getParentO();
             $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array($this->syncserver));
             if (!$iplist) {
                 $iplist = getAllIpaddress();
             $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist);
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Example #8
 function display($var)
     if ($var === 'pserver_list') {
         $string = implode(',', get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->ippserver_a));
         if (strlen($string) > 21) {
             $string = substr($string, 0, 21) . "...";
         $this->{$var} = $string;
     if ($var === 'stat_f') {
         return $this->getStat_f();
     return parent::display($var);
Example #9
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     switch ($subaction) {
         // ONly fro dnstemplate
         case "ipaddress":
             $res = Dnsbase::getIpaddressList($this);
             $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $res);
             return $vlist;
         case "parameter":
             foreach ($this->dns_record_a as $d) {
                 if ($d->ttype === 'ns') {
                     $nslist[] = $d->param;
             $vlist['ttl'] = null;
             $vlist['soanameserver'] = array('s', $nslist);
             return $vlist;
         case "switchdnsserver":
             $vlist['syncserver'] = array('s', $login->getServerList('syncserver'));
             return $vlist;
         case "rebuild":
             $vlist['newdnstemplate_f'] = array('s', domainbase::getDnsTemplateList($login));
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Example #10
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "dialogsize":
             $vlist['dialogsize'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "boxposopen":
             $vlist['title_class'] = null;
             $vlist['title_open'] = null;
             $vlist['title_name'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "boxpos":
             $vlist['title_class'] = null;
             $vlist['title_open'] = null;
             $vlist['title_name'] = null;
             $vlist['page'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "addshortcut":
             $vlist['shortcut'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "resendwelcome":
             $vlist['extra_email_f'] = null;
             $vlist['password'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "disable_per":
             if ($this->islogin()) {
                 throw new lxException('you_cannot_set_your_own_limit', '');
             $vlist['disable_per'] = array('s', array('off', '95', '100', '110', '120', '130'));
             return $vlist;
         case "miscinfo":
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             $vlist['realname'] = "";
             $vlist['add_address'] = "";
             $vlist['add_city'] = "";
             $vlist['add_country'] = "";
             $vlist['add_telephone'] = "";
             $vlist['add_fax'] = "";
             return $vlist;
         case "limit_s":
         case "limit":
             if ($this->islogin()) {
                 throw new lxException('you_cannot_set_your_own_limit', '');
             if (cse($this->get__table(), "template")) {
                 $class = strtil($this->get__table(), "template");
                 $vlist = getQuotaListForClass($class);
             } else {
                 $vlist = $this->getQuotaVariableList();
             // This is patently wrong. In update, the object is inititialized properly and we are suppsed to get the quota for the specific type of object and not for the class.... Changing it to $this.
             $sgbl->method = 'post';
             //$vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "change_plan":
             $parent = $this->getParentO();
             $ttlist = $parent->getTemplateList("resourceplan", false);
             $this->newresourceplan = $this->resourceplan_used;
             if (!$ttlist) {
                 $vlist['newresourceplan'] = array("M", "No Plan in Parent");
             } else {
                 $vlist['newresourceplan'] = array("A", $ttlist);
             //$vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "password":
             if ($this->isLogin() || $this->is__table('auxiliary') && $this->getParentO()->isAuxiliary()) {
                 $vlist['old_password_f'] = "";
             $vlist['password'] = "";
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Example #11
 function display($var)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     if ($var === 'state' || $var === 'boot_state') {
         if ($this->install_state === 'dull') {
             return 'dull';
     return parent::display($var);
Example #12
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "update":
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['dbtype'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['syncserver'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['username'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['dbpassword'] = null;
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
Example #13
 function display($var)
     if ($var === 'text_sent_to_cmlist') {
         if ($this->getParentO()->getClName() === $this->made_by) {
             $v = $this->convertClCmToNameCm($this->text_sent_to_cmlist);
             if (strlen($v) > 25) {
                 $v = substr($v, 0, 25);
                 $v .= "...";
             return $v;
         } else {
             return $this->getParentO()->nname;
     if ($var === 'unread_flag_f') {
         if (exists_in_coma($this->text_sent_to_cmlist, $this->getParentO()->getClName())) {
             if (exists_in_coma($this->text_readby_cmlist, $this->getParentO()->getClName())) {
                 $this->unread_flag_f = 'dull';
             } else {
                 $this->unread_flag_f = 'on';
         } else {
             $this->unread_flag_f = 'dull';
         return $this->unread_flag_f;
     if ($var === 'made_by') {
         return $this->getParentName('made_by');
     return parent::display($var);
Example #14
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "editmx":
             $rec = $this->getParentO()->getObject('dns')->dns_record_a;
             foreach ($rec as $a) {
                 if ($a->ttype === 'mx') {
                     $v = $a->param;
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['mx_f'] = array('m', $v);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "authentication":
             $domkey = db_get_value("servermail", $this->syncserver, "domainkey_flag");
             if (!$domkey) {
                 $domkey = 'off';
             $domkey .= " (Server Wide Value)";
             $vlist['domainkey_f'] = array('M', $domkey);
             $vlist['enable_spf_flag'] = null;
             $vlist['text_spf_domain'] = null;
             $vlist['text_spf_ip'] = null;
             $this->setDefaultValue('exclude_all', 'soft');
             $vlist['exclude_all'] = array('s', array('soft', 'hard'));
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "webmail_select":
             // read note on fixWebmailRedirect()
             $this->setDefaultValue('webmailprog', '--system-default--');
             $base = "/home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/";
             $list = lscandir_without_dot_or_underscore($base);
             $nlist[] = '--system-default--';
             $nlist[] = '--chooser--';
             $nlist = add_disabled($nlist);
             $plist = self::getWebmailProgList();
             $nlist = lx_merge_good($nlist, $plist);
             $vlist['webmailprog'] = array('s', $nlist);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "catchall":
             $list = $this->getList('mailaccount');
             $name[] = "--bounce--";
             $name[] = "Delete";
             $nn = get_namelist_from_objectlist($list);
             foreach ($nn as &$___t) {
                 $tmp = explode("@", $___t);
                 $___t = $tmp[0];
             $name = lx_array_merge(array($name, $nn));
             $vlist['catchall'] = array('s', $name);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "remotelocalmail":
             // read note on fixWebmailRedirect()
             $vlist['remotelocalflag'] = array('s', array('local', 'remote'));
             $vlist['webmail_url'] = null;
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);