Example #1
if (isset($_POST['format'])) {
    Luminous::set('format', $_POST['format']);
$line_numbers = true;
if (!empty($_POST) && !isset($_POST['line-numbers'])) {
    $line_numbers = false;
$line_numbers_start = false;
if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_POST['line-numbers-start'])) {
    $line_numbers_start = (int) $_POST['line-numbers-start'];
    if ($line_numbers_start > 0) {
        Luminous::set('start-line', $line_numbers_start);
Luminous::set('line-numbers', $line_numbers);
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo Luminous::headHtml();
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

if (count($_POST)) {
    $lang = $_POST['lang'];
    if ($lang === 'guess') {
Example #2

include 'helper.php';
Luminous::set('format', 'html-inline');
Luminous::set('includeJavascript', false);
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Inline code highlighting with AJAX example</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
echo Luminous::headHtml();
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <?php 
echo Luminous::highlight('c', '#include <stdio.h>');
 consectetur adipiscing elit.
        Pellentesque <?php 
echo Luminous::highlight('c', 'int main()');
 orci eros, pellentesque sed elementum eu, mattis
        nec neque. Vestibulum hendrerit leo vel mi tristique mollis. Mauris magna odio, porta ut fringilla iaculis,
echo Luminous::highlight('c', 'printf("hello, world!\\n");');
 placerat eu urna. Vivamus non nisi nec
echo Luminous::highlight('c', 'return 0;');
Example #3
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Setting options</title>
echo Luminous::headHtml();
            There are two ways you can set options: globally via the set() method, and per-call in the highlight()
            method. Let's disable auto-linking and make all highlights begin at line 17 via the global call.
// NOTE: this is equivalent to calling luminous::set(array('auto-link' => false, 'start-line' => 17));
Luminous::set('autoLink', false);
Luminous::set('startLine', 17);
echo Luminous::highlight($language, $code);
        <p> Now let's override both of those for the duration of the next call
echo Luminous::highlight($language, $code, array('autoLink' => true, 'startLine' => 1));
        <p> When we next call highlight(), the options will be back to their global states:
echo Luminous::highlight($language, $code);
        <p> We can get the current value for an option by calling setting(): auto-link is:
echo var_dump(Luminous::setting('autoLink'));
Example #4

require __DIR__ . '/helper.php';
$files = array('Standard example' => 'example.php', 'AJAX interface' => 'ajax.php', 'Full page output' => 'fullpage.php', 'Inline code' => 'inline.php', 'Theme switcher' => 'themeswitcher.php', 'Setting options' => 'options.php');
if (isset($_GET['file']) && in_array($_GET['file'], $files)) {
    Luminous::set('includeJquery', true);
    $source = Luminous::highlight('php', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/' . $_GET['file']));
    Luminous::set('theme', 'github');
    $head = Luminous::headHtml();
    echo <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style> body { font-size: smaller; margin: 0;} </style>
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Luminous examples</title>
        <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
Example #5

/* Example using AJAX to prettify inline code */
require_once 'helper.php';
Luminous::set('lineNumbers', false);
Luminous::set('includeJavascript', true);
Luminous::set('format', 'html-inline');
// define a quick and dirty AJAX interface
function doAjax()
    global $useCache;
    $language = $_POST['language'];
    $code = $_POST['code'];
    // Arbitrarily sized security check
    if (strlen($code) < 500) {
        echo Luminous::highlight($language, $code, $useCache);
    // we're done now.
if (!empty($_POST)) {
    // php is stupid.
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        foreach ($_POST as &$p) {
            $p = stripslashes($p);
<!DOCTYPE html>
Example #6

// Theme switcher example
require_once 'helper.php';
Luminous::set('includeJavascript', true);
// This isn't an injection or XSS vulnerability. You don't have to worry
// about sanitising this, Luminous won't use it if it's not a valid theme file.
if (!empty($_GET)) {
    Luminous::set('theme', $_GET['theme_switcher']);
        <title>Theme Switcher Example</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
echo Luminous::headHtml();

        <script type='text/javascript'>
            $(document).ready(function() {
                // theme switcher change handler
                    // get the /path/to/style/ via the current theme's href attribute
                    var current_url = $('#luminous-theme').attr('href');
                    var base_url = current_url.replace(/[^/]*$/, '');
                    // now replace the href with the new theme's path
                        base_url + $(this).val()
Example #7

// very easy, set the format to html-full
require_once 'helper.php';
Luminous::set('format', 'html-full');
echo luminous::highlightFile('php', 'themeswitcher.php', $useCache);
Example #8

$luminousRoot = dirname(__DIR__);
if (file_exists($luminousRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    // standalone install
    require_once $luminousRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';
} elseif (file_exists($luminousRoot . '/../../autoload.php')) {
    // dep install
    require_once $luminousRoot . '/../../autoload.php';
} else {
    die('Please install the Composer autoloader by running `composer install` from within ' . $luminousRoot . PHP_EOL);
// This var is because on my dev machine I symlink some directories and
// from that, PHP/Luminous cannot figure out where it is relative to the
// document root.
$httpPath = '../';
$useCache = false;
Luminous::set('relative-root', $httpPath);
Luminous::set('include-jquery', true);
Example #9
function testCache()
    global $sqlExecuted;
    $sqlExecuted = false;
    Luminous::set('sql_function', 'sql');
    // this will throw a cache not creatable warning which we don't really care
    // about
    @Luminous::highlight('plain', '123', true);
Example #10
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
    die('This must be run from the command line');
$luminousRoot = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
if (file_exists($luminousRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    // standalone install
    require_once $luminousRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';
} elseif (file_exists($luminousRoot . '/../../autoload.php')) {
    // dep install
    require_once $luminousRoot . '/../../autoload.php';
} else {
    die('Please install the Composer autoloader by running `composer install` from within ' . $luminousRoot . PHP_EOL);
$path = __DIR__;
Luminous::set('format', null);
$output_ext = '.luminous';
$missing_output = array();
$diff_output = array();
$default_target = scandir($path);
foreach ($default_target as $k => $v) {
    if (!is_dir($v) || $v[0] == '.') {
function ext($path)
    return preg_replace('/.*(?=\\.)/', '', $path);
function highlight_luminous($path)