  * Creates a Plugin object which represents a given Player plugin.
  * @param file $file The xml file which represents the Plugin
  * @param &$config_values The currently loaded config values.  Used to
  * distinguish between standard flashvars and additional flashvars.
  * @return A new Plugin object
 private static function processPlugin($file, &$config_values = null)
     $plugin_xml = simplexml_load_file(LongTailFramework::getPluginPath() . $file);
     $title = (string) $plugin_xml->{"title"};
     $version = (string) $plugin_xml->{"version"};
     $file_name = (string) $plugin_xml->{"filename"};
     $repository = (string) $plugin_xml->{"repository"};
     $description = (string) $plugin_xml->{"description"};
     $href = (string) $plugin_xml->{"page"};
     $enabled = false;
     $config_found = true;
     $plugin_name = str_replace(".swf", "", $file_name);
     //Check if the config file exists.
     if (file_exists(LongTailFramework::getConfigPath())) {
         $config_file = simplexml_load_file(LongTailFramework::getConfigPath());
     } else {
         $config_found = false;
     $enabled = strstr((string) $config_file->plugins, $repository) ? true : false;
     $f_vars = array();
     //Process the flashvars in the plugin xml file.
     foreach ($plugin_xml->flashvars as $flash_vars) {
         $f_var = array();
         $f_var_section = (string) $flash_vars["section"];
         $f_var_section = $f_var_section ? $f_var_section : "FlashVars";
         foreach ($flash_vars as $flash_var) {
             $default = (string) $flash_var->{"default"};
             //If the config file was loaded and has an entry for the current flashvar
             //use the value in the config file and set the plugin as enabled.
             if ($config_found && $config_file->{$plugin_name . "." . $flash_var->name}) {
                 $p_key = $plugin_name . "." . $flash_var->name;
                 if ($config_values != null) {
                     unset($config_values[(string) $p_key]);
                 $default = (string) $config_file->{$plugin_name . "." . $flash_var->name};
             $values = (array) $flash_var->select;
             $temp_var = new FlashVar((string) $flash_var->name, $default, (string) $flash_var->description, (array) $values["option"], (string) $flash_var["type"]);
             $f_var[(string) $flash_var->name] = $temp_var;
         $f_vars[$f_var_section] = $f_var;
     $plugin = new Plugin($title, $version, $repository, $file_name, $enabled, $description, $f_vars, $href);
     return $plugin;