function load() { parent::load(); $request = $this->mOverrideRequest; if ($request->getText('username', '') != '') { $this->mUsername = $request->getText('username', ''); } if ($request->getText('password', '') != '') { $this->mPassword = $request->getText('password'); $this->mRetype = $request->getText('password'); } if ($request->getText('email', '') != '') { $this->mEmail = $request->getText('email'); } if ($request->getVal('birthyear', '') != '') { $this->wpBirthYear = $request->getVal('birthyear'); } if ($request->getVal('birthmonth', '') != '') { $this->wpBirthMonth = $request->getVal('birthmonth'); } if ($request->getVal('birthday', '') != '') { $this->wpBirthDay = $request->getVal('birthday'); } if ($request->getVal('signupToken', '') != '') { $this->mToken = $request->getVal('signupToken'); } if ($request->getVal('returnto', '') != '') { $this->mReturnTo = $request->getVal('returnto'); } $this->wpUserBirthDay = strtotime($this->wpBirthYear . '-' . $this->wpBirthMonth . '-' . $this->wpBirthDay); }
function submit_OTP($user_id, $user_name) { global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser; $otp_DB = ""; $attempts = 0; # When OTP button is pressed we we check if the OTP is set on DB. if ($wgRequest->getCheck('clickBotOTP')) { SpecialLatch::accDB_useraccid($user_id, $user_id, $acc_id, $otp_DB, $attempts); # CSRF protection if (!$wgUser->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getVal('token'))) { return; } else { # If it's correct we set again the correct user name to session and redirect to the main page if ($otp_DB == $wgRequest->getText('txt_OTP')) { $wgRequest->setSessionData('wsUserName', $user_name); $fullURL = $wgRequest->getRequestURL(); $urlMainPage = explode("?", $fullURL); $wgOut->redirect($urlMainPage[0]); } else { if ($attempts < 2) { SpecialLatch::updDB_useraccid($user_id, $acc_id, $otp_DB, $attempts + 1); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('latch-OTP-error')); } else { $wgUser->logout(); $wgOut->clearHTML(); $specialUserlogin = new LoginForm(); $specialUserlogin->load(); $error = $specialUserlogin->mAbortLoginErrorMsg ?: 'wrongpassword'; $specialUserlogin->mainLoginForm($specialUserlogin->msg($error)->text()); } } } } }
public function actionLogin() { if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { return $this->goHome(); } $model = new LoginForm(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) { return $this->goBack(); } return $this->render('login', ['model' => $model]); }
public function run() { if ($this->visible) { $user = new LoginForm(); if ($user->load(\Yii::$app->request->post()) && $user->login()) { return \Yii::$app->getResponse()->refresh(); } else { return $this->render('loginWidget', ['user' => $user, 'title' => $this->title]); } } }
function __construct(&$request) { global $wgUser; $this->titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Piggyback'); $this->templateData['actionlogin'] = $this->titleObj->getLocalUrl('action=submitlogin'); $this->mOtherName = $request->getVal('wpOtherName'); parent::load(); $this->mType = 'login'; /* fake to don't change remember password */ $this->mRemember = (bool) $wgUser->getGlobalPreference('rememberpassword'); }
public function actionLogin($return_url = null) { if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { return $this->goHome(); } $login_form = new LoginForm(); if ($login_form->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $login_form->login()) { if ($return_url) { Yii::$app->user->setReturnUrl($return_url); } return $this->goBack(); } else { return $this->render('login', ['login_form' => $login_form]); } }
public function actionLogin() { if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { return $this->goHome(); } $model = new LoginForm(); $login = new \app\models\LoginDetails(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { $log = \app\models\User::find()->where(['user_login_id' => $_POST['LoginForm']['username'], 'is_block' => 0])->one(); if (empty($log)) { \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('loginError', '<i class="fa fa-warning"></i><b> Incorrect username or password. !</b>'); return $this->render('login', ['model' => $model]); } $login->login_user_id = $log['user_id']; $loginuser = $login->login_user_id; $emplogin = EmpMaster::find()->andWhere(['emp_master_user_id' => $loginuser])->one(); $studlogin = StuMaster::find()->andWhere(['stu_master_user_id' => $loginuser])->one(); if ($studlogin) { \Yii::$app->session->set('stu_id', $studlogin->stu_master_id); } else { if ($emplogin) { \Yii::$app->session->set('emp_id', $emplogin->emp_master_id); } else { if (!$emplogin && !$studlogin) { \Yii::$app->session->set('admin_user', $loginuser); } else { \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('loginError', '<i class="fa fa-warning"></i><b> These Login credentials are Blocked/Deactive by Admin</b>'); return $this->render('login', ['model' => $model]); } } } $login->login_status = 1; $login->login_at = new \yii\db\Expression('NOW()'); $login->user_ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $login->save(false); if ($model->login()) { return $this->goBack(); } else { return $this->render('login', ['model' => $model]); } } else { return $this->render('login', ['model' => $model]); } }
public function actionApprovedAuthorizeSave() { $dinasFormlogin = new LoginForm(); /*Ajax Load*/ if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) { $dinasFormlogin->load(Yii::$app->request->post()); return Json::encode(\yii\widgets\ActiveForm::validate($dinasFormlogin)); } else { /*Normal Load*/ if ($dinasFormlogin->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { if ($dinasFormlogin->loginformdinas_dinasved()) { $hsl = \Yii::$app->request->post(); $kdro = $hsl['LoginForm']['kdro']; return $this->redirect(['/accounting/dinasles-order/approved', 'kd' => $kdro]); } } } }
public function execute() { $Name = $Password = $Remember = $Loginattempt = $Mailmypassword = $LoginToken = null; extract($this->extractRequestParams()); if (!empty($Loginattempt)) { // Login attempt $params = new FauxRequest(array('wpName' => $Name, 'wpPassword' => $Password, 'wpRemember' => $Remember, 'wpLoginattempt' => $Loginattempt, 'wpLoginToken' => $LoginToken)); // Init session if necessary if (session_id() == '') { wfSetupSession(); } $result = array(); $loginForm = new LoginForm($params); $caseCode = $loginForm->authenticateUserData(); switch ($caseCode) { case LoginForm::RESET_PASS: $result['result'] = 'Reset'; break; case LoginForm::SUCCESS: global $wgUser; $injected_html = ''; wfRunHooks('UserLoginComplete', array(&$wgUser, &$injected_html)); $wgUser->setGlobalPreference('rememberpassword', $Remember ? 1 : 0); $wgUser->setCookies(); $result['result'] = 'Success'; $result['lguserid'] = $_SESSION['wsUserID']; $result['lgusername'] = $_SESSION['wsUserName']; $result['lgtoken'] = $_SESSION['wsToken']; break; case LoginForm::NO_NAME: $result['result'] = 'NoName'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('noname'); break; case LoginForm::ILLEGAL: $result['result'] = 'Illegal'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('noname'); break; case LoginForm::WRONG_PLUGIN_PASS: $result['result'] = 'WrongPluginPass'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('wrongpassword'); break; case LoginForm::NOT_EXISTS: $result['result'] = 'NotExists'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('nosuchuser', htmlspecialchars($Name)); break; case LoginForm::WRONG_PASS: $result['result'] = 'WrongPass'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('wrongpassword'); #set default normal message $attemptedUser = User::newFromName($Name); if (!is_null($attemptedUser)) { $disOpt = $attemptedUser->getGlobalFlag('disabled'); if (!empty($disOpt) || defined('CLOSED_ACCOUNT_FLAG') && $attemptedUser->getRealName() == CLOSED_ACCOUNT_FLAG) { #either closed account flag was present, override fail message $result['text'] = wfMsg('edit-account-closed-flag'); } } break; case LoginForm::EMPTY_PASS: $result['result'] = 'EmptyPass'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('wrongpasswordempty'); break; case LoginForm::NEED_TOKEN: case LoginForm::WRONG_TOKEN: $result['result'] = 'NeedToken'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('sessionfailure'); break; case LoginForm::THROTTLED: $result['result'] = 'Throttled'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('login-throttled'); break; case LoginForm::ABORTED: $result['result'] = 'Aborted'; $result['text'] = wfMsg($loginForm->mAbortLoginErrorMsg); break; default: ApiBase::dieDebug(__METHOD__, "Unhandled case value: \"{$caseCode}\""); } $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->commit(); $this->getResult()->addValue(null, 'ajaxlogin', $result); } else { if (!empty($Mailmypassword)) { // Remind password attemp $params = new FauxRequest(array('wpName' => $Name)); $result = array(); $loginForm = new LoginForm($params); $loginForm->load(); global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgAuth; if (!$wgAuth->allowPasswordChange()) { $result['result'] = 'resetpass_forbidden'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('resetpass_forbidden'); } else { if ($wgUser->isBlocked()) { $result['result'] = 'blocked-mailpassword'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('blocked-mailpassword'); } else { if ('' == $loginForm->mUsername) { $result['result'] = 'noname'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('noname'); } else { $u = User::newFromName($loginForm->mUsername); if (empty($u)) { $result['result'] = 'noname'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('noname'); } else { if (0 == $u->getID()) { $result['result'] = 'nosuchuser'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('nosuchuser', $u->getName()); } else { if ($u->isPasswordReminderThrottled()) { global $wgPasswordReminderResendTime; $result['result'] = 'throttled-mailpassword'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('throttled-mailpassword', round($wgPasswordReminderResendTime, 3)); } else { $res = $loginForm->mailPasswordInternal($u, true); if (!$res->isOK()) { $result['result'] = 'mailerror'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('mailerror', $res->getMessage()); } else { $result['result'] = 'OK'; $result['text'] = wfMsg('passwordsent', $u->getName()); } } } } } } } $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->commit(); $this->getResult()->addValue(null, 'ajaxlogin', $result); } } }
public function execute() { // If we're in a mode that breaks the same-origin policy, no tokens can // be obtained if ($this->lacksSameOriginSecurity()) { $this->dieUsage('Cannot create account when the same-origin policy is not applied', 'aborted'); } // $loginForm->addNewaccountInternal will throw exceptions // if wiki is read only (already handled by api), user is blocked or does not have rights. // Use userCan in order to hit GlobalBlock checks (according to Special:userlogin) $loginTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin'); if (!$loginTitle->userCan('createaccount', $this->getUser())) { $this->dieUsage('You do not have the right to create a new account', 'permdenied-createaccount'); } if ($this->getUser()->isBlockedFromCreateAccount()) { $this->dieUsage('You cannot create a new account because you are blocked', 'blocked', 0, array('blockinfo' => ApiQueryUserInfo::getBlockInfo($this->getUser()->getBlock()))); } $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); // Init session if necessary if (session_id() == '') { wfSetupSession(); } if ($params['mailpassword'] && !$params['email']) { $this->dieUsageMsg('noemail'); } if ($params['language'] && !Language::isSupportedLanguage($params['language'])) { $this->dieUsage('Invalid language parameter', 'langinvalid'); } $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext()); $context->setRequest(new DerivativeRequest($this->getContext()->getRequest(), array('type' => 'signup', 'uselang' => $params['language'], 'wpName' => $params['name'], 'wpPassword' => $params['password'], 'wpRetype' => $params['password'], 'wpDomain' => $params['domain'], 'wpEmail' => $params['email'], 'wpRealName' => $params['realname'], 'wpCreateaccountToken' => $params['token'], 'wpCreateaccount' => $params['mailpassword'] ? null : '1', 'wpCreateaccountMail' => $params['mailpassword'] ? '1' : null))); $loginForm = new LoginForm(); $loginForm->setContext($context); Hooks::run('AddNewAccountApiForm', array($this, $loginForm)); $loginForm->load(); $status = $loginForm->addNewaccountInternal(); $result = array(); if ($status->isGood()) { // Success! $user = $status->getValue(); if ($params['language']) { $user->setOption('language', $params['language']); } if ($params['mailpassword']) { // If mailpassword was set, disable the password and send an email. $user->setPassword(null); $status->merge($loginForm->mailPasswordInternal($user, false, 'createaccount-title', 'createaccount-text')); } elseif ($this->getConfig()->get('EmailAuthentication') && Sanitizer::validateEmail($user->getEmail())) { // Send out an email authentication message if needed $status->merge($user->sendConfirmationMail()); } // Save settings (including confirmation token) $user->saveSettings(); Hooks::run('AddNewAccount', array($user, $params['mailpassword'])); if ($params['mailpassword']) { $logAction = 'byemail'; } elseif ($this->getUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $logAction = 'create2'; } else { $logAction = 'create'; } $user->addNewUserLogEntry($logAction, (string) $params['reason']); // Add username, id, and token to result. $result['username'] = $user->getName(); $result['userid'] = $user->getId(); $result['token'] = $user->getToken(); } $apiResult = $this->getResult(); if ($status->hasMessage('sessionfailure') || $status->hasMessage('nocookiesfornew')) { // Token was incorrect, so add it to result, but don't throw an exception // since not having the correct token is part of the normal // flow of events. $result['token'] = LoginForm::getCreateaccountToken(); $result['result'] = 'NeedToken'; } elseif (!$status->isOK()) { // There was an error. Die now. $this->dieStatus($status); } elseif (!$status->isGood()) { // Status is not good, but OK. This means warnings. $result['result'] = 'Warning'; // Add any warnings to the result $warnings = $status->getErrorsByType('warning'); if ($warnings) { foreach ($warnings as &$warning) { ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($warning['params'], 'param'); } ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($warnings, 'warning'); $result['warnings'] = $warnings; } } else { // Everything was fine. $result['result'] = 'Success'; } // Give extensions a chance to modify the API result data Hooks::run('AddNewAccountApiResult', array($this, $loginForm, &$result)); $apiResult->addValue(null, 'createaccount', $result); }
/** * Logs in a user with given login name and password. If keeploggedin, sets a cookie. * * @requestParam string username * @requestParam string password * @requestParam string keeploggedin [true/false] * @responseParam string result [ok/error/unconfirm/resetpass] * @responseParam string msg - result message * @responseParam string errParam - error param */ public function login() { // Init session if necessary if (session_id() == '') { wfSetupSession(); } $loginForm = new LoginForm($this->wg->request); $loginForm->load(); // MW1.19 uses different form fields names // set variables if ($this->wg->request->getText('username', '') != '') { $loginForm->mUsername = $this->wg->request->getText('username'); } if ($this->wg->request->getText('password', '') != '') { $loginForm->mPassword = $this->wg->request->getText('password'); } if ($this->wg->request->getText('keeploggedin', '') != '') { $loginForm->mRemember = $this->wg->request->getCheck('keeploggedin'); } if ($this->wg->request->getVal('loginToken', '') != '') { $loginForm->mToken = $this->wg->request->getVal('loginToken'); } if ($this->wg->request->getVal('returnto', '') != '') { $loginForm->mReturnTo = $this->wg->request->getVal('returnto'); } $loginCase = $loginForm->authenticateUserData(); switch ($loginCase) { case LoginForm::SUCCESS: // first check if user has confirmed email after sign up if ($this->wg->User->getGlobalFlag(self::NOT_CONFIRMED_SIGNUP_OPTION_NAME) && $this->wg->User->getGlobalAttribute(self::NOT_CONFIRMED_LOGIN_OPTION_NAME) !== self::NOT_CONFIRMED_LOGIN_ALLOWED) { // User not confirmed on signup LoginForm::clearLoginToken(); $this->userLoginHelper->setNotConfirmedUserSession($this->wg->User->getId()); $this->userLoginHelper->clearPasswordThrottle($loginForm->mUsername); $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'unconfirm', 'msg' => wfMessage('usersignup-confirmation-email-sent', $this->wg->User->getEmail())->parse()]); } else { $result = ''; $resultMsg = ''; if (!wfRunHooks('WikiaUserLoginSuccess', array($this->wg->User, &$result, &$resultMsg))) { $this->response->setValues(['result' => $result, 'msg' => $resultMsg]); break; } // Login succesful $injected_html = ''; wfRunHooks('UserLoginComplete', array(&$this->wg->User, &$injected_html)); // set rememberpassword option if ((bool) $loginForm->mRemember != (bool) $this->wg->User->getGlobalPreference('rememberpassword')) { $this->wg->User->setGlobalPreference('rememberpassword', $loginForm->mRemember ? 1 : 0); $this->wg->User->saveSettings(); } else { $this->wg->User->invalidateCache(); } $this->wg->User->setCookies(); LoginForm::clearLoginToken(); UserLoginHelper::clearNotConfirmedUserSession(); $this->userLoginHelper->clearPasswordThrottle($loginForm->mUsername); // we're sure at this point we'll need the private field' // value in the template let's pass them then $this->response->setValues(['username' => $loginForm->mUsername, 'result' => 'ok']); // regenerate session ID on user login (the approach MW's core SpecialUserLogin uses) // to avoid race conditions with long running requests logging the user back in & out // @see PLATFORM-1028 wfResetSessionID(); } break; case LoginForm::NEED_TOKEN: case LoginForm::WRONG_TOKEN: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-sessionfailure')->escaped()]); break; case LoginForm::NO_NAME: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-noname')->escaped(), 'errParam' => 'username']); break; case LoginForm::NOT_EXISTS: case LoginForm::ILLEGAL: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-nosuchuser')->escaped(), 'errParam' => 'username']); break; case LoginForm::WRONG_PLUGIN_PASS: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-wrongpassword')->escaped(), 'errParam' => 'password']); break; case LoginForm::WRONG_PASS: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-wrongpassword')->escaped(), 'errParam' => 'password']); $attemptedUser = User::newFromName($loginForm->mUsername); if (!is_null($attemptedUser)) { $disOpt = $attemptedUser->getGlobalFlag('disabled'); if (!empty($disOpt) || defined('CLOSED_ACCOUNT_FLAG') && $attemptedUser->getRealName() == CLOSED_ACCOUNT_FLAG) { # either closed account flag was present, override fail message $this->response->setValues(['msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-edit-account-closed-flag')->escaped(), 'errParam' => '']); } } break; case LoginForm::EMPTY_PASS: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-wrongpasswordempty')->escaped(), 'errParam' => 'password']); break; case LoginForm::RESET_PASS: $this->response->setVal('result', 'resetpass'); break; case LoginForm::THROTTLED: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-login-throttled')->escaped()]); break; case LoginForm::CREATE_BLOCKED: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-cantcreateaccount-text')->escaped()]); break; case LoginForm::USER_BLOCKED: $this->response->setValues(['result' => 'error', 'msg' => wfMessage('userlogin-error-login-userblocked')->escaped()]); break; case LoginForm::ABORTED: $this->result = 'error'; $this->msg = wfMessage($loginForm->mAbortLoginErrorMsg)->escaped(); break; default: throw new MWException("Unhandled case value"); } }
public function execute() { // $loginForm->addNewaccountInternal will throw exceptions // if wiki is read only (already handled by api), user is blocked or does not have rights. // Use userCan in order to hit GlobalBlock checks (according to Special:userlogin) $loginTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin'); if (!$loginTitle->userCan('createaccount', $this->getUser())) { $this->dieUsage('You do not have the right to create a new account', 'permdenied-createaccount'); } if ($this->getUser()->isBlockedFromCreateAccount()) { $this->dieUsage('You cannot create a new account because you are blocked', 'blocked'); } $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $result = array(); // Init session if necessary if (session_id() == '') { wfSetupSession(); } if ($params['mailpassword'] && !$params['email']) { $this->dieUsageMsg('noemail'); } $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext()); $context->setRequest(new DerivativeRequest($this->getContext()->getRequest(), array('type' => 'signup', 'uselang' => $params['language'], 'wpName' => $params['name'], 'wpPassword' => $params['password'], 'wpRetype' => $params['password'], 'wpDomain' => $params['domain'], 'wpEmail' => $params['email'], 'wpRealName' => $params['realname'], 'wpCreateaccountToken' => $params['token'], 'wpCreateaccount' => $params['mailpassword'] ? null : '1', 'wpCreateaccountMail' => $params['mailpassword'] ? '1' : null))); $loginForm = new LoginForm(); $loginForm->setContext($context); $loginForm->load(); $status = $loginForm->addNewaccountInternal(); $result = array(); if ($status->isGood()) { // Success! $user = $status->getValue(); // If we showed up language selection links, and one was in use, be // smart (and sensible) and save that language as the user's preference global $wgLoginLanguageSelector, $wgEmailAuthentication; if ($wgLoginLanguageSelector && $params['language']) { $user->setOption('language', $params['language']); } if ($params['mailpassword']) { // If mailpassword was set, disable the password and send an email. $user->setPassword(null); $status->merge($loginForm->mailPasswordInternal($user, false, 'createaccount-title', 'createaccount-text')); } elseif ($wgEmailAuthentication && Sanitizer::validateEmail($user->getEmail())) { // Send out an email authentication message if needed $status->merge($user->sendConfirmationMail()); } // Save settings (including confirmation token) $user->saveSettings(); wfRunHooks('AddNewAccount', array($user, $params['mailpassword'])); if ($params['mailpassword']) { $logAction = 'byemail'; } elseif ($this->getUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $logAction = 'create2'; } else { $logAction = 'create'; } $user->addNewUserLogEntry($logAction, (string) $params['reason']); // Add username, id, and token to result. $result['username'] = $user->getName(); $result['userid'] = $user->getId(); $result['token'] = $user->getToken(); } $apiResult = $this->getResult(); if ($status->hasMessage('sessionfailure') || $status->hasMessage('nocookiesfornew')) { // Token was incorrect, so add it to result, but don't throw an exception // since not having the correct token is part of the normal // flow of events. $result['token'] = LoginForm::getCreateaccountToken(); $result['result'] = 'needtoken'; } elseif (!$status->isOK()) { // There was an error. Die now. // Cannot use dieUsageMsg() directly because extensions // might return custom error messages. $errors = $status->getErrorsArray(); if ($errors[0] instanceof Message) { $code = 'aborted'; $desc = $errors[0]; } else { $code = array_shift($errors[0]); $desc = wfMessage($code, $errors[0]); } $this->dieUsage($desc, $code); } elseif (!$status->isGood()) { // Status is not good, but OK. This means warnings. $result['result'] = 'warning'; // Add any warnings to the result $warnings = $status->getErrorsByType('warning'); if ($warnings) { foreach ($warnings as &$warning) { $apiResult->setIndexedTagName($warning['params'], 'param'); } $apiResult->setIndexedTagName($warnings, 'warning'); $result['warnings'] = $warnings; } } else { // Everything was fine. $result['result'] = 'success'; } $apiResult->addValue(null, 'createaccount', $result); }
function load() { parent::load(); $request = $this->mOverrideRequest; if ($request->getText('wpName2Ajax', '') != '') { $this->mUsername = $request->getText('wpName2Ajax', ''); } if ($request->getText('wpPassword2Ajax', '') != '') { $this->mPassword = $request->getText('wpPassword2Ajax'); } if ($request->getText('wpRemember2Ajax', '') != '') { $this->mRemember = $request->getCheck('wpRemember2Ajax'); } $this->mReturnTo = $request->getVal('returnto'); }
public function actionText() { //请求处理 $req = Yii::$app->request; //创建一个请求对象 $data_get = $req->get('id'); //获取get请求中参数id的值 $date_post = $req->post('id'); // //响应处理 $res = Yii::$app->response; //创建一个响应对象 $res->statusCode = ''; //网页状态吗的设置 $res->headers->add('', ''); //添加http响应头的信息 $res->headers->set('', ''); //设置http响应头的信息 //跳转 $res->headers->add('location', 'url'); //网页的跳转或者 $this->redirect('url', '状态码'); //文件下载 $res->headers->add('content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=a.jpg'); //文件下载 $res->sendFile('a.jpg'); //文件下载 //session $session = Yii::$app->session; //创建一个session对象 $session->isActive; //判断session是否开启 $session->open(); //开启session $session->set('key', 'value'); //设置session $session['key'] = 'value'; //设置session $session->remove('key'); //删除session unset($session['key']); //删除session //cookie $cookie = YII::$app->response->cookies; //创建cookie集 $c_data = array('name' => 'key', 'value' => 'value'); $cookie->add(new Cookie($c_data)); //增加一条cookie $cookie->remove('key'); //删除key 的cookie //请求中的cookie $cookies = Yii::$app->request->cookies; //创建请求中的cookie集 echo $cookie->getValue('key'); //获取请求中key的cookie //视图的创建 // return $this->renderPartial('index','数据数组');// // return $this->render('index','数据数组'); //数据过滤 // Html::encode();//字符串转义 //视图互相调用 // $this->render(); 在视图文件里引入需要的视图文件即可 if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { return $this->goHome(); } $model = new LoginForm(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) { return $this->goBack(); } else { // $this->render return $this->render('login', ['res' => '用户名密码错误']); } }
public static function wfLoginHook(&$returnTo, &$returnToQuery, &$type) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgTitle; $acc_id = ""; $msg = ""; $app_id = ""; $secret = ""; $type = 'error'; $two_factor_token = ""; $user_id = ""; # We remove the user's name to "freeze" the session $wgRequest->setSessionData('wsUserName', ""); # If app_id, secret, user_id and the account_id are already in the DB, we take them SpecialLatch::accDB_appsecret($app_id, $secret); SpecialLatch::accDB_useraccid($wgUser->getId(), $user_id, $acc_id); # If the user doesn't have Latch configured we redirect him to Main Page without checking anything if (!empty($user_id) && !empty($acc_id)) { # We call the Status function from the Latch SDK $api = new Latch($app_id, $secret); $statusResponse = $api->status($acc_id); $responseData = $statusResponse->getData(); $responseError = $statusResponse->getError(); if (empty($statusResponse) || empty($responseData) && empty($responseError)) { return false; } else { # If everything is OK and the status is on, we redirect the user to the main page and set the user's name again if (!empty($responseData) && $responseData->{"operations"}->{$app_id}->{"status"} === "on") { if (!empty($responseData->{"operations"}->{$app_id}->{"two_factor"})) { $two_factor_token = $responseData->{"operations"}->{$app_id}->{"two_factor"}->{"token"}; # We have another special page for the OTP page. We insert the OTP token on DB and we redirect to that page if (!empty($two_factor_token)) { SpecialLatch::updDB_useraccid($user_id, $acc_id, $two_factor_token); $wgOut->redirect(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('LatchOTP')->getFullURL('', false, PROTO_CURRENT)); } } else { SpecialLatch::putUserInSession(); } } else { if (!empty($responseData) && $responseData->{"operations"}->{$app_id}->{"status"} === "off") { $wgUser->logout(); $specialUserlogin = new LoginForm(); $specialUserlogin->load(); $error = $specialUserlogin->mAbortLoginErrorMsg ?: 'wrongpassword'; $specialUserlogin->mainLoginForm($specialUserlogin->msg($error)->text()); } else { SpecialLatch::putUserInSession(); } } } } else { SpecialLatch::putUserInSession(); } return true; }