include 'model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include 'controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include 'config.php'; include 'lib/pagination.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav'])) { //classManagers $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $societeManager = new SocieteManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); // $type = ""; if (isset($_GET['idProjet']) and ($_GET['idProjet'] >= 1 and $_GET['idProjet'] <= $projetManager->getLastId())) { $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet']; $idSociete = $_GET['idSociete']; $societe = $societeManager->getSocieteById($idSociete); $appartements = $appartementManager->getAppartementsByIdProjet($idProjet); $locaux = $locauxManager->getLocauxByIdProjet($idProjet); $maisons = $maisonManager->getMaisonsByIdProjet($idProjet); $terrains = $terrainManager->getTerrainsByIdProjet($idProjet); //Get Biens Number $appartementNumber = $appartementManager->getNumberBienByIdProjet($idProjet);
$idProjet = $_POST['idProjet']; $idSociete = $_POST['idSociete']; $idContrat = $_POST['idContrat']; $status = $_POST['status']; $typeBien = $_POST['typeBien']; $idBien = $_POST['idBien']; //create classes managers $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); //create classes $redirectLink = 'Location:../contrats-list.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet . '&idSociete=' . $idSociete; if ($typeBien == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->updateStatus($status, $idBien); } else { if ($typeBien == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->updateStatus($status, $idBien); } else { if ($typeBien == "maison") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisonManager->updateStatus($status, $idBien); } else { if ($typeBien == "terrain") { $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $terrainManager->updateStatus($status, $idBien); } } } } $_SESSION['bien-change-status-success'] = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Le status du bien est changé avec succès."; header($redirectLink);
} //special treatment for bien of contrat object $idBien = $contrat->idBien(); $typeBien = $contrat->typeBien(); if (isset($_POST['typeBien'])) { //get bien form elements $idBien = htmlentities($_POST['bien']); $typeBien = htmlentities($_POST['typeBien']); //bien treatment if ($typeBien == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->updateStatus("Vendu", $idBien); $appartementManager->updateStatus("Disponible", $contrat->idBien()); } else { if ($typeBien == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->updateStatus("Vendu", $idBien); $locauxManager->updateStatus("Disponible", $contrat->idBien()); } else { if ($typeBien == "maison") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisonManager->updateStatus("Vendu", $idBien); $maisonManager->updateStatus("Disponible", $contrat->idBien()); } else { if ($typeBien == "terrain") { $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $terrainManager->updateStatus("Vendu", $idBien); $terrainManager->updateStatus("Disponible", $contrat->idBien()); } } }
include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) and $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->profil() == "admin") { $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $biens = ""; $idContrat = 0; if (isset($_GET['idContrat']) and ($_GET['idContrat'] > 0 and $_GET['idContrat'] <= $contratManager->getLastId())) { $idContrat = $_GET['idContrat']; } else { header('Location:../dashboard.php'); exit; } $contrat = $contratManager->getContratById($idContrat); $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($contrat->idProjet()); $typeBien = ""; if ($contrat->typeBien() == "appartement") { $biens = $appartementManager->getAppartementById($contrat->idBien()); $typeBien = "Appartement"; } else {
if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); //post input processing $idProjet = $_POST['idProjet']; $idContrat = $_POST['idContrat']; $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $contrat = $contratManager->getContratById($idContrat); $contratManager->delete($idContrat); if ($contrat->typeBien() == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->changeStatus($contrat->idBien(), "Non"); } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->changeStatus($contrat->idBien(), "Non"); } } $_SESSION['contrat-delete-success'] = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Contrat supprimé avec succès."; $redirectLink = 'Location:../contrats-list.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet; if (isset($_GET['p']) and $_GET['p'] == 99) { $redirectLink = 'Location:../clients-search.php'; } header($redirectLink);
$codeContrat = uniqid() . date('YmdHis'); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $numeroCheque = '0'; if (isset($_POST['numeroCheque'])) { $numeroCheque = htmlentities($_POST['numeroCheque']); } $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $contrat = new Contrat(array('numero' => $numero, 'dateCreation' => $dateCreation, 'prixVente' => $prixNegocie, 'avance' => $avance, 'modePaiement' => $modePaiement, 'dureePaiement' => $dureePaiement, 'nombreMois' => $nombreMois, 'echeance' => $echeance, 'note' => $note, 'idClient' => $idClient, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'idBien' => $idBien, 'typeBien' => $typeBien, 'code' => $codeContrat, 'numeroCheque' => $numeroCheque, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); $contratManager->add($contrat); if ($typeBien == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->changeStatus($idBien, "Vendu"); } else { if ($typeBien == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->changeStatus($idBien, "Vendu"); } } //add note client into db and show it in the dashboard $notesClientManager = new NotesClientManager($pdo); $notesClient = new NotesClient(array('note' => $note, 'created' => date('Y-m-d'), 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'codeContrat' => $codeContrat)); $notesClientManager->add($notesClient); header('Location:../contrat.php?codeContrat=' . $codeContrat); } else { $_SESSION['contrat-add-error'] = "<strong>Erreur Création Contrat : </strong>Vous devez choisir un 'Type de bien'."; header('Location:../contrats-add.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet . '&codeClient=' . $codeClient); exit; } } else { $_SESSION['contrat-add-error'] = "<strong>Erreur Création Contrat : </strong>Vous devez remplir le champ <strong>Nom</strong>.";
function classLoad ($myClass) { if(file_exists('model/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('model/'.$myClass.'.php'); } elseif(file_exists('controller/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); //classes loading end session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) ){ //classes managers $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $usersManager = new UserManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $chargeManager = new ChargeManager($pdo); $chargeCommunManager = new ChargeCommunManager($pdo); $livraisonsManager = new LivraisonManager($pdo); $livraisonDetailManager = new LivraisonDetailManager($pdo); $fournisseursManager = new FournisseurManager($pdo); $reglementsFournisseurManager = new ReglementFournisseurManager($pdo); $caisseEntreesManager = new CaisseEntreesManager($pdo); $caisseSortiesManager = new CaisseSortiesManager($pdo); $operationsManager = new OperationManager($pdo); //classes and vars //$idProjet = $_GET['idProjet'];
//classes loading end session_start(); $historyManager = new HistoryManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); //post input processing $idProjet = htmlentities($_POST['idProjet']); $idSociete = htmlentities($_POST['idSociete']); $type = htmlentities($_POST['type']); if (!empty($_POST['idProjet'])) { $id = htmlentities($_POST['id']); if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->delete($id); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "local") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->delete($id); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "maison") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisonManager->delete($id); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "terrain") { $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $terrainManager->delete($id); } } } } //add history data to db $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login();
{ if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); //post input processing $idProjet = $_POST['idProjet']; $idContrat = $_POST['idContrat']; //create classes managers $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); //create classes $contrat = $contratManager->getContratById($idContrat); //change status of the old contrat Bien from reservé to non reservé if ($contrat->typeBien() == "appartement") { $appartementManager->changeStatus($contrat->idBien(), "Disponible"); } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager->changeStatus($contrat->idBien(), "Disponible"); } } $contratManager->desisterContrat($idContrat); $_SESSION['contrat-desister-success'] = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Le contrat est désisté avec succès."; $redirectLink = 'Location:../contrats-list.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet;
$biensDiponible = 0; $biensVendu = 0; $biensPromesseVente = 0; $biens = 0; //begin process $type = $_GET['type']; if ($type == "appartements") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartements = $appartementManager->getAppartementsNonVendu(); $biens = $appartementManager->getNumberBiens(); $biensDiponible = $appartementManager->getNumberBienDisbonible(); $biensVendu = $appartementManager->getNumberBienVendu(); $biensPromesseVente = $appartementManager->getNumberBienPromesseVente(); } else { if ($type == "locaux") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locaux = $locauxManager->getLocauxNonVendu(); $biens = $locauxManager->getNumberBiens(); $biensDiponible = $locauxManager->getNumberBienDisbonible(); $biensVendu = $locauxManager->getNumberBienVendu(); $biensPromesseVente = $locauxManager->getNumberBienPromesseVente(); } else { if ($type == "maisons") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisons = $maisonManager->getMaisonsNonVendu(); $biens = $maisonManager->getNumberBiens(); $biensDiponible = $maisonManager->getNumberBienDisbonible(); $biensVendu = $maisonManager->getNumberBienVendu(); $biensPromesseVente = $maisonManager->getNumberBienPromesseVente(); } else { if ($type == "terrains") {
function classLoad($myClass) { if (file_exists('model/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include 'model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include 'controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include 'config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) and isset($_GET['idProjet'])) { //classes managers $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $usersManager = new UserManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $chargeManager = new ChargeManager($pdo); $chargeCommunManager = new ChargeCommunManager($pdo); $livraisonsManager = new LivraisonManager($pdo); $livraisonDetailManager = new LivraisonDetailManager($pdo); $fournisseursManager = new FournisseurManager($pdo); $reglementsFournisseurManager = new ReglementFournisseurManager($pdo); $caisseEntreesManager = new CaisseEntreesManager($pdo); $caisseSortiesManager = new CaisseSortiesManager($pdo); $operationsManager = new OperationManager($pdo); //classes and vars $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet'];
</div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_1_3"> <div class="scroller" data-height="290px" data-always-visible="1" data-rail-visible1="1"> <ul class="feeds"> <?php //$notesClient = $notesClientsManager->getNotes(); foreach ($contrats as $contrat) { $nomBien = ""; $typeBien = ""; if ($contrat->typeBien() == "maison") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $typeBien = "Maison"; $nomBien = $maisonManager->getMaisonById($contrat->idBien())->nom(); } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $typeBien = "Local Commercial"; $nomBien = $locauxManager->getLocauxById($contrat->idBien())->nom(); } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $typeBien = "Appartement"; $nomBien = $appartementManager->getAppartementById($contrat->idBien())->nom(); } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "terrain") { $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $typeBien = "Terrain"; $nomBien = $terrainManager->getTerrainById($contrat->idBien())->nom(); } } }
<tbody> <?php foreach ($contratsEnCours as $element) { $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($element->idProjet()); $bien = ""; $typeBien = ""; //if the property is a "Local commercial" we don't need to mention niveau attribute $niveau = ""; if ($element->typeBien() == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $bien = $appartementManager->getAppartementById($element->idBien()); $niveau = $bien->niveau(); $typeBien = "Appartement"; } else { if ($element->typeBien() == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $bien = $locauxManager->getLocauxById($element->idBien()); $typeBien = "Local Commercial"; } else { if ($element->typeBien() == "maison") { $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $bien = $maisonManager->getMaisonById($element->idBien()); $typeBien = "Maison"; } else { if ($element->typeBien() == "terrain") { $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $bien = $terrainManager->getTerrainById($element->idBien()); $typeBien = "Terrain"; } } }
$contratManager->activerContrat($idContrat); //add history data to db $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $history = new History(array('action' => "Activation", 'target' => "Table des contrats", 'description' => "Activer un contrat", 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); //add it to db $historyManager->add($history); $actionMessage = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Le contrat est activé avec succès."; $typeMessage = "success"; } else { $actionMessage = "<strong>Erreur Activation Contrat : </strong>Le bien est déjà réservé par un autre client."; $typeMessage = "error"; } } else { if ($contrat->typeBien() == "localCommercial") { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); if ($locauxManager->getLocauxById($contrat->idBien())->status() == "Disponible") { $locauxManager->changeStatus($contrat->idBien(), "Vendu"); $contratManager->activerContrat($idContrat); //add history data to db $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $history = new History(array('action' => "Activation", 'target' => "Table des contrats", 'description' => "Activer un contrat", 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); //add it to db $historyManager->add($history); $actionMessage = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Le contrat est activé avec succès."; $typeMessage = "success"; } else { $actionMessage = "<strong>Erreur Activation Contrat : </strong>Le bien est déjà réservé par un autre client."; $typeMessage = "error"; }
function classLoad ($myClass) { if(file_exists('model/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('model/'.$myClass.'.php'); } elseif(file_exists('controller/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); //classes loading end session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) and (isset($_GET['idProjet']))){ //classes managers $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $usersManager = new UserManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $chargeManager = new ChargeManager($pdo); $chargeCommunManager = new ChargeCommunManager($pdo); $livraisonsManager = new LivraisonManager($pdo); $livraisonDetailManager = new LivraisonDetailManager($pdo); $fournisseursManager = new FournisseurManager($pdo); $reglementsFournisseurManager = new ReglementFournisseurManager($pdo); $caisseEntreesManager = new CaisseEntreesManager($pdo); $caisseSortiesManager = new CaisseSortiesManager($pdo); $operationsManager = new OperationManager($pdo); //classes and vars $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet'];
include('model/'.$myClass.'.php'); } elseif(file_exists('controller/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); include('lib/pagination.php'); //classes loading end session_start(); if( isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) ){ //les sources $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $appartements = $appartementManager->getAppartementsNonVendu(); $appartementsRevendre = $contratManager->getAppartementsRevendre(); $locaux = $locauxManager->getLocauxNonVendu(); $locauxRevendre = $contratManager->getLocauxRevendre(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE 8]> <html lang="en" class="ie8"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]> <html lang="en" class="ie9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]--> <!-- BEGIN HEAD --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>ImmoERP - Management Application</title>
$nombrePiece = htmlentities($_POST['nombrePiece']); $nombreEtage = htmlentities($_POST['nombreEtage']); $emplacement = htmlentities($_POST['emplacement']); $status = "Disponible"; $cave = htmlentities($_POST['cave']); $prix = htmlentities($_POST['prix']); $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('d/m/Y h:m'); if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "appartement") { $appartement = new Appartement(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'niveau' => $niveau, 'facade' => $facade, 'nombrePiece' => $nombrePiece, 'status' => $status, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'cave' => $cave, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->add($appartement); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "local") { $local = new Locaux(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'mezzanine' => $mezzanine, 'facade' => $facade, 'status' => $status, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->add($local); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "maison") { $maison = new Maison(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'nombreEtage' => $nombreEtage, 'emplacement' => $emplacement, 'status' => $status, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisonManager->add($maison); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "terrain") { $terrain = new Terrain(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'emplacement' => $emplacement, 'status' => $status, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy)); $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $terrainManager->add($terrain); } } } }
//classes loading begin function classLoad($myClass) { if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav'])) { $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $idAppartement = 0; if (isset($_GET['idLocaux']) and $_GET['idLocaux'] > 0 and $_GET['idLocaux'] <= $locauxManager->getLastId()) { $idLocaux = $_GET['idLocaux']; $local = $locauxManager->getLocauxById($idLocaux); $contrat = $contratManager->getContratByIdBien($local->id()); $client = $clientManager->getClientById($contrat->idClient()); $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($contrat->idProjet()); $piecesLocauxManager = new PiecesLocauxManager($pdo); $piecesNumber = $piecesLocauxManager->getPiecesLocauxNumberByIdLocaux($local->id()); $pieces = ""; if ($piecesNumber > 0) { $pieces = $piecesLocauxManager->getPiecesLocauxByIdLocaux($local->id()); }
include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; include '../lib/image-processing.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); //post input processing $action = htmlentities($_POST['action']); //This var contains result message of CRUD action $actionMessage = ""; $typeMessage = ""; //The History Component is used in all ActionControllers to mention a historical version of each action $historyManager = new HistoryManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $idProjet = htmlentities($_POST['idProjet']); $nomProjet = $projetManager->getProjetById($idProjet)->nom(); //Action Add Processing Begin if ($action == "add") { if (!empty($_POST['code'])) { $code = htmlentities($_POST['code']); $prix = htmlentities($_POST['prix']); $superficie = htmlentities($_POST['superficie']); $facade = htmlentities($_POST['facade']); $mezzanine = htmlentities($_POST['mezzanine']); $status = htmlentities($_POST['status']); $par = htmlentities($_POST['par']); $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
} elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); //post input processing $idProjet = $_POST['idProjet']; $idSociete = $_POST['idSociete']; $idContrat = $_POST['idContrat']; $status = $_POST['status']; //create classes managers $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); //create classes $contrat = $contratManager->getContratById($idContrat); $redirectLink = 'Location:../contrats-list.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet . '&idSociete=' . $idSociete; if (isset($_GET['p']) and $_GET['p'] == 99) { $redirectLink = 'Location:../clients-search.php'; } if ($contrat->typeBien() == "appartement") { if ($appartementManager->getAppartementById($contrat->idBien())->status() == "Disponible") { $appartementManager->updateStatus($status, $contrat->idBien()); $contratManager->activerContrat($idContrat); $_SESSION['contrat-activation-success'] = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>Le contrat est activé avec succès."; header($redirectLink);
//set the redirect link $redirectLink = 'Location:../contrats-desistes-list.php?idProjet=' . $idProjet; if (isset($_POST["source"]) and $_POST["source"] == "clients-search") { $redirectLink = 'Location:../clients-search.php'; } } else { if ($action == "revendre") { $idContrat = $_POST['idContrat']; $idBien = $_POST['idBien']; $typeBien = $_POST['typeBien']; $montantRevente = $_POST['montantRevente']; if ($typeBien == "appartement") { $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->updateMontantRevente($montantRevente, $idBien); } else { $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->updateMontantRevente($montantRevente, $idBien); } $contrat = $contratManager->getContratById($idContrat); //Change status of the old contrat Bien from "Vendu" to "Disponible" if ($contrat->revendre() == 0) { $contratManager->updateRevendre($idContrat, 1); } else { if ($contrat->revendre() == 1) { $contratManager->updateRevendre($idContrat, 0); } } //add history data to db $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $history = new History(array('action' => "Modification Status Revendre", 'target' => "Table des contrats", 'description' => "Modification de status Revendement du contrat dont l'identifiant est : " . $idContrat . " - Projet : " . $nomProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
if(file_exists('model/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('model/'.$myClass.'.php'); } elseif(file_exists('controller/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); include('lib/pagination.php'); //classes loading end session_start(); if ( isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) ){ //les sources $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $appartement = ""; $idLocaux = 0; $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet']; $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($idProjet); if( isset($_GET['idLocaux']) and ( $_GET['idLocaux']>0 and $_GET['idLocaux']<=$locauxManager->getLastId() ) ){ $idLocaux = htmlentities($_GET['idLocaux']); $locaux = $locauxManager->getLocauxById($idLocaux); $piecesManager = new PiecesLocauxManager($pdo); $piecesNumber = $piecesManager->getPiecesLocauxNumberByIdLocaux($idLocaux); if($piecesNumber != 0){ $piecesLocaux = $piecesManager->getPiecesLocauxByIdLocaux($idLocaux); } }
include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); include('lib/pagination.php'); //classes loading end session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']) ){ //les sources $idProjet = 0; $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); if(isset($_GET['idProjet']) and ($_GET['idProjet'])>0 and $_GET['idProjet']<=$projetManager->getLastId()){ $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet']; $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($idProjet); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $locaux = ""; //test the locaux object number: if exists get locaux else do nothing $locauxNumber = $locauxManager->getLocauxNumberByIdProjet($idProjet); if($locauxNumber != 0){ /*$locauxPerPage = 10; $pageNumber = ceil($locauxNumber/$locauxPerPage); $p = 1; if(isset($_GET['p']) and ($_GET['p']>0 and $_GET['p']<=$pageNumber)){ $p = $_GET['p']; } else{ $p = 1; }
if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userMerlaTrav'])) { //classes managers $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); //objs and vars $idProjet = $_GET['idProjet']; $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($idProjet); $locaux = $locauxManager->getLocauxByIdProjet($idProjet); ob_start(); ?> <style type="text/css"> p, h1{ text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; } table, tr, td, th { border-collapse: collapse; width:auto; border: 1px solid black;
include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../config.php'; include '../lib/image-processing.php'; //classes loading end session_start(); //post input processing $action = htmlentities($_POST['action']); //This var contains result message of CRUD action $actionMessage = ""; $typeMessage = ""; //The History Component is used in all ActionControllers to mention a historical version of each action $historyManager = new HistoryManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $idProjet = htmlentities($_POST['idProjet']); //Action Add Processing Begin if ($action == "add") { if (!empty($_POST['code'])) { $code = htmlentities($_POST['code']); $prix = htmlentities($_POST['prix']); $superficie = htmlentities($_POST['superficie']); $facade = htmlentities($_POST['facade']); $mezzanine = htmlentities($_POST['mezzanine']); $status = htmlentities($_POST['status']); $par = htmlentities($_POST['par']); $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login(); $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); //create object $locaux = new Locaux(array('nom' => $code, 'prix' => $prix, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'facade' => $facade, 'mezzanine' => $mezzanine, 'idProjet' => $idProjet, 'status' => $status, 'par' => $par, 'createdBy' => $createdBy, 'created' => $created));
$nombreEtage = htmlentities($_POST['nombreEtage']); } if (isset($_POST['emplacement'])) { $emplacement = htmlentities($_POST['emplacement']); } if (isset($_POST['cave'])) { $cave = htmlentities($_POST['cave']); } if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "appartement") { $appartement = new Appartement(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'niveau' => $niveau, 'facade' => $facade, 'nombrePiece' => $nombrePiece, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'cave' => $cave, 'id' => $id)); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $appartementManager->update($appartement); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "local") { $local = new Locaux(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'mezzanine' => $mezzanine, 'facade' => $facade, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'id' => $id)); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); $locauxManager->update($local); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "maison") { $maison = new Maison(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'nombreEtage' => $nombreEtage, 'emplacement' => $emplacement, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'id' => $id)); $maisonManager = new MaisonManager($pdo); $maisonManager->update($maison); } else { if (htmlentities($_POST['typeImmobiliere']) == "terrain") { $terrain = new Terrain(array('numeroTitre' => $numeroTitre, 'prix' => $prix, 'nom' => $nom, 'emplacement' => $emplacement, 'superficie' => $superficie, 'surplan' => $surplan, 'id' => $id)); $terrainManager = new TerrainManager($pdo); $terrainManager->update($terrain); } } } }
include('model/'.$myClass.'.php'); } elseif(file_exists('controller/'.$myClass.'.php')){ include('controller/'.$myClass.'.php'); } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include('config.php'); //process begin if ( isset($_POST['idProjet']) ) { //load classes managers $clientManager = new ClientManager($pdo); $contratManager = new ContratManager($pdo); $projetManager = new ProjetManager($pdo); $appartementManager = new AppartementManager($pdo); $locauxManager = new LocauxManager($pdo); //begin processing $idProjet = htmlentities($_POST['idProjet']); $requete = "SELECT * FROM t_contrat WHERE idProjet = '".$idProjet."' AND status='actif'"; $projet = $projetManager->getProjetById($idProjet); // connexion à la base de données //try{ //$bdd = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=maroccar', 'root', ''); //} //catch(Exception $e){ //exit('Impossible de se connecter à la base de données.'); //} // exécution de la requête $resultat = $pdo->query($requete) or die(print_r($bdd->errorInfo())); // résultats