Example #1
 /** Web admin main page for the plugin.
  * This functions is triggered by the web admin when accessing the bans plugin area in the webadmin.
  * It will show a list of the last bans, along with the current banning stats.
  * \param $data The data from the browser
  * \return The page body
 public function WAPageIndex($data)
     $parser = Webadmin::getTemplateParser();
     $banlist = array();
     foreach ($this->_banlist as $guid => $ban) {
         $banlist[$guid] = $ban;
         //$banlist[$guid]['End'] = $ban['Duration'] != 'forever' ? ($ban['Begin'] + $ban['Duration']) : Locales::translate('Forever');
         $banlist[$guid]['Duration'] = $ban['Duration'] != 'forever' ? $this->_getDurationHumanRepresentation($ban['Duration']) : Locales::translate('Forever');
         if ($ban['Realm'] == self::GLOBALBAN) {
             $banlist[$guid]['Realm'] = Locales::translate('Everywhere');
         } else {
             $banlist[$guid]['Realm'] = str_replace('server:' . self::GLOBALBAN, self::GLOBALBAN, $ban['Realm']);
         if (!$ban['Description']) {
             $banlist[$guid]['Description'] = Locales::translate('None');
         } else {
             $banlist[$guid]['Description'] = $ban['Description'];
     $parser->assign('banlist', $banlist);
     $parser->assign('lastbans', $this->_extractBanlistSlice($banlist));
     return $parser->draw('plugins/bans');
Example #2
 public function IrcHelp($pseudo, $channel, $cmd, $message)
     $level = LeelaBotIrc::getLevel(trim($pseudo), $this->config['MainChannel']);
     if (!isset($cmd[1])) {
         $list = array();
         $events = $this->_plugins->listEvents('irc');
         // Alphabetical order
         foreach ($events as $event => $lvl) {
             if ($level >= $lvl) {
                 $list[] = $event;
         LeelaBotIrc::sendMessage('List : ' . join(', ', $list) . '.');
     } else {
         $cmd[1] = str_replace('!', '', $cmd[1]);
         if ($this->_plugins->eventExists('irc', $cmd[1])) {
             LeelaBotIrc::sendMessage('!' . $cmd[1] . ' : ' . Locales::translate('help_irc_' . $cmd[1]));
             //TODO : check if help of $cmd[1] command exist.
         } else {
             LeelaBotIrc::sendMessage("This command doesn't exist.");
Example #3
 /** !help command. Get help and list of commands.
  * This function is the command !help. It get list of commands and help.
  * \param $player The player who send the command.
  * \param $command The command's parameters.
  * \return Nothing.
 public function CommandHelp($player, $command)
     $list = Plugins::getCommandList();
     $player = Server::getPlayer($player);
     if (empty($command[0])) {
         foreach ($list as $cmd => $level) {
             if ($level <= $player->level) {
                 $list['!' . $cmd] = $level;
         $list = implode(', ', array_keys($list));
         Rcon::tell($player->id, 'List of commands : $list', array('list' => $list));
     } else {
         $cmdHelp = strtolower(str_replace('!', '', $command[0]));
         //need into translate files for example : #id help_nextmap #to Return next map.
         Rcon::tell($player->id, '$cmd: ' . Locales::translate('help_' . $cmdHelp), array('cmd' => '!' . $cmdHelp), FALSE);
Example #4
 /** Gets info from plugins head comments.
  * This functions reads the information available on plugins from their head comments. Could be resource-hungry, use with caution.
  * \return An array containing info for each plugin.
 public function getInfoFromFiles()
     $files = scandir('plugins');
     if ($files != $this->_pluginFiles) {
         $this->_pluginsInfo = array();
         //Reading the plugins' directory
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             if (pathinfo($f, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'php') {
             $name = pathinfo($f, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             $this->_pluginsInfo[$f] = array('version' => '', 'file' => $f, 'author' => Locales::translate('Anonymous'), 'description' => '', 'name' => $name, 'dname' => ucfirst($name), 'dependencies' => Locales::translate('None'));
             $content = file_get_contents('plugins/' . $f);
             if (preg_match('#\\\\version (.+)\\r?\\n#isU', $content, $version)) {
                 $this->_pluginsInfo[$f]['version'] = $version[1];
             if (preg_match('#\\\\file (.+)\\r?\\n#isU', $content, $file)) {
                 $this->_pluginsInfo[$f]['file'] = $file[1];
             if (preg_match('#\\\\author (.+)\\r?\\n#isU', $content, $author)) {
                 $this->_pluginsInfo[$f]['author'] = $author[1];
             if (preg_match('#\\\\brief (.+)\\r?\\n#isU', $content, $description)) {
                 $this->_pluginsInfo[$f]['description'] = $description[1];
             if (preg_match('#\\\\depends (.+)\\r?\\n#isU', $content, $dependencies)) {
                 $this->_pluginsInfo[$f]['dependencies'] = $dependencies[1];
         $this->_pluginFiles = $files;
     return $this->_pluginsInfo;