public function index() { $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $auModel = D('AdminUsers'); $arModel = D('AdminRole'); $aurModel = D('AdminUserRole'); $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $params = array(); $res = $auModel->getAdmins($params, array('begin' => ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, 'offset' => $pageLimit)); $users = array(); foreach ($res['data'] as $rs) { $roles = $aurModel->getUserRole($rs['user_id']); $rs['roles'] = array(); if (is_array($roles)) { foreach ($roles as $r) { $rs['roles'][] = $arModel->info($r); } } $rs['last_login'] = $rs['last_login'] ? $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $rs['last_login']) : '从未登陆'; $users[] = $rs; } $this->assign('users', $users); $page_url = "?g=" . GROUP_NAME . "&m=" . MODULE_NAME . "&a=" . ACTION_NAME . "&page=[page]"; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $page_url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $this->assign('ur_href', '管理员管理 > 管理员列表'); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $ccmModel = D('TaoShop'); $params = array('cid' => isset($_REQUEST['cid']) && $_REQUEST['cid'] ? intval($_REQUEST['cid']) : 0, 'kw' => isset($_REQUEST['kw']) && $_REQUEST['kw'] ? $_REQUEST['kw'] : '', 'is_active' => $this->_is_active); $keys = array(); $res = $ccmModel->getAll($keys, $params, array('begin' => ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, 'offset' => $pageLimit)); $shops = array(); foreach ($res['data'] as $rs) { $rs['updatetime'] = $rs['updatetime'] ? $localTimeObj->local_strtotime($rs['updatetime']) : ''; $shops[] = $rs; } $this->assign('shops', $shops); $page_url = "?g=" . GROUP_NAME . "&m=" . MODULE_NAME . "&a=" . ACTION_NAME . "&page=[page]"; unset($params['is_active']); foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $page_url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $category = array(); $cccService = service('TaoShopCategory'); $data = $cccService->getTree(); foreach ($data as $rs) { $category[$rs['id']] = $rs; $category[$rs['id']]['prefix'] = str_repeat(" ", $rs['level']); } $this->assign('category', $category); $this->assign('ur_href', '淘宝店铺管理 > 店铺列表'); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->display(); }
public function dopayment() { if ($this->isPost()) { C('TOKEN_ON', false); import('@.Com.payment.PaymentFactory'); //订单号 $out_trade_no = date('Ymdhis') . rand_string(4, 1); $subject = $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '会员充值'; $body = ''; $total_fee = floatval($_REQUEST['amount']); $show_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__; if ($this->_CFG['alipay_type'] == 'direct') { $pay_type = 'alipay'; $status = 103; } else { if ($this->_CFG['alipay_type'] == 'warrant') { $pay_type = 'AlipayWarrant'; $status = 103; } } $params = array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'total_fee' => $total_fee, 'show_url' => $show_url); $data = array('user_id' => $this->_user['user_id'], 'nick' => $this->_user['nick'], 'out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no, 'amount' => $total_fee, 'content' => '在线充值', 'addtime' => LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(), 'status' => $status); M('payment')->add($data); $payment = PaymentFactory::getPayment($pay_type); $html_text = $payment->buildForm($params); $this->assign('form_html', $html_text); $this->assign('page_title', '在线充值 - '); $this->display(); } }
public function index() { $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $uModel = D('User'); $params = array('nick' => isset($_REQUEST['nick']) && $_REQUEST['nick'] ? $_REQUEST['nick'] : ''); $res = $uModel->getAll($params, array('begin' => ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, 'offset' => $pageLimit)); $users = array(); foreach ($res['data'] as $rs) { $rs['last_login'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $rs['last_login']); $users[] = $rs; } $this->assign('users', $users); $page_url = "?g=" . GROUP_NAME . "&m=" . MODULE_NAME . "&a=" . ACTION_NAME . "&page=[page]"; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $page_url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->assign('ur_href', '会员管理 > 会员列表'); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $nick = isset($_REQUEST['nick']) && $_REQUEST['nick'] ? $_REQUEST['nick'] : ''; $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $status_conf = PaymentConf::status_conf(); $where = "1=1"; if ($nick) { $where .= " AND nick LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['nick']}%'"; } $res = array('count' => 0, 'data' => array()); $res['count'] = M('payment')->where($where)->count(); $res['data'] = M('payment')->where($where)->order('id DESC')->limit(($page - 1) * $pageLimit . ",{$pageLimit}")->select(); $records = array(); foreach ($res['data'] as $rs) { $rs['addtime'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $rs['addtime']); $rs['status_type'] = $status_conf[$rs['status']]; $records[] = $rs; } $this->assign('records', $records); $page_url = "?g=" . GROUP_NAME . "&m=" . MODULE_NAME . "&a=" . ACTION_NAME . "&page=[page]&nick={$nick}"; $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->assign('ur_href', '充值管理 > 充值记录'); $this->display(); }
/** * 清除今日以前的临时文件 * */ public function clean() { if ($this->isPost() && $this->isAjax()) { if (C('TOKEN_ON') && !checkFormToken($_POST)) { die('hack attemp.'); } @set_time_limit(3600); if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600); ini_set("memory_limit", "256M"); } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $upload_path = DOC_ROOT_PATH . get_upload_path(); $dir = $upload_path . 'temp/'; $dirhandle = opendir($dir); while (($file = readdir($dirhandle)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (filemtime($dir . $file) < $today) { if (is_dir($dir . $file)) { del_dir($dir . $file); } else { @unlink($dir . $file); } } } } @closedir($dirhandle); $this->ajaxReturn('', buildFormToken(), 1); } }
public function click() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['ad_id']); $adModel = D('Ad'); $ad_info = $adModel->info($id); $nowtime = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(); if (!$ad_info || $ad_info['end_time'] < $nowtime || $ad_info['enabled'] == 0) { exit("document.writeln('The adv is timeout');"); } $adModel->update($id, array('click_count' => $ad_info['click_count'] + 1)); redirect($ad_info['ad_link']); }
/** * 增加 * @param int $amount 数量 * @param string $type 类型 * @return bool * */ public static function increase($user_id, $amount, $type) { if (!self::check_type_valid($type)) { return -1; } $userModel = D('User'); $user = $userModel->info($user_id, array($type)); //更新本地积分或金钱 $userModel->update($user_id, array($type => $user[$type] + $amount)); //记录日志 $data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => 'increase', 'money_type' => $type, 'amount' => $amount, 'addtime' => LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime()); M('consume_records')->add($data); return 1; }
public function index() { $page = isset($_REQUEST['p']) && $_REQUEST['p'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['p'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $addtime = 0; $cid = isset($_REQUEST['cid']) ? intval($_REQUEST['cid']) : 0; $t_type = isset($_REQUEST['t_type']) ? intval($_REQUEST['t_type']) : 0; $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); //商家分类 $cccService = service('ZhekouCategory'); $categorys = $cccService->getAll(); $params = array('cate_id' => $cid); switch ($t_type) { case 1: $addtime = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); break; case 2: $addtime = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-3 day'))); break; case 3: $addtime = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-7 day'))); break; case 4: $addtime = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-30 day'))); break; } $params['addtime'] = $addtime; $limit = array('begin' => ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, 'offset' => $pageLimit); $codeMallModel = D('MallZhekou'); $keys = array(); $res = $codeMallModel->front($keys, $params, $limit); $zhekous = $res['data']; $this->assign('zhekous', $zhekous); $page_url = reUrl(MODULE_NAME . "/" . ACTION_NAME . "?cid={$cid}&t_type={$t_type}&p=[page]"); $page_url = str_replace('%5bpage%5d', '[page]', $page_url); $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $this->assign('categorys', $categorys); $this->assign('cid', $cid); $this->assign('t_type', $t_type); $this->assign('page_title', '超值折扣 - '); $this->assign('page_keywords', $this->_CFG['site_keywords']); $this->assign('page_description', $this->_CFG['site_description']); $this->display(); }
public function after_logined(array $user, $save = false) { if (!$user['user_id'] || !$user['nick']) { exit; } $uModel = D('User'); $data = array('last_login' => LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(), 'last_ip' => get_client_ip()); $uModel->update($user['user_id'], $data); //$_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'user_id'] = $user_id; //$_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'nick'] = $user_name; $life = 0; if ($save) { $life = 3600 * 24 * 30; } cookie('auth', authcode($user['user_id'] . "\t" . $user['nick'], 'ENCODE', C('AUTH')), array('expire' => $life)); cookie('avatar', $user['avatar'], array('expire' => $life)); }
public function detail() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $proModel = D('MallPromotion'); $promotion = $proModel->info(array(), $id); $promotion or die('id invliad.'); import('@.Com.Util.Ubb'); $promotion['detail'] = Ubb::ubb2html($promotion['detail']); $promotion['expiry'] = LocalTime::getInstance()->local_date($this->_CFG['date_format'], $promotion['expiry']); //商家分类 $cccService = service('CouponCodeCategory'); $cates = $cccService->getTree(); $this->assign('promotion', $promotion); $this->assign('cates', $cates); $this->assign('page_title', $promotion['title'] . ' - 促销活动 - '); $this->assign('page_keywords', $this->_CFG['site_keywords']); $this->assign('page_description', $this->_CFG['site_description']); $this->display(); }
/** * 默认操作 * */ public function index() { $page = isset($_REQUEST['p']) && $_REQUEST['p'] >= 1 ? intval($_REQUEST['p']) : 1; $pageLimit = 20; $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $limit = array('begin' => ($page - 1) * $pageLimit, 'offset' => $pageLimit); $codeModel = D('CouponCode'); $res = $codeModel->front(array(), $limit); $codes = array(); foreach ($res['data'] as $rs) { if ($rs['expiry_type'] == 1) { $rs['expiry_timestamp'] = $rs['expiry'] + $this->_CFG['timezone'] * 3600; if ($rs['expiry'] - $today == 0) { $rs['expiry'] = 1; } else { $rs['expiry'] = $rs['expiry'] - $today > 0 ? ceil(($rs['expiry'] - $today) / (3600 * 24)) : 0; } } $codes[] = $rs; } $this->assign('codes', $codes); $page_url = reUrl("Index/index?p=[page]"); $page_url = str_replace('%5bpage%5d', '[page]', $page_url); $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $res['count'], $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); //友情链接 $friendlinks = array(); $flService = service('FriendLinks'); $res = $flService->getAll(); if (is_array($res[101])) { foreach ($res[101] as $r) { $friendlinks[] = $res['all'][$r]; } } $this->assign('friendlinks', $friendlinks); $this->assign('page_title', ' - ' . $this->_CFG['site_title']); $this->assign('page_keywords', $this->_CFG['site_keywords']); $this->assign('page_description', $this->_CFG['site_description']); $this->display(); }
public function add() { if ($this->isPost()) { if (C('TOKEN_ON') && !checkFormToken($_REQUEST, 'hash')) { die('hack attemp.'); } if (!$_REQUEST['title'] || !$_REQUEST['cate_id'] || !$_REQUEST['gourl'] || !$_REQUEST['m_id'] || !$_REQUEST['description'] || !$_REQUEST['sort_order']) { $this->error('请填写所有的必填项'); } if ($_FILES['logo']['size'] <= 0 && $_FILES['logo']['error'] > 0) { $this->error('请上传LOGO'); } $logo = ''; if ($_FILES['logo']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['logo']['error'] == 0) { $upfile = array(); $upfile = upload_one_file($_FILES['logo']); if ($upfile['error']) { $this->error($upfile['error']); } $logo = $upfile['file_name']; } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $addtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $data = array('cate_id' => intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']), 'title' => $_REQUEST['title'], 'gourl' => $_REQUEST['gourl'], 'price' => floatval($_REQUEST['price']), 'description' => $_REQUEST['description'], 'm_id' => intval($_REQUEST['m_id']), 'm_name' => $_REQUEST['m_name'], 'logo' => $logo, 'sort_order' => intval($_REQUEST['sort_order']), 'use_coupon' => intval($_REQUEST['use_coupon']), 'addtime' => $addtime); $ccmModel = D('MallZhekou'); if ($ccmModel->_add($data)) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', '?g=' . GROUP_NAME . '&m=' . MODULE_NAME); $this->success('添加成功'); } else { $this->error('添加失败'); } } $categorys = array(); $service = service('ZhekouCategory'); $categorys = $service->getAll(); $this->assign('categorys', $categorys); $this->assign('ur_href', '折扣商品管理 > 添加折扣商品'); $this->assign('hash', buildFormToken('hash')); $this->display('post'); }
/** * 领取优惠券 * */ public function pull() { if ($this->isAjax()) { $this->_check_login(); $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $nowtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $cccModel = D('CouponCodeCodes'); $ip = get_client_ip(); //同一IP领取数量限制 $begin_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); if ($this->_CFG['ip_fetch_limit'] && $cccModel->where("fetch_time>='{$begin_time}' AND fetch_time<='{$today}' AND ip='{$ip}'")->count() >= intval($this->_CFG['ip_fetch_limit'])) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您今天领取的优惠券数量已超过限制,请明天再来', 0); } $c_id = intval($_REQUEST['c_id']); $c_id or die('id invalid.'); $ccModel = D('CouponCode'); $detail = $ccModel->info($c_id); $detail or die('id invalid.'); if ($detail['is_active'] == 0) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已下架,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0); } //是否过期 if ($detail['expiry_type'] == 1 && $detail['expiry'] < $today) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已过期,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0); } //剩余数量 if ($detail['fetched_amount'] >= $detail['amount']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已发放完毕,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } //领取帐号限制 if ($detail['data']['fetch_account_limit'] != 200 && intval($_SESSION['login_type']) != $detail['data']['fetch_account_limit']) { $fetch_account_limit_conf = CouponCodeConf::fetch_account_limit_conf(); $this->ajaxReturn('', $fetch_account_limit_conf[$detail['data']['fetch_account_limit']], 0); } //领取数量限制 //每个账户一张 if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 101) { if ($cccModel->getOneByUid($this->_user['user_id'], $c_id)) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } } else { if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 102) { $b_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $e_time = $today; $params = array('b_time' => $b_time, 'e_time' => $e_time); if ($cccModel->getOneByUid($this->_user['user_id'], $c_id, $params)) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您今天已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } } } //付费情况 if ($detail['price_type'] != 1) { $userModel = D('User'); $user = $userModel->info($this->_user['user_id'], array('money', 'credit')); //付费 if ($detail['price_type'] == 2) { if ($user['money'] < $detail['price']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户金额不足,请先到帐号中心充值再来购买。请点击<a href="' . reUrl('Payment/pay') . '" target="_blank">在线充值</a>', 0); } $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_MONEY); } else { if ($detail['price_type'] == 3) { if ($user['credit'] < $detail['price']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户积分不足,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_CREDIT); } } if ($spend !== 1) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '支付失败,请重试', 0); } } $code = $cccModel->pull($c_id, $this->_user['user_id'], $this->_user['nick'], $nowtime, $ip); if ($code) { //更新领取数量 $ccModel->update($c_id, array('fetched_amount' => $detail['fetched_amount'] + 1)); //更新昨日、今日、本周、本月等领取数量 $yestoday = $nowtime - 24 * 3600; $ccdModel = D('CouponCodeData'); $r = $ccdModel->info($c_id, array('yesterdayfetched', 'dayfetched', 'weekfetched', 'monthfetched', 'updatetime')); $yesterdayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $yestoday) ? $r['dayfetched'] : $r['yesterdayfetched']; $dayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $nowtime) ? $r['dayfetched'] + 1 : 1; $weekfetched = date('YW', $r['updatetime']) == date('YW', $nowtime) ? $r['weekfetched'] + 1 : 1; $monthfetched = date('Ym', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ym', $nowtime) ? $r['monthfetched'] + 1 : 1; $data = array('yesterdayfetched' => $yesterdayfetched, 'dayfetched' => $dayfetched, 'weekfetched' => $weekfetched, 'monthfetched' => $monthfetched, 'updatetime' => $nowtime); $ccdModel->update($c_id, $data); //发表一条微博 if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token'] || $this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) { $ccmService = service('CouponCodeMall'); $mall = $ccmService->info($detail['m_id']); $title = ''; if ($detail['title']) { $title .= $detail['title']; } else { $title .= $mall['name']; if ($detail['c_type'] == 1) { $title .= '满' . $detail['money_max'] . '减' . $detail['money_reduce'] . '元优惠券'; } else { $title .= $detail['money_amount'] . '元代金券'; } } $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . reUrl('Code/view?id=' . $c_id); $pic_path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . FixedUploadedFileUrl($mall['figure_image']); $text = '我刚刚在#' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '#领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!' . $url; if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token']) { include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/sina.class.php'; $sina = new sina(); $sina->upload($text, $pic_path); } else { if ($this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) { include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/qq.class.php'; $qq = new qq(); //发送微博 $qq->add_t($text); //发送空间分享 $title = '我刚刚在' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!'; $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $qq->add_share($title, $url, $site, $pic_path); } } } $this->ajaxReturn($code, '领取成功', 1); } else { $this->ajaxReturn('', '领取失败', 0); } } }
/** * 编辑 * */ public function edit() { $adModel = D('Ad'); $ad_id = intval($_REQUEST['ad_id']); if ($this->isPost()) { if (C('TOKEN_ON') && !checkFormToken($_REQUEST)) { die('hack attemp.'); } if (!$_REQUEST['ad_name'] || !$_REQUEST['start_time'] || !$_REQUEST['end_time']) { die('data invalid.'); } $media_type = intval($_REQUEST['media_type']); $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $start_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime($_REQUEST['start_time']); $end_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime($_REQUEST['end_time']); $upload_path = get_upload_path(); $file_prefix = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . '/' . $upload_path; $adModel = D('Ad'); $data = array('ad_name' => $_REQUEST['ad_name'], 'media_type' => $media_type, 'position_id' => intval($_REQUEST['position_id']), 'enabled' => intval($_REQUEST['enabled']), 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time); //图片广告 if ($media_type == 101) { if (!$_REQUEST['ad_link'] || !$_REQUEST['img_url'] && (!$_FILES['ad_img'] || $_FILES['ad_img']['size'] == 0 || $_FILES['ad_img']['error'] != 0)) { die('data invalid.'); } $data['ad_link'] = $_REQUEST['ad_link']; if ($_REQUEST['img_url']) { $data['ad_code'] = str_replace($file_prefix, '', $_REQUEST['img_url']); } if ($_FILES['ad_img'] && $_FILES['ad_img']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['ad_img']['error'] == 0) { $upfile = array(); $upfile = upload_one_file($_FILES['ad_img']); if ($upfile['error']) { $this->error($upfile['error']); } $data['ad_code'] = $upfile['file_name']; } } elseif ($media_type == 102) { if (!$_REQUEST['flash_url'] && (!$_FILES['upfile_flash'] || $_FILES['upfile_flash']['size'] == 0 || $_FILES['upfile_flash']['error'] != 0)) { die('data invalid.'); } if ($_REQUEST['flash_url']) { $data['ad_code'] = str_replace($file_prefix, '', $_REQUEST['flash_url']); } if ($_FILES['upfile_flash'] && $_FILES['upfile_flash']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['upfile_flash']['error'] == 0) { $upfile = array(); $upfile = upload_one_file($_FILES['upfile_flash']); if ($upfile['error']) { $this->error($upfile['error']); } $data['ad_code'] = $upfile['file_name']; } } elseif ($media_type == 103) { if (!$_REQUEST['ad_code']) { die('data invalid.'); } $data['ad_code'] = htmlentities($_REQUEST['ad_code']); } elseif ($media_type == 104) { if (!$_REQUEST['ad_link2'] || !$_REQUEST['ad_text']) { die('data invalid.'); } $data['ad_link'] = $_REQUEST['ad_link2']; $data['ad_code'] = $_REQUEST['ad_text']; } if ($adModel->editAd($ad_id, $data)) { //更新缓存 $params = array('ad_id' => $ad_id); B('Adv', $params); $this->assign('jumpUrl', '?g=' . GROUP_NAME . '&m=' . MODULE_NAME); $this->success('编辑成功'); } else { $this->error('编辑失败'); } } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $ad = $adModel->info($ad_id); $ad['start_time'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $ad['start_time']); $ad['end_time'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $ad['end_time']); $upload_path = get_upload_path(); if (is_file(DOC_ROOT_PATH . $upload_path . $ad['ad_code'])) { //$upload_path = str_replace('./','/',$upload_path); $ad['ad_code'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . FixedUploadedFileUrl($ad['ad_code']); } $this->assign('ad', $ad); $apModel = D('AdPosition'); $res = $apModel->getPositions(); $positions = array(); foreach ($res as $rs) { $position = $apModel->info($rs['position_id']); $positions[] = $position; } $this->assign('positions', $positions); $this->assign('ad_media_type_conf', $this->_ad_media_type_conf); $this->assign('ur_href', '广告管理 > 编辑广告'); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->display('post'); }
/** * 领取优惠券 * */ public function pull() { if ($this->isAjax()) { $this->_check_login(); $c_id = intval($_REQUEST['c_id']); $c_id or die('id invalid.'); $ccModel = D('TaoCoupon'); $detail = $ccModel->info($c_id); $detail or die('id invalid.'); if ($detail['is_active'] == 0) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已下架,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0); } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $nowtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); //是否过期 if ($detail['expiry_type'] == 1 && $detail['expiry'] < $today) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已过期,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0); } //剩余数量 /* if($detail['fetched_amount'] >= $detail['amount']){ $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已发放完毕,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } */ //领取限制 $ccrModel = M('TaoCouponRecords'); //每个账户一张 if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 101) { if ($ccrModel->field('id')->where("c_id='{$c_id}' AND user_id='" . $this->_user['user_id'] . "'")->find()) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } } else { if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 102) { $b_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $e_time = $today; $where = "c_id='{$c_id}' AND user_id='" . $this->_user['user_id'] . "'"; $where .= " AND fetch_time>='{$b_time}' AND fetch_time<='{$e_time}'"; if ($ccrModel->field('id')->where($where)->find()) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您今天已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } } } //付费情况 if ($detail['price_type'] != 1) { $userModel = D('User'); $user = $userModel->info($this->_user['user_id'], array('money', 'credit')); //付费 if ($detail['price_type'] == 2) { if ($user['money'] < $detail['price']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户金额不足,请先到帐号中心充值再来购买。请点击<a href="' . reUrl('Payment/pay') . '" target="_blank">在线充值</a>', 0); } $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_MONEY); } else { if ($detail['price_type'] == 3) { if ($user['credit'] < $detail['price']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户积分不足,请选择其他的优惠券', 0); } $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_CREDIT); } } if ($spend !== 1) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '支付失败,请重试', 0); } } $data = array('c_id' => $c_id, 'user_id' => $this->_user['user_id'], 'nick' => $this->_user['nick'], 'fetch_time' => $nowtime); $result = $ccrModel->add($data); if ($result) { $ccmService = service('TaoShop'); $shop = $ccmService->info($detail['s_id']); //更新领取数量 $ccModel->update($c_id, array('fetched_amount' => $detail['fetched_amount'] + 1)); //更新昨日、今日、本周、本月等领取数量 $yestoday = $nowtime - 24 * 3600; $ccdModel = D('TaoCouponData'); $r = $ccdModel->info($c_id, array('yesterdayfetched', 'dayfetched', 'weekfetched', 'monthfetched', 'updatetime')); $yesterdayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $yestoday) ? $r['dayfetched'] : $r['yesterdayfetched']; $dayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $nowtime) ? $r['dayfetched'] + 1 : 1; $weekfetched = date('YW', $r['updatetime']) == date('YW', $nowtime) ? $r['weekfetched'] + 1 : 1; $monthfetched = date('Ym', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ym', $nowtime) ? $r['monthfetched'] + 1 : 1; $data = array('yesterdayfetched' => $yesterdayfetched, 'dayfetched' => $dayfetched, 'weekfetched' => $weekfetched, 'monthfetched' => $monthfetched, 'updatetime' => $nowtime); $ccdModel->update($c_id, $data); //发表一条微博 if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token'] || $this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) { $title = ''; if ($detail['title']) { $title .= $detail['title']; } else { $title .= $detail['s_title']; if ($detail['c_type'] == 1) { $title .= '满' . $detail['money_max'] . '减' . $detail['money_reduce'] . '元优惠券'; } else { $title .= $detail['money_amount'] . '元代金券'; } } $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . reUrl('Tao/show?id=' . $c_id); $pic_path = tao_shop_logo($shop['pic_path']); $text = '我刚刚在#' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '#领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!' . $url; if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token']) { include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/sina.class.php'; $sina = new sina(); $sina->upload($text, $pic_path); } else { if ($this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) { include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/qq.class.php'; $qq = new qq(); //发送微博 $qq->add_t($text); //发送空间分享 $title = '我刚刚在' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!'; $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $qq->add_share($title, $url, $site, $pic_path); } } } if ($detail['data']['fetch_link']) { $coupon_url = $detail['data']['fetch_link']; } else { $coupon_url = '' . $detail['data']['activity_id'] . '&seller_id=' . $detail['data']['seller_id']; } $data = array('shop_click_url' => $shop['shop_click_url'], 'coupon_url' => $coupon_url); $this->ajaxReturn($data, '领取成功', 1); } else { $this->ajaxReturn('', '领取失败', 0); } } }
private function _import_coupons_101_handler($m_id, $m_name, $file) { ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . LIB_PATH . "ORG/phpExcel/"); ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', 0); /** PHPExcel */ include "PHPExcel.php"; require_once 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; /**默认用excel2007读取excel,若格式不对,则用之前的版本进行读取*/ require_once 'PHPExcel/Reader/Excel2007.php'; $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007'); //use excel2007 for 2007 format if (!$objReader->canRead($file)) { require_once 'PHPExcel/Reader/Excel5.php'; $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5'); if (!$objReader->canRead($file)) { exit('no Excel'); } } $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file); $codes = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0)->toArray(); $localTimeobj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $coupons = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < count($codes); $k++) { if ($k == 0) { continue; } $data = $extra = array(); //类型 //辅食满300元减100元无限制 $mode = "/(.*)满([0-9]+)元减([0-9]+)(元|代金券)(.*)/is"; if (preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 1; $data['money_max'] = $arr[2]; $data['money_reduce'] = $arr[3]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } //满88减8代金券 $mode = "/(.*)满([0-9]+)减([0-9]+)(元|代金券)(.*)/is"; if (preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 1; $data['money_max'] = $arr[2]; $data['money_reduce'] = $arr[3]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } //699-100,1000-200所有童装 $mode = "/^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)/is"; if (preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 1; $data['money_max'] = $arr[1]; $data['money_reduce'] = $arr[2]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } //通用1000-200所有童装 $mode = "/^([A-Za-z\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}]+)([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)/uis"; if (preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 1; $data['money_max'] = $arr[2]; $data['money_reduce'] = $arr[3]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } //100元无限制 $mode = "/^([0-9]+)元(.*)/is"; if (preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 2; $data['money_amount'] = $arr[1]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } //通用100元无限制 $mode1 = "/(.*)满([0-9]+)元减([0-9]+)(元|代金券)(.*)/is"; $mode = "/^([A-Za-z\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}]+)([0-9]+)元(.*)/uis"; if (!preg_match($mode1, $codes[$k][3], $arr) && preg_match($mode, $codes[$k][3], $arr)) { $data['c_type'] = 2; $data['money_amount'] = $arr[2]; $data['title'] = $arr[0]; } if (!isset($data['c_type'])) { continue; } //商家 $data['m_id'] = $m_id; $data['m_name'] = $m_name; //领取限制 $extra['fetch_limit'] = 101; //付费 $data['price_type'] = 1; //有效期 if ($codes[$k][6]) { $data['expiry_type'] = 1; $data['expiry'] = $localTimeobj->local_strtotime($codes[$k][6] . ' 23:59:59'); } else { $data['expiry_type'] = 2; $data['expiry'] = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime('2029-12-31 23:59:59'); } //使用说明 $extra['directions'] = $codes[$k][4]; if (!isset($coupons[$codes[$k][1]])) { $coupons[$codes[$k][1]] = array('info' => array(), 'extra' => array(), 'codes' => array()); } $coupons[$codes[$k][1]]['info'] = $data; $coupons[$codes[$k][1]]['extra'] = $extra; $coupons[$codes[$k][1]]['codes'][] = $codes[$k][8]; $coupons[$codes[$k][1]]['password'][] = $codes[$k][9]; } $ccModel = D('CouponCode'); $ccdModel = D('CouponCodeData'); $codesModel = D('CouponCodeCodes'); $nowtime = $localTimeobj->gmtime(); foreach ($coupons as $c) { $c_id = 0; $c['info']['amount'] = count($c['codes']); $c['info']['addtime'] = $nowtime; $c['info']['is_active'] = 0; if ($c_id = $ccModel->_add($c['info'])) { //插入附属表数据 $_data = array('c_id' => $c_id, 'fetch_limit' => $c['extra']['fetch_limit'], 'directions' => $c['extra']['directions']); $ccdModel->_add($_data); //添加优惠代码 for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($c['codes']); $kk++) { $_data = array('c_id' => $c_id, 'code' => $c['codes'][$kk], 'password' => $c['password'][$kk]); $codesModel->_add($_data); } } } }
public function search() { $kw = $_REQUEST['kw']; if (empty($kw)) { redirect(reUrl('Mall/lists')); } $mallModel = D('CouponCodeMall'); $mall = $mallModel->search($kw); //只有一个结果符合,直接跳转到商家信息页 if (count($mall) == 1) { $mall = current($mall); $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $nowtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $yestoday = $nowtime - 24 * 3600; $yesterdaysearched = date('Ymd', $mall['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $yestoday) ? $mall['daysearched'] : $mall['yesterdaysearched']; $daysearched = date('Ymd', $mall['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $nowtime) ? $mall['daysearched'] + 1 : 1; $weeksearched = date('YW', $mall['updatetime']) == date('YW', $nowtime) ? $mall['weeksearched'] + 1 : 1; $monthsearched = date('Ym', $mall['updatetime']) == date('Ym', $nowtime) ? $mall['monthsearched'] + 1 : 1; $data = array('yesterdaysearched' => $yesterdaysearched, 'daysearched' => $daysearched, 'weeksearched' => $weeksearched, 'monthsearched' => $monthsearched, 'updatetime' => $nowtime); $mallModel->update($mall['id'], $data); redirect(reUrl('Mall/view?id=' . $mall['id'])); } else { if (count($mall) > 1) { $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $nowtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $yestoday = $nowtime - 24 * 3600; foreach ($mall as $m) { $yesterdaysearched = date('Ymd', $m['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $yestoday) ? $m['daysearched'] : $m['yesterdaysearched']; $daysearched = date('Ymd', $m['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $nowtime) ? $m['daysearched'] + 1 : 1; $weeksearched = date('YW', $m['updatetime']) == date('YW', $nowtime) ? $m['weeksearched'] + 1 : 1; $monthsearched = date('Ym', $m['updatetime']) == date('Ym', $nowtime) ? $m['monthsearched'] + 1 : 1; $data = array('yesterdaysearched' => $yesterdaysearched, 'daysearched' => $daysearched, 'weeksearched' => $weeksearched, 'monthsearched' => $monthsearched, 'updatetime' => $nowtime); $mallModel->update($m['id'], $data); } $this->assign('malls', $mall); $this->assign('kw', $kw); $this->assign('page_title', $kw . '搜索结果 - '); $this->assign('page_keywords', $this->_CFG['site_keywords']); $this->assign('page_description', $this->_CFG['site_description']); $this->display(); } else { $this->error('没有找到您要搜索的商家'); } } }
public function edit() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $ccmModel = D('MallPromotion'); $promotion = $ccmModel->info(array(), $id); $promotion or die('id invalid'); if ($this->isPost()) { if (C('TOKEN_ON') && !checkFormToken($_REQUEST, 'hash')) { die('hack attemp.'); } if (!$_REQUEST['title'] || !$_REQUEST['cate_id'] || !$_REQUEST['gourl'] || !$_REQUEST['expiry'] || !$_REQUEST['m_id'] || !$_REQUEST['description'] || !$_REQUEST['sort_order']) { $this->error('请填写所有的必填项'); } $logo = ''; if ($_FILES['logo']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['logo']['error'] == 0) { $upfile = array(); $upfile = upload_one_file($_FILES['logo']); if ($upfile['error']) { $this->error($upfile['error']); } $logo = $upfile['file_name']; } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $addtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime(); $_REQUEST['expiry'] = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime($_REQUEST['expiry'] . ' 23:59:59'); $data = array('cate_id' => intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']), 'title' => $_REQUEST['title'], 'gourl' => $_REQUEST['gourl'], 'expiry' => $_REQUEST['expiry'], 'description' => $_REQUEST['description'], 'm_id' => intval($_REQUEST['m_id']), 'm_name' => $_REQUEST['m_name'], 'sort_order' => intval($_REQUEST['sort_order']), 'detail' => $_REQUEST['detail']); if ($logo) { $data['logo'] = $logo; } if ($ccmModel->update($id, $data)) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', '?g=' . GROUP_NAME . '&m=' . MODULE_NAME); $this->success('编辑成功'); } else { $this->error('编辑失败'); } } $promotion['expiry'] = LocalTime::getInstance()->local_date($this->_CFG['date_format'], $promotion['expiry']); $this->assign('promotion', $promotion); $categorys = array(); $cccService = service('CouponCodeCategory'); $data = $cccService->getTree(); foreach ($data as $rs) { $categorys[$rs['id']] = $rs; $categorys[$rs['id']]['prefix'] = str_repeat(" ", $rs['level']); } $this->assign('categorys', $categorys); $this->assign('ur_href', '促销活动管理 > 编辑活动'); $this->assign('hash', buildFormToken('hash')); $this->display('post'); }
/** * 随机优惠券 * * @param unknown_type $limit */ public function randoms($limit = 10) { $today = LocalTime::getInstance()->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $fields = 'c.*, m.logo'; $sql = " FROM " . $this->getTableName() . " AS c LEFT JOIN " . M('coupon_code_mall')->getTableName() . " AS m ON"; $sql .= " WHERE c.is_active=1 AND c.amount>c.fetched_amount AND c.expiry>={$today}"; $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT {$limit}"; $res = $this->query("SELECT {$fields}" . $sql); return $res; }
/** * 随机优惠券 * * @param unknown_type $limit */ public function randoms($limit = 10) { $today = LocalTime::getInstance()->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $fields = 'c.*, m.pic_path'; $sql = " FROM " . $this->getTableName() . " AS c LEFT JOIN " . M('tao_shop')->getTableName() . " AS m ON"; $sql .= " WHERE c.is_active=1 AND c.expiry>={$today}"; $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT {$limit}"; $res = $this->query("SELECT {$fields}" . $sql); return $res; }
public function myinvite() { $page = isset($_REQUEST['p']) && $_REQUEST['p'] >= 1 ? $_REQUEST['p'] : 1; $pageLimit = 15; $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $c_count = M('user')->where("invite='" . $this->_user['user_id'] . "'")->count(); $res = M('user')->field('user_id,nick,addtime')->where("invite='" . $this->_user['user_id'] . "'")->order("user_id DESC")->limit(($page - 1) * $pageLimit . ", " . $pageLimit)->select(); $users = array(); foreach ($res as $rs) { $rs['addtime'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['time_format'], $rs['addtime']); $users[] = $rs; } $this->assign('users', $users); $page_url = reUrl(MODULE_NAME . "/" . ACTION_NAME . "?p=[page]"); $page_url = str_replace('%5bpage%5d', '[page]', $page_url); $p = new Page($page, $pageLimit, $c_count, $page_url, 5, 5); $pagelink = $p->showStyle(3); $this->assign('pagelink', $pagelink); $this->assign('page_title', '我的邀请记录 - '); $this->assign('page_keywords', $this->_CFG['site_keywords']); $this->assign('page_description', $this->_CFG['site_description']); $this->display(); }
/** * 添加店铺 * * @param string $nick * @return array */ public function createShopByNick($nick) { $tao_shop = $this->getShopInfo($nick); $taoke_shop = $this->convertShops($tao_shop['sid']); $tao_user = $this->getUserInfo($nick); $return = array(); $return['nick'] = $nick; $return['uid'] = $tao_user['uid']; $return['seller_id'] = $tao_user['user_id']; $return['cid'] = $tao_shop['cid']; $return['consumer_protection'] = $tao_user['consumer_protection'] ? 1 : 0; $return['level'] = $tao_user['seller_credit']['level']; $return['score'] = $tao_user['seller_credit']['score']; $return['total_num'] = $tao_user['seller_credit']['total_num']; $return['good_num'] = $tao_user['seller_credit']['good_num']; $return['city'] = $tao_user['location']['city']; $return['state'] = $tao_user['location']['state']; $return['sid'] = $tao_shop['sid']; $return['title'] = $tao_shop['title']; $return['pic_path'] = $tao_shop['pic_path']; $return['desc'] = $tao_shop['desc']; $return['bulletin'] = $tao_shop['bulletin']; $return['created'] = LocalTime::getInstance()->local_strtotime($tao_shop['created']); $return['shop_click_url'] = $taoke_shop['click_url']; $return['type'] = $tao_user['type']; $return['item_score'] = $tao_shop['shop_score']['item_score']; $return['service_score'] = $tao_shop['shop_score']['service_score']; $return['delivery_score'] = $tao_shop['shop_score']['delivery_score']; $return['commission_rate'] = $taoke_shop['commission_rate']; $return['good'] = $return['good_num'] / $return['total_num'] * 100; $return['addtime'] = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(); return $return; }
public function gather_handler() { $page = intval($_REQUEST['page']); $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->referer = ""; $URI = '¤tPage=' . $page; $snoopy->fetch($URI); $html = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); $html = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $html); preg_match_all('/<li class="coupon-item J_CouponItem">(.*)<\\/li>/isU', $html, $tt); $temp = $tt[1]; $coupon = array(); $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); $taoShopModel = D('TaoShop'); $ccModel = D('TaoCoupon'); $tcdModel = D('TaoCouponData'); foreach ($temp as $c) { $coupon = $this->_queryCoupon($c); if (!$coupon['money_reduce'] || !$coupon['activity_id'] || !$coupon['seller_id']) { continue; } if ($tcdModel->field("c_id")->where("activity_id='{$coupon['activity_id']}' AND seller_id='{$coupon['seller_id']}'")->find()) { continue; } $shop = $taoShopModel->getInfoBySid($coupon['sid']); if (!$shop) { continue; } $data = array('s_id' => $shop['id'], 's_title' => $shop['title'], 'c_type' => 1, 'expiry_type' => 1, 'price_type' => 1, 'money_max' => $coupon['money_max'], 'money_reduce' => $coupon['money_reduce'], 'expiry' => $localTimeObj->local_strtotime($coupon['expiry']), 'addtime' => $localTimeObj->gmtime()); $c_id = 0; if ($c_id = $ccModel->_add($data)) { //插入附属表数据 $data = array('c_id' => $c_id, 'activity_id' => $coupon['activity_id'], 'seller_id' => $coupon['seller_id'], 'fetch_limit' => 101); $tcdModel->_add($data); } } $this->ajaxReturn('', '', 1); }
/** * 编辑 * */ public function edit() { $aModel = D('Article'); $article_id = intval($_REQUEST['article_id']); if ($this->isPost()) { if (C('TOKEN_ON') && !checkFormToken($_REQUEST)) { die('hack attemp.'); } if (!$_REQUEST['title'] || !$_REQUEST['cate_id'] || !$_REQUEST['content']) { die('data invalid.'); } $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); if ($aModel->_edit($article_id, $_REQUEST)) { //生成静态文章 $this->_buildHtml($article_id); $this->assign('jumpUrl', '?g=' . GROUP_NAME . '&m=' . MODULE_NAME); $this->success('编辑成功'); } else { $this->error('编辑失败'); } } $article = $aModel->info($article_id); $this->assign('article', $article); $category = D('ArticleCategory')->getAll(); $this->assign('category', $category); $this->assign('ur_href', '文章管理 > 编辑文章'); $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken()); $this->display('post'); }
private function _doLogin() { $enabled_captcha = false; $captcha = intval($this->_CFG['captcha']); if ($captcha & CAPTCHA_ADMIN && (!($captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL) || $captcha & CAPTCHA_LOGIN_FAIL && $_SESSION['login_fail'] > 2) > 0) { $enabled_captcha = true; } if ($enabled_captcha && isset($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_CODE]) && !empty($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_CODE])) { /* 检查验证码是否正确 */ if (empty($_REQUEST['verify']) || !SeccodeUtil::check_word(CAPTCHA_CODE, $_REQUEST['verify'])) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '验证码输入错误', 0); } } $userObj = D('AdminUsers'); $user_name = $_REQUEST['admin_name']; $password = $_REQUEST['admin_pwd']; $password = md5(md5($password)); $userInfo = $userObj->infoByUserName($user_name); if (!isset($_SESSION['login_fail'])) { $_SESSION['login_fail'] = 0; } //用户名不存在 if (!$userInfo || !$userInfo['user_id']) { $_SESSION['login_fail'] += 1; $this->ajaxReturn('', '用户名不存在', 0); } //密码不正确 if ($userInfo['password'] != $password) { $_SESSION['login_fail'] += 1; $this->ajaxReturn('', '密码不正确', 0); } //已被锁定 if ($userInfo['is_locked']) { $this->ajaxReturn('', '帐号已被锁定', 0); } $lastLogin = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(); $userObj->edit_user($userInfo['user_id'], array('last_login' => $lastLogin, 'last_ip' => get_client_ip())); $_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'user_id'] = $userInfo['user_id']; $_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'user_name'] = $userInfo['user_name']; //是否超级管理员 $_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'is_super'] = $userInfo['is_super']; $_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'name'] = $userInfo['name']; //用户的角色 $aurModel = D('AdminUserRole'); $_SESSION[C('SESSION_PREFIX') . 'user_roles'] = $aurModel->getUserRole($userInfo['user_id']); unset($_SESSION['login_fail']); $this->ajaxReturn('', '', 1); }
protected function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); $nowtime = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(); $this->_link['Coupons']['condition'] .= ' AND expiry>=' . $nowtime; }
/** * 获取分类优惠券 * * @param int $cate_id 分类ID * @param int $limit * @return array */ function coupon_codes_cate($cate_id, $limit) { static $ccModel = null, $cates = null, $cates = null, $cfg = null, $localTimeObj = null; if ($ccModel === null) { $ccModel = D('CouponCode'); } if ($cates === null) { $cates = get_mall_category_tree(); } if ($all_cates === null) { $all_cates = get_mall_category(); } if ($cfg === null) { $cfg = load_config(); } if ($localTimeObj === null) { $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance(); } $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $coupons = array(); $c = $all_cates[$cate_id]; $cate_ids = is_array($cates[$c['id']]['childs']) ? $cates[$c['id']]['childs'] : array(); $cate_ids[] = $c['id']; $cate_ids = implode(',', $cate_ids); $res = $ccModel->coupons4cate($cate_ids, $limit); foreach ($res as $rs) { if ($rs['expiry_type'] == 1) { $rs['expiry_timestamp'] = $rs['expiry'] + $cfg['timezone'] * 3600; if ($rs['expiry'] - $today == 0) { $rs['expiry'] = 1; } else { $rs['expiry'] = $rs['expiry'] - $today > 0 ? ceil(($rs['expiry'] - $today) / (3600 * 24)) : 0; } } $coupons[] = $rs; } return $coupons; }