 * Called by livepress webservice to create a new live post.
 * @param array $args {
 *		An array of arguments.
 *		@param  int    $blog_id           Id of blog to to add post to.
 *		@param  string $username          Username for action.
 *		@param  string $password          Livepress generated user access key.
 *		@param  array  $content_struct    Initial post content.
 *		@return Object Post object or false on error.
 * }
function livepress_new_live_post($args)
    global $wp_xmlrpc_server, $wpdb;
    $blog_id = (int) $args[0];
    $username = $args[1];
    $password = $args[2];
    $content_struct = $args[3];
    // Verify user is authorized
    if (!($user = _livepress_authenticate($username, $password))) {
        return false;
    // Verify user can edit posts
    if (!user_can($user, 'edit_posts')) {
        return false;
    $defaults = array('post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_author' => $user->ID, 'post_title' => $content_struct['title']);
    $post_data = wp_parse_args($content_struct, $defaults);
    // Insert the new post
    $post_id = wp_insert_post($post_data, true);
    if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
        return false;
    if (!$post_id) {
        return false;
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    if (!$post) {
        return false;
    // Set the post live status to live
    $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
    $blogging_tools->set_post_live_status($post_id, true);
    return $post;
  * Enqueue scripts and styles.
  * @param string $hook Hook suffix for the current screen.
 function add_css_and_js_on_header($hook = null)
     if (is_home()) {
     if ($hook != null && $hook != 'post-new.php' && $hook != 'post.php' && $hook != 'settings_page_livepress-settings') {
     wp_register_style('livepress_main_sheets', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/livepress.css');
     global $post;
     if (isset($post) && !is_admin()) {
         $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
         $is_live = $blogging_tools->get_post_live_status($post->ID);
         if (!$is_live) {
     // On the profile page in VIP, load the profile script - handles showing password field
     if ('profile.php' == $hook && defined('WPCOM_IS_VIP_ENV') && false !== WPCOM_IS_VIP_ENV) {
         if ($this->livepress_config->script_debug()) {
             wp_enqueue_script('livepress-profile', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/livepress-profile.full.js', array('jquery'));
         } else {
             wp_enqueue_script('livepress-profile', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/livepress-profile.min.js', array('jquery'));
     wp_register_style('wordpress_override', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/livepress_wordpress_override.css');
     wp_register_style('livepress_ui', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/ui.css', array(), false, 'screen');
     // FIXME: temporary import of this script. It must be sent by Oortle
     // on the next versions
     $static_host = $this->livepress_config->static_host();
     if ($this->livepress_config->script_debug()) {
         $mode = 'full';
     } else {
         $mode = 'min';
     if (is_page() || is_single() || is_home()) {
         wp_enqueue_script('livepress-plugin-loader', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/plugin_loader_release.' . $mode . '.js', array('jquery'), LP_PLUGIN_VERSION);
         $lp_client_settings = array('no_google_acct' => esc_html__('Error: [USERNAME] isn\'t a valid Google Talk account', 'livepress'), 'no_acct_in_jabber' => esc_html__('Error: [USERNAME] wasn\'t found in jabber client bot roster', 'livepress'), 'username_not_auth' => esc_html__('[USERNAME] has been authorized', 'livepress'), 'username_authorized' => esc_html__('[USERNAME] has been authorized', 'livepress'), 'livepress_err_retry' => esc_html__('LivePress! error. Try again in a few minutes', 'livepress'), 'auth_request_sent' => esc_html__('Authorization request sent to [USERNAME]', 'livepress'), 'new_updates' => esc_html__('new updates', 'livepress'), 'refresh' => esc_html__('Refresh', 'livepress'), 'to_see' => esc_html__('to see', 'livepress'), 'them' => esc_html__('them', 'livepress'), 'refresh_page' => esc_html__('Refresh page', 'livepress'), 'updated_just_now' => esc_html__('updated just now', 'livepress'), 'uptated_amin_ago' => esc_html__('updated 1 minute ago', 'livepress'), 'updated' => esc_html__('updated', 'livepress'), 'minutes_ago' => esc_html__('minutes ago', 'livepress'), 'no_recent_updates' => esc_html__('no recent updates', 'livepress'), 'sending_error' => esc_html__('Sending error.', 'livepress'), 'sending' => esc_html__('Sending', 'livepress'), 'unknown_error' => esc_html__('Unknown error.', 'livepress'), 'comment_status' => esc_html__('Comment Status', 'livepress'), 'copy_permalink' => esc_html__('Ctrl / Cmd C to copy', 'livepress'), 'filter_by_tag' => esc_html__('Filter by Tag:', 'livepress'), 'by' => esc_html__('by', 'livepress'));
         $options = $this->options;
         if (array_key_exists('show', $options) && null !== $options['show']) {
             $lp_client_settings['show'] = $options['show'];
         wp_localize_script('livepress-plugin-loader', 'lp_client_strings', $lp_client_settings);
     } elseif (is_admin()) {
         // Add select2 for live tags
         wp_enqueue_style('select2', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/select2.css', array(), LP_PLUGIN_VERSION);
         wp_register_style('lp_admin', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/post_edit.css');
         wp_enqueue_style('lp_admin_font', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'fonts/livepress-admin/style.css');
         wp_enqueue_script('lp-admin', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/admin/livepress-admin.' . $mode . '.js', array('jquery'), LP_PLUGIN_VERSION);
         $livepress_authors = LivePress_Administration::lp_get_authors();
         $lp_strings = array('unexpected' => esc_html__('Unexpected result from the LivePress server.  Please contact LivePress support at support@livepress.com for help.', 'livepress'), 'connection_problem' => esc_html__('Connection problem... Try Again...', 'livepress'), 'authenticated' => esc_html__('Authenticated', 'livepress'), 'sending' => esc_html__('Sending', 'livepress'), 'check' => esc_html__('Check', 'livepress'), 'remove' => esc_html__('Remove', 'livepress'), 'key_not_valid' => esc_html__('Key not valid', 'livepress'), 'sending_twitter' => esc_html__('Sending out alerts on Twitter account', 'livepress'), 'failed_to_check' => esc_html__('Failed to check status.', 'livepress'), 'checking_auth' => esc_html__('Checking authorization status', 'livepress'), 'status_not_avail' => esc_html__('Status isn\'t available yet.', 'livepress'), 'internal_error' => esc_html__('Internal server error.', 'livepress'), 'noconnect_twitter' => esc_html__('Can\'t connect to Twitter.', 'livepress'), 'noconnect_livepress' => esc_html__('Can\'t connect to livepress service.', 'livepress'), 'failed_unknown' => esc_html__('Failed for an unknown reason.', 'livepress'), 'return_code' => esc_html__('return code', 'livepress'), 'new_twitter_window' => esc_html__('A new window should be open to Twitter.com awaiting your login.', 'livepress'), 'twitter_unauthorized' => esc_html__('Twitter access unauthorized.', 'livepress'), 'start_live' => esc_html__('Start live blogging', 'livepress'), 'stop_live' => esc_html__('Stop live blogging', 'livepress'), 'readers_online' => esc_html__('readers online', 'livepress'), 'lp_updates_posted' => esc_html__('live updates posted', 'livepress'), 'comments' => esc_html__('comments', 'livepress'), 'click_to_toggle' => esc_html__('Click to toggle', 'livepress'), 'real_time_editor' => esc_html__('Live Blogging Real-Time Editor', 'livepress'), 'off' => esc_html__('off', 'livepress'), 'on' => esc_html__('on', 'livepress'), 'private_chat' => esc_html__('Private chat', 'livepress'), 'persons_online' => esc_html__('Person Online', 'livepress'), 'people_online' => esc_html__('People Online', 'livepress'), 'comment' => esc_html__('Comment', 'livepress'), 'include_timestamp' => esc_html__('include timestamp', 'livepress'), 'live_update_tags' => esc_html__('Live tags:', 'livepress'), 'lp_authors' => $livepress_authors['names'], 'lp_gravatars' => $livepress_authors['gravatars'], 'lp_avatar_links' => $livepress_authors['links'], 'live_tags_select_placeholder' => esc_html__('Live update tag(s)', 'livepress'), 'live_update_header' => esc_html__('Live update header', 'livepress'), 'live_update_byline' => esc_html__('Author(s):', 'livepress'), 'delete_perm' => esc_html__('Delete Permanently', 'livepress'), 'ctrl_enter' => esc_html__('Ctrl+Enter', 'livepress'), 'cancel' => esc_html__('Cancel', 'livepress'), 'save' => esc_html__('Save', 'livepress'), 'draft' => esc_html__('Save as draft', 'livepress'), 'push_update' => esc_html__('Push Update', 'livepress'), 'add_update' => esc_html__('Publish Draft', 'livepress'), 'confirm_delete' => esc_html__('Are you sure you want to delete this update? This action cannot be undone.', 'livepress'), 'updates' => esc_html__('Updates', 'livepress'), 'discard_unsaved' => esc_html__('You have unsaved editors open. Discard them?', 'livepress'), 'loading_content' => esc_html__('Loading content', 'livepress'), 'double_added' => esc_html__('Double added updates. Not supported now.', 'livepress'), 'confirm_switch' => esc_html__('Are you sure you want to switch to Not Live?', 'livepress'), 'scroll' => esc_html__('Scroll to Comment', 'livepress'), 'update_published' => esc_html__('Update was published live to users.', 'livepress'), 'published_not_live' => esc_html__('Update was published NOT live.', 'livepress'), 'cant_get_update' => esc_html__('Can\'t get update status from LivePress.', 'livepress'), 'wrong_ajax_nonce' => esc_html__('Wrong AJAX nonce.', 'livepress'), 'cant_get_blog_update' => esc_html__('Can\'t get upate status from blog server.', 'livepress'), 'sending_alerts' => esc_html__('Sending out alerts on Twitter account:', 'livepress'), 'tools_link_text' => esc_html__('Live Blogging Tools', 'livepress'), 'submit' => esc_html__('submit', 'livepress'), 'live_press' => esc_html__('Live Press', 'livepress'), 'live_chat' => esc_html__('Live Chat', 'livepress'), 'warning' => esc_html__('Warning', 'livepress'), 'connection_lost' => esc_html__('Will try to reconnect in some time.', 'livepress'), 'connect_again' => esc_html__('Please try to reconnect later.', 'livepress'), 'connection_just_lost' => esc_html__('The connection to the server has been lost.', 'livepress'), 'sync_lost' => esc_html__('Syncronization of live editor seems to be lost. Try to enable/disable live editor or reload page.', 'livepress'), 'collabst_sync_lost' => esc_html__('Collaboration state may be out of sync. Try to reload page.', 'livepress'), 'collab_sync_lost' => esc_html__('Collaboration may be out of sync. Try to reload page.', 'livepress'), 'post_link' => esc_html__('Copy the commenter name and full text into the post text box', 'livepress'), 'send_to_editor' => esc_html__('Send to editor', 'livepress'), 'approve_comment' => esc_html__('Approve this comment', 'livepress'), 'approve' => esc_html__('Approve', 'livepress'), 'unapprove_comment' => esc_html__('Unapprove this comment', 'livepress'), 'unapprove' => esc_html__('Unapprove', 'livepress'), 'mark_as_spam' => esc_html__('Mark this comment as spam', 'livepress'), 'spam' => esc_html__('Spam', 'livepress'), 'move_comment_trash' => esc_html__('Move this comment to the trash', 'livepress'), 'trash' => esc_html__('Trash', 'livepress'), 'save_and_refresh' => esc_html__('Save and Refresh', 'livepress'), 'publish_and_refresh' => esc_html__('Publish and Refresh', 'livepress'), 'click_pause_tweets' => esc_html__('Click to pause the tweets so you can decide when to display them', 'livepress'), 'click_copy_tweets' => esc_html__('Click to copy tweets into the post editor.', 'livepress'), 'copy_tweets' => esc_html__('Copy the tweet into the post editing area', 'livepress'), 'remove_term' => esc_html__('Remove this term', 'livepress'), 'remove_account' => esc_html__('Remove this account', 'livepress'), 'remove_lower' => esc_html__('remove', 'livepress'), 'remove_author' => esc_html__('Remote Author', 'livepress'), 'remove_authors' => esc_html__('Remote Authors', 'livepress'), 'account_not_found' => esc_html__('Account not found', 'livepress'), 'connecting' => esc_html__('Connecting', 'livepress'), 'offline' => esc_html__('offline', 'livepress'), 'connected' => esc_html__('connected', 'livepress'), 'user_pass_invalid' => esc_html__('username/password invalid', 'livepress'), 'wrong_account_name' => esc_html__('Wrong account name supplied', 'livepress'), 'problem_connecting' => esc_html__('Problem connecting to the blog server.', 'livepress'), 'test_msg_sent' => esc_html__('Test message sent', 'livepress'), 'test_msg_failure' => esc_html__('Failure sending test message', 'livepress'), 'send_again' => esc_html__('Send test message again', 'livepress'), 'live_post_header' => esc_html__('Pinned Live Post Header', 'livepress'), 'visual_text_editor' => esc_html__('Visual', 'livepress'), 'text_editor' => esc_html__('Text', 'livepress'));
         wp_localize_script('lp-admin', 'lp_strings', $lp_strings);
         wp_enqueue_script('dashboard-dyn', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/dashboard-dyn.' . $mode . '.js', array('jquery', 'lp-admin'), LP_PLUGIN_VERSION);
     $lan = explode('_', get_locale());
     if ('en' !== $lan[0]) {
         $timeago_lan = $lan[0];
         switch (strtolower(get_locale())) {
             case 'pt_br':
                 $timeago_lan = 'pt-br';
             case 'zh_cn':
                 $timeago_lan = 'zh-CN';
             case 'zh_tw':
                 $timeago_lan = 'zh-TW';
         wp_enqueue_script('jquery.timeago.' . $lan[0], LP_PLUGIN_URL . "js/locales/jquery.timeago.{$timeago_lan}.js", array('jquery.timeago'));
         $select2_lan = $lan[0];
         switch (strtolower(get_locale())) {
             case 'pt_br':
                 $select2_lan = 'pt-BR';
             case 'pt_pt':
                 $select2_lan = 'pt-PT';
             case 'ug_cn':
                 $select2_lan = 'ug-CN';
             case 'zh_cn':
                 $select2_lan = 'zh-CN';
             case 'zh_tw':
                 $select2_lan = 'zh-TW';
         wp_enqueue_script('select2_locale.' . $lan[0], LP_PLUGIN_URL . "js/locales/select2_locale_{$select2_lan}.js", array('lp-admin'));
     $current_theme = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(wp_get_theme()->Name));
     if (file_exists(LP_PLUGIN_PATH . 'css/themes/' . $current_theme . '.css')) {
         wp_register_style('livepress_theme_hacks', LP_PLUGIN_URL . 'css/themes/' . $current_theme . '.css');
    add_action('init', 'LivePress_XMLRPC::initialize');
add_action('init', 'LivePress_Themes_Helper::instance');
// Custom Feeds (PuSH)
add_action('wp', 'LivePress_Feed::initialize');
// Admin menu
add_action('admin_menu', 'LivePress_Administration::initialize');
// Ajax response on server-side
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_api_key_validate', 'LivePress_Administration::api_key_validate');
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_post_to_twitter', 'LivePress_Administration::post_to_twitter_ajaxed');
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_check_oauth_authorization_status', 'LivePress_Administration::check_oauth_authorization_status');
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_collaboration_comments_number', 'Collaboration::comments_number');
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_collaboration_get_live_edition_data', 'Collaboration::get_live_edition_data_ajax');
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_im_integration', 'LivePress_IM_Integration::initialize');
// Live Blogging Tools
$blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_get_blogging_tools', array($blogging_tools, 'ajax_render_tabs'));
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_update-live-notes', array($blogging_tools, 'update_author_notes'));
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_update-live-comments', array($blogging_tools, 'update_live_comments'));
add_action('wp_ajax_lp_update-live-status', array($blogging_tools, 'toggle_live_status'));
add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', array($blogging_tools, 'display_posts_livestatus'), 10, 2);
 * Add custom column to post list.
 * @param array  $columns   Array of columns
 * @param string $post_type Post type.
 * @return array Filtered array of columns.
function add_livepress_status_column($columns, $post_type)
     * Extend a user's profile with some user-specific options.
     * @author tddewey
     * @param $user object WP User object for the user being edited
    function user_fields($user)
        // Hide form based on permission to edit this profile or edited user to publish posts
        if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user->ID) && user_can($user, 'publish_posts')) {
        $lp_twitter = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'lp_twitter', true);
        // returns empty string if not set, perfect
        $lp_phone_number = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'lp_phone_number', true);
        // returns empty string if not set, perfect
        $lp_options = get_option('livepress');
        // Only display this form if atremote twitter or remote SMS is allowed by an admin.
        if (isset($lp_options['allow_remote_twitter']) && $lp_options['allow_remote_twitter'] == 'allow' || isset($lp_options['allow_sms']) && $lp_options['allow_sms'] == 'allow') {
		<table class="form-table">
            if (isset($lp_options['allow_remote_twitter']) && $lp_options['allow_remote_twitter'] == 'allow') {
                // Use actual password for VIP
                if (defined('WPCOM_IS_VIP_ENV') && true === WPCOM_IS_VIP_ENV) {
				<th><label for="lp_user_password"><?php 
                    esc_html_e('WordPress password', 'livepress');
                    $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
                    if ($blogging_tools->get_have_user_pass($user->ID)) {
				<div class="password_already_saved">Password already saved. <a class="reset_lp_user_password"><?php 
                        esc_html_e('Reset password', 'livepress');
				<div class="hidden_lp_user_password hidden">

                    } else {
					<input type="password" name="lp_user_password" id="lp_user_password" value="" class="regular-text" />
					<table class="description">
                    esc_html_e('Please enter your WordPress password to enable remote publishing', 'livepress');

				<th><label for="lp_twitter"><?php 
                esc_html_e('Publish from Twitter', 'livepress');
				<td class="input-prepend">
				<span class="add-on">@</span><input type="text" name="lp_twitter" id="lp_twitter" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($lp_twitter);
" class="regular-text" />
				<table class="description">
                esc_html_e('Tweet this with a blog title to start publishing from Twitter', 'livepress');
                esc_html_e('All tweets in between are live published to one post', 'livepress');
                esc_html_e('Tweet this on your last update to stop', 'livepress');
            if (isset($lp_options['allow_sms']) && $lp_options['allow_sms'] == 'allow') {
		<th><label for="lp_phone_number"><?php 
                esc_html_e('Your Mobile Phone Number, to publish from SMS', 'livepress');
		<td class="input-prepend">
			<input type="text" name="lp_phone_number" id="lp_phone_number" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($lp_phone_number);
" class="regular-text" />
			<table class="description">
					<td colspan="2"><?php 
                esc_html_e('Text commands from your phone to LivePress at: ', 'livepress');
<a href="sms:14157020916">1-415-702-0916</a></td>
					<td><code>#new post title</code></td>
                esc_html_e('Create a new live blog post with title "post title"', 'livepress');
                esc_html_e('List recent live blog posts', 'livepress');
					<td colspan="2"><?php 
                echo wp_kses_post(__('...and much more, for a complete list text <code>#help</code> to', 'livepress'));
 <a href="sms:14157020916">1-415-702-0916</a></td>
  * Upgrade live status system.
  * @static
 static function plugin_install()
     $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
     // set default value of sharingUI if not set
     $livepress = get_option(self::$options_name);
     if (!array_key_exists('sharing_ui', $livepress)) {
         $livepress['sharing_ui'] = 'display';
         update_option(self::$options_name, $livepress);
     if (!array_key_exists('show', $livepress)) {
         $livepress['show'] = array('AUTHOR', 'TIME', 'HEADER');
         update_option(self::$options_name, $livepress);
  * Upgrade live status system.
  * @static
 static function plugin_install()
     $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
 * Called by livepress webservice to create a new live post.
 * Uses livepress_new_post()
 * @param array $args {
 *		An array of arguments.
 *		@param  int    $blog_id           Id of blog to to add post to.
 *		@param  string $username          Username for action.
 *		@param  string $password          Livepress generated user access key.
 *		@param  array  $content_struct    Initial post content.
 *		@return Object Post object or false on error.
 * }
function livepress_new_live_post($args)
    $post = livepress_create_new_post($args);
    // If there was an error, return the error, else move along
    if (!is_a($post, 'WP_Post')) {
        return $post;
    // Set the post live status to live
    $blogging_tools = new LivePress_Blogging_Tools();
    $blogging_tools->set_post_live_status($post->ID, true);
    return $post;