Example #1
  * gets the listing by listing post time
  * @param PDO $pdo pointer to PDO connection
  * @param int $listingPostTime listing post time to search for
  * @return mixed listing found or null if not found
  * @throws PDO Exceptions when my SQL related errors occur
 public static function getListingByListingPostTime(PDO $pdo, $listingPostTime)
     //sanitize the listingPostTime before searching
     try {
         //if we get an angular-style time value, filter it and convert it
         if (is_numeric($listingPostTime) === true) {
             filter_var($listingPostTime, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
             if ($listingPostTime === false) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException("listing post time is not valid");
             $listingPostTime = Listing::ngToDateTime($listingPostTime);
         $listingPostTime = Listing::validateDate($listingPostTime);
     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $invalidArgument) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($invalidArgument->getMessage(), 0, $invalidArgument);
     } catch (RangeException $range) {
         throw new RangeException($range->getMessage(), 0, $range);
     $sunrise = $listingPostTime->format("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
     $sunset = $listingPostTime->format("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
     //create query template
     $query = "SELECT listingId,orgId,listingClaimedBy,listingClosed,listingCost,listingMemo,listingParentId,listingPostTime,listingTypeId FROM listing WHERE listingPostTime >= :sunrise AND listingPostTime <= :sunset";
     $statement = $pdo->prepare($query);
     //bind the name value to the placeholder in the template
     $parameters = ["sunrise" => $sunrise, "sunset" => $sunset];
     //call the function to build an array of the retrieved results
     try {
         $retrievedListings = Listing::storeSQLResultsInArray($statement);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         //rethrow the exception if retrieval failed
         throw new PDOException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);
     return $retrievedListings;