get() public method

Replaces []
public get ( $key ) : mixed
return mixed
  * Renders the current node
  * @param LiquidContext $context
  * @return string
 public function render(&$context)
     $collection = $context->get($this->collection_name);
     if (!is_array($collection)) {
         die(debug('not array', $collection));
     // discard keys
     $collection = array_values($collection);
     if (isset($this->attributes['limit']) || isset($this->attributes['offset'])) {
         $limit = $context->get($this->attributes['limit']);
         $offset = $context->get($this->attributes['offset']);
         $collection = array_slice($collection, $offset, $limit);
     $length = count($collection);
     $cols = $context->get($this->attributes['cols']);
     $row = 1;
     $col = 0;
     $result = "<tr class=\"row1\">\n";
     foreach ($collection as $index => $item) {
         $context->set($this->variable_name, $item);
         $context->set('tablerowloop', array('length' => $length, 'index' => $index + 1, 'index0' => $index, 'rindex' => $length - $index, 'rindex0' => $length - $index - 1, 'first' => (int) ($index == 0), 'last' => (int) ($index == $length - 1)));
         $result .= "<td class=\"col" . ++$col . "\">" . $this->render_all($this->_nodelist, $context) . "</td>";
         if ($col == $cols && !($index == $length - 1)) {
             $col = 0;
             $result .= "</tr>\n<tr class=\"row" . ++$row . "\">";
     $result .= "</tr>\n";
     return $result;
  * Renders the tag
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     $output = $context->get($this->_from);
     foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
         list($filtername, $filter_arg_keys) = $filter;
         $filter_arg_values = array();
         foreach ($filter_arg_keys as $arg_key) {
             $filter_arg_values[] = $context->get($arg_key);
         $output = $context->invoke($filtername, $output, $filter_arg_values);
     $context->set($this->_to, $output);
  * Renders the variable with the data in the context
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 function render($context)
     $output = $context->get($this->_name);
     foreach ($this->_filters as $filter) {
         list($filtername, $filterArgKeys) = $filter;
         $filterArgValues = array();
         foreach ($filterArgKeys as $arg_key) {
             $filterArgValues[] = $context->get($arg_key);
         $output = $context->invoke($filtername, $output, $filterArgValues);
     return $output;
  * Renders the variable with the data in the context
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 function render($context)
     $output = $context->get($this->_name);
     //debug('name', $this->_name, 'output', $output);
     foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
         list($filtername, $filter_arg_keys) = $filter;
         $filter_arg_values = array();
         foreach ($filter_arg_keys as $arg_key) {
             $filter_arg_values[] = $context->get($arg_key);
         $output = $context->invoke($filtername, $output, $filter_arg_values);
     return $output;
Example #5
 function test_cents_through_drop_nestedly()
     $this->context->merge(array('cents' => array('cents' => new CentsDrop())));
     $this->assertEqual(100, $this->context->get('cents.cents.amount'));
     $this->context->merge(array('cents' => array('cents' => array('cents' => new CentsDrop()))));
     $this->assertEqual(100, $this->context->get('cents.cents.cents.amount'));
  * Renders the tag
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     if (!isset($context->registers['for'])) {
         $context->registers['for'] = array();
     $collection = $context->get($this->_collectionName);
     if (is_null($collection) || !is_array($collection) || count($collection) == 0) {
         return '';
     $range = array(0, count($collection));
     if (isset($this->_attributes['limit']) || isset($this->_attributes['offset'])) {
         $offset = 0;
         if (isset($this->_attributes['offset'])) {
             $offset = $this->_attributes['offset'] == 'continue' ? $context->registers['for'][$this->_name] : $context->get($this->_attributes['offset']);
         //$limit = $context->get($this->_attributes['limit']);
         $limit = isset($this->_attributes['limit']) ? $context->get($this->_attributes['limit']) : null;
         $range_end = $limit ? $limit : count($collection) - $offset;
         $range = array($offset, $range_end);
         $context->registers['for'][$this->_name] = $range_end + $offset;
     $result = '';
     $segment = array_slice($collection, $range[0], $range[1]);
     if (!count($segment)) {
         return null;
     $length = count($segment);
      * @todo If $segment keys are not integer, forloop not work
      * array_values is only a little help without being tested.
     $segment = array_values($segment);
     foreach ($segment as $index => $item) {
         $context->set($this->_variableName, $item);
         $context->set('forloop', array('name' => $this->_name, 'length' => $length, 'index' => $index + 1, 'index0' => $index, 'rindex' => $length - $index, 'rindex0' => $length - $index - 1, 'first' => (int) ($index == 0), 'last' => (int) ($index == $length - 1)));
         $result .= $this->renderAll($this->_nodelist, $context);
     return $result;
  * Renders the tag
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     // if the value is not set in the environment check to see if it
     // exists in the context, and if not set it to 0
     if (!isset($context->environments[0][$this->_toDecrement])) {
         // check for a context value
         $from_context = $context->get($this->_toDecrement);
         // we already have a value in the context
         $context->environments[0][$this->_toDecrement] = null !== $from_context ? $from_context : 0;
     // decrement the environment value
  * Interpret a comparison 
  * @param string $left
  * @param string $right
  * @param string $op
  * @param LiquidContext $context
  * @return bool
 protected function _interpretCondition($left, $right, $op = null, &$context)
     if (is_null($op)) {
         $value = $this->_stringValue($context->get($left));
         return $value;
     // values of 'empty' have a special meaning in array comparisons
     if ($right == 'empty' && is_array($context->get($left))) {
         $left = count($context->get($left));
         $right = 0;
     } elseif ($left == 'empty' && is_array($context->get($right))) {
         $right = count($context->get($right));
         $left = 0;
     } else {
         $left = $context->get($left);
         $right = $context->get($right);
         $left = $this->_stringValue($left);
         $right = $this->_stringValue($right);
     // special rules for null values
     if (is_null($left) || is_null($right)) {
         // null == null returns true
         if ($op == '==' && is_null($left) && is_null($right)) {
             return true;
         // null != anything other than null return true
         if ($op == '!=' && (!is_null($left) || !is_null($right))) {
             return true;
         // everything else, return false;
         return false;
     // regular rules
     switch ($op) {
         case '==':
             return $left == $right;
         case '!=':
             return $left != $right;
         case '>':
             return $left > $right;
         case '<':
             return $left < $right;
         case '>=':
             return $left >= $right;
         case '<=':
             return $left <= $right;
         case 'contains':
             return is_array($left) ? in_array($right, $left) : $left == $right || strpos($left, $right);
             throw new LiquidException("Error in tag '" . $this->name() . "' - Unknown operator {$op}");
  * Renders the tag
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     $this->_collection = $context->get($this->_collectionName);
     $this->_collectionSize = count($this->_collection);
     $this->_totalPages = ceil($this->_collectionSize / $this->_numberItems);
     $paginated_collection = array_slice($this->_collection, $this->_currentOffset, $this->_numberItems);
     // Sets the collection if it's a key of another collection (ie search.results, collection.products, blog.articles)
     $segments = explode('.', $this->_collectionName);
     if (count($segments) == 2) {
         $context->set($segments[0], array($segments[1] => $paginated_collection));
     } else {
         $context->set($this->_collectionName, $paginated_collection);
     $paginate = array('page_size' => $this->_numberItems, 'current_page' => $this->_currentPage, 'current_offset' => $this->_currentOffset, 'pages' => $this->_totalPages, 'items' => $this->_collectionSize, 'previous' => false, 'next' => false);
     if ($this->_currentPage != 1) {
         $paginate['previous'] = array('title' => '&laquo; Previous', 'url' => $this->current_url() . '?page=' . ($this->_currentPage - 1));
     if ($this->_currentPage != $this->_totalPages) {
         $paginate['next'] = array('title' => 'Next &raquo;', 'url' => $this->current_url() . '?page=' . ($this->_currentPage + 1));
     $context->set('paginate', $paginate);
     return parent::render($context);
  * Renders the tag
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     $context->set($this->_to, $context->get($this->_from));
  * Renders the node
  * @param LiquidContext $context
 public function render(&$context)
     $result = '';
     $variable = $context->get($this->_variable);
     foreach ($this->_attributes as $key => $value) {
         $context->set($key, $context->get($value));
     if ($this->_collection) {
         foreach ($variable as $item) {
             $context->set($this->_templateName, $item);
             $result .= $this->_document->render($context);
     } else {
         if (!is_null($this->_variable)) {
             $context->set($this->_templateName, $variable);
         $result .= $this->_document->render($context);
     return $result;