function display($tpl = null) { // Frontpage hack $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'views' . DS . 'link' . DS . 'tmpl'); // Only allow "component" template JRequest::setVar('tmpl', 'component'); // JFactory $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $config =& JFactory::getConfig(); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $lingo =& JFactory::getLanguage(); // Include styles $doc->addStyleSheet(LINKR_ASSETS . 'css/modal.css?' . LINKR_VERSION_INC); // Template override global $mainframe; $tmpl = $mainframe->getTemplate(); if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $tmpl . DS . 'linkr.css')) { $doc->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'templates/' . $tmpl . '/linkr.css'); } elseif (file_exists(JPATH_BASE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $tmpl . DS . 'css' . DS . 'linkr.css')) { $doc->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'templates/' . $tmpl . '/css/linkr.css'); } // Editor name, request endpoint, document base $editor = JRequest::getString('e_name', 'text'); $rUrl = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_linkr&view=request&' . JUtility::getToken() . '=1'; // Include scripts JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $unc = LinkrHelper::getParam('compress', 1) ? '.js' : '-UCP.js'; $doc->addScript(LINKR_ASSETS . 'js/helper' . $unc . '?' . LINKR_VERSION_INC); $doc->addScriptDeclaration('var Linkr=new LinkrAPI(' . '[' . implode(',', explode('.', LINKR_VERSION_READ)) . '],' . '"' . $rUrl . '",' . '"' . $editor . '",' . '"' . JURI::root() . '",' . '[' . '"' . JRequest::getWord('mode', 'squeezebox') . '",' . '"' . $lingo->getTag() . '",' . '"' . LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode(JText::_('MISSING_TEXT', true)) . '",' . '"' . LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode(JText::_('IMG_ANCHOR', true)) . '",' . '"' . LINKR_ASSETS . 'img/",' . $user->get('aid') . ']' . ');' . 'var LinkrHelper=Linkr;'); // Frontend fix if (LinkrHelper::isSite()) { //$doc->setBase(LinkrHelper::getLinkrUrl($editor)); } // References $this->assign('links', $this->get('Links')); $this->assign('tools', $this->get('ToolLinks')); // Localize text if ($text = $this->get('L18N')) { $l18n = array(); foreach ($text as $k => $v) { $l18n[] = '["' . $k . '","' . $v . '"]'; } $doc->addScriptDeclaration('Linkr.setL18N([' . implode(',', $l18n) . ']);'); } // 3rd party javascript if ($js = $this->get('Scripts')) { $doc->addScriptDeclaration($js); } // Load single link $load = ''; $inc = $this->get('IncludedLinks'); if (!$this->tools['count'] && $this->links['count'] == 1) { $load = 'Linkr.__fr=function(){' . $inc[$this->links['name'][0]] . '};'; } elseif (!$this->links['count'] && $this->tools['count'] == 1) { $load = 'Linkr.__fr=function(){' . $inc[$this->tools['name'][0]] . '};'; } // Fire "onLoad" event $doc->addScriptDeclaration('window.addEvent("domready",function(){' . $load . 'Linkr.fireEvent("onLoad");' . '});'); parent::display($tpl); }
function upload() { global $mainframe; // Check for request forgeries if (!JRequest::checkToken('request')) { // 401 Unauthorized return $this->end(401, 'Invalid Token'); } // Check to see if uploading is enabled if ($mainframe->isSite() && !LinkrHelper::getParam('frontend_upload', '0')) { // 401 Unauthorized return $this->end(401, 'Uploading Disabled'); } $this->file = JRequest::getVar('Filedata', '', 'files', 'array'); $this->json = JRequest::getVar('format', 'html', '', 'cmd') == 'json'; $this->returnURL = 'index.php?option=com_linkr&view=articles&tmpl=component'; LinkrHelper::log('File::upload ' . $this->file['name']); // Set FTP credentials, if given jimport('joomla.client.helper'); JClientHelper::setCredentialsFromRequest('ftp'); // Make the filename safe $this->file['name'] = strtolower(JFile::makeSafe($this->file['name'])); if (empty($this->file['name'])) { LinkrHelper::log('Upload failed: empty filename '); return $this->end(400, 'bad request'); } if (!$this->canUpload()) { return $this->end(415, 'Unsupported Media Type'); } // Get full filename $model =& $this->getModel('articles'); $paths = $model->fileInfo(); $name = $paths['path'] . DS . $this->file['name']; // Check filename $name = JPath::clean($name); if (JFile::exists($name)) { // 409 Conflict LinkrHelper::log("Upload failed: file already exists ({$name})"); return $this->end(409, 'File already exists'); } // Uplaod if (!JFile::upload($this->file['tmp_name'], $name)) { // Is this a 400 bad request or 500 internal error? LinkrHelper::log("Upload failed: could not upload file ({$name})"); return $this->end(500, 'Could not upload file'); } // Upload complete LinkrHelper::log('File uploaded'); $this->end(200, 'File uploaded!'); }
function debug() { static $debug; if (is_null($debug)) { $debug = JDEBUG || LinkrHelper::getParam('debug', '0'); } return $debug; }
function folderItems() { // Get filetypes $exts = 'bmp,csv,doc,gif,jpg,jpeg,odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,txt,xcf,xls'; $exts = LinkrHelper::getMediaParam('upload_extensions', $exts); // Build regular expression $exts = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9,]/i', '', $exts); $exts = '\\.(' . str_replace(',', '|', $exts) . ')'; // Get folder from request $info = $this->fileInfo(); $folder = $info['path']; // Get folders if ($info['parent']) { $folders = LinkrHelper::listDirectories($info['path']); } else { $paths = LinkrHelper::getParam('paths', 'images'); $regex = LinkrHelper::buildRegex($paths); $folders = LinkrHelper::listDirectories($info['base'], $regex); } // Get files $files = LinkrHelper::listFiles($folder, $exts); // Create output $items = '<div id="filedirlist">' . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; // Parent directory $icon = JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_media/images/folderup_32.png'; $icon = JHTML::image($icon, 'Folder', array('width' => 32, 'height' => 32, 'class' => 'big')); if ($info['parent']) { $click = 'LinkrHelper.fileDir(\'' . $info['parent.64'] . '\')'; $items .= '<div class="item up">' . '<div class="icon" onclick="' . $click . '">' . '<div align="center" class="border"><a>' . $icon . '</a></div></div>' . '<div class="name">' . JText::_('up') . '</div>' . '</div>'; } // Folders $icon = JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_media/images/folder.png'; $icon = JHTML::image($icon, 'Folder', array('width' => 32, 'height' => 32, 'class' => 'big')); foreach ($folders as $d) { $click = 'LinkrHelper.fileDir(\'' . $d['path.64'] . '\')'; $items .= '<div class="item">' . '<div class="icon" onclick="' . $click . '">' . '<div align="center" class="border"><a>' . $icon . '</a></div></div>' . '<div class="name">' . $d['name'] . '</div>' . '</div>'; } // Files foreach ($files as $f) { $icon = array('width' => $f->width, 'height' => $f->height); $icon = JHTML::image($f->icon, $f->name, $icon); $title = $f->type . ' - ' . $f->name . ' (' . $f->size . ')'; $name = str_replace('.' . $f->ext, '', $f->name); $click = 'LinkrHelper.file(\'' . $f->src . '\')'; $items .= '<div class="item">' . '<div class="icon"title="' . $title . '"onclick="' . $click . '">' . '<div align="center" class="border"><a>' . $icon . '</a></div></div>' . '<div class="name">' . $name . '</div>' . '</div>'; } return $items . '</div>'; }
?> </a> | <a href="index.php?option=com_linkr&view=docs&about=related#goto"><?php echo JText::_('RELATED_ARTICLES'); ?> </a> | <a href="index.php?option=com_linkr&view=docs&about=faqs#goto"><?php echo JText::_('FAQs'); ?> </a> | <?php // Debug if (LinkrHelper::getParam('debug', 0)) { ?> <a style="color:#990000;" href="index.php?option=com_linkr&view=docs&about=debug#goto"><?php echo JText::_('PARAM_DEBUG'); ?> </a> | <?php } ?> <a href="" target="_blank">JED »</a> <!-- --> </div> <?php echo $this->loadTemplate($this->about);
function onLinkrLoadJS($version, $inc = array()) { // File append $append = $this->cp('compress', 1) ? '.js' : '-UCP.js'; $append .= '?' . LINKR_VERSION_INC; // Initialize variables $js = ''; $d =& JFactory::getDocument(); $r = JURI::root() . 'components/com_linkr/assets/js/'; // Base files $d->addScript($r . 'tree' . $append); $d->addScript($r . 'object' . $append); $js .= 'LinkrObject.options.defaultItemid=' . LinkrHelper::getParam('itemid', 0) . ';'; // Plugin check // ToDo: use some other check $p = LinkrHelper::getPluginParam() ? 'true' : 'false'; // Bookmarks if ($inc['bookmarks']) { $d->addScript($r . 'bookmarks' . $append); $bm = $this->cp('def_bm', 0) ? 'true' : 'false'; $js .= 'LinkrBookmarks.loadedByDefault=' . $bm . ';' . 'LinkrBookmarks.isPluginInstalled=' . $p . ';'; } // Related articles if ($inc['related']) { $d->addScript($r . 'related' . $append); $rl = $this->cp('def_rel', 0) ? 'true' : 'false'; $js .= 'LinkrRelated.loadedByDefault=' . $rl . ';' . 'LinkrRelated.isPluginInstalled=' . $p . ';'; } // Files if ($this->cp('link_file', 1) && $inc['file']) { $d->addScript($r . 'file' . $append); $u = (bool) $this->cp('frontend_upload', 0); $u = $u ? true : !LinkrHelper::isSite(); $u = $u ? JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_linkr&controller=file&task=upload&e_name=' . JRequest::getString('e_name', 'text') . '&' . JUtility::getToken() . '=1' : false; // Upload $js .= 'LinkrFile.uploadURL=' . ($u ? '"' . $u . '"' : 'false') . ';'; // Message if ($msg = JRequest::getString('msg', null)) { $js .= 'LinkrFile.msg="' . LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode($msg) . '";'; } // Paths global $mainframe; $path = JRequest::getString('path', '', 'REQUEST'); if (strlen($path)) { $mainframe->setUserState('linkr.path', $path); } else { $mainframe->setUserState('linkr.path', null); } // Simple list $simple = JRequest::getInt('simplelist', -1, 'REQUEST'); if ($simple != -1) { $mainframe->setUserState('linkr.simplelist', $simple); } else { $mainframe->setUserState('linkr.simplelist', null); } } // Articles if ($this->cp('link_article', 1) && $inc['article']) { $d->addScript($r . 'article' . $append); $s = (bool) $this->cp('use_slug', 1); $js .= 'ArtOpts.slug=' . ($s ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . 'var LinkrArticle=LinkrObject.getInstance(ArtOpts, ArtSrch, ArtLay, ArtTmpl);'; } // Menu links if ($this->cp('link_menu', 1) && $inc['menu']) { $d->addScript($r . 'menu' . $append); // Get menus $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__menu_types'); $ml = (array) $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($ml as $m) { $ti = LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode($m->title); $de = LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode($m->description); $js .= 'MITree.include({' . 'id:"' . $m->menutype . '",' . 'name:"' . urlencode($ti) . '",' . 'description:"' . urlencode($de) . '"' . '});'; } $js .= 'var LinkrMenu=LinkrTree.getInstance(MIOpts,MITree,MISrch,MITmpl);'; } // Contacts if ($this->cp('link_contact', 1) && $inc['contact']) { $d->addScript($r . 'contact' . $append); $js .= 'var LinkrContact = LinkrObject.getInstance(ConOpts,ConSrch,ConLay,ConTmpl);'; } // Automatic links /*if ($inc['auto']) { $d->addScript($r .'auto'. $append); // Get extensions $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT,, c.option '. 'FROM #__components AS c '. 'WHERE <> "" AND c.parent = 0 '. 'AND c.enabled = 1'); $ex = (array) $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($ex as $e) { $js .= '_xr.include({'. 'id:'. $e->id .','. 'option:"'. $e->option .'",'. 'name:"'. urlencode(LinkrHelper::UTF8Encode($e->name)) .'"'. '});'; } $js .= 'var LinkrX=LinkrTree.getInstance(_xo,_xr,_xs,_xt);'; }*/ // Debug $user =& JFactory::getUser(); if ($this->cp('debug', 0) && $user->gid >= 23) { $d->addScript($r . 'debug.js?' . LINKR_VERSION_INC); } return $js; }
function _fileInfo() { if (isset($this->_fi)) { return $this->_fi; } // Paths list $i = array('path.list' => array()); $paths = LinkrHelper::getParam('paths', 'images'); $paths = $this->getState('path', $paths, 'STRING'); $list = @explode(',', $paths); foreach ($list as $p) { $p = trim($p); if (!strlen($p)) { continue; } $p = str_replace('/', DS, $p); $p = substr($p, 0, 1) == DS ? $p : DS . $p; $p = substr($p, -1) == DS ? substr($p, 0, -1) : $p; if (is_dir(JPATH_ROOT . $p)) { $i['path.list'][] = JPATH_ROOT . $p; } } if (!count($i['path.list'])) { $i['path.list'][] = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'images'; } // Base folder if (count($i['path.list']) == 1) { $i['base'] = $i['path.list'][0]; $i['base.regex'] = '.'; $i['base.folder'] = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT . DS, '', $i['base']); $i['base.folder'] = str_replace(DS, '/', $i['base.folder']); } else { $i['base'] = strlen(JPATH_ROOT) ? JPATH_ROOT : DS; $i['base.regex'] = LinkrHelper::buildRegex($paths); $i['base.folder'] = '/'; } // Current path $i['path'] = $this->getState('current', null); $i['path'] = $i['path'] ? base64_decode($i['path']) : $i['base']; if (strpos($i['path'], $i['base']) !== 0) { $i['path'] = $i['base']; } $i['path.64'] = base64_encode($i['path']); // Collect information $i['base.64'] = base64_encode($i['base']); if ($i['path'] != $i['base']) { $parent = substr($i['path'], 0, strrpos($i['path'], DS)); $i['parent'] = $parent; $i['parent.64'] = base64_encode($parent); } else { $i['parent'] = false; $i['parent.64'] = false; } // Return information $this->_fi = $i; return $this->_fi; }
function delete() { $this->returnURL .= '&delete=1'; if (!JRequest::checkToken('request')) { return $this->end(401, 'Invalid Token'); } elseif (LinkrHelper::isSite() && !LinkrHelper::getParam('frontend_upload', '0')) { return $this->end(401, 'Uploading Disabled'); } // Get file name $file = trim(JRequest::getVar('file', '', 'REQUEST', 'base64')); if (!strlen($file)) { return $this->end(400, JText::_('bad request')); } elseif (!($file = base64_decode($file))) { return $this->end(400, JText::_('bad request')); } // Get full file path $filepath = $this->uploadFolder . DS . JFile::makeSafe($file); if (!JFile::exists($filepath)) { return $this->end(400, JText::_('bad request')); } // Delete if (!JFile::delete($filepath)) { return $this->end(400, 'Could not delete file'); } $this->end(200, 'File deleted!'); }