Example #1
function do_submit3()
    global $db;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    if (!is_numeric($linkres->id)) {
    if (!Submit_Complete_Step2 && $_SESSION['step'] != 2) {
        die('Wrong step');
    totals_adjust_count($linkres->status, -1);
    totals_adjust_count('queued', 1);
    $linkres->status = 'queued';
    $vars = array('linkres' => &$linkres);
    check_actions('do_submit3', $vars);
    if ($vars['linkres']->status == 'discard') {
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('story_discard', $vars);
    } elseif ($vars['linkres']->status == 'spam') {
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('story_spam', $vars);
    if (isset($_POST['trackback']) && sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3) != '') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php';
        $trackres = new Trackback();
        $trackres->url = sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3);
        $trackres->link = $linkres->id;
        $trackres->title = $linkres->title;
        $trackres->author = $linkres->author;
        $trackres->content = $linkres->content;
        $res = $trackres->send();
    $vars = array('linkres' => $linkres);
    check_actions('submit_pre_redirect', $vars);
    if ($vars['redirect']) {
        header('Location: ' . $vars['redirect']);
    } elseif ($linkres->link_group_id == 0) {
        header("Location: " . getmyurl('upcoming'));
    } else {
        $redirect = getmyurl("group_story", $linkres->link_group_id);
        header("Location: {$redirect}");
Example #2
function spam_trigger_killspam($id)
    global $db, $current_user;
    #	include_once(mnminclude.'link.php');
    #	include_once(mnminclude.'votes.php');
    $oldlevel = $current_user->user_level;
    $current_user->user_level = 'admin';
    $current_user->user_level = $oldlevel;
    $db->query('UPDATE `' . table_users . "` SET user_enabled=0, `user_pass` = '63205e60098a9758101eeff9df0912ccaaca6fca3e50cdce3', user_level='Spammer' WHERE `user_id` = {$id}");
    $db->query('UPDATE `' . table_links . '` SET `link_status` = "discard" WHERE `link_author` = "' . $id . '"');
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT comment_id, comment_link_id FROM `" . table_comments . "` WHERE `comment_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $comment_id = $result->comment_id;
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_id` = "' . $comment_id . '"');
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_comments . '` WHERE `comment_parent` = "' . $comment_id . '"');
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->comment_link_id;
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_id,vote_link_id FROM `" . table_votes . "` WHERE `vote_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_votes . '` WHERE `vote_id` = "' . $result->vote_id . '"');
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->vote_link_id;
            $vote = new Vote();
            $vote->type = 'links';
            $vote->link = $result->vote_link_id;
            if (Voting_Method == 1) {
                $link->votes = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
            } elseif (Voting_Method == 2) {
                $link->votes = $vote->rating();
                $link->votecount = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_saved_links . '` WHERE `saved_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_trackbacks . '` WHERE `trackback_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_friends . '` WHERE `friend_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_messages . "` WHERE `sender`={$id} OR `receiver`={$id}");
Example #3
function killspam($id)
    global $db;
    require_once mnminclude . 'link.php';
    require_once mnminclude . 'votes.php';
    require_once mnminclude . 'tags.php';
    $user = $db->get_row('SELECT * FROM ' . table_users . " where user_id={$id}");
    if (!$user->user_id) {
    $db->query('UPDATE `' . table_users . "` SET user_enabled=0, `user_pass` = '63205e60098a9758101eeff9df0912ccaaca6fca3e50cdce3', user_level = 'Spammer' WHERE `user_id` = {$id}");
    $results = $db->get_results($sql = "SELECT comment_id, comment_link_id FROM `" . table_comments . "` WHERE `comment_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $db->query($sql = 'UPDATE `' . table_comments . '` SET `comment_status` = "spam" WHERE `comment_id` = "' . $result->comment_id . '"');
            $vars = array('comment_id' => $result->comment_id);
            check_actions('comment_spam', $vars);
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->comment_link_id;
    ban_ip($user->user_ip, $user->user_lastip);
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . table_groups . "` WHERE group_creator = '{$id}'");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_group_member . '` WHERE member_group_id = ' . $result->group_id);
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_group_shared . '` WHERE share_group_id = ' . $result->group_id);
    $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . table_groups . "` WHERE group_creator = '{$id}'");
    $results = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_id,vote_link_id FROM `" . table_votes . "` WHERE `vote_user_id` = {$id}");
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_votes . '` WHERE `vote_id` = "' . $result->vote_id . '"');
            $link = new Link();
            $link->id = $result->vote_link_id;
            $vote = new Vote();
            $vote->type = 'links';
            $vote->link = $result->vote_link_id;
            if (Voting_Method == 1) {
                $link->votes = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
            } elseif (Voting_Method == 2) {
                $link->votes = $vote->rating();
                $link->votecount = $vote->count();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
            } elseif (Voting_Method == 3) {
                $link->votes = $vote->count();
                $link->karma = $vote->karma();
                $link->reports = $link->count_all_votes("<0");
    $results = $db->get_results($sql = "SELECT link_id, link_url FROM `" . table_links . "` WHERE `link_author` = {$id}");
    $filename = mnmpath . $USER_SPAM_RULESET;
    $lines = file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
    if ($results) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            if (preg_match('/:\\/\\/(www\\.)?([^\\/]+)(\\/|$)/', $result->link_url, $m)) {
                $domain = strtoupper($m[2]) . "\n";
                if (!in_array($domain, $lines) && !in_array($domain, $approved)) {
                    $lines[] = $domain;
                    $changed = 1;
            $vars = array('link_id' => $result->link_id);
            check_actions('story_spam', $vars);
    if ($changed) {
        if (is_writable($filename)) {
            if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
                fwrite($handle, join("\n", $lines));
    $db->query($sql = 'UPDATE `' . table_links . '` SET `link_status` = "spam" WHERE `link_author` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_saved_links . '` WHERE `saved_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_trackbacks . '` WHERE `trackback_user_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_friends . '` WHERE `friend_id` = "' . $id . '"');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM `' . table_messages . "` WHERE `sender`={$id} OR `receiver`={$id}");
function do_the_import_stuff($feed)
    global $db, $dblang, $RSSImport;
    $RSSImport = new RSSImport();
    $added_one = false;
    $url = $feed->feed_url;
    $rss = fetch_rss($url);
    if ($_GET['override'] == $feed->feed_id) {
        $canIhaveAccess = 0;
        $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('god');
        if (!$canIhaveAccess == 1) {
            die('You are not authorized to override.');
    $MyArray = array();
    $Feed_Links = $RSSImport->get_feed_field_links($feed->feed_id);
    if (count($Feed_Links) > 0) {
        foreach ($Feed_Links as $link) {
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_title') {
                $MyArray['title'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_content') {
                $MyArray['content'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_url') {
                $MyArray['link_url'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_tags') {
                $MyArray['link_tags'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field1') {
                $MyArray['link_field1'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field2') {
                $MyArray['link_field2'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field3') {
                $MyArray['link_field3'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field4') {
                $MyArray['link_field4'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field5') {
                $MyArray['link_field5'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field6') {
                $MyArray['link_field6'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field7') {
                $MyArray['link_field7'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field8') {
                $MyArray['link_field8'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field9') {
                $MyArray['link_field9'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field10') {
                $MyArray['link_field10'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field11') {
                $MyArray['link_field11'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field12') {
                $MyArray['link_field12'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field13') {
                $MyArray['link_field13'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field14') {
                $MyArray['link_field14'] = $link->feed_field;
            if ($link->pligg_field == 'link_field15') {
                $MyArray['link_field15'] = $link->feed_field;
        $thecount = 0;
        if ($feed->feed_last_item_first == 0) {
            $the_items = array_reverse($rss->items);
        } else {
            $the_items = $rss->items;
        foreach ($the_items as $item) {
            echo "<strong>Title: " . get_val($item, $MyArray['title']) . "</strong><br/>";
            echo "<strong>Content:</strong> " . strip_tags(substr(get_val($item, $MyArray['content']), 0, 256)) . "...<br>";
            echo "<strong>URL:</strong> " . get_val($item, $MyArray['link_url']) . "<br/>";
            $skipthis = 0;
            $linkres = new Link();
            $linkres->randkey = rand(10000, 10000000);
            $linkres->status = $feed->feed_status;
            $linkres->author = $feed->feed_submitter;
            $linkres->title = get_val($item, $MyArray['title']);
            $linkres->title = strip_tags($linkres->title);
            $linkres->tags = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_tags']);
            // MJE: MOD to include title words as tags ----------------------------
            if (trim($linkres->tags) == '') {
                $temp1 = strtolower($linkres->title);
                $stopwords = file(mnmpath . '/modules/rss_import/templates/stopwords.txt');
                for ($zz = 0; $zz < count($stopwords); $zz++) {
                    $pos = strpos($temp1, $stopwords[$zz] . ' ');
                    if ($pos !== false && $pos == 0) {
                        $temp1 = str_replace(trim($stopwords[$zz]) . ' ', ' ', $temp1);
                    $temp1 = str_replace(' ' . trim($stopwords[$zz]) . ' ', ' ', $temp1);
                $pos = strpos($temp1, '  ');
                while ($pos !== false) {
                    $temp1 = str_replace('  ', ' ', $temp1);
                    $pos = strpos($temp1, '  ');
                $temp1 = str_replace(' ', ", ", $temp1);
                // $out = ereg_replace("[^[:alpha:]]", "", $in);
                // strip all except letters and spaces and commas
                $linkres->tags = preg_replace('/[^a-z A-Z,]+/i', '', $temp1);
            if (checklevel('god')) {
                $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow = Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow_God;
            } elseif (checklevel('admin')) {
                $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow = Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow_Admin;
            } else {
                $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow = Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow_Normal;
            $linkres->title_url = makeUrlFriendly($linkres->title);
            $linkres->url = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_url']);
            $linkres->url_title = $linkres->title;
            $linkres->content = get_val($item, $MyArray['content']);
            $linkres->content = strip_tags($linkres->content, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
            $linkres->content = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->content);
            $linkres->link_field1 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field1']);
            $linkres->link_field2 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field2']);
            $linkres->link_field3 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field3']);
            $linkres->link_field4 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field4']);
            $linkres->link_field5 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field5']);
            $linkres->link_field6 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field6']);
            $linkres->link_field7 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field7']);
            $linkres->link_field8 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field8']);
            $linkres->link_field9 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field9']);
            $linkres->link_field10 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field10']);
            $linkres->link_field11 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field11']);
            $linkres->link_field12 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field12']);
            $linkres->link_field13 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field13']);
            $linkres->link_field14 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field14']);
            $linkres->link_field15 = get_val($item, $MyArray['link_field15']);
            $linkres->category = $feed->feed_category;
            //MJE: MOD
            $linkres->link_summary = utf8_substr(strip_tags($linkres->content), 0, StorySummary_ContentTruncate - 1);
            if ($thecount >= $feed->feed_item_limit && $skipthis == 0) {
                echo "Reached import limit, skipping<HR>";
                $skipthis = 1;
            if ($feed->feed_title_dupe == 0 && $skipthis == 0) {
                // 0 means don't allow, 1 means allow
                if ($linkres->duplicates_title($linkres->title) > 0) {
                    //echo "Title Match, skipping: " . $linkres->title . "<HR>";
                    echo '<span style="color:#fc0000;">Title Match, skipping</span> <hr>';
                    $skipthis = 1;
            if ($feed->feed_url_dupe == 0 && $linkres->url != "" && $skipthis == 0) {
                // 0 means don't allow, 1 means allow
                if ($linkres->duplicates($linkres->url) > 0) {
                    //echo "URL Match, skipping: " . $linkres->title . "<HR>";
                    echo '<span style="color:#fc0000;">URL Match, skipping</span> <hr>';
                    $skipthis = 1;
            if ($skipthis == 0) {
                echo "Importing <hr>";
                $added_one = true;
                totals_adjust_count($linkres->status, 1);
                tags_insert_string($linkres->id, $dblang, $linkres->tags);
                require_once mnminclude . 'votes.php';
                if ($feed->feed_random_vote_enable == 1) {
                    $feed->feed_votes = rand($feed->feed_random_vote_min, $feed->feed_random_vote_max);
                $votes = 0;
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $feed->feed_votes; $i++) {
                    $value = 1;
                    $vote = new Vote();
                    $vote->type = 'links';
                    $vote->user = 0;
                    $vote->link = $linkres->id;
                    $vote->ip = '0.0.0.' . $i;
                    $vote->value = $value;
                    $vote = "";
                    $votes += $value;
                    //								$vote = new Vote;
                    //								$vote->type='links';
                    //								$vote->link=$linkres->id;
                $linkres->votes = $votes;
                $thecount = $thecount + 1;
        $sql = "UPDATE `" . table_feeds . "` SET `feed_last_check` = FROM_UNIXTIME(" . (time() - 300) . ") WHERE `feed_id` = {$feed->feed_id};";
        //echo $sql;
    } else {
        echo "Feed not fully setup, skipping <hr>";
    if ($added_one) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #5
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $feed->feed_votes; $i++) {
                     $value = 10;
                     $vote = new Vote();
                     $vote->type = 'links';
                     $vote->user = 0;
                     $vote->link = $linkres->id;
                     $vote->ip = '0.0.0.' . $i;
                     $vote->value = $value;
                     $vote = "";
                     $vote = new Vote();
                     $vote->type = 'links';
                     $vote->link = $linkres->id;
                     $linkres->votes = $vote->count();
                 $thecount = $thecount + 1;
         $sql = "Update `" . table_prefix . "feeds` set `feed_last_check` = FROM_UNIXTIME(" . (time() - 300) . ") where `feed_id` = {$feed->feed_id};";
         //echo $sql;
     } else {
         echo "Feed not fully setup, skipping <hr>";
 } else {
     echo "Feed Frequency is " . $feed->feed_freq_hours . ".<br>";
     $x = strtotime($feed->feed_last_check);
     $y = time() - $feed->feed_freq_hours * 3600;
     echo "Next run in " . intval(($x - $y) / 60 / 60 * 100) / 100 . " hours.";
Example #6
function do_submit3()
    global $db;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    if (!is_numeric($linkres->id)) {
    totals_adjust_count($linkres->status, -1);
    totals_adjust_count('queued', 1);
    $linkres->status = 'queued';
    $vars = array('linkres' => $linkres);
    check_actions('do_submit3', $vars);
    if (isset($_POST['trackback']) && sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3) != '') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php';
        $trackres = new Trackback();
        $trackres->url = sanitize($_POST['trackback'], 3);
        $trackres->link = $linkres->id;
        $trackres->title = $linkres->title;
        $trackres->author = $linkres->author;
        $trackres->content = $linkres->content;
        $res = $trackres->send();
    if ($linkres->link_group_id == 0) {
        header("Location: " . getmyurl('upcoming'));
    } else {
        $redirect = getmyurl("group_story", $linkres->link_group_id);
        header("Location: {$redirect}");
Example #7
function do_submit3()
    global $db;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = $link_id = strip_tags($_POST['id']);
    //if (link_errors($linkres)) {
    //	echo '<form id="thisform">';
    //	echo '<input type=button onclick="window.history.go(-2)" value="'._(PLIGG_Visual_Submit_Step3_Modify).'">';
    //	return;
    $linkres->status = 'queued';
    if (!empty($_POST['trackback'])) {
        require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php';
        $trackres = new Trackback();
        $trackres->url = trim($_POST['trackback']);
        $trackres->link = $linkres->id;
        $trackres->title = $linkres->title;
        $trackres->author = $linkres->author;
        $trackres->content = $linkres->content;
        $res = $trackres->send();
    header("Location: " . getmyurl('upcoming'));