public static function syncListing($data) { // if listing is not from OneHome, skip it // if listing is not created by OneHome Agent, skip it if (strcasecmp($data['comp_lis'], 'L3010619I') != 0 || !$data['user_id']) { return -1; // $data['user_id'] = 627; // arthur zang } if (LhListing::model()->exists('property_name_or_address LIKE :s AND display_address LIKE :a', array(':s' => $data['property_name_or_address'], ':a' => $data['display_address']))) { return -2; } // save listing $model = new LhListing('sync'); $model->attributes = $data; $model->save(); // save photo $notDef = false; foreach ($data['photos'] as $url) { $ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (!in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))) { continue; } $photo = new ProListingPhotos(); $photo->display_order = 0; $photo->default = $notDef ? 0 : 1; $notDef = true; $photo->listing_id = $model->id; $photo->image = basename($url); $photo->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $photo->save(); // get image from remote server and save to disk $file = $photo->generateImagePath(); if (!file_exists(dirname($file))) { mkdir(dirname($file)); } file_put_contents($file, static::getContent($url)); } return 1; }
$aBody = array('{NAME}' => $model->name, '{EMAIL}' => $model->email, '{PHONE}' => $model->phone, '{POSITION}' => $model->position, '{MESSAGE}' => nl2br(strip_tags($model->comment))); $aSubject = array('{POSITION}' => $model->position); $sTo = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail']; CmsEmail::sendmail(MAIL_RESUME_USER, $aSubject, $aBody, $sTo); $sTo = $model->email; CmsEmail::sendmail(MAIL_RESUME_USER, $aSubject, $aBody, $sTo); } } } $this->render('career/resume', array('model' => $model, 'flag' => $flag)); } public function actionListingDetail($draft = 0) { $model = $draft == 1 ? LhListing::model()->findByAttributes(array('slug' => $_GET['slug'])) : LhListing::model()->findBySlug($_GET['slug']); if (is_null($model)) { throw new Exception('Invalid request'); } $view = empty($m) ? 'listing_detail' : 'listing_map'; $model->view_count++; $model->update('view_count'); // build breadscrumb $searchParams = array('index'); $breadcrumbs = array(); // property type (child) $searchParams['property_type_code[]'] = $model->property_type_1; $breadcrumbs[$model->rPropertyType->name] = $searchParams; // district $searchParams['location[]'] = $model->location_id; $breadcrumbs[$model->rLocationDistrict->name] = $searchParams; // buidling name if ($model->building_name) { $searchParams['building'] = $model->building_name; $breadcrumbs[$model->building_name] = $searchParams; } // listing type: sale/rent $searchParams['listing_for'] = $model->listing_type == 1 ? 'for_rent' : 'for_sale'; $typeText = $model->listing_type == 1 ? "For Rent" : "For Sale";
/** * Change telemarketer of listings when submit form * @author Lam Huynh */ public static function massUpdateTelemarketer($items) { foreach ($items as $id => $data) { if (!array_key_exists('user_id', $data)) { continue; } $listing = LhListing::model()->findByPk($id); if (!$listing) { continue; } $listing->scenario = 'change-telemarketer'; $listing->user_id = $data['user_id']; $listing->save(); } return true; }