Example #1
  * 字符串分页
  * 返回一个二维数组,
  * @param string $string
  * @param int $size
  * @param boolean|array
  * @return array
 public static function paginString($string, $size, $withTag = false)
     $count = mb_strlen($string);
     $paginator = Leb_Page::getInstance();
     // 偏移点
     $offset = $paginator->getRecordOffset();
     if (!$withTag) {
         $string = strip_tags($string);
     $subString = mb_substr($string, $offset, $size);
     // 分页供显示
     $array = $paginator->toArray();
     $pager = array();
     // 当前url
     $request = Leb_Request::getInstance();
     $currentUrl = $request->getUri();
     $currentUrl = preg_replace("/[&?]?{$array['tag']}=[^\$?]*/", '', $currentUrl);
     if (false === strstr($currentUrl, '?')) {
         $pagerLinker = '?';
     } else {
         $pagerLinker = '&';
     $pageUrl = $currentUrl . $pagerLinker . $array['tag'] . "=";
     // 每一页
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $array['totalPage']; $i++) {
         $pager['all'][$i] = $pageUrl . $i;
     // 上一页
     if ($array['currentPage'] <= 1) {
         $prePage = 1;
     } else {
         $prePage = $array['currentPage'] - 1;
     $pager['pre'] = $pageUrl . $prePage;
     // 下一页
     if ($array['currentPage'] >= $array['totalPage']) {
         $nextPage = $array['totalPage'];
     } else {
         $nextPage = $array['currentPage'] + 1;
     $pager['next'] = $pageUrl . $nextPage;
     // 尾页
     $pager['end'] = $pageUrl . $array['totalPage'];
     // 首页
     $pager['first'] = $pageUrl . 1;
     // 当前页
     $pager['current'] = $pageUrl . $array['currentPage'];
     // 分开的内容
     $pager['content'] = $subString;
     return $pager;
  * 分发过程
  * 可供程序直接跳转
  * @param string $appName
  * @param string $controllerName
  * @param string $actionName
  * @param array  $params 查询参数,相当于post 或 get过来的参数值
 public function dispatch($appName, $controllerName, $actionName, $params = array(), $plugins = null)
     if (empty($plugins)) {
         $plugins = self::getInstance();
     // 找到相关程序并执行
     $classPath = (_CLI_ ? _CMD_ : _APP_) . $appName . "/" . $controllerName . ".php";
     if (!file_exists($classPath)) {
         $page_path = "{$appName}/{$controllerName}/{$actionName}";
         $controllerName = $plugins->getDefaultController();
         $actionName = $plugins->getDefaultAction();
         $classPath = _APP_ . $appName . "/" . $controllerName . ".php";
         if (!file_exists($classPath)) {
             $page_path = "{$page_path}|{$appName}/{$controllerName}/{$actionName}";
             throw new Leb_Exception('Error 404, error page not found!' . $page_path, 404);
         // 转发
     } else {
         try {
             require_once $classPath;
         } catch (Leb_Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
     // 默认动作如果动作为空
     $controllerClassName = $controllerName . (_CLI_ ? 'Command' : 'Controller');
     $actionFunctionName = $actionName . 'Action';
     // 新建控制器
     $controller = new $controllerClassName($plugins);
     if (!empty($params)) {
     if (!method_exists($controller, $actionFunctionName)) {
         $refc = new ReflectionClass($controllerClassName);
         $mtdc = $refc->getMethod('__call');
         $decl = $mtdc->getDeclaringClass();
         // if ((new ReflectionClass($controllerClassName))->getMethod('__call')->getDeclaringClass()->name == $controllerClassName)
         if ($decl->name == $controllerClassName) {
             // $controller->$actionFunctionName();
             // goon 继续下面的调用,因为我们知道该controller中对此有处理。
         } else {
             throw new Leb_Exception('Page <strong>[' . $actionFunctionName . ']</strong>' . 'not found! The reason cause this error may be Method not exist' . 'in the Controller <strong>[' . $controllerClassName . ']</strong>');
     // 运行类的run方法,主要是用于加载一些共用操作,如layout数据
     defined('__FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__') or define('__FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__', microtime(true));
     $beforeMethod = $actionName . 'Before';
     if (method_exists($controller, $beforeMethod)) {
     $method = new ReflectionMethod($controllerClassName, $actionFunctionName);
     if ($method->getNumberOfParameters() > 0) {
         $this->_act_return = $response = $this->runWithParams($controller, $method, _CLI_ ? $_SERVER['argv'] : $_GET);
     } else {
         $this->_act_return = $response = $controller->{$actionFunctionName}();
     $afterMethod = $actionName . 'After';
     if (method_exists($controller, $afterMethod)) {
     defined('__FRM_ACTION_END__') or define('__FRM_ACTION_END__', microtime(true));
     $request = Leb_Request::getInstance();
     if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest() && !$request->isFlashRequest) {
     $obj = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
     $obj->info('Response:' . (__FRM_ACTION_END__ - __FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__));
     $obj->info('Framework:' . (__FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__ - __FRM_BEGIN__));
     if (!empty($response) && $response instanceof Leb_Response) {
     } else {
         //shiling 计划任务forward的返回值
         return $response;
Example #3
  * 注册结束脚本回调函数
 public static function shutdown()
         $xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
         $obj = FirePHP::getInstance(true)->info($xhprof_data);
         //[ct] => 2        # number of calls to bar() from foo()
         //[wt] => 37       # time in bar() when called from foo()
         //[cpu]=> 0        # cpu time in bar() when called from foo()
         //[mu] => 2208     # change in PHP memory usage in bar() when called from foo()
         //[pmu]=> 0        # change in PHP peak memory usage in bar() when called from foo()
     if (!defined('__FRM_ACTION_END__') && defined('__FRM_ACTION_END__')) {
         define('__FRM_ACTION_END__', microtime(true));
         $request = Leb_Request::getInstance();
         $obj = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
         $obj->info('Response:' . (__FRM_ACTION_END__ - __FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__));
         $obj->info('Framework:' . (__FRM_ACTION_BEGIN__ - __FRM_BEGIN__));