public function fire()
     $timetablePath = $this->argument('timetable-path');
     $memoryUsage = new \stdClass();
     $memoryUsage->start = $this->formatBytes(memory_get_usage());
     $timetable = new Timetable($timetablePath);
     $climate = new \League\CLImate\CLImate();
     $memoryUsage->peak = $this->formatBytes(memory_get_peak_usage());
     $memoryUsage->end = $this->formatBytes(memory_get_usage());
     $climate->out('Stop Points');
     $climate->out('Memory Usage');
Example #2
if (file_exists(EDGERC) && !is_writable(EDGERC) || !is_writable(HOME)) {
    $cli->to('error')->error("Unable to write to file " . EDGERC);
echo "After authorizing your client in the {OPEN} API Administration tool,\n";
echo "export the credentials and paste the contents of the export file below,\n";
echo "followed by control-D. (You may need to enter is twice)\n";
echo ">>> ";
$inputStream = fopen('php://stdin', 'r+');
if (!($file = $cli->arguments->get('file'))) {
    $input = stream_get_contents($inputStream);
} elseif (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) {
    $input = file_get_contents($file);
$cli = new League\CLImate\CLImate();
if (file_exists(EDGERC)) {
    $cli->bold()->info("Updating Existing .edgerc File");
    $file = parse_ini_file(EDGERC, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW);
    if (isset($file[SECTION])) {
        $response = $cli->bold()->cyan()->input("Update existing section? (" . SECTION . ") [Y/n]")->prompt();
        if (strtolower($response) != 'y' && !empty($response)) {
            $cli->error("This script will now exit.");
    } else {
        $cli->lightBlue("Adding new section: " . SECTION);
} else {
    $cli->info("Creating new .edgerc file");
    $cli->lightBlue("Adding new section: " . SECTION);
 if (1 === count($chapters_uid)) {
     $cli->inline(str_pad('[' . $input_id . '] ' . $tutorial_title, PADDING));
     $chapter_uid = array_keys($chapters_uid)[0];
     $chapter_title = !empty(array_values($chapters_uid)[0]) ? array_values($chapters_uid)[0] : $tutorial_title_sanitized;
     if (empty($tutorial_playlist->{$chapter_uid}->urls->hls)) {
         continue 1;
     $result_hls = exec('./hls-fetch -f --playlist ' . escapeshellarg($tutorial_playlist->{$chapter_uid}->urls->hls) . ' --output=' . escapeshellarg(OUTPUT_DIR . $chapter_title . '.ts'));
     if (preg_match('/\\d+\\/\\d+/', $result_hls)) {
         $cli->inline('[ ')->green()->inline('OK')->white()->out(' ]');
     } else {
 } else {
     $cli->out('[' . $input_id . '] ' . $tutorial_title . ' (' . count($chapters_uid) . ' chapters)');
     is_dir(OUTPUT_DIR . $tutorial_title_sanitized) || mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR . $tutorial_title_sanitized);
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($chapters_uid as $chapter_uid => $chapter_title) {
         $cli->inline(str_pad(' - ' . $chapter_title, PADDING));
         if (empty($tutorial_playlist->{$chapter_uid}->urls->hls)) {
             continue 1;
         $result_hls = exec('./hls-fetch -f --playlist ' . escapeshellarg($tutorial_playlist->{$chapter_uid}->urls->hls) . ' --output=' . escapeshellarg(OUTPUT_DIR . $tutorial_title_sanitized . '/' . $j . '-' . $chapter_title . '.ts'));
         if (preg_match('/\\d+\\/\\d+/', $result_hls)) {
             $cli->inline('[ ')->green()->inline('OK')->white()->out(' ]');
         } else {
Example #4

$basepath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../');
require_once $basepath . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cli = new \League\CLImate\CLImate();
mkdir($basepath . '/logs');
mkdir($basepath . '/cache');