Example #1
$ImgDxSize = NULL;
$ImgLowSize = NULL;
if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft'])) {
    $ImgSxSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft']);
if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToRight'])) {
    $ImgDxSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToRight']);
if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom'])) {
    $ImgLowSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom']);
if (is_file($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/TV-' . $_SESSION["TourCodeSafe"] . '-IdCardFooter.jpg')) {
    $pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom'] = $file;
    $ImgLowSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom']);
$AccH = $pdf->getPageHeight() / 3 - 10;
$AccW = $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 - 10;
while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
    $PosX = $cntPass % 2 == 0 ? 5 : $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 + 5;
    $PosY = $cntPass % 6 < 2 ? 5 : ($cntPass % 6 < 4 ? $pdf->getPageHeight() / 3 + 5 : $pdf->getPageHeight() * 2 / 3 + 5);
    $AccColor = array(255, 255, 255);
    if (!is_null($MyRow->AcColor)) {
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    //Every 4 Accreditation I change page
    if ($cntPass % 6 == 0) {
    //PRIMA Area dell'accredito: Logo SX e Nome/Country + sfondo colore - Altezza 6/20 (ne restano 14/20))
    $pdf->SetXY($PosX, $PosY);
Example #2
if (CheckTourSession()) {
    $pdf = new LabelPDF();
    $ath4target = 0;
    $ses = GetSessions('Q');
    foreach ($ses as $s) {
        $ath4target = max($ath4target, $s->SesAth4Target);
    $MyQuery = "SELECT EnName AS Name, EnFirstName AS FirstName, SUBSTRING(ElTargetNo,1,1) AS Session, SUBSTRING(ElTargetNo,2,2) AS TargetNo,  SUBSTRING(ElTargetNo,-1,1) AS BackNo " . " FROM Eliminations AS q  " . " INNER JOIN Entries AS e ON q.ElId=e.EnId AND EnAthlete=1 " . " INNER JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament " . " LEFT JOIN Session ON ElSession=SesOrder AND ElTournament=SesTournament AND SesType='E' " . " WHERE EnTournament =  " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . ' ' . (!(empty($_REQUEST['x_From']) && empty($_REQUEST['x_To'])) ? " AND ElTargetNo>='" . str_pad($_REQUEST['x_From'], '3', '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "A' AND ElTargetNo<='" . str_pad($_REQUEST['x_To'], '3', '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "Z' AND ElElimPhase= " . $_REQUEST['x_Session'] . " " : "") . (!empty($_REQUEST['x_ElimSession']) ? " AND ElSession=" . $_REQUEST['x_ElimSession'] . " " : "") . ' ORDER BY ElSession, SesOrder, ElElimPhase, ElTargetNo ASC, EnFirstName, EnName, CoCode';
    //echo $MyQuery;exit;
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
    if ($Rs) {
        $Etichetta = -1;
        $CurrentTarget = 0;
        $NewTarget = true;
        $CurHeight = 0;
        $BlockHeight = ($pdf->getPageHeight() - 30) / 4;
        $CellHeight = $BlockHeight / ($ath4target + 1);
        while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
            $NumEnd = $MyRow->Session == 0 ? 12 : 8;
            $TargetToPrint = $MyRow->TargetNo;
            $NumTarget = intval($MyRow->TargetNo);
            if ($NumTarget > $NumEnd) {
                $NumTarget = ($NumTarget - 1) % $NumEnd + 1;
            if ($MyRow->TargetNo and $NumTarget != intval($MyRow->TargetNo)) {
                $TargetToPrint = $NumTarget . '-' . $Indices[ceil(intval($MyRow->TargetNo) / $NumEnd) - 2];
            if ($CurrentTarget != $MyRow->Session . $MyRow->TargetNo) {
                $Etichetta = ++$Etichetta % 12;
                $NewTarget = true;
Example #3
 if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft'])) {
     $ImgSxSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft']);
 if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToRight'])) {
     $ImgDxSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToRight']);
 if (!empty($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom'])) {
     $ImgLowSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom']);
 if (is_file($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/TV-' . $_SESSION["TourCodeSafe"] . '-IdCardFooter.jpg')) {
     $pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom'] = $file;
     $ImgLowSize = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToBottom']);
 switch ($BadgePerPage) {
     case 1:
         $AccH = $pdf->getPageHeight() - 10;
         $AccW = $pdf->getPageWidth() - 10;
     case 2:
         $AccH = $pdf->getPageHeight() - 10;
         $AccW = $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 - 10;
         $AccH = $pdf->getPageHeight() / 2 - 10;
         $AccW = $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 - 10;
 while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
     switch ($BadgePerPage) {
         case 1:
Example #4
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if (!safe_num_rows($Rs)) {
    include 'Common/Templates/head-popup.php';
    echo '<table height="' . ($_SESSION['WINHEIGHT'] - 50) . '" width="100%"><tr><td>';
    echo '<div align="center">' . get_text('BadgeNoData', 'Tournament') . '';
    echo '<br/><br/><input type="button" onclick="window.close();" value="' . get_text('Close') . '">';
    echo '</td></tr></table>';
    include 'Common/Templates/tail-popup.php';
$pdf = new LabelPDF();
$AccW = ($pdf->getPageWidth() - 13) / 2 - 10;
$AccH = ($pdf->getPageHeight() - 50) / 3 - 10;
$XOffset = array(0, $AccW + 10);
$YOffset = array(0, 0, $AccH + 10, $AccH + 10, $AccH * 2 + 20, $AccH * 2 + 20);
$CardsPerWidth = 2;
$CardsPerPage = 6;
$FlagHeight = 12;
$cntPass = 0;
$ImgSxSize = NULL;
$ImgDxSize = NULL;
$ImgLowSize = NULL;
$ImgLWidth = 0;
$ImgLWidth = 0;
$ImgRHeight = 0;
$ImgRWidth = 0;
if ($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft']) {
    $tmp = getimagesize($pdf->ToPaths['ToLeft']);