Example #1
     $sViewListID = 'Genes_SubmitVOT' . ($_GET['target'] ? '_' . $_GET['target'] : '');
     $aOptionsList = array('width' => 600);
     $aOptionsList['options'][0]['onclick'] = 'javascript:$(\'#container\').toggle(); lovd_stretchInputs(\'' . $sViewListID . '\');';
     $aOptionsList['options'][0]['option_text'] = '<B>A variant that is located within a gene &raquo;&raquo;</B>';
     $aOptionsList['options'][1]['onclick'] = 'variants?create&amp;reference=Genome' . ($_GET['target'] ? '&amp;target=' . $_GET['target'] : '');
     $aOptionsList['options'][1]['option_text'] = '<B>A variant that was only described on genomic level &raquo;&raquo;</B>';
     if ($_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_MANAGER) {
         $aOptionsList['options'][2]['onclick'] = 'variants/upload?create' . ($_GET['target'] ? '&amp;target=' . $_GET['target'] : '');
         $aOptionsList['options'][2]['option_text'] = '<B>I want to upload a file with genomic variant data &raquo;&raquo;</B>';
     print '      What kind of variant would you like to submit?<BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
     print lovd_buildOptionTable($aOptionsList);
     require ROOT_PATH . 'class/object_genes.php';
     $_GET['page_size'] = 10;
     $_DATA = new LOVD_Gene();
     $_DATA->setRowLink($sViewListID, 'variants?create&reference=Transcript&geneid=' . $_DATA->sRowID . ($_GET['target'] ? '&target=' . $_GET['target'] : ''));
     $_GET['search_transcripts'] = '>0';
     print '      <DIV id="container" style="display : none;">' . "\n";
     // Extra div is to prevent "No entries in the database yet!" error to show up if there are no genes in the database yet.
     lovd_showInfoTable('Please find the gene for which you wish to submit this variant below, using the search fields if needed. <B>Click on the gene to proceed to the variant entry form</B>.<BR>If a gene is not shown in this display, but it does exist in this LOVD, then it does not have a transcript configured yet.', 'information', 600);
     $_DATA->viewList($sViewListID, array('transcripts', 'variants', 'diseases_', 'updated_date_'));
     print '      </DIV>' . "\n" . (!$bSubmit ? '' : '      <INPUT type="submit" value="Cancel" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . lovd_getInstallURL() . 'submit/screening/' . $_POST['screeningid'] . '\'; return false;" style="border : 1px solid #FF4422;">' . "\n");
 } elseif (!in_array($_GET['reference'], array('Genome', 'Transcript')) || $_GET['reference'] == 'Transcript' && empty($_GET['geneid'])) {
 // URL: /variants?create&reference=('Genome'|'Transcript')
 // Create a variant on the genome.
 if ($_GET['reference'] == 'Transcript') {
     // On purpose not checking for format of $_GET['geneid']. If it's not right, we'll automatically get to the error message below.