public function load() { parent::load(); $model = new LDIF(); $gip = $model->getValidationSummary(); $cemonbdii = $model->getBdii(); $wlcgstatus = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST["gip_status_attrs_showwlcgstatus"])) { $wlcgstatus_raw = $model->getWLCGStatus(); $this->view->wlcgstatus_updatetime = $wlcgstatus_raw["updatetime"]; $wlcgstatus = array(); foreach ($wlcgstatus_raw as $rgid => $status_lists) { //don't process if it's not requested if (!isset($this->rgs[$rgid])) { continue; } $group = array(); foreach ($status_lists as $hostname => $statuses) { $group_status = "OK"; foreach ($statuses as $status) { if ($status->Status != "OK") { $group_status = "CRITICAL"; } } $group[$hostname] = array($group_status, $statuses); } $wlcgstatus[$rgid] = $group; } } $model = new ResourceGroup(); $resource_groups = $model->getindex(); //merge those xmls $this->view->resource_groups = array(); $this->view->resource_details = array(); foreach ($this->rgs as $rgid => $resources) { $tests = array(); $resource_group = $resource_groups[$rgid][0]; $gipstatus = null; if (isset($gip[$resource_group->name])) { $gipstatus = $gip[$resource_group->name]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["gip_status_attrs_showresource"])) { //gather resource details foreach ($resources as $rid => $resource) { $details = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST["gip_status_attrs_showcemondata"])) { //search cemon bdii data $rawdata = array(); foreach ($cemonbdii->resource as $cemon_resource) { if ($cemon_resource->name == $resource->name) { $details["cemon_raw_data"] = $cemon_resource; break; } } } //TODO - add code to gather more resource details here $this->view->resource_details[$rid] = $details; } } //put everything together $this->view->resource_groups[$rgid] = array("name" => $resource_group->name, "gridtype" => $resource_group->grid_type, "resources" => $resources, "gipstatus" => $gipstatus, "wlcgstatus" => @$wlcgstatus[$rgid]); } $this->setpagetitle(self::default_title()); }
private function process_rg_filter_gipstatus() { $rgs_to_keep = array(); $model = new LDIF(); $summary = $model->getValidationSummary(); $model = new ResourceGroup(); $rgs = $model->getindex(); foreach ($rgs as $rg_id => $rg) { $rg_name = $rg[0]->name; //search for the gip status for this resource group $found = false; $overallstatus = "UNKNOWN"; //if not found, treat it as unknown if (isset($summary[$rg_name])) { $overallstatus = (string) $summary[$rg_name]->Result; //rename it to the old naming (for backward compatibility) switch ($overallstatus) { case "PASS": $overallstatus = "OK"; break; case "CRIT": $overallstatus = "FAIL"; break; default: $overallstatus = "UNKNOWN"; } } //has user selected this resource status? if ($this->ison("gipstatus", $overallstatus)) { //if(isset($_REQUEST["gipstatus_".$overallstatus])) { if (!in_array($rg_id, $rgs_to_keep)) { $rgs_to_keep[] = $rg_id; } } } return $rgs_to_keep; }
public function load() { parent::load(); $this->view->rgs = $this->rgs; //pull commonly needed information $gridtype_model = new GridTypes(); $this->view->gridtypes = $gridtype_model->getindex(); $model = new ResourceGroup(); $this->view->resourcegroups = $model->getgroupby("id"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //pull other optional stuff if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showservice"])) { $servicetype_model = new Service(); $this->view->servicetypes = $servicetype_model->getindex(); $resourceservice_model = new ServiceByResourceID(); $this->view->resource_services = $resourceservice_model->getindex(); //load details (all of them for now..) and attach it to resource_services $detail_model = new ResourceServiceDetail(); $resource_service_details = $detail_model->get(); foreach ($this->view->resource_services as $rid => $services) { foreach ($services as $service) { $service->details = array(); //search for details for this service foreach ($resource_service_details as $detail) { if ($detail->resource_id == $rid && $detail->service_id == $service->service_id) { $service->details[$detail->key] = $detail->value; } } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showrsvstatus"])) { $model = new LatestResourceStatus(); $this->view->resource_status = $model->getgroupby("resource_id"); $downtime_model = new Downtime(); $this->view->downtime = $downtime_model->getindex(array("start_time" => time(), "end_time" => time())); } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showgipstatus"])) { $model = new LDIF(); $this->view->gipstatus = $model->getValidationSummary(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showvomembership"])) { $cache_filename = config()->vomatrix_xml_cache; $cache_xml = file_get_contents($cache_filename); $vocache = new SimpleXMLElement($cache_xml); $resourcegrouped = $vocache->ResourceGrouped[0]; $this->view->vos_supported = array(); $this->view->vos_errors = array(); foreach ($resourcegrouped as $resource) { $attr = $resource->attributes(); $resource_id = (int) $attr->id; $this->view->vos_supported[$resource_id] = $resource->Members[0]; $this->view->vos_errors[$resource_id] = $resource->ErrorMessage[0]; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showvoownership"])) { $model = new ResourceOwnership(); $this->view->resource_ownerships = $model->getindex(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showwlcg"])) { $model = new ResourceWLCG(); $this->view->resource_wlcg = $model->getindex(); //append bdii link foreach ($this->rgs as $rg_id => $rg) { foreach ($rg as $resource_id => $resource) { //get resource group name $rgroup = $this->view->resourcegroups[$rg_id][0]; $rgname = $rgroup->name; if (isset($this->view->resource_wlcg[$resource_id][0])) { $this->view->resource_wlcg[$resource_id][0]->ldap_url = "ldap://{$rgname},o=grid"; } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showenv"])) { $model = new ResourceEnv(); $details = $model->getindex(array("metric_id" => 0)); $this->view->envs = array(); //convert to XML String to SimpleXMLElement object foreach ($this->rgs as $rg) { foreach ($rg as $resource_id => $resource) { if (isset($details[$resource_id])) { $rec = $details[$resource_id][0]; $env = null; if ($rec !== null) { try { $env = new SimpleXMLElement($rec->xml); } catch (exception $e) { elog((string) $e); elog($rec->xml); } } $this->view->envs[$resource_id] = $env; } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showcontact"])) { $model = new ResourceContact(); $contacts = $model->getindex(); //group by contact_type_id $this->view->contacts = array(); foreach ($this->rgs as $rg) { foreach ($rg as $resource_id => $resource) { $types = array(); if (isset($contacts[$resource_id])) { foreach ($contacts[$resource_id] as $contact) { if (!isset($types[$contact->contact_type])) { $types[$contact->contact_type] = array(); } //group by contact name $types[$contact->contact_type][] = $contact; } $this->view->contacts[$resource_id] = $types; } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showfqdn"])) { $amodel = new ResourceAlias(); $this->view->aliases = $amodel->getindex(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showhierarchy"])) { $this->view->hierarchy = array(); $model = new Facilities(); $facilities = $model->getgroupby("id", array("filter_disabled" => false)); $model = new Site(); $sites = $model->getgroupby("id", array("filter_disabled" => false)); $this->view->sites = $sites; $model = new SupportCenters(); $scs = $model->getgroupby("id"); foreach ($this->rgs as $rgid => $rg) { $rginfo = $this->view->resourcegroups[$rgid][0]; $siteinfo = $sites[$rginfo->site_id][0]; $facilityinfo = $facilities[$siteinfo->facility_id][0]; $scinfo = $scs[$siteinfo->sc_id][0]; $this->view->hierarchy[$rgid] = array("facility" => $facilityinfo, "site" => $siteinfo, "sc" => $scinfo); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["summary_attrs_showticket"])) { $ticketmodel = new OpenTickets(); $this->view->tickets = $ticketmodel->getGroupByRID(); } $this->setpagetitle(self::default_title()); }