Example #1
  * delete by userId and groupId
  * @action delete
  * @param string $userId
  * @param string $groupId
 function deleteAction($userId, $groupId)
     $partnerId = $this->getPartnerId();
     //verify kuser exists
     $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partnerId, $userId);
     if (!$kuser) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_USER_ID, $userId);
     //verify group exists
     $kgroup = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partnerId, $groupId);
     if (!$kgroup) {
         //if the delete worker was triggered due to group deletion
         if (kCurrentContext::$master_partner_id != Partner::BATCH_PARTNER_ID) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::GROUP_NOT_FOUND, $groupId);
         $kgroup = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($partnerId, $groupId);
         if (!$kgroup) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::GROUP_NOT_FOUND, $groupId);
     $dbKuserKgroup = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveByKuserIdAndKgroupId($kuser->getId(), $kgroup->getId());
     if (!$dbKuserKgroup) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::GROUP_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $userId, $groupId);
     $groupUser = new KalturaGroupUser();
Example #2
  *  this function return categoryUser if the user has explicit or implicit (by group) required permissions on the category
  * @param int $categoryId
  * @param int $kuserId
  * @param array $requiredPermissions
  * @param bool $supportGroups
  * @param null $con
  * @return categoryKuser|null
 public static function retrievePermittedKuserInCategory($categoryId, $kuserId = null, $requiredPermissions = null, $supportGroups = true, $con = null)
     $category = categoryPeer::retrieveByPK($categoryId);
     if (!$category) {
         return null;
     if ($category->getInheritedParentId()) {
         $categoryId = $category->getInheritedParentId();
     if (is_null($kuserId)) {
         $kuserId = kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId();
     if (is_null($requiredPermissions)) {
         $requiredPermissions = array(PermissionName::CATEGORY_VIEW);
     $categoryKuser = self::retrieveByCategoryIdAndActiveKuserId($categoryId, $kuserId, $requiredPermissions, $con);
     if (!is_null($categoryKuser)) {
         return $categoryKuser;
     //check if kuserId has permission in category by a junction group
     if ($supportGroups) {
         $kgroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserId($kuserId);
         if (count($kgroupIds) == 0) {
             return null;
         $criteria = new Criteria();
         $criteria->add(categoryKuserPeer::CATEGORY_ID, $categoryId);
         $criteria->add(categoryKuserPeer::KUSER_ID, $kgroupIds, Criteria::IN);
         $criteria->add(categoryKuserPeer::STATUS, CategoryKuserStatus::ACTIVE);
         $categoryKusers = categoryKuserPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
         if (!$categoryKusers) {
             return null;
         foreach ($categoryKusers as $categoryKuser) {
             foreach ($requiredPermissions as $requiredPermission) {
                 if ($categoryKuser->hasPermission($requiredPermission)) {
                     return $categoryKuser;
     return null;
 public function toObject($obj = null, $props_to_skip = array())
     if (!$obj) {
         $obj = new kCategoryKuserAdvancedFilter();
     if (!$this->memberIdEq && !$this->memberIdIn) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_VALIDATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL, 'memberIdEq,memberIdIn');
     if (!$this->memberPermissionsMatchOr && !$this->memberPermissionsMatchAnd) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_VALIDATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL, 'memberIdEq,memberIdIn');
     if ($this->memberIdEq) {
         $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid(kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId(), $this->memberIdEq);
         if (!$kuser) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_FOUND);
         $kuserIds = array($kuser->getId());
         // retrieve categories that the user is a member by a group.
         $kgroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserId($kuser->getId());
         if (!is_null($kgroupIds) && is_array($kgroupIds)) {
             $kuserIds = array_merge($kgroupIds, $kuserIds);
     if ($this->memberIdIn) {
         $kusers = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUids(kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId(), explode(',', $this->memberIdIn));
         $kuserIds = array();
         if (!$kusers || !count($kusers)) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::USER_NOT_FOUND);
         foreach ($kusers as $kuser) {
             $kuserIds[] = $kuser->getId();
         // retrieve categories that the users are members by a group.
         $kgroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserIds($kuserIds);
         if (!is_null($kgroupIds) && is_array($kgroupIds)) {
             $kuserIds = array_merge($kgroupIds, $kuserIds);
     return parent::toObject($obj, $props_to_skip);
Example #4
  * Returns the number of related KuserKgroup objects.
  * @param      Criteria $criteria
  * @param      boolean $distinct
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @return     int Count of related KuserKgroup objects.
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function countKuserKgroupsRelatedByKuserId(Criteria $criteria = null, $distinct = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($criteria === null) {
         $criteria = new Criteria(kuserPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     } else {
         $criteria = clone $criteria;
     if ($distinct) {
     $count = null;
     if ($this->collKuserKgroupsRelatedByKuserId === null) {
         if ($this->isNew()) {
             $count = 0;
         } else {
             $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::KUSER_ID, $this->id);
             $count = KuserKgroupPeer::doCount($criteria, false, $con);
     } else {
         // criteria has no effect for a new object
         if (!$this->isNew()) {
             // the following code is to determine if a new query is
             // called for.  If the criteria is the same as the last
             // one, just return count of the collection.
             $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::KUSER_ID, $this->id);
             if (!isset($this->lastKuserKgroupRelatedByKuserIdCriteria) || !$this->lastKuserKgroupRelatedByKuserIdCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
                 $count = KuserKgroupPeer::doCount($criteria, false, $con);
             } else {
                 $count = count($this->collKuserKgroupsRelatedByKuserId);
         } else {
             $count = count($this->collKuserKgroupsRelatedByKuserId);
     return $count;
 public function getListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     if ($this->groupIdEqual) {
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $this->groupIdEqual);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::TYPE, KuserType::GROUP);
         if (kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id == Partner::BATCH_PARTNER_ID) {
             //batch should be able to get categoryUser of deleted users.
         // in case of more than one deleted kusers - get the last one
         $kuser = kuserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (!$kuser) {
             $response = new KalturaGroupUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaGroupUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $this->groupIdEqual = $kuser->getId();
     if ($this->userIdEqual) {
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $this->userIdEqual);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::TYPE, KuserType::USER);
         $kuser = kuserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (!$kuser) {
             $response = new KalturaGroupUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaGroupUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $this->userIdEqual = $kuser->getId();
     if ($this->userIdIn) {
         $usersIds = explode(',', $this->userIdIn);
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $usersIds, Criteria::IN);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::TYPE, KuserType::USER);
         $kusers = kuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         if (!$kusers) {
             $response = new KalturaGroupUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaGroupUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $usersIds = array();
         foreach ($kusers as $kuser) {
             /* @var $kuser kuser */
             $usersIds[] = $kuser->getId();
         $this->userIdIn = implode(',', $usersIds);
     if ($this->groupIdIn) {
         $groupIdIn = explode(',', $this->groupIdIn);
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $groupIdIn, Criteria::IN);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::TYPE, KuserType::GROUP);
         $kusers = kuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         if (!$kusers) {
             $response = new KalturaGroupUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaGroupUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $groupIdIn = array();
         foreach ($kusers as $kuser) {
             /* @var $kuser kuser */
             $groupIdIn[] = $kuser->getId();
         $this->groupIdIn = implode(',', $groupIdIn);
     $kuserKgroupFilter = $this->toObject();
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(KuserKgroupPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $list = KuserKgroupPeer::doSelect($c);
     $newList = KalturaGroupUserArray::fromDbArray($list, $responseProfile);
     $response = new KalturaGroupUserListResponse();
     $response->objects = $newList;
     $resultCount = count($newList);
     if ($resultCount && $resultCount < $pager->pageSize) {
         $totalCount = ($pager->pageIndex - 1) * $pager->pageSize + $resultCount;
     } else {
         $totalCount = KuserKgroupPeer::doCount($c);
     $response->totalCount = $totalCount;
     return $response;
Example #6
  * Return all categories kuser is entitled to view the content.
  * (User may call category->get to view a category - but not to view its content)
  * @param int $kuserId
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array<category>
 public static function retrieveEntitledAndNonIndexedByKuser($kuserId, $limit)
     $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     $categoryGroupSize = kConf::get('max_number_of_memebrs_to_be_indexed_on_entry');
     if ($partner && $partner->getCategoryGroupSize()) {
         $categoryGroupSize = $partner->getCategoryGroupSize();
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $filteredCategoriesIds = entryPeer::getFilterdCategoriesIds();
     if (count($filteredCategoriesIds)) {
         $c->addAnd(categoryPeer::ID, $filteredCategoriesIds, Criteria::IN);
     $membersCountCrit = $c->getNewCriterion(categoryPeer::MEMBERS_COUNT, $categoryGroupSize, Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
     $membersCountCrit->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(categoryPeer::ENTRIES_COUNT, kConf::get('category_entries_count_limit_to_be_indexed'), Criteria::GREATER_THAN));
     //all fields needed from default criteria
     //here we cannot use the default criteria, as we need to get all categories user is entitled to view the content.
     //not deleted or purged
     $c->add(self::STATUS, array(CategoryStatus::DELETED, CategoryStatus::PURGED), Criteria::NOT_IN);
     $c->add(self::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId, Criteria::EQUAL);
     //add privacy context
     $privacyContextCrit = $c->getNewCriterion(self::PRIVACY_CONTEXTS, kEntitlementUtils::getKsPrivacyContext(), KalturaCriteria::IN_LIKE);
     //set privacy by ks and type
     $crit = $c->getNewCriterion(self::PRIVACY, kEntitlementUtils::getPrivacyForKs($partnerId), Criteria::IN);
     //user is entitled to view all cantent that belong to categoires he is a membr of
     $kuser = null;
     $ksString = kCurrentContext::$ks ? kCurrentContext::$ks : '';
     if ($ksString != '') {
         $kuser = kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuser();
     if ($kuser) {
         // get the groups that the user belongs to in case she is not associated to the category directly
         $kgroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserId($kuser->getId());
         $kgroupIds[] = $kuser->getId();
         $membersCrit = $c->getNewCriterion(self::MEMBERS, $kgroupIds, KalturaCriteria::IN_LIKE);
     $categoryIds = $c->getFetchedIds();
     return $categoryIds;
Example #7
 public function isEntitledKuserPublish($kuserId, $useUserGroups = true)
     $entitledKusersArray = explode(',', $this->getEntitledKusersPublish());
     if (in_array(trim($kuserId), $entitledKusersArray)) {
         return true;
     if ($useUserGroups == true) {
         $kuserKGroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserIds(array($kuserId));
         foreach ($kuserKGroupIds as $groupKId) {
             if (in_array($groupKId, $entitledKusersArray)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Example #8
 protected function kuserDelete(kuser $kuser)
     $filter = new categoryKuserFilter();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(categoryKuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $kuser->getPuserId());
     if (categoryKuserPeer::doSelectOne($c)) {
         kJobsManager::addDeleteJob($kuser->getPartnerId(), DeleteObjectType::CATEGORY_USER, $filter);
     if ($kuser->getType() == KuserType::USER) {
         // remove user from groups
     } elseif ($kuser->getType() == KuserType::GROUP) {
         // remove users from group
         $filter = new KuserKgroupFilter();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(KuserKgroupPeer::PGROUP_ID, $kuser->getPuserId());
         if (KuserKgroupPeer::doSelectOne($c)) {
             kJobsManager::addDeleteJob($kuser->getPartnerId(), DeleteObjectType::GROUP_USER, $filter);
 public function getListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     if ($this->userIdIn) {
         $usersIds = explode(',', $this->userIdIn);
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $usersIds, Criteria::IN);
         $kusers = kuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         $usersIds = array();
         foreach ($kusers as $kuser) {
             /* @var $kuser kuser */
             $usersIds[] = $kuser->getId();
         $this->userIdIn = implode(',', $usersIds);
     if ($this->relatedGroupsByUserId) {
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
         $userIds = array();
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $this->relatedGroupsByUserId);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::TYPE, KuserType::USER);
         $kuser = kuserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (!$kuser) {
             $response = new KalturaCategoryUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaCategoryUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $kgroupIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserId($kuser->getId());
         if (!is_null($kgroupIds) && is_array($kgroupIds)) {
             $userIds = $kgroupIds;
         $userIds[] = $kuser->getId();
         // if userIdIn is also set in the filter need to intersect the two arrays.
         if (isset($this->userIdIn)) {
             $curUserIds = explode(',', $this->userIdIn);
             $userIds = array_intersect($curUserIds, $userIds);
         $this->userIdIn = implode(',', $userIds);
     if ($this->userIdEqual) {
         $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, $this->userIdEqual);
         if (kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id == Partner::BATCH_PARTNER_ID) {
             //batch should be able to get categoryUser of deleted users.
         // in case of more than one deleted kusers - get the last one
         $kuser = kuserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (!$kuser) {
             KalturaLog::debug('User not found');
             $response = new KalturaCategoryUserListResponse();
             $response->objects = new KalturaCategoryUserArray();
             $response->totalCount = 0;
             return $response;
         $this->userIdEqual = $kuser->getId();
     $categories = array();
     if ($this->categoryIdEqual) {
         $categories[] = categoryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->categoryIdEqual);
     } elseif ($this->categoryIdIn) {
         $categories = categoryPeer::retrieveByPKs(explode(',', $this->categoryIdIn));
     $categoriesInheritanceRoot = array();
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         /* @var $category category */
         if (is_null($category)) {
         if ($category->getInheritanceType() == InheritanceType::INHERIT) {
             if ($this->categoryDirectMembers && kCurrentContext::$master_partner_id == Partner::BATCH_PARTNER_ID) {
                 $categoriesInheritanceRoot[$category->getId()] = $category->getId();
             } else {
                 //if category inheris members - change filter to -> inherited from parent id = category->getIheritedParent
                 $categoriesInheritanceRoot[$category->getInheritedParentId()] = $category->getInheritedParentId();
         } else {
             $categoriesInheritanceRoot[$category->getId()] = $category->getId();
     $this->categoryDirectMembers = null;
     $this->categoryIdEqual = null;
     $this->categoryIdIn = implode(',', $categoriesInheritanceRoot);
     //if filter had categories that doesn't exists or not entitled - should return 0 objects.
     if (count($categories) && !count($categoriesInheritanceRoot)) {
         $response = new KalturaCategoryUserListResponse();
         $response->totalCount = 0;
         return $response;
     $categoryKuserFilter = $this->toObject();
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryKuserPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $list = categoryKuserPeer::doSelect($c);
     $totalCount = $c->getRecordsCount();
     $newList = KalturaCategoryUserArray::fromDbArray($list, $responseProfile);
     $response = new KalturaCategoryUserListResponse();
     $response->objects = $newList;
     $response->totalCount = $totalCount;
     return $response;
Example #10
  * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey.
  * @param      array $pks List of primary keys
  * @param      PropelPDO $con the connection to use
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, PropelPDO $con = null)
     $objs = null;
     if (empty($pks)) {
         $objs = array();
     } else {
         $criteria = new Criteria(KuserKgroupPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
         $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
         $objs = KuserKgroupPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
     return $objs;
Example #11
  * get kgroups by kusers
  * @param array $kuserIds
  * @return array
 public static function retrieveByKuserIds($kuserIds)
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(KuserKgroupPeer::KUSER_ID, $kuserIds, Criteria::IN);
     return KuserKgroupPeer::doSelect($c);
Example #12
  * Builds a Criteria object containing the primary key for this object.
  * Unlike buildCriteria() this method includes the primary key values regardless
  * of whether or not they have been modified.
  * @return     Criteria The Criteria object containing value(s) for primary key(s).
 public function buildPkeyCriteria()
     $criteria = new Criteria(KuserKgroupPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::ID, $this->id);
     if ($this->alreadyInSave) {
         if ($this->isColumnModified(KuserKgroupPeer::CUSTOM_DATA)) {
             if (!is_null($this->custom_data_md5)) {
                 $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::CUSTOM_DATA, "MD5(cast(" . KuserKgroupPeer::CUSTOM_DATA . " as char character set latin1)) = '{$this->custom_data_md5}'", Criteria::CUSTOM);
             } else {
                 $criteria->add(KuserKgroupPeer::CUSTOM_DATA, NULL, Criteria::ISNULL);
         if (count($this->modifiedColumns) == 2 && $this->isColumnModified(KuserKgroupPeer::UPDATED_AT)) {
             $theModifiedColumn = null;
             foreach ($this->modifiedColumns as $modifiedColumn) {
                 if ($modifiedColumn != KuserKgroupPeer::UPDATED_AT) {
                     $theModifiedColumn = $modifiedColumn;
             $atomicColumns = KuserKgroupPeer::getAtomicColumns();
             if (in_array($theModifiedColumn, $atomicColumns)) {
                 $criteria->add($theModifiedColumn, $this->getByName($theModifiedColumn, BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     return $criteria;
Example #13
 public static function getEntitledKuserByPrivacyContext()
     $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
     $privacyContextSearch = array();
     $ks = ks::fromSecureString(kCurrentContext::$ks);
     $ksPrivacyContexts = null;
     if ($ks) {
         $ksPrivacyContexts = $ks->getPrivacyContext();
     if (is_null($ksPrivacyContexts) || $ksPrivacyContexts == '') {
         $ksPrivacyContexts = self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $partnerId;
     $ksPrivacyContexts = explode(',', $ksPrivacyContexts);
     $privacyContexts = $ksPrivacyContexts;
     $privacyContexts[] = self::ENTRY_PRIVACY_CONTEXT;
     // get the groups that the user belongs to in case she is not associated to the category directly
     $kuserIds = KuserKgroupPeer::retrieveKgroupIdsByKuserId(kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId());
     $kuserIds[] = kCurrentContext::getCurrentKsKuserId();
     foreach ($privacyContexts as $privacyContext) {
         foreach ($kuserIds as $kuserId) {
             $privacyContextSearch[] = $privacyContext . '_' . $kuserId;
     return $privacyContextSearch;
 public function getFieldNameFromPeer($field_name)
     $res = KuserKgroupPeer::translateFieldName($field_name, $this->field_name_translation_type, BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME);
     return $res;