Example #1

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "office2010silver";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
//Button with Left Image
$btnOK_left_image = new KoolButton("btnOK_left_image");
$btnOK_left_image->Text = "OK";
$btnOK_left_image->AutoPostback = true;
$btnOK_left_image->LeftImage = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/check2.png";
$btnCancel_left_image = new KoolButton("btnCancel_left_image");
$btnCancel_left_image->Text = "Cancel";
$btnCancel_left_image->AutoPostback = true;
$btnCancel_left_image->LeftImage = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/delete2.png";
$btnViewInvoice_left_image = new KoolButton("btnViewInvoice_left_image");
$btnViewInvoice_left_image->Text = "View Invoice";
$btnViewInvoice_left_image->AutoPostback = true;
$btnViewInvoice_left_image->LeftImage = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/text.png";
$btnRate_left_image = new KoolButton("btnRate_left_image");
Example #2

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$txtPhone = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolMaskedTextBox("txtPhone"));
$txtPhone->Mask = "(###) ###-####";
$txtPhone->PromptChar = "_";
$txtPhone->SelectionOnFocus = "SelectAll";
$txtIPAddress = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolMaskedTextBox("txtIPAddress"));
$txtIPAddress->Mask = "<0..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>";
$txtIPAddress->SelectionOnFocus = "CaretToBeginning";
$txtVisaCreditCard = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolMaskedTextBox("txtVisaCreditCard"));
$txtVisaCreditCard->Mask = "4### #### #### ####";
$txtVisaCreditCard->PromptChar = "_";
$txtVisaCreditCard->SelectionOnFocus = "SelectAll";
$txtSSN = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolMaskedTextBox("txtSSN"));
$txtSSN->Mask = "###-##-####";
$txtSSN->PromptChar = "_";
$txtSSN->SelectionOnFocus = "SelectAll";
//Init form
Example #3

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "office2010silver";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$play_stop = new KoolToggleButton("play_stop");
/*Below are the full API of AddOption method. 
	 $play_stop->AddOption(array(	"Text"=>"Play",
									"ToolTip"=>"This is the button")

$play_stop->AddOption(array("Text" => "Play", "Value" => "Play", "LeftImage" => $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/media_play_green.png", "ToolTip" => "Play radio"));
$play_stop->AddOption(array("Text" => "Stop", "Value" => "Stop", "LeftImage" => $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/media_stop_red.png", "ToolTip" => "Stop radio"));
$play_stop->Width = "60px";
Example #4

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolListBox/koollistbox.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
//$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$myform_manager->RenderWithExistingMarkup = true;
$listbox = new KoolListBox("listbox");
$listbox->styleFolder = "vista";
$listbox->Width = "270px";
$listbox->Height = "260px";
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple Iphone 5 - Black", "iphone5_black"));
$item->Data = array("Capacity" => "16GB", "Price" => "USD 639");
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple Iphone 5 - White", "iphone5_white"));
$item->Data = array("Capacity" => "16GB", "Price" => "USD 639");
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple The New Ipad - Black", "ipad_black"));
$item->Data = array("Capacity" => "32GB", "Price" => "USD 599");
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple The New Ipad - White", "ipad_white"));
$item->Data = array("Capacity" => "32GB", "Price" => "USD 599");
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple Ipod shuffle - Black", "ipod_black"));
$item->Data = array("Capacity" => "2GB", "Price" => "USD 49");
$item = $listbox->AddItem(new ListBoxItem("Apple Ipod shuffle - White", "ipod_white"));
Example #5

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolGrid/koolgrid.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$koolajax->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolAjax";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";

<form id="myform" method="post">
	<style type="text/css">
echo $koolajax->Render();
Example #6

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$action = new KoolSplitButton("action");
/*Below are the full API of AddOption method. 
	 $action->AddOption(array(	"Text"=>"View order",
									"ToolTip"=>"This is the button")

$action->AutoPostback = true;
$action->AddOption(array("Text" => "Accept", "Value" => "accept_order", "LeftImage" => $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/check2.png", "ToolTip" => "Accept the order"));
$action->AddOption(array("Text" => "View order", "Value" => "view_order", "LeftImage" => $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/icons/plain/text.png", "ToolTip" => "View details of the order"));
Example #7

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$txtPassword = new KoolPasswordTextBox("txtPassword");
$txtPassword->ShowIndicator = true;
$txtPassword_Confirm = new KoolPasswordTextBox("txtPassword_Confirm");
$valCheckPass = new KoolCustomValidator("valCheckPass");
$valCheckPass->TargetId = "txtPassword_Confirm";
$valCheckPass->ClientValidationFunction = "check_password_consistence";
$valCheckPass->ErrorMessage = "Passwords are not the the same!";
$password_required_validator = new KoolRequiredFieldValidator("txtPassword_val");
$password_required_validator->TargetId = "txtPassword";
$password_required_validator->ErrorMessage = "Please, enter a password!";
//Init form
Example #8

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$koolajax->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolAjax";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
//Use the numeric textbox for Age
$txtAge = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolNumericTextBox("txtAge"));
//Use the masked textbox for phone
$txtPhone = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolMaskedTextBox("txtPhone"));
$txtPhone->Mask = "(###)-######";
$txtPhone->SelectionOnFocus = "CaretToBeginning";
//Create the required field validator for txtName
$txtName_RequiredFieldValidator = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolRequiredFieldValidator("txtName_RequiredFieldValidator"));
$txtName_RequiredFieldValidator->TargetId = "txtName";
$txtName_RequiredFieldValidator->ErrorMessage = "The textbox can not be empty!";
//Create the required field validator and range validator for txtName
$txtAge_RequiredFieldValidator = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolRequiredFieldValidator("txtAge_RequiredFieldValidator"));
$txtAge_RequiredFieldValidator->TargetId = "txtAge";
$txtAge_RequiredFieldValidator->ErrorMessage = "Please, select an year number!";
$txtAge_RangeValidator = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolRangeValidator("txtAge_RangeValidator"));
Example #9

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$txtNum1 = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolNumericTextBox("txtNum1"));
$txtNum1->NumberFormat->PositivePattern = "n %";
$txtNum1->NumberFormat->NegativePattern = "(n %)";
$txtNum1->EmptyMessage = isset($_POST["txtEmptyMessage"]) ? $_POST["txtEmptyMessage"] : "Percentage";
$txtNum1->IncrementSettings->InterceptArrowKeys = isset($_POST["checkKeyboard"]) ? $_POST["checkKeyboard"] == "false" ? false : true : true;
$txtNum1->IncrementSettings->InterceptMouseWheel = isset($_POST["checkMouseWheel"]) ? $_POST["checkMouseWheel"] == "false" ? false : true : true;
$txtNum1->ShowSpinButton = isset($_POST["checkShowSpin"]) ? $_POST["checkShowSpin"] == "false" ? false : true : true;
$txtNum1->SpinButtonPosition = isset($_POST["selectSpinButtonPosition"]) ? $_POST["selectSpinButtonPosition"] : "Right";
$txtNum2 = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolNumericTextBox("txtNum2"));
$txtNum2->Value = 1000000;
$txtNum2->ShowSpinButton = true;
$txtNum2->IncrementSettings->InterceptArrowKeys = true;
$txtNum2->IncrementSettings->InterceptMouseWheel = true;
$txtNum2->NumberFormat->DecimalDigits = isset($_POST["selectDecimalDigits"]) ? $_POST["selectDecimalDigits"] : 1;
$txtNum2->NumberFormat->DecimalSeparator = isset($_POST["selectDecimalSeparator"]) ? $_POST["selectDecimalSeparator"] : ".";
$txtNum2->NumberFormat->GroupSeparator = isset($_POST["selectGroupSeparator"]) ? $_POST["selectGroupSeparator"] : " ";
Example #10

 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
$KoolControlsFolder = "../../../../KoolControls";
//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
require $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm/koolform.php";
$myform_manager = new KoolForm("myform");
$myform_manager->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder . "/KoolForm";
$myform_manager->styleFolder = "sunset";
$myform_manager->DecorationEnabled = true;
$txtName = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolTextBox("txtName"));
$txtName->MaxLength = 10;
$txtName->EmptyMessage = "John Smith";
$txtName->ToolTip = "What is your name?";
$txtDescription = $myform_manager->AddControl(new KoolTextBox("txtDescription"));
$txtDescription->Mode = "multiline";
$txtDescription->EmptyMessage = "I am engineer!";
$txtDescription->ToolTip = "Tell us more about you!";
$txtDescription->Width = "200px";
$txtDescription->Height = "100px";
//Init form

<form id="myform" method="post" class="decoration">