Example #1
  * Print out list kb item
  * @param $options            $_GET
  * @param $type      string   search type : browse / search (default search)
 static function showList($options, $type = 'search')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     // Default values of parameters
     $params['faq'] = !Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, READ);
     $params["start"] = "0";
     $params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = "0";
     $params["contains"] = "";
     $params["target"] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
             $params[$key] = $val;
     $ki = new self();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'myunpublished':
             if (!Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, array(UPDATE, self::PUBLISHFAQ))) {
                 return false;
         case 'allunpublished':
             if (!Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::KNOWBASEADMIN)) {
                 return false;
     if (!$params["start"]) {
         $params["start"] = 0;
     $query = self::getListRequest($params, $type);
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $KbCategory = new KnowbaseItemCategory();
         $title = "";
         if ($KbCategory->getFromDB($params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"])) {
             $title = empty($KbCategory->fields['name']) ? "(" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . ")" : $KbCategory->fields['name'];
             $title = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Category'), $title);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $title);
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
         $showwriter = in_array($type, array('myunpublished', 'allunpublished', 'allmy'));
         // Limit the result, if no limit applies, use prior result
         if ($numrows > $list_limit && !isset($_GET['export_all'])) {
             $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($params["start"]) . ", " . intval($list_limit) . " ";
             $result_limit = $DB->query($query_limit);
             $numrows_limit = $DB->numrows($result_limit);
         } else {
             $numrows_limit = $numrows;
             $result_limit = $result;
         if ($numrows_limit > 0) {
             // Set display type for export if define
             $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
             if (isset($_GET["display_type"])) {
                 $output_type = $_GET["display_type"];
             // Pager
             $parameters = "start=" . $params["start"] . "&knowbaseitemcategories_id=" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . "&contains=" . $params["contains"] . "&is_faq=" . $params['faq'];
             if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id'])) {
                 $parameters .= "&item_items_id=" . $options['item_items_id'] . "&item_itemtype=" . $options['item_itemtype'];
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($params['start'], $numrows, Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
             $nbcols = 1;
             // Display List Header
             echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $numrows_limit + 1, $nbcols);
             echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
             $header_num = 1;
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Subject'), $header_num);
             if ($output_type != Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Content'), $header_num);
             if ($showwriter) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Writer'), $header_num);
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Category'), $header_num);
             if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id']) && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, ' ', $header_num);
             // Num of the row (1=header_line)
             $row_num = 1;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows_limit; $i++) {
                 $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_limit);
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $data["id"]);
                 // Column num
                 $item_num = 1;
                 echo Search::showNewLine($output_type, $i % 2);
                 $item = new self();
                 $name = $data["name"];
                 $answer = $data["answer"];
                 // Manage translations
                 if (isset($data['transname']) && !empty($data['transname'])) {
                     $name = $data["transname"];
                 if (isset($data['transanswer']) && !empty($data['transanswer'])) {
                     $answer = $data["transanswer"];
                 if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $toadd = '';
                     if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id'])) {
                         $href = " href='#' onClick=\"" . Html::jsGetElementbyID('kbshow' . $data["id"]) . ".dialog('open');\"";
                         $toadd = Ajax::createIframeModalWindow('kbshow' . $data["id"], $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/knowbaseitem.form.php?id=" . $data["id"], array('display' => false));
                     } else {
                         $href = " href=\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/knowbaseitem.form.php?id=" . $data["id"] . "\" ";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, "<div class='kb'>{$toadd}<a " . ($data['is_faq'] ? " class='pubfaq' title='" . __("This item is part of the FAQ") . "' " : " class='knowbase' ") . " {$href}>" . Html::resume_text($name, 80) . "</a></div>\n                                          <div class='kb_resume'>" . Html::resume_text(Html::clean(Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep($answer)), 600) . "</div>", $item_num, $row_num);
                 } else {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $name, $item_num, $row_num);
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, Html::clean(Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep(html_entity_decode($answer, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))), $item_num, $row_num);
                 $showuserlink = 0;
                 if (Session::haveRight('user', READ)) {
                     $showuserlink = 1;
                 if ($showwriter) {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, getUserName($data["users_id"], $showuserlink), $item_num, $row_num);
                 $categ = $data["category"];
                 if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $cathref = $ki->getSearchURL() . "?knowbaseitemcategories_id=" . $data["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] . '&amp;forcetab=Knowbase$2';
                     $categ = "<a href='{$cathref}'>" . $categ . '</a>';
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, $categ, $item_num, $row_num);
                 if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id']) && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $forcetab = $options['item_itemtype'];
                     if (!$_SESSION['glpiticket_timeline'] || $_SESSION['glpiticket_timeline_keep_replaced_tabs']) {
                         $forcetab .= '$2';
                         //Solution tab
                     } else {
                         $forcetab .= '$1';
                         //Timeline tab
                     $content = "<a href='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL($options['item_itemtype']) . "?load_kb_sol=" . $data['id'] . "&amp;id=" . $options['item_items_id'] . "&amp;forcetab=" . $forcetab . "'>" . __('Use as a solution') . "</a>";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $content, $item_num, $row_num);
                 // End Line
                 echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             // Display footer
             if ($output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE || $output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT) {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type, Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_knowbaseitemcategories", $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id']));
             } else {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type);
             echo "<br>";
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($params['start'], $numrows, Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
         } else {
             echo "<div class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</div>";
Example #2
  * Print out list kb item
  * @param $options            $_GET
  * @param $type      string   search type : browse / search (default search)
 static function showList($options, $type = 'search')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     // Default values of parameters
     $params['faq'] = !Session::haveRight("knowbase", "r");
     $params["start"] = "0";
     $params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = "0";
     $params["contains"] = "";
     $params["target"] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
             $params[$key] = $val;
     $ki = new self();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'myunpublished':
             if (!Session::haveRight('knowbase', 'w') && !Session::haveRight('faq', 'w')) {
                 return false;
         case 'allunpublished':
             if (!Session::haveRight('knowbase_admin', 1)) {
                 return false;
     if (!$params["start"]) {
         $params["start"] = 0;
     $query = self::getListRequest($params, $type);
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $KbCategory = new KnowbaseItemCategory();
         $title = "";
         if ($KbCategory->getFromDB($params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"])) {
             $title = empty($KbCategory->fields['name']) ? "(" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . ")" : $KbCategory->fields['name'];
             $title = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Category'), $title);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $title);
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
         $showwriter = in_array($type, array('myunpublished', 'allunpublished', 'allmy'));
         // Limit the result, if no limit applies, use prior result
         if ($numrows > $list_limit && !isset($_GET['export_all'])) {
             $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($params["start"]) . ", " . intval($list_limit) . " ";
             $result_limit = $DB->query($query_limit);
             $numrows_limit = $DB->numrows($result_limit);
         } else {
             $numrows_limit = $numrows;
             $result_limit = $result;
         if ($numrows_limit > 0) {
             // Set display type for export if define
             $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
             if (isset($_GET["display_type"])) {
                 $output_type = $_GET["display_type"];
             // Pager
             $parameters = "start=" . $params["start"] . "&amp;knowbaseitemcategories_id=" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . "&amp;contains=" . $params["contains"] . "&amp;is_faq=" . $params['faq'];
             if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id'])) {
                 $parameters .= "&amp;item_items_id=" . $options['item_items_id'] . "&amp;item_itemtype=" . $options['item_itemtype'];
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($params['start'], $numrows, Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
             $nbcols = 1;
             // Display List Header
             echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $numrows_limit + 1, $nbcols);
             $header_num = 1;
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Subject'), $header_num);
             if ($output_type != Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Content'), $header_num);
             if ($showwriter) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Writer'), $header_num);
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Category'), $header_num);
             if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id']) && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, '&nbsp;', $header_num);
             // Num of the row (1=header_line)
             $row_num = 1;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows_limit; $i++) {
                 $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_limit);
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $data["id"]);
                 // Column num
                 $item_num = 1;
                 echo Search::showNewLine($output_type, $i % 2);
                 if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id'])) {
                         $href = " href='#' onClick=\"var w = window.open('" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=show_kb&amp;id=" . $data['id'] . "' ,'glpipopup', " . "'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' );" . "w.focus();\"";
                     } else {
                         $href = " href=\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/knowbaseitem.form.php?id=" . $data["id"] . "\" ";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, "<div class='kb'><a " . ($data['is_faq'] ? " class='pubfaq' " : " class='knowbase' ") . " {$href}>" . Html::resume_text($data["name"], 80) . "</a></div>\n                                          <div class='kb_resume'>" . Html::resume_text(Html::clean(Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep($data["answer"])), 600) . "</div>", $item_num, $row_num);
                 } else {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $data["name"], $item_num, $row_num);
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, Html::clean(Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep(html_entity_decode($data["answer"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))), $item_num, $row_num);
                 if ($showwriter) {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, getUserName($data["users_id"], 1), $item_num, $row_num);
                 $categ = $data["category"];
                 if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $cathref = $ki->getSearchURL() . "?knowbaseitemcategories_id=" . $data["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] . '&amp;forcetab=Knowbase$2';
                     $categ = "<a href='{$cathref}'>" . $categ . '</a>';
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, $categ, $item_num, $row_num);
                 if (isset($options['item_itemtype']) && isset($options['item_items_id']) && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $content = "<a href='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL($options['item_itemtype']) . "?load_kb_sol=" . $data['id'] . "&amp;id=" . $options['item_items_id'] . "&amp;forcetab=" . $options['item_itemtype'] . "\$2'>" . __('Use as a solution') . "</a>";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $content, $item_num, $row_num);
                 // End Line
                 echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             // Display footer
             if ($output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE || $output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT) {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type, Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_knowbaseitemcategories", $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id']));
             } else {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type);
             echo "<br>";
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($params['start'], $numrows, Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
         } else {
             echo "<div class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</div>";
/** Generate bigdump : generate items for an entity
 * @param $ID_entity entity ID
function generate_entity($ID_entity) {
   global $MAX, $DB, $percent, $FIRST, $LAST, $MAX_KBITEMS_BY_CAT, $MAX_DISK,


   $current_year = date("Y");

   // DOMAIN
   $items = array("SP2MI", "CAMPUS"," IUT86", "PRESIDENCE", "CEAT", "D'omaine");
   $dp    = new Domain();
   $FIRST["domain"] = getMaxItem("glpi_domains")+1;

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['domain'] ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = $items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "domain $ID_entity '$i";
      $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name'         => $val,
                                              'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                                              'is_recursive' => 1,
                                              'comment'      => "comment $val")));
   $LAST["domain"] = getMaxItem("glpi_domains");

   // STATUS
   $items = array("Reparation", "En stock", "En fonction", "Retour SAV", "En attente d'");
   $dp    = new State();
   $FIRST["state"] = getMaxItem("glpi_states")+1;
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['state'] ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = $items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "State $ID_entity '$i";
      $state_id = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name'         => $val,
                                                          'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                                                          'is_recursive' => 1,
                                                          'comment'      => "comment $val")));

      // generate sub status
      for ($j=0 ; $j<$MAX['state'] ; $j++) {
         $val2 = "Sub $val $j";

         $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name'         => $val2,
                                                 'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                                                 'is_recursive' => 1,
                                                 'states_id'    => $state_id,
                                                 'comment'      => "comment $val")));

   $LAST["state"]      = getMaxItem("glpi_states");

   // glpi_groups
   $FIRST["groups"] = getMaxItem("glpi_groups")+1;
   $group           = new Group();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['groups'] ; $i++) {
      $gID = $group->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                               'name'         => "group d'$i",
                               'comment'      => "comment group d'$i",
                               'is_assign'    => 0)));

      // Generate sub group
      for ($j=0 ; $j<$MAX['groups'] ; $j++) {
                     array('entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                           'name'         => "subgroup d'$j",
                           'comment'      => "comment subgroup d'$j of group $i",
                           'groups_id'    => $gID,
                           'is_assign'    => 0)));

   $LAST["groups"]      = getMaxItem("glpi_groups");

   $FIRST["techgroups"] = $LAST["groups"]+1;

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['groups'] ; $i++) {
                     array('entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                           'name'         => "tech group d'$i",
                           'comment'      => "comment tech group d'$i")));

   $LAST["techgroups"] = getMaxItem("glpi_groups");

   // glpi_users
   $FIRST["users_sadmin"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users")+1;
   $user                  = new User();
   $gu                    = new Group_User();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['users_sadmin'] ; $i++) {
      $users_id = $user->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('name'               => "sadmin$i-$ID_entity",
                                   'password'           => "sadmin'$i",
                                   'password2'          => "sadmin'$i",
                                   'phone'              => "tel $i",
                                   'phone2'             => "tel2 $i",
                                   'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                   'realname'           => "sadmin '$i name",
                                   'firstname'          => "sadmin '$i firstname",
                                   'comment'            => "comment' $i",
                                   'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                   'usercategories_id'  => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_type']),
                                   '_profiles_id'       => 4,
                                   '_entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                   '_is_recursive'      => 1

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['groups'], $LAST['groups'])));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['techgroups'], $LAST['techgroups'])));
   $LAST["users_sadmin"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users");
   $FIRST["users_admin"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users")+1;

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['users_admin'] ; $i++) {

      $users_id = $user->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('name'               => "admin$i-$ID_entity",
                                   'password'           => "admin'$i",
                                   'password2'          => "admin'$i",
                                   'phone'              => "tel $i",
                                   'phone2'             => "tel2 $i",
                                   'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                   'realname'           => "admin$i 'name",
                                   'firstname'          => "admin$i 'firstname",
                                   'comment'            => "comment '$i",
                                   'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                   'usercategories_id'  => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_type']),
                                   '_profiles_id'       => 3,
                                   '_entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                   '_is_recursive'      => 1)));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['groups'], $LAST['groups']),
                     'is_manager'   => 1,
                     'is_delegate'  => 1));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['techgroups'], $LAST['techgroups']),
                     'is_manager'   => 1,
                     'is_delegate'  => 1));

   $LAST["users_admin"]   = getMaxItem("glpi_users");
   $FIRST["users_normal"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users")+1;

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['users_normal'] ; $i++) {
      $users_id = $user->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('name'               => "normal$i-$ID_entity",
                                   'password'           => "normal'$i",
                                   'password2'          => "normal'$i",
                                   'phone'              => "tel $i",
                                   'phone2'             => "tel2 $i",
                                   'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                   'realname'           => "normal$i 'name",
                                   'firstname'          => "normal$i 'firstname",
                                   'comment'            => "comment '$i",
                                   'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                   'usercategories_id'  => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_type']),
                                   '_profiles_id'       => 2,
                                   '_entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                   '_is_recursive'      => 1)));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['groups'], $LAST['groups'])));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['techgroups'], $LAST['techgroups'])));

   $LAST["users_normal"]    = getMaxItem("glpi_users");
   $FIRST["users_postonly"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users")+1;

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['users_postonly'] ; $i++) {
      $users_id = $user->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('name'               => "postonly$i-$ID_entity",
                                   'password'           => "postonly'$i",
                                   'password2'          => "postonly'$i",
                                   'phone'              => "tel $i",
                                   'phone2'             => "tel2 $i",
                                   'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                   'realname'           => "postonly$i 'name",
                                   'firstname'          => "postonly$i 'firstname",
                                   'comment'            => "comment' $i",
                                   'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                   'usercategories_id'  => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_type']),
                                   '_profiles_id'       => 1,
                                   '_entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                   '_is_recursive'      => 1)));

      $gu->add(array('users_id'     => $users_id,
                     'groups_id'    => mt_rand($FIRST['groups'], $LAST['groups'])));

   $LAST["users_postonly"] = getMaxItem("glpi_users");

   $FIRST["kbcategories"] = getMaxItem("glpi_knowbaseitemcategories")+1;
   $kbc                   = new KnowbaseItemCategory();

   for ($i=0 ; $i<max(1,pow($MAX['kbcategories'],1/3)) ; $i++) {
      $newID = $kbc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'    => 1,
                               'name'            => "entity ' categorie $i",
                               'comment'         => "comment ' categorie $i")));

      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['kbcategories'],1/2)) ; $j++) {
         $newID2 = $kbc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('entities_id'                 => $ID_entity,
                                   'is_recursive'                => 1,
                                   'name'                        => "entity s-categorie '$j",
                                   'comment'                     => "comment s-categorie '$j",
                                   'knowbaseitemcategories_id'   => $newID)));

         for ($k=0 ; $k<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['kbcategories'],1/2)) ; $k++) {
            $newID2 = $kbc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                array('entities_id'               => $ID_entity,
                                      'is_recursive'              => 1,
                                      'name'                      => "entity ss-categorie' $k",
                                      'comment'                   => "comment ss-categorie' $k",
                                      'knowbaseitemcategories_id' => $newID2)));

   $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `glpi_knowbaseitemcategories`";
   $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query);

   $LAST["kbcategories"] = getMaxItem("glpi_knowbaseitemcategories");

   $added              = 0;
   $FIRST["locations"] = getMaxItem("glpi_locations")+1;
   $loc                = new Location();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<pow($MAX['locations'],1/5)&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $i++) {
      $newID = $loc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'    => 1,
                               'name'            => "location' $i",
                               'comment'         => "comment 'location $i",
                               'building'        => "building $i")));

      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['locations'],1/4))&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $j++) {
         $newID2 = $loc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                             array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                                   'is_recursive'    => 1,
                                   'name'            => "s-location '$j",
                                   'comment'         => "comment s-location '$j",
                                   'building'        => "building $i",
                                   'room'            => "stage '$j",
                                   'locations_id'    => $newID)));

         for ($k=0 ; $k<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['locations'],1/4))&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $k++) {
            $newID3 = $loc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                                      'is_recursive'    => 1,
                                      'name'            => "ss-location '$k",
                                      'comment'         => "comment ss-location' $k",
                                      'building'        => "building $i",
                                      'room'            => "part' $k",
                                      'locations_id'    => $newID2)));

            for ($l=0 ; $l<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['locations'],1/4))&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $l++) {
               $newID4 = $loc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                   array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                                         'is_recursive'    => 1,
                                         'name'            => "sss-location' $l",
                                         'comment'         => "comment sss-location' $l",
                                         'building'        => "building $i",
                                         'room'            => "room' $l",
                                         'locations_id'    => $newID3)));

               for ($m=0 ; $m<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['locations'],1/4))&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $m++) {
                  $newID5 = $loc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                      array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                                            'is_recursive'    => 1,
                                            'name'            => "ssss-location' $m",
                                            'comment'         => "comment ssss-location' $m",
                                            'building'        => "building $i",
                                            'room'            => "room' $l-$m",
                                            'locations_id'    => $newID4)));

   $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `glpi_locations`";
   $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query);


   // Task categories
   $added                 = 0;
   $FIRST["taskcategory"] = getMaxItem("glpi_taskcategories")+1;
   $tc                    = new TaskCategory();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<pow($MAX['taskcategory'],1/5)&&$added<$MAX['taskcategory'] ; $i++) {
      $newID = $tc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                        array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                              'is_recursive'    => 1,
                              'name'            => "ent$ID_entity taskcategory' $i",
                              'comment'         => "comment ent$ID_entity taskcategory' $i")));

      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['locations'],1/4))&&$added<$MAX['locations'] ; $j++) {
         $newID2 = $tc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                            array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                  'is_recursive'       => 1,
                                  'name'               => "ent$ID_entity taskcategory' $i",
                                  'comment'            => "comment ent$ID_entity taskcategory' $i",
                                  'taskcategories_id'  => $newID)));

   $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `glpi_taskcategories`";
   $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query);

   $LAST["taskcategory"] = getMaxItem("glpi_taskcategories");

   $ic = new ItilCategory();
   // Specific ticket categories
   $newID = $ic->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                     array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                           'is_recursive'    => 1,
                           'name'            => "category for entity' $ID_entity",
                           'comment'         => "comment category for entity' $ID_entity",
                           'users_id'        => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],$LAST['users_admin']),
                           'groups_id'       => mt_rand($FIRST['techgroups'],$LAST['techgroups']),
                           'tickettemplates_id_incident' => 1,
                           'tickettemplates_id_demand'   => 1)));

   for ($i=0 ; $i<max(1,pow($MAX['tracking_category'],1/3)) ; $i++) {
               array('entities_id'                 => $ID_entity,
                     'is_recursive'                => 1,
                     'name'                        => "scategory for entity' $ID_entity",
                     'comment'                     => "comment scategory for entity' $ID_entity",
                     'users_id'                    => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],
                     'groups_id'                   => mt_rand($FIRST['techgroups'],
                     'tickettemplates_id_incident' => 1,
                     'tickettemplates_id_demand'   => 1,
                     'itilcategories_id'           => $newID)));


   $FIRST["solutiontypes"] = getMaxItem("glpi_solutiontypes")+1;

   $items = array("d'après KB");
   $st    = new SolutionType();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['solutiontypes'] ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = $items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "type de solution ' $i";
      $st->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name'         => $val,
                                              'comment'      => "comment $val",
                                              'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                                              'is_recursive' => 1)));
   $LAST["solutiontypes"] = getMaxItem("glpi_solutiontypes");

   $FIRST["solutiontemplates"] = getMaxItem("glpi_solutiontemplates")+1;
   $nb_items                   = mt_rand(0,$MAX['solutiontemplates']);
   $st                         = new SolutionTemplate();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$nb_items ; $i++) {
      $st-> add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                      'is_recursive'       => 1,
                      'name'               => "solution' $i-$ID_entity",
                      'content'            => "content solution' $i-$ID_entity",
                      'solutiontypes_id'   => mt_rand(0,$MAX['solutiontypes']),
                      'comment'            => "comment solution' $i-$ID_entity")));

   $LAST["solutiontemplates"] = getMaxItem("glpi_solutiontemplates");

   // Add Specific questions
   $k                = 0;
   $FIRST["kbitems"] = getMaxItem("glpi_knowbaseitems")+1;
   $ki               = new KnowbaseItem();
   $eki              = new Entity_KnowbaseItem();
   for ($i=$FIRST['kbcategories'] ; $i<=$LAST['kbcategories'] ; $i++) {
      $nb = mt_rand(0,$MAX_KBITEMS_BY_CAT);
      for ($j=0 ; $j<$nb ; $j++) {
         $newID = $ki->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('knowbaseitemcategories_id'   => $i,
                                 'name'      => "Entity' $ID_entity Question $k",
                                 'answer'    => "Answer' $k".Toolbox::getRandomString(50),
                                 'is_faq'    => mt_rand(0,1),
                                 'users_id'  => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],

         $eki->add(array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                        'knowbaseitems_id'   => $newID,
                        'is_recursive'       => 0));

   // Add global questions
   for ($i=$FIRST['kbcategories'] ; $i<=$LAST['kbcategories'] ; $i++) {
      $nb = mt_rand(0,$MAX_KBITEMS_BY_CAT);
      for ($j=0 ; $j<$nb ; $j++) {
         $newID = $ki->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('knowbaseitemcategories_id'   => $i,
                                 'name'      => "Entity' $ID_entity Recursive Question $k",
                                 'answer'    => "Answer' $k".Toolbox::getRandomString(50),
                                 'is_faq'    => mt_rand(0,1),
                                 'users_id'  => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],

         $eki->add(array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                        'knowbaseitems_id'   => $newID,
                        'is_recursive'       => 1));

   $LAST["kbitems"] = getMaxItem("glpi_knowbaseitems");

   // Ajout documents  specific
   $FIRST["document"] = getMaxItem("glpi_documents")+1;
   $doc               = new Document();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['document'] ; $i++) {
      $link = "";
      if (mt_rand(0,100)<50) {
         $link = "http://linktodoc/doc$i";

      $docID = $doc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'           => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'          => 0,
                               'name'                  => "document' $i-$ID_entity",
                               'documentcategories_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['rubdocs']),
                               'comment'               => "commen't $i",
                               'link'                  => $link,
                               'notepad'               => "notes document' $i")));

      $DOCUMENTS[$docID] = $ID_entity."-0";

   // Global ones
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['document']/2 ; $i++) {
      $link = "";
      if (mt_rand(0,100)<50) {
         $link = "http://linktodoc/doc$i";

      $docID = $doc->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'           => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'          => 1,
                               'name'                  => "Recursive document' $i-$ID_entity",
                               'documentcategories_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['rubdocs']),
                               'comment'               => "comment' $i",
                               'link'                  => $link,
                               'notepad'               => "notes document' $i")));

      $DOCUMENTS[$docID] = $ID_entity."-1";

   $LAST["document"] = getMaxItem("glpi_documents");

   // Ajout budgets  specific
   $FIRST["budget"] = getMaxItem("glpi_budgets")+1;
   $b               = new Budget();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['budget'] ; $i++) {
      $date1 = strtotime(mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28));
      $date2 = $date1+MONTH_TIMESTAMP*12*mt_rand(1,4); // + entre 1 et 4 ans

              array('name'         => "budget' $i-$ID_entity",
                    'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                    'is_recusive'  => 0,
                    'comment'      => "comment' $i-$ID_entity",
                    'begin_date'   => date("Y-m-d",intval($date1)),
                    'end_date'     => date("Y-m-d",intval($date2)))));
   $LAST["budget"] = getMaxItem("glpi_budgets");

   // GLobal ones
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['document']/2 ; $i++) {
      $date1 = strtotime(mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28));
      $date2 = $date1+MONTH_TIMESTAMP*12*mt_rand(1,4); // + entre 1 et 4 ans

              array('name'         => "Recursive budget' $i-$ID_entity",
                    'entities_id'  => $ID_entity,
                    'is_recusive'  => 1,
                    'comment'      => "comment' $i-$ID_entity",
                    'begin_date'   => date("Y-m-d",intval($date1)),
                    'end_date'     => date("Y-m-d",intval($date2)))));

   $LAST["document"] = getMaxItem("glpi_documents");

   // glpi_suppliers
   $items                = array("DELL", "IBM", "ACER", "Microsoft", "Epson", "Xerox",
                                 "Hewlett Packard", "Nikon", "Targus", "LG", "Samsung", "Lexmark");
   $FIRST["enterprises"] = getMaxItem("glpi_suppliers")+1;
   $ent                  = new Supplier();

   // Global ones
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['enterprises']/2 ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = "Recursive ".$items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "Recursive enterprise_".$i."_ID_entity";
      $entID = $ent->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'       => 1,
                               'name'               => "Recursive' $val-$ID_entity",
                               'suppliertypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['enttype']),
                               'address'            => "address' $i",
                               'postcode'           => "postcode $i",
                               'town'               => "town' $i",
                               'state'              => "state' $i",
                               'country'            => "country $i",
                               'website'            => "http://www.$val.com/",
                               'fax'                => "fax $i",
                               'email'              => "info@ent$i.com",
                               'notepad'            => "notes enterprises' $i")));

      addDocuments('Supplier', $entID);

   // Specific ones
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['enterprises'] ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = $items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "enterprise_".$i."_ID_entity";

      $entID = $ent->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'       => 0,
                               'name'               => "'$val-$ID_entity",
                               'suppliertypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['enttype']),
                               'address'            => "address' $i",
                               'postcode'           => "postcode $i",
                               'town'               => "town' $i",
                               'state'              => "state' $i",
                               'country'            => "country $i",
                               'website'            => "http://www.$val.com/",
                               'fax'                => "fax $i",
                               'email'              => "info@ent$i.com",
                               'notepad'            => "notes supplier' $i",
                               'comment'            => "comment supplier' $i")));

      addDocuments('Supplier', $entID);
   $LAST["enterprises"] = getMaxItem("glpi_suppliers");

   // Ajout contracts
   $FIRST["contract"] = getMaxItem("glpi_contracts")+1;
   $c                 = new Contract();
   $cs                = new Contract_Supplier();
   $cc                = new ContractCost();
   // Specific
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contract'] ; $i++) {
      $date = mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28);
      $contractID = $c->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                            array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                  'is_recursive'       => 0,
                                  'name'               => "contract' $i-$ID_entity",
                                  'num'                => "num' $i",
                                  'contracttypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['contract_type']),
                                  'begin_date'         => $date,
                                  'duration'           => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'notice'             => mt_rand(1,3),
                                  'periodicity'        => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'billing'            => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'comment'            => "comment' $i",
                                  'accounting_number'  => "compta num' $i",
                                  'renewal'            => 1)));

      addDocuments('Contract', $contractID);

      // Add an enterprise
      $cs->add(array('contracts_id' => $contractID,
                     'suppliers_id' => mt_rand($FIRST["enterprises"], $LAST["enterprises"])));
      // Add a cost
               array('contracts_id' => $contractID,
                     'cost'         => mt_rand(100,10000),
                     'name'         => "Initial 'cost",
                     'begin_date'   => $date,
                     'budgets_id'   => mt_rand($FIRST['budget'], $LAST['budget']))));

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contract']/2 ; $i++) {
      $date = mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28);

      $contractID = $c->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                            array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                  'is_recursive'       => 1,
                                  'name'               => "Recursive contract' $i-$ID_entity",
                                  'num'                => "num' $i",
                                  'cost'               => mt_rand(100,10000),
                                  'contracttypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['contract_type']),
                                  'begin_date'         => $date,
                                  'duration'           => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'notice'             => mt_rand(1,3),
                                  'periodicity'        => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'billing'            => mt_rand(1,36),
                                  'comment'            => "comment' $i",
                                  'accounting_number'  => "compta num' $i",
                                  'renewal'            => 1)));

      addDocuments('Contract', $contractID);

      // Add an enterprise
      $cs->add(array('contracts_id' => $contractID,
                     'suppliers_id' => mt_rand($FIRST["enterprises"], $LAST["enterprises"])));
   $LAST["contract"] = getMaxItem("glpi_contracts");

   // Ajout contacts
   $prenoms = array("Jean", "John", "Louis", "Pierre", "Auguste",
                    "Albert", "Julien", "Guillaume", "Bruno",
                    "Maurice", "Francois", "Laurent", "Richard",
                    "Henri", "Clement", "d'avy");
   $noms    = array("Dupont", "Smith", "Durand", "Martin", "Dubois",
                    "Dufour", "Dupin", "Duval", "Petit", "Grange",
                    "Bernard", "Bonnet", "Richard", "Leroy",
                    "Dumont", "Fontaine", "d'orleans");

   $FIRST["contacts"] = getMaxItem("glpi_contacts")+1;
   $c                 = new Contact();
   $cs                = new Contact_Supplier();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contacts'] ; $i++) {
      if (isset($noms[$i])) {
         $val = $noms[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "name $i";
      if (isset($prenoms[$i])) {
         $val2 = $prenoms[$i];
      } else {
         $val2 = "firstname $i";

      $contactID = $c->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                 'is_recursive'       => 0,
                                 'name'               => "$val-$ID_entity",
                                 'firstname'          => $val2,
                                 'contacttypes_id'    => mt_rand(1,$MAX['contact_type']),
                                 'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                 'phone'              => "phone $i",
                                 'phone2'             => "phone2 $i",
                                 'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                 'fax'                => "fax $i",
                                 'email'              => "email $i",
                                 'address'            => "address' $i",
                                 'postcode'           => "postcode $i",
                                 'town'               => "town' $i",
                                 'state'              => "state' $i",
                                 'country'            => "country $i",
                                 'comment'            => "Comment' $i")));

      // Link with enterprise
      $cs->add(array('contacts_id'  => $contactID,
                     'suppliers_id' => mt_rand($FIRST['enterprises'],$LAST['enterprises'])));

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contacts']/2 ; $i++) {
      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val = "Recursive ".$items[$i];
      } else {
         $val = "Recursive contact $i";
      $contactID = $c->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                 'is_recursive'       => 0,
                                 'name'               => "$val'-$ID_entity",
                                 'contacttypes_id'    => mt_rand(1,$MAX['contact_type']),
                                 'usertitles_id'      => mt_rand(0,$MAX['user_title']),
                                 'phone'              => "phone $i",
                                 'phone2'             => "phone2 $i",
                                 'mobile'             => "mobile $i",
                                 'fax'                => "fax $i",
                                 'email'              => "email $i",
                                 'address'            => "address' $i",
                                 'postcode'           => "postcode $i",
                                 'town'               => "town' $i",
                                 'state'              => "state' $i",
                                 'country'            => "country $i",
                                 'comment'            => "Comment' $i")));

      // Link with enterprise
      $cs->add(array('contacts_id'  => $contactID,
                     'suppliers_id' => mt_rand($FIRST['enterprises'],$LAST['enterprises'])));
   $LAST["contacts"] = getMaxItem("glpi_contacts");

   $FIRST["type_of_consumables"] = getMaxItem("glpi_consumableitems")+1;
   $ci                           = new Consumableitem();

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_of_consumables'] ; $i++) {
      $consID = $ci->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'             => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'            => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'name'                    => "consumable type' $i",
                               'ref'                     => "ref d' $i",
                               'locations_id'            => mt_rand($FIRST["locations"],
                               'consumableitemtypes_id'  => mt_rand(0,$MAX['consumable_type']),
                               'manufacturers_id'        => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                               'users_id_tech'           => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],
                               'groups_id_tech'          => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                               'comment'                 => "comment' $i",
                               'notepad'                 => "notes consumableitem' $i",
                               'alarm_threshold'         => mt_rand(0,10))));

      addDocuments('ConsumableItem', $consID);

      addInfocoms('ConsumableItem', $consID, $ID_entity);

      // Ajout consommable en stock
      $c = new Consumable();
      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,$MAX['consumables_stock']) ; $j++) {
         $date = mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28);

         $ID = $c->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                             'consumableitems_id' => $consID,
                             'date_in'            => $date));

         // AJOUT INFOCOMS
         addInfocoms('Consumable', $ID, $ID_entity);

      // Ajout consommable donne
      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,$MAX['consumables_given']) ; $j++) {
         $date = mt_rand(2000,$current_year-1)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28);

         $ID = $c->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                             'consumableitems_id' => $consID,
                             'date_in'            => $date,
                             'date_out'           => date("Y-m-d")));

         // AJOUT INFOCOMS
         addInfocoms('Consumable', $ID, $ID_entity);


   $LAST["type_of_consumables"] = getMaxItem("glpi_consumableitems");

   $FIRST["type_of_cartridges"] = getMaxItem("glpi_cartridgeitems")+1;
   $ct                          = new CartridgeItem();

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_of_cartridges'] ; $i++) {
      $cartID = $ct->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                               'is_recursive'      => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'name'              => "cartridge ' type $i",
                               'ref'               => "ref '$i",
                               'locations_id'      => mt_rand($FIRST["locations"], $LAST['locations']),
                               'manufacturers_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                               'users_id_tech'     => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],
                               'groups_id_tech'    => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                               'comment'           => "comment '$i",
                               'notepad'           => "notes cartridgeitem '$i",
                               'alarm_threshold'   => mt_rand(0,10))));

      addDocuments('CartridgeItem', $cartID);

      addInfocoms('CartridgeItem', $cartID, $ID_entity);

      $c    = new Cartridge();
      $cipm = new CartridgeItem_PrinterModel();
      // Ajout cartouche en stock
      for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,$MAX['cartridges_stock']) ; $j++) {
         $date = mt_rand(2000,$current_year-1)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28);

         $ID = $c->add(array('entities_id'         => $ID_entity,
                             'cartridgeitems_id'   => $cartID,
                             'date_in'             => $date));

         // AJOUT INFOCOMS
         addInfocoms('Cartridge', $ID, $ID_entity);


      // Assoc printer type to cartridge type
      $cipm->add(array('cartridgeitems_id'  => $cartID,
                       'printermodels_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_printers']),
   $LAST["type_of_cartridges"] = getMaxItem("glpi_cartridgeitems");

   // Networking
   $NET_LOC             = array();
   $FIRST["networking"] = getMaxItem("glpi_networkequipments")+1;
   $FIRST["printers"]   = getMaxItem("glpi_printers")+1;
   $ne                  = new NetworkEquipment();
   $p                   = new Printer();
   $np                  = new Netpoint();
   $c                   = new Cartridge();

   foreach ($DB->request('glpi_locations') as $data) {
      $i          = $data["id"];
      $techID     = mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],$LAST['users_admin']);
      $gtechID    = mt_rand($FIRST["techgroups"],$LAST["techgroups"]);
      $infoIP     = getNextIP();
      $domainID   = mt_rand($FIRST['domain'],$LAST['domain']);
      $networkID  = mt_rand(1,$MAX['network']);

      // insert networking

      $netwID = $ne->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'                   => $ID_entity,
                               'name'                          => "networking '$i-$ID_entity",
                               'ram'                           => mt_rand(32,256),
                               'serial'                        => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                               'otherserial'                   => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                               'contact'                       => "contact '$i",
                               'contact_num'                   => "num '$i",
                               'users_id_tech'                 => $techID,
                               'groups_id_tech'                => $gtechID,
                               'comment'                       => "comment '$i",
                               'locations_id'                  => $i,
                               'domains_id'                    => $domainID,
                               'networks_id'                   => $networkID,
                               'networkequipmenttypes_id'      => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_networking']),
                               'networkequipmentmodels_id'     => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_networking']),
                               'networkequipmentfirmwares_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['firmware']),
                               'manufacturers_id'              => mt_rand(1,$MAX['enterprises']),
                               'mac'                           => getNextMAC(),
                               'ip'                            => $infoIP["ip"],
                               'notepad'                       => "notes networking '$i",
                               'users_id'                      => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],
                               'groups_id'                     => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"],
                               'states_id'                     => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']
      $NET_LOC[$data['id']] = $netwID;
      addDocuments('NetworkEquipment', $netwID);
      addContracts('NetworkEquipment', $netwID);

      addInfocoms('NetworkEquipment', $netwID, $ID_entity);

      // Link with father
      addNetworkEthernetPort('NetworkEquipment', $netwID, $ID_entity, $i);

      // Ajout imprimantes reseaux : 1 par loc + connexion d un matos reseau + ajout de cartouches
      // Add trackings
      addTracking('NetworkEquipment', $netwID, $ID_entity);

      $typeID  = mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_printers']);
      $modelID = mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_printers']);
      $recur   = mt_rand(0,1);

      $printID = $p->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'      => $ID_entity,
                                'is_recursive'     => $recur,
                                'name'             => "printer of loc '$i",
                                'serial'           => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                'otherserial'      => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                'contact'          => "contact '$i",
                                'contact_num'      => "num' $i",
                                'users_id_tech'    => $techID,
                                'groups_id_tech'   => $gtechID,
                                'have_serial'      => mt_rand(0,1),
                                'have_parallel'    => mt_rand(0,1),
                                'have_usb'         => mt_rand(0,1),
                                'have_wifi'        => mt_rand(0,1),
                                'have_ethernet'    => mt_rand(0,1),
                                'comment'          => "comment' $i",
                                'memory_size'      => mt_rand(0,128),
                                'locations_id'     => $i,
                                'domains_id'       => $domainID,
                                'networks_id'      => $networkID,
                                'printertypes_id'  => $typeID,
                                'printermodels_id' => $modelID,
                                'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['enterprises']),
                                'is_global'        => 1,
                                'notepad'          => "notes printers '$i",
                                'users_id'         => mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],
                                'groups_id'        => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                                'states_id'        => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

      addDocuments('Printer', $printID);
      addContracts('Printer', $printID);

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Printer', $printID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Printer', $printID, $ID_entity, $recur);

      // Add Cartouches
      // Get compatible cartridge
      $query = "SELECT `cartridgeitems_id`
                FROM `glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels`
                WHERE `printermodels_id` = '$typeID'";
      $result2 = $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query);

      if ($DB->numrows($result2)>0) {
         $ctypeID = $DB->result($result2,0,0) or die (" PB RESULT ".$query);
         $printed = 0;
         $oldnb   = mt_rand(1,$MAX['cartridges_by_printer']);
         $date1   = strtotime(mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28));
         $date2   = time();
         $inter   = abs(round(($date2-$date1)/$oldnb));

         // Add old cartridges
         for ($j=0 ; $j<$oldnb ; $j++) {
            $printed += mt_rand(0,5000);
            $c->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                          'cartridgeitems_id'  => $ctypeID,
                          'printers_id'        => $printID,
                          'date_in'            => date("Y-m-d",$date1),
                          'date_use'           => date("Y-m-d",$date1+$j*$inter),
                          'date_out'           => date("Y-m-d",$date1+($j+1)*$inter),
                          'pages'              => $printed));

         // Add current cartridges
         $c->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                       'cartridgeitems_id'  => $ctypeID,
                       'printers_id'        => $printID,
                       'date_in'            => $date,
                       'date_use'           => date("Y-m-d",$date2)));

      $iface = mt_rand(1,$MAX['iface']);

      // Add networking ports
      addNetworkEthernetPort('Printer', $printID, $ID_entity, $i);
   $LAST["networking"] = getMaxItem("glpi_networkequipments");

   //////////// INVENTORY

   // glpi_computers
   $FIRST["computers"]   = getMaxItem("glpi_computers")+1;
   $FIRST["monitors"]    = getMaxItem("glpi_monitors")+1;
   $FIRST["phones"]      = getMaxItem("glpi_phones")+1;
   $FIRST["peripherals"] = getMaxItem("glpi_peripherals")+1;
   $c       = new Computer();
   $mon     = new Monitor();

   $cdevmb    = new Item_DeviceMotherBoard();
   $cdevproc  = new Item_DeviceProcessor();
   $cdevmem   = new Item_DeviceMemory();
   $cdevhd    = new Item_DeviceHardDrive();
   $cdevnc    = new Item_DeviceNetworkCard();
   $cdevdr    = new Item_DeviceDrive();
   $cdevcon   = new Item_DeviceControl();
   $cdevgc    = new Item_DeviceGraphicCard();
   $cdevsc    = new Item_DeviceSoundCard();
   $cdevpci   = new Item_DevicePci();
   $cdevcase  = new Item_DeviceCase();
   $cdevps    = new Item_DevicePowerSupply();

   $cdisk   = new ComputerDisk();
   $np      = new Netpoint();
   $ci      = new Computer_Item();
   $phone   = new Phone();
   $print   = new Printer();
   $periph  = new Peripheral();
   $cart    = new Cartridge();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['computers'] ; $i++) {
      $loc       = mt_rand($FIRST["locations"],$LAST['locations']);
      $techID    = mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],$LAST['users_admin']);
      $userID    = mt_rand($FIRST['users_normal'],$LAST['users_postonly']);
      $groupID   = mt_rand($FIRST["groups"],$LAST["groups"]);
      $gtechID   = mt_rand($FIRST["techgroups"],$LAST["techgroups"]);
      $domainID  = mt_rand($FIRST['domain'],$LAST['domain']);
      $networkID = mt_rand(1,$MAX['network']);

      $compID = $c->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                        array('entities_id'                    => $ID_entity,
                              'name'                           => "computer ' $i-$ID_entity",
                              'serial'                         => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                              'otherserial'                    => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                              'contact'                        => "contact' $i",
                              'contact_num'                    => "num' $i",
                              'users_id_tech'                  => $techID,
                              'groups_id_tech'                 => $gtechID,
                              'comment'                        => "comment' $i",
                              'operatingsystems_id'            => mt_rand(1,$MAX['os']),
                              'operatingsystemversions_id'     => mt_rand(1,$MAX['os_version']),
                              'operatingsystemservicepacks_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['os_sp']),
                              'os_license_number'              => "os sn $i",
                              'os_licenseid'                   => "os id $i",
                              'autoupdatesystems_id'           => mt_rand(1,$MAX['os_sp']),
                              'locations_id'                   => $loc,
                              'domains_id'                     => $domainID,
                              'networks_id'                    => $networkID,
                              'computertypes_id'               => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_computers']),
                              'computermodels_id'              => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model']),
                              'manufacturers_id'               => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                              'is_global'                      => 1,
                              'notepad'                        => "notes computer '$i",
                              'users_id'                       => $userID,
                              'groups_id'                      => $groupID,
                              'states_id'                      => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']
                              'uuid'                           => Toolbox::getRandomString(30)

      addDocuments('Computer', $compID);
      addContracts('Computer', $compID);

      $NET_PORT['Computer'][$compID] = 0;

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Computer', $compID, $ID_entity);

      // Add reservation
      addReservation('Computer', $compID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Computer', $compID, $ID_entity);

      // ADD DEVICE
      $cdevmb->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                          array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $max   = mt_rand(1,4);
      $devid = mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']);
      for($nb = 0; $nb<$max; $nb++) {
         $cdevproc->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, $devid,
                               array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));
      $max   = mt_rand(1,4);
      $devid = mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']);
      for($nb = 0; $nb<$max; $nb++) {
         $cdevmem->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, $devid,
                              array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $max = mt_rand(1,2);
      $devid = mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']);
      for($nb = 0; $nb<$max; $nb++) {
         $cdevhd->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, $devid,
                             array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $cdevnc->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                          array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15),
                                'mac'    => getNextMAC()));

      $cdevdr->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                          array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $cdevcon->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                           array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $cdevgc->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                          array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $cdevsc->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                          array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $max = mt_rand(1,4);
      for($nb = 0; $nb<$max; $nb++) {
         $cdevpci->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                              array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $cdevcase->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']),
                            array('serial'=> Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      $max   = mt_rand(1,2);
      $devid = mt_rand(1,$MAX['device']);
      for($nb = 0; $nb<$max; $nb++) {
         $cdevps->addDevices(1, 'Computer', $compID, $devid,
                             array('serial' => Toolbox::getRandomString(15)));

      // insert disk
      $nb_disk = mt_rand(1,$MAX_DISK);
      for ($j=1 ; $j<=$nb_disk ; $j++) {
         $totalsize = mt_rand(10000,1000000);
         $freesize  = mt_rand(0,$totalsize);

                      array('entities_id'     => $ID_entity,
                            'computers_id'    => $compID,
                            'name'            => "disk '$j",
                            'device'          => "/dev/disk$j",
                            'mountpoint'      => "/mnt/disk$j",
                            'filesystems_id'  => mt_rand(1,10),
                            'totalsize'       => $totalsize,
                            'freesize'        => $freesize)));

      // Add networking ports
      addNetworkEthernetPort('Computer', $compID, $ID_entity, $loc);

      // Ajout d'un ecran sur l'ordi
      $monID = $mon->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                         array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                               'name'              => "monitor' $i-$ID_entity",
                               'serial'            => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                               'otherserial'       => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                               'contact'           => "contact' $i",
                               'contact_num'       => "num' $i",
                               'users_id_tech'     => $techID,
                               'groups_id_tech'    => $gtechID,
                               'comment'           => "comment' $i",
                               'size'              => mt_rand(14,22),
                               'have_micro'        => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_speaker'      => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_subd'         => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_bnc'          => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_dvi'          => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_pivot'        => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_hdmi'         => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'have_displayport'  => mt_rand(0,1),
                               'locations_id'      => $loc,
                               'monitortypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_monitors']),
                               'monitormodels_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_monitors']),
                               'manufacturers_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                               'notepad'           => "notes monitor' $i",
                               'users_id'          => $userID,
                               'groups_id'         => $groupID,
                               'states_id'         => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

      addDocuments('Monitor', $monID);
      addContracts('Monitor', $monID);

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Monitor', $monID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Monitor', $monID, $ID_entity);

      $ci->add(array('itemtype'     => 'Monitor',
                     'items_id'     => $monID,
                     'computers_id' => $compID,

      // Ajout d'un telephhone avec l'ordi
      $telID = $phone->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('entities_id'           => $ID_entity,
                                 'name'                  => "phone' $i-$ID_entity",
                                 'serial'                => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                 'otherserial'           => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                 'contact'               => "contact' $i",
                                 'contact_num'           => "num' $i",
                                 'users_id_tech'         => $techID,
                                 'groups_id_tech'        => $gtechID,
                                 'comment'               => "comment' $i",
                                 'firmware'              => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                 'brand'                 => "brand' $i",
                                 'phonepowersupplies_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX['phone_power']),
                                 'number_line'           => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                 'have_headset'          => mt_rand(0,1),
                                 'have_hp'               => mt_rand(0,1),
                                 'locations_id'          => $loc,
                                 'phonetypes_id'         => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_phones']),
                                 'phonemodels_id'        => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_phones']),
                                 'manufacturers_id'      => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                                 'notepad'               => "notes phone' $i",
                                 'users_id'              => $userID,
                                 'groups_id'             => $groupID,
                                 'states_id'             => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

      addDocuments('Phone', $telID);
      addContracts('Phone', $telID);

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Phone', $telID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Phone', $telID, $ID_entity);

      $ci->add(array('itemtype'     => 'Phone',
                     'items_id'     => $telID,
                     'computers_id' => $compID));

      // Ajout des periphs externes en connection directe
      while (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['peripherals']) {

         $periphID = $periph->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                  array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                        'name'              => "periph of comp' $i-$ID_entity",
                                        'serial'            => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                        'otherserial'       => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                        'contact'           => "contact' $i",
                                        'contact_num'       => "num' $i",
                                        'users_id_tech'     => $techID,
                                        'groups_id_tech'    => $gtechID,
                                        'comment'           => "comment' $i",
                                        'brand'             => "brand' $i",
                                        'locations_id'      => $loc,
                                        'phonetypes_id'     => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_peripherals']),
                                        'phonemodels_id'    => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_peripherals']),
                                        'manufacturers_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                                        'notepad'           => "notes peripheral' $i",
                                        'users_id'          => $userID,
                                        'groups_id'         => $groupID,
                                        'states_id'         => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

         addDocuments('Peripheral', $periphID);
         addContracts('Peripheral', $periphID);

         // Add trackings
         addTracking('Peripheral', $periphID, $ID_entity);

         // Add connection
         $ci->add(array('itemtype'     => 'Peripheral',
                        'items_id'     => $periphID,
                        'computers_id' => $compID));

      // Ajout d'une imprimante connection directe pour X% des computers + ajout de cartouches
      if (mt_rand(0,100)<=$percent['printer']) {
         // Add printer
         $typeID  = mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_printers']);
         $modelID = mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_printers']);

         $printID = $p->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                            array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                  'name'              => "printer of comp' $i-$ID_entity",
                                  'serial'            => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                  'otherserial'       => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                  'contact'           => "contact' $i",
                                  'contact_num'       => "num' $i",
                                  'users_id_tech'     => $techID,
                                  'groups_id_tech'    => $gtechID,
                                  'have_serial'       => mt_rand(0,1),
                                  'have_parallel'     => mt_rand(0,1),
                                  'have_usb'          => mt_rand(0,1),
                                  'have_wifi'         => mt_rand(0,1),
                                  'have_ethernet'     => mt_rand(0,1),
                                  'comment'           => "comment' $i",
                                  'memory_size'       => mt_rand(0,128),
                                  'locations_id'      => $loc,
                                  'domains_id'        => $domainID,
                                  'networks_id'       => $networkID,
                                  'printertypes_id'   => $typeID,
                                  'printermodels_id'  => $modelID,
                                  'manufacturers_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                                  'notepad'           => "notes printers '$i",
                                  'users_id'          => mt_rand($FIRST['users_postonly'],
                                  'groups_id'         => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                                  'states_id'         => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

         addDocuments('Printer', $printID);
         addContracts('Printer', $printID);

         // Add trackings
         addTracking('Printer', $printID, $ID_entity);

         // Add connection
         $ci->add(array('itemtype'     => 'Printer',
                        'items_id'     => $printID,
                        'computers_id' => $compID));

         // AJOUT INFOCOMS
         addInfocoms('Printer', $printID, $ID_entity);

         // Add Cartouches
         // Get compatible cartridge
         $query = "SELECT `cartridgeitems_id`
                   FROM `glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels`
                   WHERE `printermodels_id` = '$typeID'";
         $result = $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query);

         if ($DB->numrows($result)>0) {
            $ctypeID = $DB->result($result,0,0) or die (" PB RESULT ".$query);
            $printed = 0;
            $oldnb   = mt_rand(1,$MAX['cartridges_by_printer']);
            $date1   = strtotime(mt_rand(2000,$current_year)."-".mt_rand(1,12)."-".mt_rand(1,28));
            $date2   = time();
            $inter   = round(($date2-$date1)/$oldnb);

            // Add old cartridges
            for ($j=0 ; $j<$oldnb ; $j++) {
               $printed += mt_rand(0,5000);
               $cart->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                                'cartridgeitems_id'  => $ctypeID,
                                'printers_id'        => $printID,
                                'date_in'            => date("Y-m-d",$date1),
                                'date_use'           => date("Y-m-d",$date1+$j*$inter),
                                'date_out'           => date("Y-m-d",$date1+($j+1)*$inter),
                                'pages'              => $printed));

            // Add current cartridges
            $cart->add(array('entities_id'        => $ID_entity,
                             'cartridgeitems_id'  => $ctypeID,
                             'printers_id'        => $printID,
                             'date_in'            => date("Y-m-d",$date1),
                             'date_use'           => date("Y-m-d",$date2)));

   $LAST["computers"] = getMaxItem("glpi_computers");
   $LAST["monitors"]  = getMaxItem("glpi_monitors");
   $LAST["phones"]    = getMaxItem("glpi_phones");

   // Add global peripherals
   $periph = new Peripheral();
   $ci     = new Computer_Item();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['global_peripherals'] ; $i++) {
      $techID  = mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],$LAST['users_admin']);
      $gtechID = mt_rand($FIRST["techgroups"],$LAST["techgroups"]);

      $periphID = $periph->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                               array('entities_id'       => $ID_entity,
                                     'name'              => "periph '$i-$ID_entity",
                                     'serial'            => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                     'otherserial'       => Toolbox::getRandomString(10),
                                     'contact'           => "contact' $i",
                                     'contact_num'       => "num' $i",
                                     'users_id_tech'     => $techID,
                                     'groups_id_tech'    => $gtechID,
                                     'comment'           => "comment' $i",
                                     'brand'             => "brand' $i",
                                     'locations_id'      => $loc,
                                     'phonetypes_id'     => mt_rand(1,$MAX['type_peripherals']),
                                     'phonemodels_id'    => mt_rand(1,$MAX['model_peripherals']),
                                     'manufacturers_id'  => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                                     'is_global'         => 1,
                                     'notepad'           => "notes peripheral' $i",
                                     'users_id'          => mt_rand($FIRST['users_normal'],
                                     'groups_id'         => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                                     'states_id'         => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']

      addDocuments('Peripheral', $periphID);
      addContracts('Peripheral', $periphID);

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Peripheral', $periphID, $ID_entity);

      // Add reservation
      addReservation('Peripheral', $periphID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Peripheral', $periphID, $ID_entity);

      // Add connections
      $val = mt_rand(1,$MAX['connect_for_peripherals']);
      for ($j=1 ; $j<$val ; $j++) {
         $ci->add(array('itemtype'     => 'Peripheral',
                        'items_id'     => $periphID,
                        'computers_id' => mt_rand($FIRST["computers"],$LAST['computers'])));

   $LAST["peripherals"] = getMaxItem("glpi_peripherals");

   $FIRST["software"]   = getMaxItem("glpi_softwares")+1;

   // Ajout logiciels + licences associees a divers PCs
   $items = array(array("Open'Office", "1.1.4", "2.0", "2.0.1"),
                  array("Microsoft Office", "95", "97", "XP", "2000", "2003", "2007"),
                  array("Acrobat Reader", "6.0", "7.0", "7.04"),
                  array("Gimp", "2.0", "2.2"),
                  array("InkScape", "0.4"));
   $soft       = new Software();
   $softvers   = new SoftwareVersion();
   $softlic    = new SoftwareLicense();
   $csv        = new Computer_SoftwareVersion();
   $csl        = new Computer_SoftwareLicense();
   for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['software'] ; $i++) {

      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $name = $items[$i][0];
      } else {
         $name = "software '$i";

      $loc       = mt_rand(1,$MAX['locations']);
      $techID    = mt_rand($FIRST['users_sadmin'],$LAST['users_admin']);
      $gtechID   = mt_rand($FIRST["techgroups"],$LAST["techgroups"]);
      $recursive = mt_rand(0,1);

      $softID = $soft->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                           array('entities_id'           => $ID_entity,
                                 'is_recursive'          => $recursive,
                                 'name'                  => $name,
                                 'comment'               => "comment '$i",
                                 'locations_id'          => $loc,
                                 'users_id_tech'         => $techID,
                                 'groups_id_tech'        => $gtechID,
                                 'manufacturers_id'      => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']),
                                 'notepad'               => "notes software '$i",
                                 'users_id'              => mt_rand($FIRST['users_admin'],
                                 'groups_id'             => mt_rand($FIRST["groups"], $LAST["groups"]),
                                 'is_helpdesk_visible'   => 1,
                                 'softwarecategories_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['softwarecategory'])

      addDocuments('Software', $softID);
      addContracts('Software', $softID);

      // Add trackings
      addTracking('Software', $softID, $ID_entity);

      addInfocoms('Software', $softID, $ID_entity);

      // Add versions
      $FIRST["version"] = getMaxItem("glpi_softwareversions")+1;

      if (isset($items[$i])) {
         $val2 = count($items[$i]);
      } else {
         $val2 = mt_rand(1,$MAX['softwareversions']+1);

      for ($j=1 ; $j<=$val2 ; $j++) {
         if (isset($items[$i])) {
            $version = $items[$i][mt_rand(1,count($items[$i])-1)];
         } else {
            $version = "$j.0";
         $os = mt_rand(1,$MAX['os']);

         $versID = $softvers->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                  array('entities_id'          => $ID_entity,
                                        'is_recursive'         => $recursive,
                                        'softwares_id'         => $softID,
                                        'name'                 => $version,
                                        'comment'              => "comment '$version",
                                        'states_id'            => (mt_rand(0,100)<$percent['state']
                                        'operatingsystems_id'  => $os)));

         $val3    = min($LAST["computers"]-$FIRST['computers'], mt_rand(1,$MAX['softwareinstall']));
         $comp_id = mt_rand($FIRST["computers"], $LAST['computers']);

         for ($k=0 ; $k<$val3 ; $k++) {
            if ($comp_id>$LAST["computers"]) {
               $comp_id = $FIRST["computers"];
            $csv->add(array('computers_id'        => $comp_id,
                            'softwareversions_id' => $versID));
      $LAST["version"] = getMaxItem("glpi_softwareversions");

      // Add licenses
      $val2 = mt_rand(1,$MAX['softwarelicenses']);

      for ($j=0 ; $j<$val2 ; $j++) {
         $softwareversions_id_buy = mt_rand($FIRST["version"],$LAST["version"]);
         $softwareversions_id_use = mt_rand($softwareversions_id_buy,$LAST["version"]);

         $nbused = min($LAST["computers"]-$FIRST['computers'], mt_rand(1,$MAX['softwareinstall']));

         $licID = $softlic->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(
                                array('entities_id'               => $ID_entity,
                                      'is_recursive'              => $recursive,
                                      'softwares_id'              => $softID,
                                      'number'                    => $nbused,
                                      'softwarelicensetypes_id'   => mt_rand(1,$MAX['licensetype']),
                                      'name'                      => "license '$j",
                                      'serial'                    => "serial $j",
                                      'otherserial'               => "otherserial $j",
                                      'comment'                   => "comment license '$j",
                                      'softwareversions_id_buy'   => $softwareversions_id_buy,
                                      'softwareversions_id_use'   => $softwareversions_id_use)));

         $comp_id = mt_rand($FIRST["computers"], $LAST['computers']);

         for ($k=0 ; $k<$nbused ; $k++) {
            if ($comp_id>$LAST["computers"]) {
               $comp_id = $FIRST["computers"];
            $csl->add(array('computers_id'          => $comp_id,
                            'softwarelicenses_id'   => $licID));
   $LAST["software"] = getMaxItem("glpi_softwares");
Example #4
  * Show the knowbase browse view
 static function showBrowseView()
     if (isset($_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"])) {
         $_SESSION['kbknowbaseitemcategories_id'] = $_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"];
     } else {
         if (isset($_SESSION['kbknowbaseitemcategories_id'])) {
             $_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = $_SESSION['kbknowbaseitemcategories_id'];
     $ki = new KnowbaseItem();
     if (!isset($_GET["itemtype"]) || !isset($_GET["items_id"])) {
     KnowbaseItem::showList($_GET, 'browse');
Example #5
// Affichage Module FAQ
$name = "";
if (getLoginUserID()) {
    helpHeader($LANG['Menu'][20], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SESSION["glpiname"]);
} else {
    $_SESSION["glpilanguage"] = $CFG_GLPI['language'];
    // Anonymous FAQ
    simpleHeader($LANG['Menu'][20], array($LANG['Menu'][20] => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
if (!isset($_GET["contains"])) {
    $_GET["contains"] = "";
if (!isset($_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"])) {
    $_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = 0;
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $kb = new KnowbaseItem();
    if ($kb->getFromDB($_GET["id"])) {
} else {
    KnowbaseItem::searchForm($_GET, 1);
    KnowbaseItemCategory::showFirstLevel($_GET, 1);
    KnowbaseItem::showList($_GET, 1);
    if (!$_GET["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] && strlen($_GET["contains"]) == 0) {
        KnowbaseItem::showViewGlobal($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1);
  *Print out list kb item
  * @param $options : $_GET
  * @param $faq display on faq ?
 static function showList($options, $faq = 0)
     global $DB, $LANG, $CFG_GLPI;
     // Default values of parameters
     $params["start"] = "0";
     $params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = "0";
     $params["contains"] = "";
     $params["target"] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
             $params[$key] = $val;
     // Lists kb Items
     $where = "";
     $order = "";
     $score = "";
     // Build query
     if (getLoginUserID()) {
         $where = getEntitiesRestrictRequest("", "glpi_knowbaseitems", "", "", true) . " AND ";
     } else {
         // Anonymous access
         if (isMultiEntitiesMode()) {
             $where = " (`glpi_knowbaseitems`.`entities_id` = '0'\n                        AND `glpi_knowbaseitems`.`is_recursive` = '1')\n                        AND ";
     if ($faq) {
         // helpdesk
         $where .= " (`glpi_knowbaseitems`.`is_faq` = '1')\n                      AND ";
     // a search with $contains
     if (strlen($params["contains"]) > 0) {
         $search = unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep($params["contains"]);
         $score = " ,MATCH(glpi_knowbaseitems.question, glpi_knowbaseitems.answer)\n                     AGAINST('{$search}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS SCORE ";
         $where_1 = $where . " MATCH(glpi_knowbaseitems.question, glpi_knowbaseitems.answer)\n                    AGAINST('{$search}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
         $order = "ORDER BY `SCORE` DESC";
         // preliminar query to allow alternate search if no result with fulltext
         $query_1 = "SELECT COUNT(`id`)\n                     FROM `glpi_knowbaseitems`\n                     WHERE {$where_1}";
         $result_1 = $DB->query($query_1);
         $numrows_1 = $DB->result($result_1, 0, 0);
         if ($numrows_1 <= 0) {
             // not result this fulltext try with alternate search
             $search1 = array('/\\\\"/', "/\\+/", "/\\*/", "/~/", "/</", "/>/", "/\\(/", "/\\)/", "/\\-/");
             $contains = preg_replace($search1, "", $params["contains"]);
             $where .= " (`glpi_knowbaseitems`.`question` " . makeTextSearch($contains) . "\n                         OR `glpi_knowbaseitems`.`answer` " . makeTextSearch($contains) . ")";
         } else {
             $where = $where_1;
     } else {
         // no search -> browse by category
         $where .= " (`glpi_knowbaseitems`.`knowbaseitemcategories_id`\n                        = '" . $params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] . "')";
         $order = " ORDER BY `glpi_knowbaseitems`.`question` ASC";
     if (!$params["start"]) {
         $params["start"] = 0;
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_knowbaseitems`.*,\n                       `glpi_knowbaseitemcategories`.`completename` AS category\n                       {$score}\n                FROM `glpi_knowbaseitems`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_knowbaseitemcategories`\n                     ON (`glpi_knowbaseitemcategories`.`id`\n                           = `glpi_knowbaseitems`.`knowbaseitemcategories_id`)\n                WHERE {$where}\n                {$order}";
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $KbCategory = new KnowbaseItemCategory();
         $title = "";
         if ($KbCategory->getFromDB($params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"])) {
             $title = $LANG['common'][36] . " = " . (empty($KbCategory->fields['name']) ? "(" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . ")" : $KbCategory->fields['name']);
         initNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $title);
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
         // Limit the result, if no limit applies, use prior result
         if ($numrows > $list_limit && !isset($_GET['export_all'])) {
             $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($params["start"]) . ", " . intval($list_limit) . " ";
             $result_limit = $DB->query($query_limit);
             $numrows_limit = $DB->numrows($result_limit);
         } else {
             $numrows_limit = $numrows;
             $result_limit = $result;
         if ($numrows_limit > 0) {
             // Set display type for export if define
             $output_type = HTML_OUTPUT;
             if (isset($_GET["display_type"])) {
                 $output_type = $_GET["display_type"];
             // Pager
             $parameters = "start=" . $params["start"] . "&amp;knowbaseitemcategories_id=" . $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id'] . "&amp;contains=" . $params["contains"] . "&amp;is_faq={$faq}";
             if (isset($options['tickets_id'])) {
                 $parameters .= "&amp;tickets_id=" . $options['tickets_id'];
             if ($output_type == HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 printPager($params['start'], $numrows, getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
             $nbcols = 1;
             // Display List Header
             echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $numrows_limit + 1, $nbcols);
             $header_num = 1;
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, $LANG['knowbase'][14], $header_num);
             if ($output_type != HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, $LANG['knowbase'][15], $header_num);
             echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, $LANG['common'][36], $header_num);
             if (isset($options['tickets_id']) && $output_type == HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, '&nbsp;', $header_num);
             // Num of the row (1=header_line)
             $row_num = 1;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows_limit; $i++) {
                 $data = $DB->fetch_array($result_limit);
                 addToNavigateListItems('KnowbaseItem', $data["id"]);
                 // Column num
                 $item_num = 1;
                 echo Search::showNewLine($output_type, $i % 2);
                 if ($output_type == HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     if (isset($options['tickets_id'])) {
                         $href = " href='#' onClick=\"var w = window.open('" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=show_kb&amp;id=" . $data['id'] . "' ,'glpipopup', " . "'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' );w.focus();\"";
                     } else {
                         $href = " href=\"" . $params['target'] . "?id=" . $data["id"] . "\" ";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, "<div class='kb'><a " . ($data['is_faq'] ? " class='pubfaq' " : " class='knowbase' ") . " {$href}>" . resume_text($data["question"], 80) . "</a></div>\n                                          <div class='kb_resume'>" . resume_text(html_clean(unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep($data["answer"])), 600) . "</div>", $item_num, $row_num);
                 } else {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $data["question"], $item_num, $row_num);
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, html_clean(unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep(html_entity_decode($data["answer"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))), $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, $data["category"], $item_num, $row_num);
                 if (isset($options['tickets_id']) && $output_type == HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     $content = "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/ticket.form.php?load_kb_sol=" . $data['id'] . "&amp;id=" . $options['tickets_id'] . "&amp;forcetab=4'>" . $LANG['job'][24] . "</a>";
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $content, $item_num, $row_num);
                 // End Line
                 echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             // Display footer
             if ($output_type == PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE || $output_type == PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT) {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type, Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_knowbaseitemcategories", $params['knowbaseitemcategories_id']));
             } else {
                 echo Search::showFooter($output_type);
             echo "<br>";
             if ($output_type == HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 printPager($params['start'], $numrows, getItemTypeSearchURL('KnowbaseItem'), $parameters, 'KnowbaseItem');
         } else {
             if ($params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] != 0) {
                 echo "<div class='center b'>" . $LANG['search'][15] . "</div>";