function output_token($var_prefix = 'humanverify')
     global $vbulletin;
     $kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS($vbulletin->options['keycaptcha_privatekey']);
     $vn = explode('.', $vbulletin->versionnumber);
     if ($vn[0] == '3') {
         $tmpl = '<fieldset class="fieldset"><legend>##task##</legend>&nbsp;<br><input type=hidden value="1" id="humanverify" name="humanverify" /><input type=hidden value="1" id="hash" name="hash" />##keycaptchacode##' . '<noscript>You should turn on JavaScript on your browser. After that please reload the page.' . 'Otherwise you won&#039;t be able to post any information on this site.</noscript>&nbsp;<br></fieldset>';
     } else {
         $tmpl = '</div><h3 class="blocksubhead">##task##</h3>&nbsp;<br><div class="section"><input type=hidden value="1" id="humanverify" name="humanverify" /><input type=hidden value="1" id="hash" name="hash" />##keycaptchacode##' . '<noscript>You should turn on JavaScript on your browser. After that please reload the page.' . 'Otherwise you won&#039;t be able to post any information on this site.</noscript></div><div>&nbsp;<br>';
     $kc_js = $kc_o->render_js();
     if ($vbulletin->options['keycaptcha_onerror'] != '') {
         $kc_js = str_replace($kc_o->p_kc_session_id . "';", $kc_o->p_kc_session_id . "';document.s_s_c_onerroralert='" . str_replace("'", '"', $vbulletin->options['keycaptcha_onerror']) . "';", $kc_js);
     $stout = str_replace('##keycaptchacode##', $kc_js, $tmpl);
     $stout = str_replace('##task##', $vbulletin->options['keycaptcha_task'], $stout);
     return $stout;
Example #2
  * Gets the challenge HTML (javascript and non-javascript version).
  * This is called from the browser, and the resulting KeyCAPTCHA HTML widget
  * is embedded within the HTML form it was called from.
  * @access	public
  * @return 	string		Form HTML to display
 public function getTemplate()
     $private_key = $this->settings['keycaptcha_privatekey'];
     if (!$private_key) {
         return '';
     $kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS($private_key);
     return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('global_other')->captchaKeycaptcha('<input type="hidden" id="capcode" name="capcode">' . $kc_o->render_js());
Example #3
 public function captcha()
     switch ($this->config->main['captcha']) {
         case 1:
             $content = $this->sp(MCR_THEME_PATH . "captcha/recaptcha.html");
         case 2:
             require MCR_TOOL_PATH . 'libs/keycaptcha.php';
             $kc = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS('', $this);
             $data["CONTENT"] = $kc->render_js();
             $content = $this->sp(MCR_THEME_PATH . "captcha/keycaptcha.html", $data);
     return $content;
Example #4
     * This event is being triggered by application
     * during rendering of the HTML form to be protected by CAPTCHA (Step 1)
     * @param $Ok boolean output. true if Captcha application successfully
     * 			processed the event.
     * @param $captchaHtmlBlock string output. HTML block to be inserted into the
     * 			HTML form. It MAY contain the 'secretword' form field,
     * 			to be returned to the CAPTCHA during confirmation step
     * 			(i.e. during Step 2, see #onCaptcha_Confirm)
    function onCaptcha_DisplayHtmlBlock(&$Ok, &$captchaHtmlBlock, $submit_ids = '')
        JPlugin::loadLanguage('plg_system_keycaptcha', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
        $this->params = new JParameter(JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'keycaptcha')->params);
        // 3.0
        //$task_message = $this->params->get('keycaptcha_custom_task_text');
        $task_message = $this->params->keycaptcha_custom_task_text;
        $view = JRequest::getVar('view');
        if ($task_message == '') {
            if ($view == 'register') {
                $task_message = JText::_('KEYCAPTCHA_TASK_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE');
            } else {
                $task_message = JText::_('KEYCAPTCHA_TASK_COMMON_MESSAGE');
        //$kc_code = $this->params->get('keycaptcha_code');
        $kc_code = $this->params->keycaptcha_code;
        if ($kc_code[strlen($kc_code) - 1] == "'") {
            $kc_code = substr($kc_code, 0, strlen($kc_code) - 1);
        // 3.0
        //$kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS($this->params->get('keycaptcha_site_private_key'), str_replace( '#BUTTONS#', $submit_ids, $kc_code ) );
        $kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS($this->params->keycaptcha_site_private_key, str_replace('#BUTTONS#', $submit_ids, $kc_code));
        $Ok = true;
        //$kc_template = str_replace( '(gt)', '>', str_replace( '(lt)', '<', $this->params->get('keycaptcha_html') ) );
        $kc_template = str_replace('(gt)', '>', str_replace('(lt)', '<', $this->params->keycaptcha_html));
        if (strpos($kc_template, '#keycaptcha#') == false) {
            $kc_template = "<br><div id='keycaptcha_div' style='height:220px; padding:0; margin:0; display:table; border:none;'>#keycaptcha#</div>";
        if ($kc_template[strlen($kc_template) - 1] == "'") {
            $kc_template = substr($kc_template, 0, strlen($kc_template) - 1);
        if ($task_message[strlen($task_message) - 1] == "'") {
            $task_message = substr($task_message, 0, strlen($task_message) - 1);
        $captchaHtmlBlock = str_replace('#keycaptcha#', '<table style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; border:none; " cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<tr style="border:none;"><td style="border:none;"><input type="hidden" id="capcode" name="capcode" value="false" />
				' . $task_message . '</td></tr><tr style="border:none;"><td style="border:none;" align="center">' . str_replace('(gt)', '>', str_replace('(lt)', '<', $kc_o->render_js())) . '<noscript><b style="color:red;">' . JText::_('KEYCAPTCHA_NOSCRIPT_MESSAGE') . '</b></noscript></td></tr></table>', $kc_template);
        return $Ok;