/** * the main method, execute the code of the class; * @access public */ function Execute() { if (is_object($this->error)) { return $this->error; } if ($this->contentFile != '' && file_exists($this->contentFile) && ($fp = fopen($this->contentFile, 'r'))) { $this->content = fread($fp, filesize($this->contentFile)); fclose($fp); } else { if ($this->contentFile != '') { return new tNG_error('EMAIL_NO_TEMPLATE', array(), array()); } } $arrErrors = array(); while (!$this->recordset->EOF) { $GLOBALS["row_" . $this->recordsetName] = $this->recordset->fields; $email = new KT_Email(); $email->setPriority($this->importance); foreach ($this->attachments as $filename) { $email->addAttachment($filename); } $email->sendEmail($GLOBALS['tNG_email_host'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_port'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_user'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_password'], $this->getFrom(), $this->getTo(), $this->getCc(), $this->getBcc(), $this->getSubject(), $this->getEncoding(), $this->getTextBody(), $this->getHtmlBody()); if ($email->hasError()) { $arr = $email->getError(); $arrErrors[] = 'Email to user: <strong>' . $this->getTo() . '</strong> was not sent. Error returned: ' . $arr[1]; } $this->recordset->MoveNext(); } if (count($arrErrors) > 0) { return new tNG_error('EMAIL_FAILED', array(''), array(implode('<br />', $arrErrors))); } }
/** * the main method, execute the code of the class; * @access public */ function Execute() { if (is_object($this->error)) { return $this->error; } if ($this->contentFile != '' && file_exists($this->contentFile) && ($fp = fopen($this->contentFile, 'r'))) { $this->content = fread($fp, filesize($this->contentFile)); fclose($fp); } else { if ($this->contentFile != '') { return new tNG_error('EMAIL_NO_TEMPLATE', array(), array()); } } $email = new KT_Email(); $email->setPriority($this->importance); foreach ($this->attachments as $filename) { $email->addAttachment($filename); } $email->sendEmail($GLOBALS['tNG_email_host'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_port'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_user'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_password'], $this->getFrom(), $this->getTo(), $this->getCc(), $this->getBcc(), $this->getSubject(), $this->getEncoding(), $this->getTextBody(), $this->getHtmlBody()); if ($email->hasError()) { $arr = $email->getError(); return new tNG_error('EMAIL_FAILED', array(''), array($arr[1])); } }
/** * the main method, execute the code of the class; * @access public */ function Execute() { $this->searchCss(); if ($this->encoding == '') { $this->encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; } $email = new KT_Email(); $email->setPriority($this->importance); foreach ($this->attachments as $filename) { $email->addAttachment($filename); } $email->sendEmail($GLOBALS['tNG_email_host'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_port'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_user'], $GLOBALS['tNG_email_password'], $this->getFrom(), $this->getTo(), $this->getCc(), $this->getBcc(), $this->getSubject(), $this->getEncoding(), $this->getTextBody(), $this->getHtmlBody()); if ($email->hasError()) { $arr = $email->getError(); return new tNG_error('EMAIL_FAILED', array(''), array($arr[1])); } }