function display_viewlet() { $oKTTemplating =& KTTemplating::getSingleton(); $oTemplate =& $oKTTemplating->loadTemplate("ktcore/document/viewlets/workflow"); if (is_null($oTemplate)) { return ""; } $oWorkflowState = KTWorkflowState::get($this->oDocument->getWorkflowStateId()); if (PEAR::isError($oWorkflowState)) { return ""; } $aDisplayTransitions = array(); $aTransitions = KTWorkflowUtil::getTransitionsForDocumentUser($this->oDocument, $this->oUser); if (empty($aTransitions)) { return ""; } // Check if the document has been checked out $bIsCheckedOut = $this->oDocument->getIsCheckedOut(); $iId = $this->oDocument->getId(); if ($bIsCheckedOut) { // If document is checked out, don't link into the workflow. $aDisplayTransitions = array(); } else { foreach ($aTransitions as $oTransition) { if (is_null($oTransition) || PEAR::isError($oTransition)) { continue; } $aDisplayTransitions[] = array('url' => KTUtil::ktLink('action.php', 'ktcore.actions.document.workflow', array("fDocumentId" => $iId, "action" => "quicktransition", "fTransitionId" => $oTransition->getId())), 'name' => $oTransition->getName()); } } //Retreive the comment for the previous transition $aCommentQuery = array("SELECT comment FROM document_transactions\n where transaction_namespace='ktcore.transactions.workflow_state_transition'\n AND document_id = ?\n ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;"); $aCommentQuery[] = array($iId); $aTransitionComments = DBUtil::getResultArray($aCommentQuery); $oLatestTransitionComment = null; if (!empty($aTransitionComments)) { $aRow = $aTransitionComments[0]; $oLatestTransitionComment = $aRow['comment']; $iCommentPosition = strpos($oLatestTransitionComment, ':'); //comment found after first colon in string if ($iCommentPosition > 0) { $oLatestTransitionComment = substr($oLatestTransitionComment, $iCommentPosition + 2, strlen($oLatestTransitionComment) - $iCommentPosition); } else { $oLatestTransitionComment = null; } } $oTemplate->setData(array('context' => $this, 'bIsCheckedOut' => $bIsCheckedOut, 'transitions' => $aDisplayTransitions, 'state_name' => $oWorkflowState->getName(), 'comment' => $oLatestTransitionComment)); return $oTemplate->render(); }
function perform_action($oEntity) { // checkout document $sReason = $this->sReason; if (is_a($oEntity, 'Document')) { if ($oEntity->getImmutable()) { return PEAR::raiseError($oEntity->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document cannot be checked out as it is immutable')); } if ($oEntity->getIsCheckedOut()) { $checkedOutUser = $oEntity->getCheckedOutUserID(); $sUserId = $_SESSION['userID']; if ($checkedOutUser != $sUserId) { $oCheckedOutUser = User::get($checkedOutUser); return PEAR::raiseError($oEntity->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document has already been checked out by ') . $oCheckedOutUser->getName()); } } else { $res = KTDocumentUtil::checkout($oEntity, $sReason, $this->oUser); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return PEAR::raiseError($oEntity->getName() . ': ' . $res->getMessage()); } } if ($this->bDownload) { if ($this->bNoisy) { $oDocumentTransaction = new DocumentTransaction($oEntity, "Document part of bulk checkout", 'ktstandard.transactions.check_out', array()); $oDocumentTransaction->create(); } $oKTTriggerRegistry = KTTriggerRegistry::getSingleton(); $aTriggers = $oKTTriggerRegistry->getTriggers('checkoutDownload', 'postValidate'); foreach ($aTriggers as $aTrigger) { $sTrigger = $aTrigger[0]; $oTrigger = new $sTrigger(); $aInfo = array('document' => $oEntity); $oTrigger->setInfo($aInfo); $ret = $oTrigger->postValidate(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } } $this->oZip->addDocumentToZip($oEntity); } } else { if (is_a($oEntity, 'Folder')) { // get documents and subfolders $aDocuments = array(); $oFolder = $oEntity; if ($oFolder->isSymbolicLink()) { $oFolder = $oFolder->getLinkedFolder(); } $sFolderId = $oFolder->getId(); $sFolderDocs = $oFolder->getDocumentIDs($sFolderId); // get documents directly in the folder if (!empty($sFolderDocs)) { $aDocuments = explode(',', $sFolderDocs); } // Get all the folders within the current folder $sWhereClause = "parent_folder_ids = '{$sFolderId}' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '{$sFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sFolderId}'"; $aFolderList = $this->oFolder->getList($sWhereClause); $aLinkingFolders = $this->getLinkingEntities($aFolderList); $aFolderList = array_merge($aFolderList, $aLinkingFolders); $aFolderObjects = array(); $aFolderObjects[$sFolderId] = $oFolder; // Get the documents within the folder if (!empty($aFolderList)) { foreach ($aFolderList as $k => $oFolderItem) { if (Permission::userHasFolderReadPermission($oFolderItem)) { // Get documents for each folder if ($oFolderItem->isSymbolicLink()) { $oFolderItem = $oFolderItem->getLinkedFolder(); } $sFolderItemId = $oFolderItem->getID(); $sFolderItemDocs = $oFolderItem->getDocumentIDs($sFolderItemId); if (!empty($sFolderItemDocs)) { $aFolderDocs = explode(',', $sFolderItemDocs); $aDocuments = array_merge($aDocuments, $aFolderDocs); } // Add the folder to the zip file if ($this->bDownload) { $this->oZip->addFolderToZip($oFolderItem); $aFolderObjects[$oFolderItem->getId()] = $oFolderItem; } } } } // Checkout each document within the folder structure if (!empty($aDocuments)) { foreach ($aDocuments as $sDocId) { $oDocument = Document::get($sDocId); if (PEAR::isError($oDocument)) { // add message, skip document and continue $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . $oDocument->getMessage()); continue; } if ($oDocument->isSymbolicLink()) { $oDocument->switchToLinkedCore(); } if ($oDocument->getImmutable()) { $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document cannot be checked out as it is immutable')); continue; } // Check if the action is restricted by workflow on the document if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.checkout')) { $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Checkout is restricted by the workflow state.')); continue; } // Check if document is already checked out, check the owner. // If the current user is the owner, then include to the download, otherwise ignore. if ($oDocument->getIsCheckedOut()) { $checkedOutUser = $oDocument->getCheckedOutUserID(); $sUserId = $_SESSION['userID']; if ($checkedOutUser != $sUserId) { $oCheckedOutUser = User::get($checkedOutUser); $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document has already been checked out by ') . $oCheckedOutUser->getName()); continue; } } else { // Check out document $res = KTDocumentUtil::checkout($oDocument, $sReason, $this->oUser); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document could not be checked out. ') . $res->getMessage()); continue; } } // Add document to the zip file if ($this->bDownload) { if ($this->bNoisy) { $oDocumentTransaction = new DocumentTransaction($oDocument, 'Document part of bulk checkout', 'ktstandard.transactions.check_out', array()); $oDocumentTransaction->create(); } $oKTTriggerRegistry = KTTriggerRegistry::getSingleton(); $aTriggers = $oKTTriggerRegistry->getTriggers('checkoutDownload', 'postValidate'); foreach ($aTriggers as $aTrigger) { $sTrigger = $aTrigger[0]; $oTrigger = new $sTrigger(); $aInfo = array('document' => $oDocument); $oTrigger->setInfo($aInfo); $ret = $oTrigger->postValidate(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } } $sDocFolderId = $oDocument->getFolderID(); $oFolder = isset($aFolderObjects[$sDocFolderId]) ? $aFolderObjects[$sDocFolderId] : Folder::get($sDocFolderId); $this->oZip->addDocumentToZip($oDocument, $oFolder); } } } } } return true; }
function do_savenotifications() { $oForm = $this->form_editnotifications($this->oState); $res = $oForm->validate(); if (!empty($res['errors'])) { return $oForm->handleError(); } $data = $res['results']; // now, an annoying problem is that we do *not* have the final set. // so we need to get the original, add the new ones, remove the old ones. // // because its not *really* isolated properly, we need to post-process // the data. // we need the old one $aAllowed = KTWorkflowUtil::getInformedForState($this->oState); $user_pattern = '|users\\[(.*)\\]|'; $group_pattern = '|groups\\[(.*)\\]|'; $role_pattern = '|roles\\[(.*)\\]|'; $user = KTUtil::arrayGet($aAllowed, 'user', array()); $group = KTUtil::arrayGet($aAllowed, 'group', array()); $role = KTUtil::arrayGet($aAllowed, 'role', array()); // do a quick overpass $newAllowed = array(); if (!empty($user)) { $newAllowed['user'] = array_combine($user, $user); } else { $newAllowed['user'] = array(); } if (!empty($group)) { $newAllowed['group'] = array_combine($group, $group); } else { $newAllowed['group'] = array(); } if (!empty($role)) { $newAllowed['role'] = array_combine($role, $role); } else { $newAllowed['role'] = array(); } $added = explode(',', $data['users']['added']); $removed = explode(',', $data['users']['removed']); foreach ($added as $akey) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match($user_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { $newAllowed['user'][$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } else { if (preg_match($group_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { $newAllowed['group'][$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } else { if (preg_match($role_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { $newAllowed['role'][$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } } } } foreach ($removed as $akey) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match($user_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { unset($newAllowed['user'][$matches[1]]); } else { if (preg_match($group_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { unset($newAllowed['group'][$matches[1]]); } else { if (preg_match($role_pattern, $akey, $matches)) { unset($newAllowed['role'][$matches[1]]); } } } } // FIXME check that these are all users. $res = KTWorkflowUtil::setInformedForState($this->oState, $newAllowed); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $oForm->handleError($res->getMessage()); } $this->successRedirectTo("managenotifications", _kt("Notifications updated.")); }
function do_main() { $config = KTConfig::getSingleton(); $useQueue = $config->get('export/useDownloadQueue', true); // Create the export code $exportCode = KTUtil::randomString(); $this->oZip = new ZipFolder('', $exportCode); if (!$this->oZip->checkConvertEncoding()) { redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } $bNoisy = $config->get("tweaks/noisyBulkOperations"); $bNotifications = $config->get('export/enablenotifications', 'on') == 'on' ? true : false; $sCurrentFolderId = $this->oFolder->getId(); $url = KTUtil::addQueryStringSelf(sprintf('action=downloadZipFile&fFolderId=%d&exportcode=%s', $sCurrentFolderId, $exportCode)); $folderurl = KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder); if ($useQueue) { DownloadQueue::addItem($exportCode, $sCurrentFolderId, $sCurrentFolderId, 'folder'); $task_url = KTUtil::kt_url() . '/bin/ajaxtasks/downloadTask.php'; $oTemplating =& KTTemplating::getSingleton(); $oTemplate = $oTemplating->loadTemplate('ktcore/action/bulk_download'); $aParams = array('folder_url' => $folderurl, 'url' => $task_url, 'code' => $exportCode, 'download_url' => $url); return $oTemplate->render($aParams); } // Get all folders and sub-folders $sWhereClause = "parent_folder_ids = '{$sCurrentFolderId}' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '{$sCurrentFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sCurrentFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sCurrentFolderId}'"; $aFolderList = $this->oFolder->getList($sWhereClause); // Get any folder shortcuts within the folders $aLinkedFolders = KTBulkAction::getLinkingEntities($aFolderList); $aFolderList = array_merge($aFolderList, $aLinkedFolders); // Add the folders to the zip file $aFolderObjects = array($sCurrentFolderId => $this->oFolder); if (!empty($aFolderList)) { foreach ($aFolderList as $oFolderItem) { $itemId = $oFolderItem->getId(); $linkedFolder = $oFolderItem->getLinkedFolderId(); // If the folder has been added or is a shortcut then skip // The shortcut folders don't need to be added as their targets will be added. if (array_key_exists($itemId, $aFolderObjects) || !empty($linkedFolder)) { continue; } $this->oZip->addFolderToZip($oFolderItem); $aFolderObjects[$oFolderItem->getId()] = $oFolderItem; } } // Get the list of folder ids $aFolderIds = array_keys($aFolderObjects); // Get all documents in the folder list $aQuery = $this->buildQuery($aFolderIds); $aDocumentIds = DBUtil::getResultArrayKey($aQuery, 'id'); if (PEAR::isError($aDocumentIds)) { $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('There was a problem exporting the documents: ') . $aDocumentIds->getMessage()); redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } // Redirect if there are no documents and no folders to export if (empty($aDocumentIds) && empty($aFolderList)) { $this->addErrorMessage(_kt("No documents found to export")); redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } $this->oPage->template = "kt3/minimal_page"; $this->handleOutput(""); // Add the documents to the zip file if (!empty($aDocumentIds)) { foreach ($aDocumentIds as $iId) { $oDocument = Document::get($iId); $sFolderId = $oDocument->getFolderID(); if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.view')) { $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document cannot be exported as it is restricted by the workflow.')); continue; } $oFolder = isset($aFolderObjects[$sFolderId]) ? $aFolderObjects[$sFolderId] : Folder::get($sFolderId); if ($bNoisy) { $oDocumentTransaction =& new DocumentTransaction($oDocument, "Document part of bulk export", 'ktstandard.transactions.bulk_export', array()); $oDocumentTransaction->create(); } // fire subscription alerts for the downloaded document if ($bNotifications) { //$oSubscriptionEvent = new SubscriptionEvent(); //$oSubscriptionEvent->DownloadDocument($oDocument, $oFolder); } $this->oZip->addDocumentToZip($oDocument, $oFolder); } } $sExportCode = $this->oZip->createZipFile(TRUE); $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $this->oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => "Bulk export", 'transactionNS' => 'ktstandard.transactions.bulk_export', 'userid' => $_SESSION['userID'], 'ip' => Session::getClientIP())); $sReturn = '<p>' . _kt('Creating zip file. Compressing and archiving in progress ...') . '</p>'; $sReturn .= "<p style='margin-bottom: 10px;'><br /><b>" . _kt('Warning! Please wait for archiving to complete before closing the page.') . '</b><br />' . _kt('Note: Closing the page before the download link displays will cancel your Bulk Download.') . '</p>'; $sReturn .= '<p>' . _kt('Once your download is complete, click <a href="' . $folderurl . '">here</a> to return to the original folder') . "</p>\n"; print $sReturn; printf("</div></div></body></html>\n"); printf('<script language="JavaScript"> function kt_bulkexport_redirect() { document.location.href = "%s"; } callLater(2, kt_bulkexport_redirect); </script>', $url); exit(0); }
function renderComparison($aDocumentData, $aComparisonData) { // we do a fair bit of fetching, etc. in here. $document = $aDocumentData['document']; $comparison_document = $aComparisonData['document']; // creation $creator =& User::get($document->getCreatorId()); if (PEAR::isError($creator)) { $creator = '<span class="ktError">' . _kt("Unable to find the document's creator") . '</span>'; } else { $creator = $creator->getName(); } $creation_date = $this->_dateHelper($document->getCreatedDateTime()); // last mod $last_modified_date = $this->_dateHelper($document->getVersionCreated()); $comparison_last_modified_date = $this->_dateHelper($comparison_document->getVersionCreated()); // document type // FIXME move this to view.php $document_type = $aDocumentData['document_type']->getName(); $comparison_document_type = $aComparisonData['document_type']->getName(); $modified_user =& User::get($document->getVersionCreatorId()); if (PEAR::isError($modified_user)) { $modified_user = "******" . _kt("Unable to find the document's modifier") . '</span>'; } else { $modified_user = $modified_user->getName(); } $owner_user =& User::get($document->getOwnerId()); if (PEAR::isError($owner_user)) { $owner_user = "******" . _kt("Unable to find the document's owner") . '</span>'; } else { $owner_user = $owner_user->getName(); } $comparison_modified_user =& User::get($comparison_document->getVersionCreatorId()); if (PEAR::isError($comparison_modified_user)) { $comparison_modified_user = "******" . _kt("Unable to find the document's modifier") . '</span>'; } else { $comparison_modified_user = $comparison_modified_user->getName(); } $oWorkflow = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($document); $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($document); $oComparisonWorkflow = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($comparison_document); $oComparisonState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($comparison_document); $oTemplating =& KTTemplating::getSingleton(); $oTemplate = $oTemplating->loadTemplate('kt3/fieldsets/generic_versioned'); $aTemplateData = array('context' => $this, 'document_data' => $aDocumentData, 'document' => $aDocumentData['document'], 'title' => $document->getName(), 'comparison_title' => $comparison_document->getName(), 'filename' => $document->getFileName(), 'comparison_filename' => $comparison_document->getFileName(), 'creator' => $creator, 'creation_date' => $creation_date, 'owner' => $owner_user, 'last_modified_by' => $modified_user, 'last_modified_date' => $last_modified_date, 'comparison_last_modified_by' => $comparison_modified_user, 'comparison_last_modified_date' => $comparison_last_modified_date, 'document_type' => $document_type, 'comparison_document_type' => $comparison_document_type, 'workflow_state' => $oState, 'comparison_workflow_state' => $oComparisonState, 'workflow' => $oWorkflow, 'comparison_workflow' => $oComparisonWorkflow, 'comparison_document' => $aComparisonData['document']); return $oTemplate->render($aTemplateData); }
<?php require_once '../../config/dmsDefaults.php'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/documentmanagement/'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/workflow/'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/workflow/'; $oDocument =& Document::get(4); $oWorkflow =& KTWorkflow::get(1); $res = KTWorkflowUtil::startWorkflowOnDocument($oWorkflow, $oDocument); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { var_dump($res); }
/** * Add a folder to the archive * * @param unknown_type $zip * @param unknown_type $folderId * @return unknown */ public function addFolder(&$zip, $folderId) { $oFolder = Folder::get($folderId); if (PEAR::isError($oFolder)) { $this->errors[] = _kt('Folder cannot be exported, an error occurred: ') . $oFolder->getMessage(); return $oFolder; } $sFolderDocs = $oFolder->getDocumentIDs($folderId); if (PEAR::isError($sFolderDocs)) { $default->log->error('Download Queue: get document ids for folder caused an error: ' . $sFolderDocs->getMessage()); $sFolderDocs = ''; } // Add folder to zip $zip->addFolderToZip($oFolder); $aDocuments = array(); if (!empty($sFolderDocs)) { $aDocuments = explode(',', $sFolderDocs); } // Get all the folders within the current folder $sWhereClause = "parent_folder_ids like '%,{$folderId}'\n OR parent_folder_ids like '%,{$folderId},%'\n OR parent_folder_ids like '{$folderId},%'\n OR parent_id = {$folderId}"; $aFolderList = $oFolder->getList($sWhereClause); $aLinkingFolders = $this->getLinkingEntities($aFolderList); $aFolderList = array_merge($aFolderList, $aLinkingFolders); $aFolderObjects = array(); $aFolderObjects[$folderId] = $oFolder; // Export the folder structure to ensure the export of empty directories if (!empty($aFolderList)) { foreach ($aFolderList as $k => $oFolderItem) { if ($oFolderItem->isSymbolicLink()) { $oFolderItem = $oFolderItem->getLinkedFolder(); } if (Permission::userHasFolderReadPermission($oFolderItem)) { // Get documents for each folder $sFolderItemId = $oFolderItem->getID(); $sFolderItemDocs = $oFolderItem->getDocumentIDs($sFolderItemId); if (!empty($sFolderItemDocs)) { $aFolderDocs = explode(',', $sFolderItemDocs); $aDocuments = array_merge($aDocuments, $aFolderDocs); } $zip->addFolderToZip($oFolderItem); $aFolderObjects[$oFolderItem->getId()] = $oFolderItem; } } } // Add all documents to the export if (!empty($aDocuments)) { foreach ($aDocuments as $sDocumentId) { $oDocument = Document::get($sDocumentId); if ($oDocument->isSymbolicLink()) { $oDocument->switchToLinkedCore(); } if (Permission::userHasDocumentReadPermission($oDocument)) { if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.view')) { $this->errors[] = $oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document cannot be exported as it is restricted by the workflow.'); continue; } $sDocFolderId = $oDocument->getFolderID(); $oFolder = isset($aFolderObjects[$sDocFolderId]) ? $aFolderObjects[$sDocFolderId] : Folder::get($sDocFolderId); if ($this->bNoisy) { $oDocumentTransaction = new DocumentTransaction($oDocument, "Document part of bulk export", 'ktstandard.transactions.bulk_export', array()); $oDocumentTransaction->create(); } // fire subscription alerts for the downloaded document if ($this->bNotifications) { $oSubscriptionEvent = new SubscriptionEvent(); $oSubscriptionEvent->DownloadDocument($oDocument, $oFolder); } $zip->addDocumentToZip($oDocument, $oFolder); } } } }
/** * Update's the permission lookup on one folder or document, * non-recursively. */ function updatePermissionLookup(&$oFolderOrDocument, $aOptions = null) { $is_a_folder = is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Folder'); $is_a_document = is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Document') || is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'KTDocumentCore'); //ensure that the document shortcut is being updated. if ($is_a_document && $oFolderOrDocument->isSymbolicLink()) { $oFolderOrDocument->switchToRealCore(); } $oChannel = null; $aMapPermAllowed = null; $oPermLookup = null; if (!is_null($aOptions)) { $oChannel = $aOptions['channel']; $aMapPermAllowed = $aOptions['map_allowed']; $oPermLookup = $aOptions['perm_lookup']; } if (!$is_a_folder && !$is_a_document) { return; // we occasionally get handed a PEAR::raiseError. Just ignore it. } if (is_null($oChannel)) { $oChannel =& KTPermissionChannel::getSingleton(); } if ($is_a_folder) { $msg = sprintf("Updating folder %s", join('/', $oFolderOrDocument->getPathArray())); } else { if (is_a($oFolderOrDocument, 'Document')) { //modify the message to reflect that a shortcut is begin updated if ($oFolderOrDocument->isSymbolicLink()) { $msg = sprintf("Updating shortcut to %s", $oFolderOrDocument->getName()); } else { $msg = sprintf("Updating document %s", $oFolderOrDocument->getName()); } } else { $msg = sprintf("Updating document %d", $oFolderOrDocument->getId()); } } $oChannel->sendMessage(new KTPermissionGenericMessage($msg)); //var_dump($msg); $iPermissionObjectId = $oFolderOrDocument->getPermissionObjectID(); if (empty($iPermissionObjectId)) { return; } $oPO = KTPermissionObject::get($iPermissionObjectId); if (is_null($aMapPermAllowed)) { $aPAs = KTPermissionAssignment::getByObjectMulti($oPO); $aMapPermAllowed = array(); foreach ($aPAs as $oPA) { $oPD = KTPermissionDescriptor::get($oPA->getPermissionDescriptorID()); $aGroupIDs = $oPD->getGroups(); $aUserIDs = array(); $aRoleIDs = $oPD->getRoles(); $aAllowed = array('group' => $aGroupIDs, 'user' => $aUserIDs, 'role' => $aRoleIDs); $aMapPermAllowed[$oPA->getPermissionID()] = $aAllowed; } } if (!$is_a_folder) { $aDynamicConditions = KTPermissionDynamicCondition::getByPermissionObject($oPO); if (!PEAR::isError($aDynamicConditions)) { foreach ($aDynamicConditions as $oDynamicCondition) { $iConditionId = $oDynamicCondition->getConditionId(); if (KTSearchUtil::testConditionOnDocument($iConditionId, $oFolderOrDocument)) { $iGroupId = $oDynamicCondition->getGroupId(); $aPermissionIds = $oDynamicCondition->getAssignment(); foreach ($aPermissionIds as $iPermissionId) { $aCurrentAllowed = KTUtil::arrayGet($aMapPermAllowed, $iPermissionId, array()); $aCurrentAllowed['group'][] = $iGroupId; $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId] = $aCurrentAllowed; } } } } } if (!$is_a_folder) { $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($oFolderOrDocument); if (!(PEAR::isError($oState) || is_null($oState) || $oState == false)) { $aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments = KTWorkflowStatePermissionAssignment::getByState($oState); foreach ($aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments as $oAssignment) { $iPermissionId = $oAssignment->getPermissionId(); $iPermissionDescriptorId = $oAssignment->getDescriptorId(); $oPD = KTPermissionDescriptor::get($iPermissionDescriptorId); $aGroupIDs = $oPD->getGroups(); $aUserIDs = array(); $aRoleIDs = $oPD->getRoles(); $aAllowed = array('group' => $aGroupIDs, 'user' => $aUserIDs, 'role' => $aRoleIDs); $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId] = $aAllowed; } } } // if we have roles: nearest folder. $iRoleSourceFolder = null; if ($is_a_document) { $iRoleSourceFolder = $oFolderOrDocument->getFolderID(); } else { $iRoleSourceFolder = $oFolderOrDocument->getId(); } // very minor perf win: map role_id (in context) to PD. $_roleCache = array(); foreach ($aMapPermAllowed as $iPermissionId => $aAllowed) { $aAfterRoles = array(); if (array_key_exists('role', $aAllowed)) { foreach ($aAllowed['role'] as $k => $iRoleId) { // store the PD <-> RoleId map // special-case "all" or "authenticated". if ($iRoleId == -3 || $iRoleId == -4) { $aAfterRoles[] = $iRoleId; continue; } if (!array_key_exists($iRoleId, $_roleCache)) { $oRoleAllocation = null; if ($is_a_document) { $oRoleAllocation =& DocumentRoleAllocation::getAllocationsForDocumentAndRole($oFolderOrDocument->getId(), $iRoleId); if (PEAR::isError($oRoleAllocation)) { $oRoleAllocation = null; } } // if that's null - not set _on_ the document, then if (is_null($oRoleAllocation)) { $oRoleAllocation =& RoleAllocation::getAllocationsForFolderAndRole($iRoleSourceFolder, $iRoleId); } $_roleCache[$iRoleId] = $oRoleAllocation; } // roles are _not_ always assigned (can be null at root) if (!is_null($_roleCache[$iRoleId])) { $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['user'] = kt_array_merge($aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['user'], $_roleCache[$iRoleId]->getUserIds()); $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['group'] = kt_array_merge($aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['group'], $_roleCache[$iRoleId]->getGroupIds()); // naturally, roles cannot be assigned roles, or madness follows. } unset($aAllowed['role'][$k]); } } unset($aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['role']); if (!empty($aAfterRoles)) { $aMapPermAllowed[$iPermissionId]['role'] = $aAfterRoles; } } /* print '<pre>'; print '=======' . $oFolderOrDocument->getName(); print '<br />'; var_dump($aMapPermAllowed); print '</pre>'; */ //if (is_null($oPermLookup)) { $aMapPermDesc = array(); foreach ($aMapPermAllowed as $iPermissionId => $aAllowed) { $oLookupPD = KTPermissionUtil::getOrCreateDescriptor($aAllowed); $aMapPermDesc[$iPermissionId] = $oLookupPD->getID(); } $oPermLookup = KTPermissionLookupAssignment::findOrCreateLookupByPermissionDescriptorMap($aMapPermDesc); //} $oFolderOrDocument->setPermissionLookupID($oPermLookup->getID()); $oFolderOrDocument->update(); }
function getWorkflowForDoc($oDocument) { $sQuery = 'SELECT `workflow_id` FROM ' . KTUtil::getTableName('folder_workflow_map'); $sQuery .= ' WHERE `folder_id` = ?'; $aParams = array($oDocument->getFolderID()); $res = DBUtil::getOneResultKey(array($sQuery, $aParams), 'workflow_id'); if (PEAR::isError($res) || is_null($res)) { return KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($oDocument); // don't remove if moved out. } return KTWorkflow::get($res); }
function check_entity($oEntity) { $oPermission =& KTPermission::getByName($this->_sPermission); if (PEAR::isError($oPermission)) { return true; } // basic document checks // TODO: check if this is appropriate // should probably store the 'equivalent' action (ie. document.delete) // and check that, rather than add a new list of actions to the workflow // section if (is_a($oEntity, 'Document')) { if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oEntity, $this->sName)) { return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('Action is disabled by workflow')); } $status = $oEntity->getStatusID(); if ($status == DELETED || $status == ARCHIVED) { return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('Document is archived or deleted')); } } // admin check if ($this->bAllowInAdminMode) { if (KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, null)) { return true; } } if (!KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($this->oUser, $oPermission, $oEntity)) { return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('You do not have the required permissions')); } return true; }
function canBeMoved($oDocument) { if ($oDocument->getIsCheckedOut()) { return false; } if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.move')) { return false; } if ($oDocument->getImmutable()) { return false; } return true; }
function do_main() { $folderName = $this->oFolder->getName(); $this->oZip = new ZipFolder($folderName); if (!$this->oZip->checkConvertEncoding()) { redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } $oKTConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton(); $bNoisy = $oKTConfig->get("tweaks/noisyBulkOperations"); $bNotifications = $oKTConfig->get('export/enablenotifications', 'on') == 'on' ? true : false; // Get all folders and sub-folders $sCurrentFolderId = $this->oFolder->getId(); $sWhereClause = "parent_folder_ids = '{$sCurrentFolderId}' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '{$sCurrentFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sCurrentFolderId},%' OR\n parent_folder_ids LIKE '%,{$sCurrentFolderId}'"; $aFolderList = $this->oFolder->getList($sWhereClause); // Get any folder shortcuts within the folders $aLinkedFolders = KTBulkAction::getLinkingEntities($aFolderList); $aFolderList = array_merge($aFolderList, $aLinkedFolders); // Add the folders to the zip file $aFolderObjects = array($sCurrentFolderId => $this->oFolder); if (!empty($aFolderList)) { foreach ($aFolderList as $oFolderItem) { $itemId = $oFolderItem->getId(); $linkedFolder = $oFolderItem->getLinkedFolderId(); // If the folder has been added or is a shortcut then skip // The shortcut folders don't need to be added as their targets will be added. if (array_key_exists($itemId, $aFolderObjects) || !empty($linkedFolder)) { continue; } $this->oZip->addFolderToZip($oFolderItem); $aFolderObjects[$oFolderItem->getId()] = $oFolderItem; } } // Get the list of folder ids $aFolderIds = array_keys($aFolderObjects); // Get all documents in the folder list $aQuery = $this->buildQuery($aFolderIds); $aDocumentIds = DBUtil::getResultArrayKey($aQuery, 'id'); if (PEAR::isError($aDocumentIds)) { $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('There was a problem exporting the documents: ') . $aDocumentIds->getMessage()); redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } // Redirect if there are no documents and no folders to export if (empty($aDocumentIds) && empty($aFolderList)) { $this->addErrorMessage(_kt("No documents found to export")); redirect(KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder)); exit(0); } $this->oPage->template = "kt3/minimal_page"; $this->handleOutput(""); // Add the documents to the zip file if (!empty($aDocumentIds)) { foreach ($aDocumentIds as $iId) { $oDocument = Document::get($iId); $sFolderId = $oDocument->getFolderID(); if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.view')) { $this->addErrorMessage($oDocument->getName() . ': ' . _kt('Document cannot be exported as it is restricted by the workflow.')); continue; } $oFolder = isset($aFolderObjects[$sFolderId]) ? $aFolderObjects[$sFolderId] : Folder::get($sFolderId); if ($bNoisy) { $oDocumentTransaction =& new DocumentTransaction($oDocument, "Document part of bulk export", 'ktstandard.transactions.bulk_export', array()); $oDocumentTransaction->create(); } // fire subscription alerts for the downloaded document if ($bNotifications) { $oSubscriptionEvent = new SubscriptionEvent(); $oSubscriptionEvent->DownloadDocument($oDocument, $oFolder); } $this->oZip->addDocumentToZip($oDocument, $oFolder); } } $sExportCode = $this->oZip->createZipFile(TRUE); $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $this->oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => "Bulk export", 'transactionNS' => 'ktstandard.transactions.bulk_export', 'userid' => $_SESSION['userID'], 'ip' => Session::getClientIP())); $url = KTUtil::addQueryStringSelf(sprintf('action=downloadZipFile&fFolderId=%d&exportcode=%s', $this->oFolder->getId(), $sExportCode)); printf('<p>' . _kt('Your download will begin shortly. If you are not automatically redirected to your download, please click <a href="%s">here</a> ') . "</p>\n", $url); $folderurl = KTBrowseUtil::getUrlForFolder($this->oFolder); printf('<p>' . _kt('Once your download is complete, click <a href="%s">here</a> to return to the original folder') . "</p>\n", $folderurl); printf("</div></div></body></html>\n"); printf('<script language="JavaScript"> function kt_bulkexport_redirect() { document.location.href = "%s"; } callLater(1, kt_bulkexport_redirect); </script>', $url); exit(0); }
function canBeArchived($oDocument, &$sError) { if ($oDocument->getIsCheckedOut()) { $sError = PEAR::raiseError(_kt('Document cannot be archived as it is checked out.')); return false; } if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($oDocument, 'ktcore.actions.document.archive')) { $sError = PEAR::raiseError(_kt('Document cannot be archived as it is restricted by the workflow.')); return false; } return true; }
function do_resolved_users() { $this->oPage->setBreadcrumbDetails(_kt("Permissions")); $oTemplate = $this->oValidator->validateTemplate("ktcore/document/resolved_permissions_user"); $oPL = KTPermissionLookup::get($this->oDocument->getPermissionLookupID()); $aPermissions = KTPermission::getList(); $aMapPermissionGroup = array(); $aMapPermissionRole = array(); $aMapPermissionUser = array(); $aUsers = User::getList(); foreach ($aPermissions as $oPermission) { $oPLA = KTPermissionLookupAssignment::getByPermissionAndLookup($oPermission, $oPL); if (PEAR::isError($oPLA)) { continue; } $oDescriptor = KTPermissionDescriptor::get($oPLA->getPermissionDescriptorID()); $iPermissionID = $oPermission->getID(); $aMapPermissionGroup[$iPermissionID] = array(); foreach ($aUsers as $oUser) { if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($oUser, $oPermission, $this->oDocument)) { $aMapPermissionUser[$iPermissionID][$oUser->getId()] = true; $aActiveUsers[$oUser->getId()] = true; } } } // now we constitute the actual sets. $users = array(); $groups = array(); $roles = array(); // should _always_ be empty, barring a bug in permissions::updatePermissionLookup // this should be quite limited - direct role -> user assignment is typically rare. foreach ($aActiveUsers as $id => $marker) { $oUser = User::get($id); $users[$oUser->getName()] = $oUser; } asort($users); // ascending, per convention. $bEdit = false; $sInherited = ''; $aDynamicControls = array(); $aWorkflowControls = array(); // handle conditions $iPermissionObjectId = $this->oDocument->getPermissionObjectID(); if (!empty($iPermissionObjectId)) { $oPO = KTPermissionObject::get($iPermissionObjectId); $aDynamicConditions = KTPermissionDynamicCondition::getByPermissionObject($oPO); if (!PEAR::isError($aDynamicConditions)) { foreach ($aDynamicConditions as $oDynamicCondition) { $iConditionId = $oDynamicCondition->getConditionId(); if (KTSearchUtil::testConditionOnDocument($iConditionId, $this->oDocument)) { $aPermissionIds = $oDynamicCondition->getAssignment(); foreach ($aPermissionIds as $iPermissionId) { $aDynamicControls[$iPermissionId] = true; } } } } } // indicate that workflow controls a given permission $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($this->oDocument); if (!(PEAR::isError($oState) || is_null($oState) || $oState == false)) { $aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments = KTWorkflowStatePermissionAssignment::getByState($oState); foreach ($aWorkflowStatePermissionAssignments as $oAssignment) { $aWorkflowControls[$oAssignment->getPermissionId()] = true; unset($aDynamicControls[$oAssignment->getPermissionId()]); } } $aTemplateData = array("context" => $this, "permissions" => $aPermissions, "groups" => $groups, "users" => $users, "roles" => $roles, "oDocument" => $this->oDocument, "aMapPermissionGroup" => $aMapPermissionGroup, "aMapPermissionRole" => $aMapPermissionRole, "aMapPermissionUser" => $aMapPermissionUser, "edit" => $bEdit, "inherited" => $sInherited, 'workflow_controls' => $aWorkflowControls, 'conditions_control' => $aDynamicControls); return $oTemplate->render($aTemplateData); }
function getWorkflowForType($iDocTypeId, $oDocument) { if (is_null($iDocTypeId)) { return null; } // Link to the workflows table to ensure disabled workflows aren't associated $sQuery = 'SELECT `workflow_id` FROM ' . KTUtil::getTableName('type_workflow_map') . ' m'; $sQuery .= ' LEFT JOIN workflows w ON = m.workflow_id WHERE document_type_id = ? AND w.enabled = 1'; $aParams = array($iDocTypeId); $res = DBUtil::getOneResultKey(array($sQuery, $aParams), 'workflow_id'); if (PEAR::isError($res) || is_null($res)) { return KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($oDocument); // don't remove if type changed out. } return KTWorkflow::get($res); }
function renderData($aDataRow) { $localname = $this->name; // only _ever_ show this folder documents. if ($aDataRow['type'] === 'folder') { return ' '; } $oWorkflow = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($aDataRow['document']); $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($aDataRow['document']); if ($oState == null || $oWorkflow == null) { return '—'; } else { return $oState->getName() . ' <span class="descriptiveText">(' . $oWorkflow->getName() . ')</span>'; } }
function getActionTriggersForTransition($oTransition) { $aTriggers = KTWorkflowUtil::getTriggersForTransition($oTransition); if (PEAR::isError($aTriggers)) { return $aTriggers; } $aGuards = array(); foreach ($aTriggers as $oTrigger) { $aInfo = $oTrigger->getInfo(); if ($aInfo['action']) { $aGuards[] = $oTrigger; } } return $aGuards; }
/** * Get's a folder listing, recursing to the maximum depth. * Derived from the get_listing function. * * <code> * $root = $this->ktapi->get_root_folder(); * $listing = $root->get_full_listing(); * foreach($listing as $val) { * if($val['item_type'] == 'F') { * // It's a folder * echo $val['title']; * } * } * </code> * * @author KnowledgeTree Team * @access public * @param string $what * @return array */ function get_full_listing($what = 'DFS') { $what = strtoupper($what); $read_permission =& KTPermission::getByName(KTAPI_PERMISSION_READ); $folder_permission =& KTPermission::getByName(KTAPI_PERMISSION_VIEW_FOLDER); $config = KTConfig::getSingleton(); $wsversion = $config->get('webservice/version', LATEST_WEBSERVICE_VERSION); $user = $this->ktapi->get_user(); $contents = array(); if (strpos($what, 'F') !== false) { $folder_children = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', $this->folderid)); foreach ($folder_children as $folder) { if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $folder_permission, $folder) || KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $read_permission, $folder)) { $sub_folder =& $this->ktapi->get_folder_by_id($folder->getId()); if (!PEAR::isError($sub_folder)) { $items = $sub_folder->get_full_listing($what); } else { $items = array(); } $creator = $this->_resolve_user($folder->getCreatorID()); if ($wsversion >= 2) { $array = array('id' => (int) $folder->getId(), 'item_type' => 'F', 'custom_document_no' => 'n/a', 'oem_document_no' => 'n/a', 'title' => $folder->getName(), 'document_type' => 'n/a', 'filename' => $folder->getName(), 'filesize' => 'n/a', 'created_by' => is_null($creator) ? 'n/a' : $creator->getName(), 'created_date' => 'n/a', 'checked_out_by' => 'n/a', 'checked_out_date' => 'n/a', 'modified_by' => 'n/a', 'modified_date' => 'n/a', 'owned_by' => 'n/a', 'version' => 'n/a', 'is_immutable' => 'n/a', 'permissions' => KTAPI_Folder::get_permission_string($folder), 'workflow' => 'n/a', 'workflow_state' => 'n/a', 'mime_type' => 'folder', 'mime_icon_path' => 'folder', 'mime_display' => 'Folder', 'storage_path' => 'n/a'); if ($wsversion >= 3) { $array['linked_folder_id'] = $folder->getLinkedFolderId(); if ($folder->isSymbolicLink()) { $array['item_type'] = "S"; } } $array['items'] = $items; if ($wsversion < 3 || strpos($what, 'F') !== false && !$folder->isSymbolicLink() || $folder->isSymbolicLink() && strpos($what, 'S') !== false) { $contents[] = $array; } } else { $contents[] = array('id' => (int) $folder->getId(), 'item_type' => 'F', 'title' => $folder->getName(), 'creator' => is_null($creator) ? 'n/a' : $creator->getName(), 'checkedoutby' => 'n/a', 'modifiedby' => 'n/a', 'filename' => $folder->getName(), 'size' => 'n/a', 'major_version' => 'n/a', 'minor_version' => 'n/a', 'storage_path' => 'n/a', 'mime_type' => 'folder', 'mime_icon_path' => 'folder', 'mime_display' => 'Folder', 'items' => $items, 'workflow' => 'n/a', 'workflow_state' => 'n/a'); } } } } if (strpos($what, 'D') !== false) { $document_children = Document::getList(array('folder_id = ? AND status_id = 1', $this->folderid)); // I hate that KT doesn't cache things nicely... $mime_cache = array(); foreach ($document_children as $document) { if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $read_permission, $document)) { $created_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCreatorID()); $created_date = $document->getCreatedDateTime(); if (empty($created_date)) { $created_date = 'n/a'; } $checked_out_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCheckedOutUserID()); $checked_out_date = $document->getCheckedOutDate(); if (empty($checked_out_date)) { $checked_out_date = 'n/a'; } $modified_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCreatorID()); $modified_date = $document->getLastModifiedDate(); if (empty($modified_date)) { $modified_date = 'n/a'; } $owned_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getOwnerID()); $mimetypeid = $document->getMimeTypeID(); if (!array_key_exists($mimetypeid, $mime_cache)) { $type = KTMime::getMimeTypeName($mimetypeid); $icon = KTMime::getIconPath($mimetypeid); $display = KTMime::getFriendlyNameForString($type); $mime_cache[$mimetypeid] = array('type' => $type, 'icon' => $icon, 'display' => $display); } $mimeinfo = $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]; $workflow = 'n/a'; $state = 'n/a'; $wf = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($document); if (!is_null($wf) && !PEAR::isError($wf)) { $workflow = $wf->getHumanName(); $ws = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($document); if (!is_null($ws) && !PEAR::isError($ws)) { $state = $ws->getHumanName(); } } if ($wsversion >= 2) { $docTypeId = $document->getDocumentTypeID(); $documentType = DocumentType::get($docTypeId); $oemDocumentNo = $document->getOemNo(); if (empty($oemDocumentNo)) { $oemDocumentNo = 'n/a'; } $array = array('id' => (int) $document->getId(), 'item_type' => 'D', 'custom_document_no' => 'n/a', 'oem_document_no' => $oemDocumentNo, 'title' => $document->getName(), 'document_type' => $documentType->getName(), 'filename' => $document->getFileName(), 'filesize' => $document->getFileSize(), 'created_by' => is_null($created_by) ? 'n/a' : $created_by->getName(), 'created_date' => $created_date, 'checked_out_by' => is_null($checked_out_by) ? 'n/a' : $checked_out_by->getName(), 'checked_out_date' => $checked_out_date, 'modified_by' => is_null($modified_by) ? 'n/a' : $modified_by->getName(), 'modified_date' => $modified_date, 'owned_by' => is_null($owned_by) ? 'n/a' : $owned_by->getName(), 'version' => $document->getMajorVersionNumber() . '.' . $document->getMinorVersionNumber(), 'content_id' => $document->getContentVersionId(), 'is_immutable' => $document->getImmutable() ? 'true' : 'false', 'permissions' => KTAPI_Document::get_permission_string($document), 'workflow' => $workflow, 'workflow_state' => $state, 'mime_type' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['type'], 'mime_icon_path' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['icon'], 'mime_display' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['display'], 'storage_path' => $document->getStoragePath()); if ($wsversion >= 3) { $document->switchToRealCore(); $array['linked_document_id'] = $document->getLinkedDocumentId(); $document->switchToLinkedCore(); if ($document->isSymbolicLink()) { $array['item_type'] = "S"; } } $array['items'] = array(); if ($wsversion < 3 || strpos($what, 'D') !== false && !$document->isSymbolicLink() || $document->isSymbolicLink() && strpos($what, 'S') !== false) { $contents[] = $array; } } else { $contents[] = array('id' => (int) $document->getId(), 'item_type' => 'D', 'title' => $document->getName(), 'creator' => is_null($created_by) ? 'n/a' : $created_by->getName(), 'checkedoutby' => is_null($checked_out_by) ? 'n/a' : $checked_out_by->getName(), 'modifiedby' => is_null($modified_by) ? 'n/a' : $modified_by->getName(), 'filename' => $document->getFileName(), 'size' => $document->getFileSize(), 'major_version' => $document->getMajorVersionNumber(), 'minor_version' => $document->getMinorVersionNumber(), 'storage_path' => $document->getStoragePath(), 'mime_type' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['type'], 'mime_icon_path' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['icon'], 'mime_display' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['display'], 'items' => array(), 'workflow' => $workflow, 'workflow_state' => $state); } } } } return $contents; }
/** * This returns the current workflow state * * @author KnowledgeTree Team * @access public * @return string Returns the name of the state | a PEAR_Error on failure */ function get_workflow_state() { $user = $this->can_user_access_object_requiring_permission($this->document, KTAPI_PERMISSION_WORKFLOW); if (PEAR::isError($user)) { return $user; } $workflowid = $this->document->getWorkflowId(); if (empty($workflowid)) { return new PEAR_Error(KTAPI_ERROR_WORKFLOW_NOT_IN_PROGRESS); } $result = array(); $state = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($this->document); if (is_null($state) || PEAR::isError($state)) { return new PEAR_Error(KTAPI_ERROR_WORKFLOW_INVALID); } $statename = $state->getName(); return $statename; }
function renderData($aDataRow) { // only _ever_ show this for documents. if ($aDataRow["type"] === "folder") { return ' '; } $oWorkflow = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($aDataRow['document']); $oState = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($aDataRow['document']); if ($oState == null || $oWorkflow == null) { return '—'; } else { return sprintf('%s <span class="descriptive">%s</span>', htmlentities($oState->getName(), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), htmlentities($oWorkflow->getName(), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } }
function _show() { if (is_null($this->_sShowPermission)) { return true; } $oFolder = Folder::get($this->oDocument->getFolderId()); if ($this->_bMutator && $this->oDocument->getImmutable()) { if ($this->_bMutationAllowedByAdmin === true) { if (!KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, $oFolder)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } if ($this->_bAdminAlwaysAvailable) { if (Permission::userIsSystemAdministrator($this->oUser->getId())) { return true; } if (Permission::isUnitAdministratorForFolder($this->oUser, $this->oDocument->getFolderId())) { return true; } } $oPermission =& KTPermission::getByName($this->_sShowPermission); if (PEAR::isError($oPermission)) { return true; } if (!KTWorkflowUtil::actionEnabledForDocument($this->oDocument, $this->sName)) { return false; } // be nasty in archive/delete status. $status = $this->oDocument->getStatusID(); if ($status == DELETED || $status == ARCHIVED) { return false; } if ($this->bAllowInAdminMode) { // check if this user is in admin mode if (KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, $oFolder)) { return true; } } return KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($this->oUser, $oPermission, $this->oDocument); }
function &getBySourceState($oState) { return KTWorkflowUtil::getTransitionsFrom($oState); }
function do_performquicktransition() { $oForm = $this->form_quicktransition(); $res = $oForm->validate(); if (!empty($res['errors'])) { return $oForm->handleError(); } $this->startTransaction(); $data = $res['results']; $oTransition = KTWorkflowTransition::get($_REQUEST['fTransitionId']); $res = KTWorkflowUtil::performTransitionOnDocument($oTransition, $this->oDocument, $this->oUser, $data['reason']); if (!Permission::userHasDocumentReadPermission($this->oDocument)) { $this->commitTransaction(); $_SESSION['KTInfoMessage'][] = _kt('Transition performed') . '. ' . _kt('You no longer have permission to view this document'); controllerRedirect('browse', sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oDocument->getFolderId())); } else { $this->commitTransaction(); $_SESSION['KTInfoMessage'][] = _kt('Transition performed'); controllerRedirect('viewDocument', sprintf('fDocumentId=%d', $this->oDocument->getId())); } }
function copyTrigger($oDocument) { return KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($oDocument); }